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Derek 01.11.2011 05:52 PM

Yeah that's what I meant. Woe is me.

Genteel Death 01.11.2011 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
Dave Grohl gets a lot of shit for no good reason. Dude's talented. His music is a bit straight forward, but it works for him. Fantastic. Also, he's got a fantastic sense of humor. Always a great thing.

You Americans and your ''IT ROCKS!'' are ruining everything.

SonikJesus 01.11.2011 09:06 PM

i have to admit though Dave is one of my fav drummers. Just for his sheer power

Mortte Jousimo 01.12.2011 06:58 AM

I liked Dave´s drumming in Nirvana a lot. But I have never liked Foo Fighters. But I don´t either hate it. I think that bands music comes into other ear and come out from another immediately. I can´t remember any songs of theirs ´though they play them a lot in finnish radio.

About (classic?) concert music, I know that every person who has good quality to play in notes some classic instruments are not good orchester player. But I have also heard, that many who have classic background have difficulties to play popular music. And there has been also difficulties, when pop bands have wanted classic orchestra in the back of their music (I read that there were only few works Zappa made with classical orchestra that he was satisfied.) Some popular works with classic orchestra works well in my opinion, but some are quite poor (for example Metallica).

knox 01.12.2011 12:31 PM


Derek 01.12.2011 01:00 PM

A lot of you will disagree with me on this but I think Dave Grohl has ultimately influenced a generation of drummers to think that the main goal is to be a powerhouse. This influence has somewhat eliminated the subtleties and restrain brilliant drummers usually have. You could point out things such as, "oh but... he was subtle and restrained in Unplugged!". Yeah, he had to be, but that's not the drummer he is really.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.12.2011 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
A lot of you will disagree with me on this but I think Dave Grohl has ultimately influenced a generation of drummers to think that the main goal is to be a powerhouse. This influence has somewhat eliminated the subtleties and restrain brilliant drummers usually have. You could point out things such as, "oh but... he was subtle and restrained in Unplugged!". Yeah, he had to be, but that's not the drummer he is really.

I could agree with this but it seems a rather inadvertent occurrence, as Dave has spent most of his time the past 15 years trying to accentuate his own guitar playing and singing/song writing. Dave has been in far more projects as a drummer, true, and I of course always believe his drumming is his best work as a musician, and I adore much more of his drum work than his guitar work (aside from a few rather good tunes from the earlier years)..

I think that Dave's influence has been more subtle, which is ironic considering your point is that his own drumming blew out subtlety in mainstream drum work (which I also agree with by the way)

I think its the whole media hype behind how big Nirvana got, and then the fact that Dave managed a very successful solo career after, which both kept in the mainstream spotlight but also kept people reminded that he was the "drummer from Nirvana" in a way that didn't work for other drummers like say Ringo Starr..

Derek 01.12.2011 03:02 PM


I could agree with this but it seems a rather inadvertent occurrence, as Dave has spent most of his time the past 15 years trying to accentuate his own guitar playing and singing/song writing.
All I know is that a lot of drummers I know have called Dave Grohl an influence. I can't say that much about guitarists being influenced by him.

atsonicpark 01.12.2011 03:05 PM

I never really noticed Dave's drumming until SONGS FOR THE DEAF. He just kills on that record.

GeneticKiss 01.13.2011 03:05 AM

Have any of you guys ever seriously encountered a drummer that plays quietly? The drums are not a subtle instrument for the most part.

ann ashtray 01.13.2011 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
You Americans and your ''IT ROCKS!'' are ruining everything.

What is there to ruin, exactly?

easyrazors 01.13.2011 06:19 PM

Dave Grohl isn't a patch on Roland from Big Black :)

I guess the reason people ask Steve Albini to record is because they want to sound a bit like everything else he's recorded - they are the artists, after all.
Right Now by Pussy Galore would have suffered from any production value at all, hehe - as it is it's perfect.

In kind of some hazy memory timeline of the 80s, it seemed then that if there had been no SY, there would have been no Dinosaur, without DJ there would have been no Mudhoney, and without Mudhoney no Nirvana. At least that's how the trail worked in my fuzzy mind - I don't mean influence-wise, I just mean success breeding success, or at least them getting noticed.

(apologies for the seemingly random statements, was kinda wanting to comment on a number of different points raised)

Genteel Death 01.13.2011 06:37 PM

112 posts on this in thread in 2011. How long have SY been around for again?

atsonicpark 01.14.2011 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
All I know is that a lot of drummers I know have called Dave Grohl an influence. I can't say that much about guitarists being influenced by him.

Right oin, Derek. I mean, he just plays boring predictable chord sequences, usually power chords. Competent music, but not anything groundbreaking. On the other hand, some of his drumming is downright inventive and interesting, he didn't really get a chance to slam with Nirvana (though the Scentless Apprentice drum beat is probably up there with "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" is one of the most iconic and memorable drum lines ever), but his drumming on Queens' mini-epics is intricate, inventive, and GREAT. He is just an excellent timekeeper; as far as Nirvana goes, that never shined through on record that much (even with Albini's traditionally loudass drum "engineering"), but LIVE, he sounded fucking awesome.

