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Drjohnrock 05.15.2016 10:15 PM

He can still do a great amount of damage with executive orders. And someone as unstable as Trump having the codes for nuclear weapons--it's unthinkable. I'm not saying Hillary Clinton is the greatest thing since sliced bread. But the stakes are much too high in this election to take a chance on Trump being elected. And in all fairness, the Bengazi and email "scandals" would have been one day stories if they had happened to Republicans; Bengazi? An underling would have said "The Secretary Of State can't micromanage the thousands of American diplomatic missions around the world" Emails? "The Secretary Of State's private server is much more secure than the inefficient one used by the government."

I'm not waiting for the perfect candidate. I live in the real world, and lesser of two evils is a very valid concept. I won't do it with great enthusiasm, but I'm voting for Clinton.

LifeDistortion 05.15.2016 10:40 PM

I don't care about Bengazi. For me its a non-issue, and before this election I didn't even think about the Superdelegates, I can only go by what I see, and what I see is a DNC shoving the candidate they want down the people's throat. Not that I ever had any illusions that the Democrats truly cared about the people but the blatant disregard and disrespect for the voters who simply want someone other than Clinton leaves a terrible taste in my mouth. If Clinton won the primary fairly then I wouldn't have issue with it. She wouldn't be my first choice but I would have done so begrudgingly, but to me it feels like she refuses to lose to someone else, like she did to Obama, and now has the DNC in her pocket and the voters don't matter to them. Debbie Schutlz, said as much herself.

evollove 05.16.2016 09:39 AM

policians and parties use any means to win? Yeah right. Next you'll tell us Santa doesn't exist. Go to burning man hippy.

tesla69 05.16.2016 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Drjohnrock
and lesser of two evils is a very valid concept. I won't do it with great enthusiasm, but I'm voting for Clinton.

we need to be careful as to what is the lesser evil. In math one infinity equals infinity times 1000.

"New flight logs show that Bill Clinton took 26 trips with pedophile pal Jeff Epstein aboard his private jet Lolita Express in a span of just three years. Previously, the number of reported trips was 11. And at least five of the newly-uncovered trips were without any Secret Service agents accompanying him, normally a very rare occurrence. So we have an ex-president flying around with naked teenage girls in a plane outfitted with special sex rooms, and the media wants to talk about Trump scandals." The Daily Beast reveal how pedophile hedge fund mogul Jeffrey Epstein escaped a hefty jail sentence despite overwhelming evidence of sex crimes with dozens of young girls

the “Balkan sex slave” Epstein allegedly boasted of purchasing from her family when she was just 14.

evollove 05.17.2016 07:02 AM

You can find all sorts of fun facts by skimming Trump's followers on social media.


tesla69 05.17.2016 10:01 AM



of course this is a suicide.

EVOLghost 05.18.2016 09:08 AM

as if American politics weren't aggravating....

tesla69 05.20.2016 09:12 AM

On Wednesday, Trump met privately with Henry Kissinger in New York, a longtime unindicted war criminal as national security advisor, then secretary of state during the Nixon/Ford years.

tesla69 05.20.2016 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I didn't know that. :mad:

I saw it on the internet so it must be true!

The Soup Nazi 05.20.2016 04:30 PM

"Nixon and Kissinger should be tried for war crimes for the secret bombing of Cambodia!" —"For How Much Longer Do We Tolerate Mass Murder?", The Pop Group

tesla69 05.21.2016 09:32 AM


adding images is very inconsistent for me on this forum. I think this is too big.

This is a real photo - not photoshopped. Happier times.

afreespirit 05.21.2016 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
On Wednesday, Trump met privately with Henry Kissinger in New York, a longtime unindicted war criminal as national security advisor, then secretary of state during the Nixon/Ford years.

I'm also an unindicted war criminal as are most of the rest of you.

tesla69 05.25.2016 06:19 PM

Octavian recites (paraphrasing from the Rome series) the complaint of the common citizen: "The slaves are doing all the work, a Roman can't find a job, and the nobles have taken all the wealth!"

From here rose the Dictator Augustus.

pepper_green 05.25.2016 06:45 PM

ol boy! how fucked up is this? I told you Trump so. will Sanders run as green party? he's the only hope we have. I hate Democrates. just look at yr deadbeats vs. our Veterans and then ask me why. America has been taking advantage of. 10% off for a slippy slide because you fought because you had no choice you baby killer. FUCK OFF!!! while others get disability and lay and shit on theirselves. FUCK U DEMs. FUCK U IN THE EYE BALL!! hey, military pays for yr college forest gump.

Hellary is a monster. cant believe she brought up selling and turning property. it's what the banks do bitch!!

The Soup Nazi 05.26.2016 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
From here rose the Dictator Augustus.

Opinion column in The Washington Post: This is how fascism comes to America. Not that it's never been in the U.S., evidently, but still.

The Soup Nazi 05.26.2016 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
John Robb: "Personally, I like that both Sanders and Trump are isolationists."

