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atsonicpark 01.21.2010 05:03 AM

I deleted it.

phoenix 01.21.2010 06:09 AM


atsonicpark 01.22.2010 04:19 AM

new trailer..

atsonicpark 01.26.2010 12:20 PM

Finished the new film.. here are some images.. will have a d/l link soon..





atsonicpark 01.26.2010 12:20 PM





EVOLghost 01.26.2010 01:25 PM

you should add the effect of cuttin' someone in half

atsonicpark 01.26.2010 01:55 PM



Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.26.2010 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
you should add the effect of cuttin' someone in half

I second this. Indy Mogul's BFX rules.

static-harmony 01.26.2010 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

That's freaking awesome man.

EVOLghost 01.26.2010 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
I second this. Indy Mogul's BFX rules.

tell me about it. I just found out about this guy too. I want to do some of this shit. One of my faves is the face melting one....oh gawd I really want to do that.

atsonicpark 01.27.2010 09:53 AM

streaming... = part 1 = part 2 = part 3 = part 4 = part 5 = part 6 = part 7

atsonicpark 01.27.2010 01:58 PM

Me, myself, and, my third eye. Is Elvis Presley alive? 4 enlightened stories for 1 imperfect god. I'm here to tell you a story about about about a guy guy about who went on about talking went on a date with a talking asshole. What do you mean I'm not an intellectual? Herzog fucked my mom. Fuck your double-X chromosome. Self-serving self-serving vomitous vomitous hu-human human emotion emotion emotion. I don't believe in friend girls and girl friends because girl and friend don't belong in the same sentence. Your dinner is served, sir. Why, thank you. Mm, that's some good stuff. Now I see things for how they really aren't. Now I see things for how they really aren't. I guess it's true that decay starts when growth stops, goodbye. GOODBYE, ASSHOLE. Ahhhh. I'm horribly disfigured - no one's ever going to fuck me. I'm horribly disfigured - no one's ever going to fuck me. I'm horribly disfigured - no one's ever going to fuck me. I'm horribly disfigured - no one's ever going to fuck me. I'm horribly disfigured - no one's ever going to fuck me. I will now wear this hood to represent the death of religion. God is made of leather! They say that it's obvious that certain, like, uh events in the solar system could have triggered people to have uh religious stories to tell, like they said the tails of the comets of Jupiter could be like identified as a dragon's tale or a serpent so they could relate it to that so they would be able to remember it in future history, so it's not even that the stories themselves are real, it's what they tell us about planetary actions that can be studied to further.. to further science and things like that which is a really bizarre theory, and they totally discounted it and trashed his name and even Christian scientists were saying it was the work of the devil. Why didn't I see it before -- the answer's always been in front of me? Oh, electrical outlet of my heart. Ah-ha-g-dg-fd-g. You're a nasty girl. Oh, you want it in all your holes? [Aaron was having a lot of difficulty answering the next show in the way I wanted him to, so I had to, like, show him what to say and do. Now Aaron what I want you to do in this next shot is to express your love and adoration for the electrical wall socket. I want you to do it like an opera.. can you think of, you know, like an opera.. what's a famous opera? Penderecki? Yeah, Penderick. I want you to do it like.. like, watch me, watch me.. I'm in love with you. I'm in love, love, love with you. Can you do that? Yeah, I can. I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU, IN LOVE WITH YOU. BREAKDANCE!] Goodnight my love, may you always power my appliances. Ha ha ha ha. WHAT THE FUCK! YOU CHEATED ON ME! This has so much power in it, it's going to blow your fuse. It's so lonely being the president's wife, if only I could have a child, but I can't, because the president's sterile because he works around radiation all the time, to make those radioactive missiles, to blow the world up with, I think I'm going to go to the sperm bank, to get some sperm of a genius to be artificially inseminated with. Only the best semen for my wife. All you government personel, go straight to hell, in your big house, big white house on top of the hill. H-E-R-O-I-N. I LOVE SPERM! Hi, I'm the heroin man... ("heroin maaaan") I fucking hate the government. I shoot heroin directly into my dick [dick]. [dick]. [dick]. I went to the clinic to get some methadone [dick] but the government rejected me. Fuck the government. Ah. Ahhh. Ahhhh. When I was young, I went blind staring into the sun -- I'm blind, I'm blind. Ahhhh. Ohhhhh. Ra..ahhh. I have to put a cone on my dog's head so the government doesn't.. send him signals. The government took my disability check away, so now I gotta work in this shitty sperm bank. I'll tell you something about the government, they're like in and out. Got you going in and got you going out. You shouldn't have to make your last payment. They're all a bunch of leeches and