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hevusa 01.27.2011 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
Flac codecs work like zippin' things, the compressed file is actually decompressed by the cpu-software when you listen to it.All the information is there.

So you can take a FLAC file and convert it to the original wav file? How is that done? Pretty cool if so.

nicfit 01.27.2011 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by terminal pharmacy
My ears are my truth when it comes to audio and nothing more and when i'm sending files they are thoroughly checked by near and mid field monitors before sending.

What I meant is how you can be sure the file they "get" is the same one you "send" :) (you=not just you, but anyone who may be afraid of potential corruption/glitches/wathever in a digital file).
As far as I know, the only way to find out for sure is a bit for bit (bit per bit sounded a bit too "latin" :D, dunno if it's the correct terminology..) comparison...
See where I'm headed?

bit for bit comparison = proof that 2 files are identical=you know your file is the same the client got

wav vs flac (encoded from that wav + decoded back to wav) bit comparison = proof that flac is actually lossless, in every aspect (again, forgive my lame lexicon tonight)

This does not mean you can't hear differences etc (see "bottom line" in my previous post, I need some sleep now...).

hevusa 01.27.2011 06:56 PM

I can't hear a difference between FLAC and WAV.

nicfit 01.27.2011 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
So you can take a FLAC file and convert it to the original wav file? How is that done? Pretty cool if so.

yep, (and the resulting file is a bit-for-bit copy of the original wav, not just "a" file in wav format), that's exactly the reason why flac is so interesting/useful/nice. flac frontend, traders' little helper, lots of programs do that, I think each one that lets you encode a wav to flac will also let you decode it back to wav.
flac is like a listeneable zip of sorts (in a way).
I think some players like foobar can even play the content of actual zip files, but that's a totally different story...

Glice 01.27.2011 07:02 PM

Hey. I'm probably being a cunt, but would you mind moving this here: ?

Feel free to copy/ paste things over there is needs be.

hevusa 01.27.2011 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
yep, (and the resulting file is a bit-for-bit copy of the original wav, not just "a" file in wav format), that's exactly the reason why flac is so interesting/useful/nice. flac frontend, traders' little helper, lots of programs do that, I think each one that lets you encode a wav to flac will also let you decode it back to wav.
flac is like a listeneable zip of sorts (in a way).
I think some players like foobar can even play the content of actual zip files, but that's a totally different story...

That is fucking brilliant! But will soon be totally unnecessary as internet speeds and hard drive sizes increase. Soon the internet will only contain WAV files and uncompressed movies, no need to compress/zip anything! :)

Glice 01.31.2011 08:33 AM


MIDDLE OF FEB for contributions, though earlier if possible; I'm getting to the point where if I get another few contributions I might have to start thinking about cutting people out to make space.

You're all competing with Diesel at the moment, whose track is (predictably) AMAZING.

Glice 01.31.2011 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel

Whats the craic with the mastering, will the tracks be mp3 after that?

The idea is to have a CD copy once it's all together. I'm averse to mp3 releases, but we'll have a natter about that further down the line.

_slavo_ 01.31.2011 11:16 AM

ok, and when is this coming out?

EVOLghost 01.31.2011 11:17 AM


Glice 01.31.2011 11:21 AM

Yes, tomorrow. ALL OVER YOUR FACE.

Derek 01.31.2011 12:30 PM

It takes longer than you expect you impatient fuggas.

Pelle 01.31.2011 04:31 PM

Okey, I havent really been reading the whole thread but is the release really out tomorrow?
What format ? :) curious to hear all the people over here.

Derek 01.31.2011 04:48 PM

It won't be out for ages.

Pelle 01.31.2011 04:51 PM

Haha okey, how come?

Derek 01.31.2011 05:00 PM

Cause people still haven't got their submissions in. Plus when it all comes together musically we'll have to figure out the physical release.

StevOK 01.31.2011 11:26 PM

If space is a concern, should I edit my submission to be shorter? Right now it's at 6 minutes, but I was thinking of cutting it down to a "single version".

Glice 02.01.2011 06:45 AM

You should use your own discretion - I won't be asking anyone to make shorter or longer pieces (unless, of course, someone submits a 40-minute epic).

Glice 02.02.2011 06:48 AM

Dude, fuck off, contribute something or carry on writing ill-defined whinging bullshit that I for one can't be fucked to read.