Bernie Sanders is not an isolationist; he's just not a deranged hawk in search of where to nation-build next. He is, partly, a non-interventionist — "partly" because he has said he shares Obama's policy in Syria. Isolationism is a completely different concept.

ilduclo 05.27.2016 09:14 AM

I hope Trump and Sanders debate. Might have to wear clown shoes, though. And the violence in the audience? Welcome to the Thunderdome!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 05.27.2016 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Bernie Sanders is not an isolationist; he's just not a deranged hawk in search of where to nation-build next. He is, partly, a non-interventionist — "partly" because he has said he shares Obama's policy in Syria. Isolationism is a completely different concept.

If bernie supporting Obama policy for Syria than bernie supporting the same old Iran Contra style use of black ops and arming small militias to destabilize regions. Assad is a war criminal as is Russia. But what US is doing in response is equally criminal and irresponsible.

The Soup Nazi 05.27.2016 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
I hope Trump and Sanders debate. Might have to wear clown shoes, though. And the violence in the audience? Welcome to the Thunderdome!

Not gonna happen. Chickenshit backed off.

ilduclo 05.27.2016 05:22 PM


!@#$%! 05.27.2016 05:48 PM

Drumpf ocould easily win dancing with the stars

The Soup Nazi 05.27.2016 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Not gonna happen. Chickenshit backed off.


Colonel Sanders wins.

tesla69 05.31.2016 10:25 AM

interesting, they are paring away at both edges-
SiriusXM issued the following statement:
SiriusXM encourages a diversity of discourse and opinion on our talk programs. However, comments recently made by a guest on the independently produced Glenn Beck Program, in our judgement, may be reasonably construed by some to have been advocating harm against an individual currently running for office, which we cannot and will not condone. For that reason, we have suspended The Glenn Beck Program from our Patriot channel for the coming week...
The suspension is in response to the interview Beck did with fiction author Brad Thor last Wednesday, in which Thor likened the GOP’s presumptive nominee Donald Trump to a South American-style dictator who would cause an “extinction-level event” for the country if elected. Thor then declared that in such a case, Congress would not be able to remove Trump from office by “legal means” through impeachment, so Thor asked “what patriot will step up and do that” if Trump oversteps his Constitutional restraints. Beck agreed with Thor’s assessment.
Here is the exchange:
THOR: He is a danger to America and I got to ask you a question and this is serious and this could ring down incredible heat on me because I’m about to suggest something very bad. It is a hypothetical I am going to ask as a thriller writer.
With the feckless, spineless Congress we have, who will stand in the way of Donald Trump overstepping his constitutional authority as President? If Congress won’t remove him from office, what patriot will step up and do that if, if, he oversteps his mandate as president, his constitutional-granted authority, I should say, as president.
If he oversteps that, how do we get him out of office? And I don’t think there is a legal means available. I think it will be a terrible, terrible position the American people will be in to get Trump out of office because you won’t be able to do it through Congress.

I've enjoyed a several of Thor's books, and from his US YES! attitude I am surprised he is so antiTrump. I don't think Beck is the player he used to be but still has a following that buys his baseball caps.

The Soup Nazi 05.31.2016 08:01 PM

I was watching Fareed Zakaria GPS on Saturday and The Wall Street Journal's Bret Stephens was one of the panelists. This smug right-winger is usually pretty easy to hate, but when FZ asked him whether he'll vote for Trump, this is what he had to say:

AMEN. (Except for the "least left-wing" part, evidently). At least one "conservative" who doesn't roll over and horseshits around: "Ooohhh, I'm not quite there yet, I don't know Trump personally..." WHAT THE FUCK ELSE YOU PIECES OF SHIT NEED TO KNOW GODDAMMIT.

tesla69 06.02.2016 10:45 PM

One of the good things under a Trump presidency might be an FCC that would allow Howard Stern back on terrestrial free FM.

tesla69 06.04.2016 03:18 PM

If Bernie wins CA Tuesday, he will be our next President.

"Sanders is expected to return to his Vermont home on Wednesday and advisers say he intends to ramp up his courtship of the party's superdelegates, a process that is already underway, pointing to polls that show him faring better than Clinton in head-to-head matchups with Trump."

ilduclo 06.04.2016 04:03 PM

not really, the delegate math is impossible

and, if you look at Sanders history, he is totally unelectable. Doesn't mean I don't like or respect the guy, but he has some very serious flaky shit in his background that would be exploited to the max by the rethug press, which would sink him to lower numbers than McGovern. th.html

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.04.2016 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
not really, the delegate math is impossible

and, if you look at Sanders history, he is totally unelectable. Doesn't mean I don't like or respect the guy, but he has some very serious flaky shit in his background that would be exploited to the max by the rethug press, which would sink him to lower numbers than McGovern. th.html

i been trying to tell folks this for a year now. Look, if folks want to support Bernie as a Nader 2.0 i totally respect that. I always supported Nader. But us Nader folks never believed he could win. Rather the Nade campaigns gave the non vote an opportunity for political participation. If folks want to support Bernie in that way, i respect that. But if folks think he is winning the primary they are being delusional.