vampires.. evil people up there. Give the people p.. give the power back to the people. Rahhhh. I work in the sperm bank all day, come home, they say they're going to clean their room up, my stepson, it's like a disaster, it looks like something out of a monster movie that lives in there, the satellite went down, and h-he- gets all upset and he don't pay nothing on the satellite, he just goes off, and he don't need to, his wife lives us, they fight over who's going to clean the room up, and it never gets done. Methadone - heroin - cheap pain pill. Methadone - heroin - cheap pain pill. There's a very good reason I need this heroin and she'll be home any second. And my wife, she just gets zonked out, she gets.. she just gets.. I don't know what's wrong with her.. gets stressed out and everything.. and I have to work in the sperm bank all day.. I'm gonna have to get.. start gettin' mean. To pay for my heroin addiction, my daughter is a phone sex operator. Yeah, you like that goldfish in your ass, don't you? Yeah, you like that goldfish in your ass, don't you? Ha ha. Just think of that goldfish -- he used to be a living, breathing creature, now he's smothered inside your ass. Now I'm shoving the whole bowl in there. Now I'm sprinkling some fish food in there. I'm sick of it all, it's time for me, time for me to make a difference, I'm going to jack off into the sperm that's going to impregnate the president's wife. Come on boy. Come on. Come shit on the plate. Your dinner's read-readyyyy. I figured we'd skip dinner and just go straight to the fucking. You can't fuck me, I'm your daughter. Not anymore. Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. Goin' to the sperm bank! I have a great idea. What is it, sir? Did you hear about the president's wife? Yeah, I heard since the president is sterile, she needs to be artificially inseminated with some genius' sperm. I'm going to get revenge on the government, I'm going to jerk off in the sperm that's going to be inseminated inside the president [wife] wife. You're a fucking genius, you're a fucking genius, you're a fucking genius. Time for me to jack off, ha ha ha. Oh no, my heroin sense is tingling. I think someone has beat me into jerking off into the spERM. Mreps. The government can suck a blind man's dick. I'm going to jack off now. If you understand what I'm saying, I ain't.. you ain't clear enough. Is that it? I jerked off in the sperm that's going to be inside the president's wife and you did too? Yes! -- yes! You fiend. Yee-haw. Rahww, rah, rawewgrs, rgdsgtreg. Which of their sperms will win? OPEN-ENDED ENDING. Jeeb. The baby is coming! Wahh. I'm not about to read this off a sheet of paper, I'm not alive, I'm not breathing, I'm not sitting, I'm not being filmed, I'm not smoking, you're not watching me, everything I say is the truth. DRUNK WITH POWER. Ahhh. Ahhh. Ahhh. Ahhh. My teeth hurt, my stupid teeth hurt, why must my teeth always hurt. Ugh, cavities. I brush my teeth so often, I think brushing my teeth makes my teeth hurt worse. Sure, they look nice and pretty, but now they hurt. But I don't black teeth. Jesus. Meow. Where's my fucking kitty, where the fuck is my kitty wh-me-ere's-ow my-me-fuck-ow-ing-me ki-me-tt-ow-y-me-y-ow-y-ow. My political affiliation is Meow-ist. They will not go quietly, the cats who've shared our lives. In subtle ways, they let us know that their spirit still survives. Old habits will make us think we hear them meow at the door, or sit back when we drop a tasty morsal on the floor. Our feet still go around the place where they used to be, and sometimes, coming home at night, we miss them terribly. "We are mad" -- "my balls are mad at me!" "We are sad" -- "they want me to cut them off!" My dad raped me (FUCK YOU!). He shoved his big dick (PIECE OF SHIT!) inside my asshole for 20 years straight (STOP YOUR FUCKING CRYING). Now I have to wear a diaaaap(OH NO, MY DAD RAPED ME, MY DAD RAPED MEerrrr, otherwise I shit myself uncontrollably(NO ONE GIVES A SHIT). Do you know what it's like to have (YOU'LL NEVER AMOUNT TO ANYTHING AT THIS RATE) your dad rape your ass for 20 years straight? (NO ONE GIVES A FUCK THAT YOU HAVE TO WEAR A FUCKIN' DIAPER) My mom finally divorced him, she never knew about the rape. (WHY ARE YOU REVEALING THE INTIMATE DETAILS OF YOUR LIFE?) (THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU) I'm pretty fucked up (THERE'S SOMETHING FUCKED WRONG WITH YOU) from the experience! My asshole bleeds all the time. (FUCK! FUCK! FUCK I'M SICK OF YOU! I'M FUCKING SICK OF YOU, FUCKING SICK OF YOU, FUCKING SICK OF YOU) Yeah, my dad raped me for 20 years, now I live with my mom, she finally divorced him, it was hard for her just like it was hard for me, it kinda gets comforting after a while knowing your dad's gonna throw his big dick in you. I tried to tell people, but no one would listen, he was a decorated war hero, he was a big important man apparently, every day I think of going over there and telling him what he was wrong, "It was just a little bit of rape," that's what he'd tell me, "A little bit of rape never hurt nobody", yeah I just wish I could convince everybody that he was a rapist asshole.

