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-   -   Anyone going to get one of those new iphones? (

nicfit 07.02.2007 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by ahhavalon
I vote we bring these back, life was much simpler.


Yep, too bad the number you dialed on the display equalled the number of fried brain cells of the call.

Torn Curtain 07.02.2007 07:26 AM

I'm wondering who's got control over the porkmarras account.

!@#$%! 07.02.2007 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
i'm not giving you shit for your decision, so i don't see the need to get shit for mine. no, i don't expect any "returns" on my iphone purchase, but considering that i've always had a piece of shit cell phone that i've hated, i decided to treat myself to something that i actually want. fucking sue me.

and it only equates to one rent (which i still have, by the way), so that's not an issue. i work twmonths o jobs so i don't have to worry about money.

and again, i my laptops are my main instruments these days and i'd rather carry around a $500 phone every day than a $2000 powerbook that if it gets stolen, i might as well jump into a river.

sorry i didn't answer this sooner but last night it was spa night at the !@#$%! house and you can see how bath salts, massage oil and smooth nooky must take precedence over the arguing on the internet, right?

anyway, this is a public internet forum, and so everything that gets posted in it is subject to public discussion, isn't it? i'm also not implying you don't have money to pay the rent, i'm just putting into perspective the size of the purchase, which is not trivial. those $543 could buy you external backup and insurance for your machines though. but i digress...


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
i used my own money for this. no credit or anything like that. stop making assumptions. you're just gonna make an ass outta u and u.

ha ha ha, ok, maybe. but i have to make some assumptions, and i think it's a common fair assumption to make that students who aren't on trust funds are strapped for cash.

now, before we continue, let me say that i like you "no homo" (ha ha), and you're one of my favorite posters here-- smart and reasonable and funny, etc., so please don't think i'm trying to shit on you here, or anything of that sort. farthest thing from my mind.

HOWEVER, being someone who is past the abyss of 30, married, and working full time, i may have a tendency to adopt a "dad"persona, even though madame !@#$%! and i have no kids yet-- though we are at constant risk for that. now, im not anybody's dad, and you sure didn't ask me to play that role for your benefit, but look at it from this perspective-- i taught college for 4 years while i was in grad school (2 years for the master's, 2 years into the PhD) and had i continued i could be your prof. so you could call me "professor". ha ha ha. ok that was goofy. but it's also besides the point. what's the point?

oh yeah. so i'm expressing these views out of concern not just for your well-being but that of gullible people in this board who might decide to mortgage their futures on the altar of consumerism. screamingskull comes to mind-- she's a sweetie, i love her to pieces, but seems a little naive when it comes to assessing the true cost of expensive gadgets. anyway, i'm the self-appointed catcher in the rye. and why was i saying this?

oh yes. so, the purchase, the price, etc. when i was teaching college it seemed to me that the students who had a harder time with classes were the ones who were busy with jobs jobs jobs. always working. no time to study. stressed out running from one place to another. now, again, don't get me wrong, maybe you're in the dean's list, maybe you're gonna be valedictorian, but in principle the idea of being a student is that of sacrificing some earning power & the comforts of money making in order to receive later payoffs, i.e. a degree that confers you greater earning power and the satisfaction of a more pleasant job.

$543, assuming you make around $8 an hour, equals about 68 hours of work, or 8.5 days working full time. that's enough time to take vacation for almost 2 weeks of finals, for example, so you could get a higher GPA which means better chance of funding for grad school, for example, or (as i said before) an external drive and theft/damage insurance for your music machines.

now you already made your purchase, which was your free choice as an adult, and you're committed to it, there's no backing out, and you might as well enjoy it-- you'll want to do that, rather than fill your head with buyer's remorse. but i just wanted to point out for the rest of those who may feel hypnotized by the marketing of expensive gadgets that

money doesn't come as easy as it seems when you're looking at shiny objects

and that

students who need to work to go to school don't need to mortgage their futures buying expensive things, because they will be able to afford them once they graduate and get the fat paychecks.

and that
having your money work for you is better than you having to work for money

sorry man, again don't mean to shit on you or patronize, but i do have strong feelings about consumerism and its shitty consequences on people's lives... oh and i'm speaking from experience here, i've fucked up plenty in this area, i have the scars to prove i know what i'm talking about.

anyway, i should get back to work. arguing over the internet does beat work though, but the clients are waiting.