greenlight 06.05.2016 04:21 AM

i do not really get 2 party system to begin with. also (same story which goes for a long time), if it is a him or him or her, they are still answering to the same masters in the end (and if not, you're dead), so the choice given is like no choice. maybe Trump seems to be a bit outside of the corporate, but I do not think so. what I really do not understand is all this hatred on Trump rallies from left wing supporters. I am sure you have seen it. all the beating, kicking and spitting...and that should b democrats?...ok I understand the psychology of mass hysteria, but still. they seems to be more violent and againts first amendment then other side, which seems to be much more peaceful. how ironic is that. I am not saying I support republicans, it just something interesting I've noticed watching the "whole show" from the old continent.

ilduclo 06.05.2016 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by greenlight
they seems to be more violent and againts first amendment then other side, which seems to be much more peaceful. how ironic is that.

there's a violence from the right wing that's a difficult thing to see clearly for some folks, it involves mass incarceration, joblessness, homelessness, poverty, lack of health and dental care, environmental racism, and the list is endless. It would be way worse under Trump.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.05.2016 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by greenlight
i do not really get 2 party system to begin with. also (same story which goes for a long time), if it is a him or him or her, they are still answering to the same masters in the end (and if not, you're dead), so the choice given is like no choice. maybe Trump seems to be a bit outside of the corporate, but I do not think so. what I really do not understand is all this hatred on Trump rallies from left wing supporters. I am sure you have seen it. all the beating, kicking and spitting...and that should b democrats?...ok I understand the psychology of mass hysteria, but still. they seems to be more violent and againts first amendment then other side, which seems to be much more peaceful. how ironic is that. I am not saying I support republicans, it just something interesting I've noticed watching the "whole show" from the old continent.

You don't understand how people would react to bigoted and inflammatory rhetoric with anger and violence? Are you trolling us or nah?

tesla69 06.05.2016 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo totally unelectable. ... some very serious flaky shit in his background that would be exploited to the max by the rethug press, which would sink him to lower numbers than McGovern.l

I believe anything can happen at the conventions this year. We're in uncharted territory. Let these gangs keep attacking Americans who are participating in democracy. Have you seen the gang attacking the woman with Trump tshirt with eggs and spit? Has Hillary come out against this violence against women? You really have to see the pleasure this gang has while they attack the woman.



recipes for disaster

evollove 06.05.2016 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
You don't understand how people would react to bigoted and inflammatory rhetoric with anger and violence? Are you trolling us or nah?

So violence is a legitimate means of political expression? You're apologizing for children. "But the bad man called me a name!"

Actually, there probably are reasons in this world to get violent. Let's save our fiery ire for those issues. Meantime, this is embarrassing. There's really no excuse.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.05.2016 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
So violence is a legitimate means of political expression? You're apologizing for children. "But the bad man called me a name!"

Actually, there probably are reasons in this world to get violent. Let's save our fiery ire for those issues. Meantime, this is embarrassing. There's really no excuse.

i didn't say anything of the sort. I said what the fuck do Trump supporters expect? That they can be uncivilized bastards and the people they abuse should be civil in retort?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.05.2016 12:41 PM

In other words if Trump and his supporters are gong to use fighting words why should they be so surprised when it provokes a fight?

evollove 06.05.2016 01:27 PM

I am the surprised one. I expect more, but that's just because I sometimes stupidly forget that idiocy isn't just the property of the right. Lotta dumbfuck liberals, you must admit.

Meanwhile, I just found out Louis Farrakhan endorsed Trump. Can't wrap my head around that one, either.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.05.2016 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
I am the surprised one. I expect more, but that's just because I sometimes stupidly forget that idiocy isn't just the property of the right. Lotta dumbfuck liberals, you must admit.

While i don't think its in any way productive certainly its totally understandable that people would react the way they have. Its not a flaw in any political ideology, its not even stupid, its just human nature to respond with aggression with aggression. If you think Trump's words and particularly the words and actions of his supporters aren't aggressive you haven't been paying attention. Lets not pretend these incidents have been unprovoked and lets not pretend Trump crowd is innocent victims here.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.05.2016 01:48 PM

Or what, does the "right" only like it when the "left" keeps turning the other cheek? Of course the racist bigots only want to see the other side act weak and submissive

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.05.2016 01:51 PM

It reminds me of when a kid runs up to the teacher saying "he hit me!" and when the teacher asks, "well what did you do?" and the kid says, "i didn't do anything" meanwhile the entire playground saw that kid totally provoking the fight by being a punk ass bully.

Bullies are always PUSSIES who flinch when their victims fight back and trump and his supporters are just a bunch of pussy ass bullies

evollove 06.05.2016 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
trump and his supporters are just a bunch of pussy ass bullies

Did you just call Louis Farrakhan a pussy ass bully?

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