Could I suggest fucking off though?

Savage Clone 02.03.2011 03:40 PM

I really don't get all the dramatics around this.
You post on this forum.
You make music.
You submit a track. So do others.
Done? Done.

Genteel Death 02.03.2011 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Glice

You're all competing with Diesel at the moment, whose track is (predictably) AMAZING.

I doubt it.

DeadDiscoDildo 02.03.2011 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I really don't get all the dramatics around this.
You post on this forum.
You make music.
You submit a track. So do others.
Done? Done.

For real man...

Diesel 02.05.2011 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
The idea is to have a CD copy once it's all together. I'm averse to mp3 releases, but we'll have a natter about that further down the line.


Pelle 02.07.2011 07:11 PM

Well, just and idea I got.

Decide what format and how many copeis and then all the bands split the costs of putting it out...and make a deadline aswell.

hevusa 02.07.2011 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Pelle
Decide what format and how many copeis and then all the bands split the costs of putting it out...and make a deadline aswell.

Socialist ideals don't go over well around here Pelle (in other words: things that make sense).

Florya 02.08.2011 05:51 AM

I'm happy to donate a track, in fact I've already sent it to Glice.
What I'm not happy about is someone who doesn't know me or my music doing some half assed 'mastering' job which could fuck the track up completely.
Everything about the track I've sent is EXACTLY the way I want it to be, and that's the way I want it to stay.
As for the bright idea of the artists not only donating their work to this venture, but bearing all the costs of production as well? Not gonna happen.

You would do well to follow the example of all of the 'not for profit' netlabels out there. Total up the production costs including printing and packaging. Decide how many CDs you want to produce. Divide one by the other and sell them at that price + postage to wherever.

Derek 02.08.2011 06:57 AM

there will be no mastering.

Florya 02.08.2011 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
there will be no mastering.

great news!:)

Diesel 02.08.2011 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Pelle
Well, just and idea I got.

Decide what format and how many copeis and then all the bands split the costs of putting it out...and make a deadline aswell.

You can be project Chief Exec.... In charge of catering and groupie roundup.

Glice 02.08.2011 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Florya
I'm happy to donate a track, in fact I've already sent it to Glice.
What I'm not happy about is someone who doesn't know me or my music doing some half assed 'mastering' job which could fuck the track up completely.
Everything about the track I've sent is EXACTLY the way I want it to be, and that's the way I want it to stay.
As for the bright idea of the artists not only donating their work to this venture, but bearing all the costs of production as well? Not gonna happen.

Cheers for this. I fundamentally want to respect the wishes of the artists; I'm not averse to mastering if necessary, but you've said none on your track, so there will be none on your track. Other people perhaps don't have Florya's assiduity with regards recording... but myself or Marras will chase up that kind of thing closer to production time.

Regarding collective costs - we'll have to discuss that later. I agree with Florya's point about donating tracks as well as paying being unfair; unfortunately, there's no-one involved who's not also putting in tracks. However, it's not like production costs need to be super-expensive. But we'll come to this point later.

For now, if everyone who's intending getting a track in could do so, I'd be greatly appreciative.

Derek - I don't want to say an absolute 'no' to Mastering, except in the case of Florya, who's made his feelings utterly clear on the matter, and fair play to him for that.

Florya 02.08.2011 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
Cheers for this. I fundamentally want to respect the wishes of the artists; I'm not averse to mastering if necessary, but you've said none on your track, so there will be none on your track. Other people perhaps don't have Florya's assiduity with regards recording... but myself or Marras will chase up that kind of thing closer to production time.

Regarding collective costs - we'll have to discuss that later. I agree with Florya's point about donating tracks as well as paying being unfair; unfortunately, there's no-one involved who's not also putting in tracks. However, it's not like production costs need to be super-expensive. But we'll come to this point later.

For now, if everyone who's intending getting a track in could do so, I'd be greatly appreciative.

Derek - I don't want to say an absolute 'no' to Mastering, except in the case of Florya, who's made his feelings utterly clear on the matter, and fair play to him for that.