Alex's Trip 07.02.2007 12:51 PM

Douche bag tries to buy all the iphones in one store

screamingskull 07.02.2007 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip

thats really really funny. made me jealous though, now i really want one.

They should give that guy a reporting job.

Prisstina 07.02.2007 05:37 PM

notttttttt a chance.

lose the phone i have now, i'm out thirty bucks.

lose the iphone, i'm out six hundred bucks.

!@#$%! 07.02.2007 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Prisstina
notttttttt a chance.

lose the phone i have now, i'm out thirty bucks.

lose the iphone, i'm out six hundred bucks.

smart girl. she might have enough money to retire & travel around the world by the time she's 30.

gmku 07.02.2007 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
they are damn expensive, but they look amazing. I watched the whole 20 minute presentation about them on the apple site and was very impressed. people are already queueing up outside the manhattan store for one.

As a grumpy old man, I have many beefs. Phones are one of them. My take on this--and the same goes for all other phones--is this: It's a freaking PHONE, you girly girls! A phone! Do you realize what you're obsessing over? A silly girly phone for gabbing on and "sharing."

Give me a freaking break.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.02.2007 11:22 PM

i like my iphone

val-holla-ing: in the words of Master P..."Look at all these haters surrounding me every day, hatin on a baller but they can't stop my pay. Stop all the hatin I can't take it no more, i'm just tryin to get mine you best get yours so what you hatin for?"
2 legit 2 quit, baby
im on the southside i10, holllatchaboy

gmku 07.02.2007 11:25 PM

Has anybody heard the term conspicuous consumption? Does anybody realize how ugly that behavior is?

No, I suppose not.

val-holla-ing 07.02.2007 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
sorry i didn't answer this sooner but last night it was spa night at the !@#$%! house and you can see how bath salts, massage oil and smooth nooky must take precedence over the arguing on the internet, right?

anyway, this is a public internet forum, and so everything that gets posted in it is subject to public discussion, isn't it? i'm also not implying you don't have money to pay the rent, i'm just putting into perspective the size of the purchase, which is not trivial. those $543 could buy you external backup and insurance for your machines though. but i digress...

ha ha ha, ok, maybe. but i have to make some assumptions, and i think it's a common fair assumption to make that students who aren't on trust funds are strapped for cash.

now, before we continue, let me say that i like you "no homo" (ha ha), and you're one of my favorite posters here-- smart and reasonable and funny, etc., so please don't think i'm trying to shit on you here, or anything of that sort. farthest thing from my mind.

HOWEVER, being someone who is past the abyss of 30, married, and working full time, i may have a tendency to adopt a "dad"persona, even though madame !@#$%! and i have no kids yet-- though we are at constant risk for that. now, im not anybody's dad, and you sure didn't ask me to play that role for your benefit, but look at it from this perspective-- i taught college for 4 years while i was in grad school (2 years for the master's, 2 years into the PhD) and had i continued i could be your prof. so you could call me "professor". ha ha ha. ok that was goofy. but it's also besides the point. what's the point?

oh yeah. so i'm expressing these views out of concern not just for your well-being but that of gullible people in this board who might decide to mortgage their futures on the altar of consumerism. screamingskull comes to mind-- she's a sweetie, i love her to pieces, but seems a little naive when it comes to assessing the true cost of expensive gadgets. anyway, i'm the self-appointed catcher in the rye. and why was i saying this?

oh yes. so, the purchase, the price, etc. when i was teaching college it seemed to me that the students who had a harder time with classes were the ones who were busy with jobs jobs jobs. always working. no time to study. stressed out running from one place to another. now, again, don't get me wrong, maybe you're in the dean's list, maybe you're gonna be valedictorian, but in principle the idea of being a student is that of sacrificing some earning power & the comforts of money making in order to receive later payoffs, i.e. a degree that confers you greater earning power and the satisfaction of a more pleasant job.