atsonicpark 01.27.2010 01:58 PM

Don't rape me anymore, don't rape me anymore. I tried to take a normal job as a weather man but I kept seeing his face. As you'll notice today, rain clouds are moving to the East, and we'll have a chance of showers over the uh.. sky.. and the uh.. sun is smiling, and it's going to sing a song, so you better uh. listen.. to the song.. AHHHH. [I'm right here. I'm right her. Get my hands round your neck. Come on. Come on boy. I'm gonna hit ya in the lip. Let's go. Bring it on, bring it on. Come on boy! Come on boy. Bring it on. Bring it on. come on, boy. Come on.] Did you hear about the weather man on channel 4? He got raped! What? What do you mean he's dead? What do you mean he's dead? What do you mean he's dead? I can't believe he's dead, I can't believe he's dead, I can't believe he's dead, oh my god, I can't believe he's dead, why, why, why? I was laughed at and mocked at my job, so I couldn't go back. Now, my dad's dead, and I feel strange. It's hard to care for someone who you never really knew, oh oh oh, we knew each other in a Biblical sense, that's the only way, I've never wanted much in life, so I've always had everything I needed, I am going to expose my dad for who he was really was, there's a few things I need to do first though. It was time for me to destroy everything I ever cared about, because a man who has nothing is invicible. One last smoke.. one last cigarette. I made the decision to cut off my own dick. I hate my dick. I hate my fucking dick. AHHHH! Whee, whee, look at me go, look at me go, whee! Whee! I'd never had a girlfriend, cutting my own dick off was going to make it harder, but I figured it was time to try, I met this really nice smoker, we had a lot in common like cigarettes, even though I'd just quit, I had a really great time with you, yeah, how do you feel about making love to a guy who has a mangina, uhhh. My dad, my dad raped me, my dad raped me, my dad raped me. That was Queen BJ with her # 1 hit "Rapist Dad, Why are You a Rapist, Dad?" Here's Queen BJ with the reason why she's such a successful musician: "The reason why I'm such a good musician is because my parents raped me." Of course! Why didn't I see it before? All I have to do is become a successful musician, and I can tell the world that my dad raped me, and they'll finally believe me, and I'll get women to boot, regardless if I have a dick or not. It's time to make some music. My dad. My dad. My dad raped me. He raped me raped me. Unfortunately, it wasn't the sound the record exacts were lookin' for. I'll never be successful. I might as well kill myself. Dun dun dun dun, dun dun duh duh duh duh duh. Whoa, what was that catchy tune? Maybe that's how I can make a living: doing something simple. Yeah, that's it. Nuh nuh nuh nuh. Nuhnuhnuhnuhnuhnuh. Nuh nuh, nuhnuhnuh, nuh nuh nuh. Nunnun, nununun. Sure enough, it was exactly what the record execs wanted. Because of my glorious mouth, I was signed to a 20 year contract, soon my catchy sound was sweeping the nation. Nun, nun, nun. Nununun. Hahah. Soon, I had people stalking me, but I didn't care, it was nice just to have some affection. All I had to do in life to be successful was to appeal to the lowest common denominator, make the simplest easiest-to-understand art ever, even though I've sold out all my beliefs and ideals at least I've been able to appeal to the general populace now with no problem, soon I'm playing the biggest concert of my life in front of millions, I'm going to reveal the truth that my dad raped me, that he's not a hero. I played all the hits: dun dun dun. Now that people finally listened to me, it was time to tell them all the truth: MY DAD RAPPED ME IN THE ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!! Fin.

Rob Instigator 01.27.2010 02:25 PM

buttrape is turribles

chicka 01.27.2010 02:28 PM

I checked out a few trailers 3rd eye and nmbtn. interesting & entertaining.

atsonicpark 02.01.2010 11:43 AM


Derek 02.01.2010 12:32 PM

Cool beans.

atsonicpark 02.05.2010 12:43 AM

new 7 minute short (43MB), completely done in reverse (dialogue is forwards but is out of order.. so you hear the last sentence of a paragraph first, and so on), about a guy who fucks corpses who gets with a girl who is a mortician. Kinda feels like the visual equivalent of a Burroughs novel, though that wasn't intentional. Did the entire film -- filming, editing, everything (all improvised of course) -- in about 5 hours. An experiment.



atsonicpark 02.05.2010 02:32 AM

here's a youtube link

atsonicpark 02.07.2010 07:55 AM

coming soon



Derek 02.07.2010 11:46 AM

What you could try and do is sell the DVDs on Amazon so THEN I could just buy it through my amazon account!

atsonicpark 02.07.2010 07:40 PM

Hm.. well, everyone I've worked with has accepted paypal (except the no trilogy guy) and ships worldwide. If you can order from amazon with a credit card, you can pay for that stuff... But I might consider it in the future.

atsonicpark 02.18.2010 04:27 PM


Derek 02.18.2010 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Hm.. well, everyone I've worked with has accepted paypal (except the no trilogy guy) and ships worldwide. If you can order from amazon with a credit card, you can pay for that stuff... But I might consider it in the future.