The thing is, Nirvana ALWAYS played with loud drummers. Chad Channing and Dale Crover were also really really loud (well, Crover still is).

As for drummers who are quiet, a lot of the D.C. bands (Fugazi, El Guapo, Warmers, Q and Not U) seemed to play inventive and unique and quiet drum patterns, which really worked for those bands for the most part. I never really associated Steve Shelley with "LOUD" drumming. Also, Boredoms had 6 drummers at one point, but they never really played "LOUD". I mean, drums are always loud, period, I guess I'm just saying... their method wasn't to play as loud as humnaly possible at all times, to the point that their sticks and snare broke 3 times per song. Haha. I think Can played pretty quietly too. Bands primarily based around drumming seem to play quieter, for whatever reason.

Now that I think about it, I know what makes Dave stand out most as a drummer: He was loud, but he was also IN CONTROL. It's hard to play loud and fast and still be able to do intricate things. Dave was an intelligent drummer, he also knew when not to play. Again, this all comes across better in a live setting.


Originally Posted by Derek
You know what the worst thing is that I find about the Foo Fighters? It's not the shitty, lazy songwriting, oh no. It's the vocals and how they're double-tracked in EVERY song. It sounds terrible and annoying.

I'm actually trying to think of some mainstream "alt rock" albums that DON'T have multi tracked vocals. Besides Ross Robinson's stuff (though even At the Drive-In did it), I can't think of any at the moment. It's pretty much a staple of mainstream music -- from rap to "alt rock" (Bush, Live, Foo Fighters, and so on).. every pop album ever (BRitney Spears I mean). Even stuff like Beach Boys. I know you're saying the Foos' use is particularly annoying -- because even though most mainstream albums have it, it's not as DISTRACTING as the Foo Fighters. Multitracking can add a lot to a sound, especially if you use it sparingly and intelligently -- but yeah, actually, I'm listening to some Foo stuff on youtube. I'd never noticed it before, they mutli track every single line, pointlessly. It doesn't make the sound fuller and more interesting. It just sounds ANNOYING. So, you're right, Derek, this sucks! Haha!

..but yeah, I remember when we were doing RUINHORSE and Lyrch tried to get me to double track the vocals on every song. I really really did not like that sound, but he insisted on it, so I did it on a few tracks... Now, years later, I multi track SS vocals, sometimes doing 4 or 5 vocal tracks for one line, but I try to do it in a way that isn't distracting, and try to create -- in my mind -- interesting little melodic counterpoints between the different voices. There's a song on the new album... tearing the wings off of a pigeon, with a few multi tracks, including the really really high Alvin and the Chipmunks counterpoint, that emerges to emphasize a few lines. I think it sounds fine when used on a few lines, but can you imagine how bad it'd sound on every line? Distracting and annoying, indeed.

My way of thinking is, if you're going to double- (or more-)track, you should have different vocalists harmonize with you, or at least use a different voice (something Patton does a lot, singing in a high register with his low self, and so on). You know who is really fucking good at multi tracking? Bad Religion. Their 3-or-more-vocal harmonies make some of their songs.

You know who else is good? QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE. Man, I used to dislike Queens a lot ,found em boring as hell (and they are pretty boring and dull and awful compared to the genius KYUSS, I think). But I think they really have something interesting. They're always out of tune and sloppy, even though it sounds a bit calculated, and they're always throwing interesting little new instruments/riffs/sounds in their very very full, ALIVE mixes. SONGS FOR THE DEAF was described as boxy and badly recorded, but it's one of the best sounding mainstream releases I've ever heard. And again, Grohl's drumming is topnotch on that album. A song like "Go With the Flow" is just incredible. Has some of the best guitar solos ever, too.

I'm going to listen to RATED R right now, actually. Great band.

atsonicpark 01.19.2011 07:22 PM

Holy shit, have you all heard the bootleg ROMA? This is one of the best -- if not THE BEST -- live bootleg recordings I've EVER heard. Pat Smear on second guitar, just sounds fantastic. Loud distorted noisey etc. Everything is clear (bass could probably be a bit higher), sounds pretty professional aside from the bass. Cannot BELIEVE how good the drums sound. Great stuff.

atsonicpark 01.19.2011 07:22 PM


EVOLghost 01.19.2011 07:28 PM

^ haha I actually own that bootleg!

my brother accidentally bought a second copy abnd gave one to me

their comments are awesome (after Smells LIeke....."Jimmy crack corn and I don't care.......alright1"

and also Grohl's awesome drum solo

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.19.2011 07:32 PM

this alone should make a person appreciate nirvana and kurt, how they can simultaneous mock and deride mainstream pop culture, themselves, English television, and especially Morrissey


DeadDiscoDildo 01.19.2011 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

Doesnt work, could anyone send me that bootleg?

DeadDiscoDildo 01.19.2011 08:00 PM

Nevermind nevermind. I was trying the youtube video, not the download.

Forget that post ha

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