$543, assuming you make around $8 an hour, equals about 68 hours of work, or 8.5 days working full time. that's enough time to take vacation for almost 2 weeks of finals, for example, so you could get a higher GPA which means better chance of funding for grad school, for example, or (as i said before) an external drive and theft/damage insurance for your music machines.

now you already made your purchase, which was your free choice as an adult, and you're committed to it, there's no backing out, and you might as well enjoy it-- you'll want to do that, rather than fill your head with buyer's remorse. but i just wanted to point out for the rest of those who may feel hypnotized by the marketing of expensive gadgets that

money doesn't come as easy as it seems when you're looking at shiny objects

and that

students who need to work to go to school don't need to mortgage their futures buying expensive things, because they will be able to afford them once they graduate and get the fat paychecks.

and that
having your money work for you is better than you having to work for money

sorry man, again don't mean to shit on you or patronize, but i do have strong feelings about consumerism and its shitty consequences on people's lives... oh and i'm speaking from experience here, i've fucked up plenty in this area, i have the scars to prove i know what i'm talking about.

anyway, i should get back to work. arguing over the internet does beat work though, but the clients are waiting.

i am in no way, shape, or form against getting some tail.

and if i came off as defensive, it's because so many people have caught themselves getting on my case over the same thing, without knowing that i'd been waiting for this thing since day one. i can understand the concern, but before i bought it, i made sure that i'd still be comfortable afterward.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.02.2007 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Has anybody heard the term conspic
uous consumption? Does anybody realize how ugly that behavior is?

No, I suppose not.

i did not buy this phone for the "image", if thats what you're trying to say
stop hatin'

Has anybody heard the term called "i got the hook up"?

No, I suppose not.


val-holla-ing 07.02.2007 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
i like my iphone

val-holla-ing: in the words of Master P..."Look at all these haters surrounding me every day, hatin on a baller but they can't stop my pay. Stop all the hatin I can't take it no more, i'm just tryin to get mine you best get yours so what you hatin for?"
2 legit 2 quit, baby
im on the southside i10, holllatchaboy

mr ice cream maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
mr ice cream maaaa-e-aaaaaaaaaaan.

texas/new orleans rap 4lyfe.

val-holla-ing 07.02.2007 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
i did not buy this phone for the "image", if thats what you're trying to say
stop hatin'

Has anybody heard the term called "i got the hook up"?

No, I suppose not.


damn that movie sucked. i'd rather watch "i'm bout it"

gmku 07.02.2007 11:32 PM

Oh, crypto, crypto... sigh... you are a Madison Avenue whore...

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.02.2007 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
mr ice cream maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
mr ice cream maaaa-e-aaaaaaaaaaan.

texas/new orleans rap 4lyfe.

3rd coast connection, whaaaaaaaaaaaat?

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.02.2007 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
damn that movie sucked. i'd rather watch "i'm bout it"

yo, don't be hatin'

p.s. ive never seen i'm bout it... but have you seen this gem:

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.02.2007 11:35 PM

Oh shit, dawg, this one is throwed too:

val-holla-ing 07.02.2007 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
yo, don't be hatin'

p.s. ive never seen i'm bout it... but have you seen this gem:

i grew up on that movie! i have it somewhere in my apartment on vhs, too.

gmku 07.02.2007 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
i grew up on that movie! i have it somewhere in my apartment on vhs, too.

I was in that movie, brother!

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