Do I come across as that much of a 'mastering nazi'?:D

Who is the intended audience for this compilation? Is it going to be limited to members of the SYG, or is world domination on the cards?
Maybe we could ask SY to include it as a freebie with one of their releases?;)

Glice 02.08.2011 11:59 AM

Mastering Nazi not at all. The thing for me is that I have minimal interaction with recording - I tend to get someone else to sort that out then I play; I know what I want from a recording, but not how to produce it. I'm definitely sceptical of bad mastering, recording (etc) but as I don't have that much of an engagement with recording, I'm not so articulate with mastering - last time I was mastering something of mine I was talking in synaesthetic terms to someone who had no idea of what I was really talking about.

I know plenty of people who take particular care with every aspect of recording, and it's only fair to respect that. There are those who've submitted stuff to this compilation that perhaps could use a little tweak, but me or GD will be talking to those people privately closer to the time of production.

Just while I'm here - anyone got any other question pertinent to this matter? I'm happy answering by PM if you'd prefer privacy, so long as you're not sending asinine threats like some neutered teenager.

Derek 02.08.2011 12:17 PM

well it really make THAT much of a difference with mastering though? i've heard a lot of unmastered records and i've never really once stopped to say, "uh, those tracks are differing volumes" unless it's bleedingly obvious.

and surely it could be a problem solved with sequencing? i mean, would it be wise to throw mine or florya's tracks next to someone skronking like fuck?


Derek 02.08.2011 12:25 PM

i'd also like to note that when hevusa's reps me with a deprecating comment attached, he should click the NEGATIVE rep option. thanks buddy. x

Glice 02.08.2011 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
well it really make THAT much of a difference with mastering though? i've heard a lot of unmastered records and i've never really once stopped to say, "uh, those tracks are differing volumes" unless it's bleedingly obvious.

and surely it could be a problem solved with sequencing? i mean, would it be wise to throw mine or florya's tracks next to someone skronking like fuck?


Short answer - yes.
Long answer - yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.

But seriously. Your point about sequencing is a good and strong one. But then there's the problem that someone like Slavo and Florya are not a million miles away in some senses, but are fairly different in terms of mastering, so if there's no mastering whatsoever it could spoil continuity, if continuity is what's being aimed for, which is again something to be talked about later.

hevusa 02.08.2011 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
i'd also like to note that when hevusa's reps me with a deprecating comment attached, he should click the NEGATIVE rep option. thanks buddy. x


Genteel Death 02.08.2011 01:27 PM

I mostly agree with Derek and Florya on this. Initially I suggested the idea of this compilation to have a bit of fun and artist interaction on the forum. I suspected from the start that there would be differing opinions on how to do things, but not to this extent. Try bearing in mind, if you can, that it's a fun thing, there are no record labels involved, and nobody is really in charge to the extent that they want to give the whole thing some super important artistic vision. If this was to come out on a record label that I run, I'd certainly be more fastidious about its release and what would be on it. But it's not, so I'm not taking things as seriously as it seems some other posters are.

Genteel Death 02.08.2011 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Short answer - yes.
Long answer - yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.

But seriously. Your point about sequencing is a good and strong one. But then there's the problem that someone like Slavo and Florya are not a million miles away in some senses, but are fairly different in terms of mastering, so if there's no mastering whatsoever it could spoil continuity, if continuity is what's being aimed for, which is again something to be talked about later.

The thing is, before I'd even consider mastering it, I'd sit down, listen to all the submissions, and then work out how to make the tracks co-exist with each other. If a little fiddling with volume would be called for on certain tracks, you can do a mix the whole lot and then apply adjustments where needed. We're kind of discussing things here like there's a theme of sort running through the music we have, but in reality I'd imagine this would sound like a collection of different ideas on how to make music, mastered or unmastered.

Genteel Death 02.08.2011 02:35 PM

Another couple things and then I'll shut up. Promised.
It would be cool if any preferences on what's been submitted are kept to the private message chat. I understand we all have them when it comes to musicians on the forum, it's just that if you make them public while you're putting this thing together, the risk is putting off any potential submission via being blatantly partial. I'm not particularly proud myself about disclosing hevusa's initial contribution in a scatty and offensive manner, then again he himself would admit putting an extraordinary amount of time and energy into being an annoying prick. If he feels like staying on, he's more than welcome. One man's turd is another man's etc etc.
The other thing is there should be a Facebook page for it because a) I have no life and b)people like CHOUT and Kegmama I have some interaction with on there, and both might be willing to partecipate.

knox 02.08.2011 02:50 PM

I thought it was supposed to be a fun thing, nothing serious just some tracks that people could hear or skip as they please.

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