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The Usher 04.15.2007 11:32 AM

The flaming lips are a fuckin joke, a joke I tell you!

screamingskull 04.15.2007 11:35 AM

Stop Posting In This Thread

afterthefact 04.15.2007 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by RdTv
The bottom line is the Flaming Lips (by Wayne Coyne & Michael Ivans own admission) had no creativity and/or musical direction and then Stephen Drozd stepped in the picture and started to write everything and all the music became like bowie/ny dolls/overproduced/smoke and mirrors. The band has gone on record saying this, OK? Therefore The Flaming Lips are a fluke, a joke that has merely lasted this long, am I saying their music or shows are horrible, no, I'm simply saying they have done nothing special or noteworthy. OK, so their shows are probably the most visually stimulating exsperience you can have whilst attending a concert, but that doesn't make up for the over-production and sense of sugar coating the music gives you, especially the new album, save for 3 songs.

Sonic Youth has spawned countless and countless and countless imitators and inspired a legion of people around the world. Their music is built on creativity, substance and excitement, yes even the newer stuff. So, maybe the shows are less visually oriented, but thats because they are better musicians and don't need costumes and glitter to attract people.

the bottom line: SY=,originality,creativity,high quality, substance
Flaming Lips=production,effects,over the top,indie-pop

I have to disagree. Not that SY is better, because honestly I don't think such a question should arise in the first place. It's not fair, it's not like they even make similar music. Apples and oranges, people. But to say FL had NO creativity before Drozd is simply incorrect. Granted, he almost single-handedly made them what they are today, but they were very good pre-Drozd. He just took them in a different direction. In fact, without Drozd, if they continued to progress in what they were doing before, them touring with SY last year would have probably made more sense. And as far as their amazing live shows that can transform the hardest of punk rockers into giddy little children, it is almost exclusively from the mind of Coyne.

afterthefact 04.15.2007 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
now this is where we disagree i think the flaming lips have evolved more than sonic youth have. they might not be as creative.

I totally agree. Simply on the basis of evolution, Flaming Lips FAR surpasses Sonic Youth. Not saying that this is any indication of their music - like I said before, I don't get into the whole "who's better than who" discussion - but listening to SY era 87 and then 07, it's believable they are the same band. With the Flaming Lips on the other hand, unless you are already aware of their discography, you would probably not realize they are the same.

(Sorry if my arguements sound elementry, I am very tired, and also none too bright :))

Dead-Air 04.15.2007 11:42 PM

The Flaming Lips have had their moments in their career and all, but c'mon, they were covering Sonic Youth back in the '80s!

RdTv 04.16.2007 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by afterthefact
I have to disagree. Not that SY is better, because honestly I don't think such a question should arise in the first place. It's not fair, it's not like they even make similar music. Apples and oranges, people. But to say FL had NO creativity before Drozd is simply incorrect. Granted, he almost single-handedly made them what they are today, but they were very good pre-Drozd. He just took them in a different direction. In fact, without Drozd, if they continued to progress in what they were doing before, them touring with SY last year would have probably made more sense. And as far as their amazing live shows that can transform the hardest of punk rockers into giddy little children, it is almost exclusively from the mind of Coyne.

I retracted my statement of no creativity earlier to screamingskull, I meant to convey a sense of talent or originality. You have to agree with that (originality), come on, the person who made them sound somewhat original was Drozd, like you said they have several era's and in all those era's its an outsider of the original lineup that brings in that era's sound. I was a bit passionatte in my post (calling them a fluke, a joke etc...) and for that I'm sorry, I didn't mean to slam them that hard, but it was that easy, I don't believe in the better or not issue, but when it is pushed (this thread) I seem to evolve into this angry, ogerous being that bludgeons whatever I don't see eye to eye with.

I like the FL, especially CTM,Soft Bulletin,Yoshimi. Like you said it isn't fair to compare bands, they are apples and oranges, but you have to agree if SY is an apple and the Fl are an orange, then the apple would taste a lot better comapred to the quality of other apples, than the orange would compared to other oranges.

afterthefact 04.16.2007 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by RdTv
I retracted my statement of no creativity earlier to screamingskull, I meant to convey a sense of talent or originality. You have to agree with that (originality), come on, the person who made them sound somewhat original was Drozd, like you said they have several era's and in all those era's its an outsider of the original lineup that brings in that era's sound. I was a bit passionatte in my post (calling them a fluke, a joke etc...) and for that I'm sorry, I didn't mean to slam them that hard, but it was that easy, I don't believe in the better or not issue, but when it is pushed (this thread) I seem to evolve into this angry, ogerous being that bludgeons whatever I don't see eye to eye with.

I like the FL, especially CTM,Soft Bulletin,Yoshimi. Like you said it isn't fair to compare bands, they are apples and oranges, but you have to agree if SY is an apple and the Fl are an orange, then the apple would taste a lot better comapred to the quality of other apples, than the orange would compared to other oranges.

Wow, very well put. And I too apologize, I failed to noticed your previous retraction of your statement. I also am aroused to anger on the topic of music with great ease, and I did not see any posts after your first one, I saw only red. And what you said here is correct, as far as originality, they had nothing until Drozd. I wouldn't go as far as to say they were covering Sonic Youth as Dead-Air says, but they were definately ripping off Butthole Surfers. And if Flaming Lips are apples, and Sonic Youth are oranges, then Butthole Surfers are lima beans, and it that respect Flaming Lips are quite alright with me.

floatingslowly 04.17.2007 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by afterthefact
they were definately ripping off Butthole Surfers.

I can get behind that!

I made a post saying just about the same thing on the Surfer's forum awhile back (cool people, but dead bands never bring forums new blood). nobody saw the connection! there's a lot of older tracks that are straight Paul Leary rip-offs.

honestly though, the person who's had the most influence on the Lips for the longest time is Dave Fridmann. everything after he started producing sounded like Mercury Rev to me.

these are not bad things however, and in fact most bands I like take influence from other bands I like. there's very little that's cool, new and original anymore....

I may not listen to the Flaming Lips much these days, but they still have a fond place in my heart from being my favorite band for many many years.

besides the music, I can honestly say that they are among the coolest, nicest and most genuine people on the planet (and maybe the MULTIVERSE). too many other "rockstars" let that shit go to their head.

Rob Instigator 04.17.2007 12:43 PM

I read that the Flaming Lips eat poo pooo

timtimtim 04.17.2007 04:49 PM

they both rock, I listen to sonic youth more though.
I think Yo La Tengo vs Sonic Youth would be a muich better comparison

atari 2600 04.17.2007 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

honestly though, the person who's had the most influence on the Lips for the longest time is Dave Fridmann. everything after he started producing sounded like Mercury Rev to me.

these are not bad things however, and in fact most bands I like take influence from other bands I like. there's very little that's cool, new and original anymore....

yeah, nothing's all that original anymore, such are the times...
sounds like Mercury Rev covering Pink Floyd/David Bowie

MellySingsDoom 04.17.2007 06:43 PM

Never really got the Flaming Lips, to be honest. Their DVD biog thing was good, though.

floatingslowly 04.17.2007 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
sounds like Mercury Rev covering Pink Floyd/David Bowie

yr close!

I cackled.

true story. imo

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