Well I order from amazon with a credit card and I don't have paypal.

atsonicpark 02.19.2010 02:36 AM

My point is, you can sign up for paypal with the card you use to order stuff from amazon with.

Derek 02.19.2010 08:43 AM

Ahhhh. I'll try that out thanks.

atsonicpark 02.21.2010 03:47 AM


On sale now at !!! It's only gonna cost you $10 after shipping! He takes paypal! Ships worldwide! DVD of the year and shit! Limited/hand-numbered.

ni'k 02.22.2010 06:25 AM

that's a hot batch of fresh product right there bro.

by the way i will have a text document of one liners and shit you might be able to use or not ready for you in a few days.

i feel you should have at least one scene set in the 90's featuring a couple of methheads whose lab blows up and so they hit the road in their convertable blasting korn cds and meth and try to smash through the boundaries of physical reality or kill themselves and unleash some sort of korn based schizoid breakdown that brings them into a direct encounter with the real/god/utter enlightenment/nirvana and thus causes the 90's american liberal utopia to expand indefintly thus averting 9/11 and the financial crash and the wars. however this new utopian reality starts to degrade and cracks start to appear that can only be covered over by doing more meth.

atsonicpark 02.22.2010 08:08 AM


I actually rented out a house.. well, my aunt left it to me... then, she died.. she was renting it to some methheads.. when I kicked them out, they did all sorts of damage, purposely.. for what reason, I don't know, since they owe me $1500 now according to a judge, and they haven't paid shit so the interest just keeps going up.. anywho, they busted out all the windows on purpose... they broke the door.. they broke the cabinets.. they tore up the floorboards.. kinda funny and kinda sad.. one of the people renting it had to go to prison for a year because they found a shitload of meth, a lab, and 25 grand he had stashed... so ridiculous... but then I tried to get his wife kicked out because she was selling meth and the cop just said, "yeah, we know." And I said, "um.. can't you arrest her? Can't I get her kicked out on those grounds?" He said, "Nope, we already got the big guy, we're not worried about her. You have to go through the courts and file an injunction to get her kicked out." She had more rights than I had... I had to go to court a good 20 times before all this shit was done and over with, but it's still not, because they haven't paid one cent. I sold the house a few months ago and the people tore it down with a bulldozer.. wish I had known about it, I would've filmed that.. haha. Oh well.

I've seen meth heads and their damage and destruction first hand. Some of the scummiest people to ever exist... I love it!

phoenix 02.22.2010 08:20 AM

I actually wondered what ever happened with that... because I remember you posted about it ages ago. Hmm at least it is all sorted now? Are you going to buy something else that is less infested ?

atsonicpark 02.22.2010 10:09 AM

Well, I've got a little over 25 grand saved up.. I'd probably like to get up to 40,000.. I still live at home. I don't believe in debts or credit or loans or anything.. just wanna go in, and pay that shit off. Probably here in a year or so.

atsonicpark 03.03.2010 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

On sale now at !!! It's only gonna cost you $10 after shipping! He takes paypal! Ships worldwide! DVD of the year and shit! Limited/hand-numbered.


atsonicpark 03.03.2010 10:38 PM

In all seriousness, the guy from the label sent me 9 copies of that dvd, and it's probably better-looking and more well-made than 90% of the any other dvd's I've ever seen, or owned. This guy did an AMAZING job with this whole release, and I highly reccomend it for $8... probably the best purchase of the year, soon to be a collector's item you can sell for 5 times as much, and you get nearly 3 hours of content to watch AND THE SCRIPT FOR THE FILM! Endless lines to quote. Really, the best release of the year, so...

nicfit 03.04.2010 04:59 AM

I'm alive.
Is int shipping free?
I'm not sure I'm doing it right.

atsonicpark 03.04.2010 12:35 PM

Haha it's not free but it's cheap!

Dr. Eugene Felikson 03.04.2010 02:24 PM

I wish I wasn't such a broke bastard. I want one. It would be an excellent addition to the collection.

Do you accept souls?

atsonicpark 03.04.2010 02:26 PM

It fits nicely next to...


Dr. Eugene Felikson 03.04.2010 02:28 PM

I'm gonna find $10 and physically mail it to you. Would that work?

nicfit 03.04.2010 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Haha it's not free but it's cheap!

Dunno, when I do the checkout and say "ship to italy" or something the total doesn't get updated and there's always "0.00" as shipping cost :confused:
I'll try again laterz.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 03.04.2010 02:30 PM


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