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hevusa 05.18.2010 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Lurker
Remember the Israelis aren't just defending themselves, they're actually actively taking Palestinian land.

Right, in response to Hamas being elected.

space 05.18.2010 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
If I was an Israeli that experienced almost daily rocket fire, suicide bombers, and pure racism I would fucking lock up people like fugazifan too for helping the enemy.

but what if you were a Palestinian, who saw yr family's land taken, yr livelyhood strangled, friends arrested, some "disappeared", some dead, and pure racism.

which brings me back to my point, fugazifan is a bright enough, kind enough and evolved enough human being, that he can see the plight of others (who may not be friends or ever want to be) and still make a stand when he knows that it's right.

all of this said, it's very easy to sit on the other side of a monitor, making conjecture, while we are all "safe". I know people well enough to know that fugazifan is not the type of person that does things for attention. he is a good soul, who is doing what he feels right.

I would gladly stand by him, with pride, as a fellow man and a brother to all humanity.

bag on it all you like, the real failure in religion has always been people. people who cannot or will not receive the true message of "love thy neighbor...". this, love and respect, is a commonality of all religions and should not be practiced as ".....unless he's a _____".

this thead stinks of fear of loathing.

hevusa 05.18.2010 10:56 AM

You make an excellent point and post space.

I definitely don't think Israel should have been formed in the first place so if I was living somewhere and was forced to move I would be fucking pissed too. But considering just how much hate there is for Jews in that region I can't help but feel fugazifan is a traitor to his people for his actions. I think his heart is in the right place but his mind is far from it. And this is why he ends up in jail over and over...

He is like a fucking PETA member... heart in the right place, mind scattered. Protesting and wasting energy in the wrong places.

tesla69 05.18.2010 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
But considering just how much hate there is for Jews in that region ...

don't just look at that region, there is an simmering amount of anti-Jewish hate here in the US just waiting to explode, England burns with anti-Jewish hate as does Russia and Austria.

I am very concerned.

chicka 05.18.2010 11:40 AM


!@#$%! 05.18.2010 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
You make an excellent point and post space.

I definitely don't think Israel should have been formed in the first place so if I was living somewhere and was forced to move I would be fucking pissed too. But considering just how much hate there is for Jews in that region I can't help but feel fugazifan is a traitor to his people for his actions. I think his heart is in the right place but his mind is far from it. And this is why he ends up in jail over and over...

He is like a fucking PETA member... heart in the right place, mind scattered. Protesting and wasting energy in the wrong places.

mang, sometimes you speak like a real ignorant dumbfuck-- pardon my frankness-- are you leatherbrains with a new username, or are you an original?

the state of israel was founded right after ww2 and the extermination of 6 million jews, some of which tried to escape but were denied asylum wherever they went. of course the zionist movement dates to way before that but it was as a response to prosecution, discrimination, violence, and pure racism as they moved around the world. the current location of what its enemies call "the zionist entity" in the middle east wasn't always a fixed thing-- at different times, places as different as chunks of argentina and the ukraine and i think even parts of africa were considered for purchase to found a jewish state, but the return to their historical homeland had the broadest support.

the thing is, in spite of mass deportation by the romans, jews never completely left their land, even as its control changed hands (arabs, turks, english, etc). so while one could say that zionism is colonialism, colonialism was common in the XIX century (hello, America!), and it's not like the jews had left completely, so buying farms and land and building up population in the late XIX and early XX century, while perhaps threatening to local arabs, was reasonable in its historical context. it was certainly reasonable for russian jews fleeing constant pogroms (if you don't know what this word means, ask).

anyway, to address your main "point" that fugazifan is some kind of traitor that dserves to be jailed-- maybe you can get it through your thick skull that some people actually realize that the only viable future for israel is one of peace with its neighbors and that perpetually dishing out violence and oppression is not wise nor SAFE in the long run?

when you say that fugazifan hates jews and is collaborating with the enemy you're really talking out of your ass-- i know the internet tolerates anything, but that doesn't mean that seeing you pontificate stupidly about shit you know nothing about will not get you an unpleasant response. at least by me-- there are people here who are much nicer and will speak gently and politely to make their point, but when i witness such asininity as yours it really gets me in the mood to shoot internet phlegms aimed at your dumb face. which is actually a kind of sport. i do it for fun.


Originally Posted by hevusa
Right, in response to Hezbollah being elected.

anyway, dumbfuck, it was HAMAS that got elected in gaza, not HEZBOLLAH. and israel left gaza in their hands, you dumb, completely dunce, ignorant fucking dumbfuck. fugazifan might have a scattered mind (i doubt it, he seems very focused on doing what he wants to do), but do you have a functioning mind at all, or do you just regurgitate random opinions picked up from fox news? you sound like you have a lot of dead neurons... what kind of alcohol do you drink for breakfast?

i ask this because even as you admit the points that others make, you have to follow with some other dumb shit to prove, what... that you have opinions? well then, you've demonstrated that anyone can have "opinions" and still be a sorry dumbfuck, and that the internet accepts them all. wow, good for you, you champion of dunces. have a fucking trophy.


space 05.18.2010 12:03 PM

I think that it needs to be said that I am by no means "pro-palestinian". I'm "pro-people".

there is culpability on both sides, but at what point does one stop pointing fingers and start holding hands?

sweet fuck, I'm such a hippie, when it gets down to it.

hevusa 05.18.2010 12:16 PM

Right... Hamas, not Hezbollah. Thanks, I'll correct it.

Never did I say fugazifan was collaborating with the enemy... he is aiding them.


anyway, to address your main "point" that fugazifan is some kind of traitor that dserves to be jailed-- maybe you can get it through your thick skull that some people actually realize that the only viable future for israel is one of peace with its neighbors and that perpetually dishing out violence and oppression is not wise nor SAFE in the long run?

Some people I guess is you... the only viable future for Israel is one of peace??? Are you fucking kidding me??? Do you know how much every fucking neighbor in the region hates the Jews and wants to see them wiped off the planet? The only viable future for Israel is to defend it at all costs or lose everything. And fugazifan is fucking aiding the enemy of his country and protesting against his government when they try to protect him from them.

FUCK THAT! Pointless. And you guys are kissing his ass like he was mother teresa or something.
I think jail is the appropriate place for him.

!@#$%! 05.18.2010 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Right... Hamas, not Hezbollah. Thanks, I'll correct it.

Never did I say fugazifan was collaborating with the enemy... he is aiding them.

Some people I guess is you... the only viable future for Israel is one of peace??? Are you fucking kidding me??? Do you know how much every fucking neighbor in the region hates the Jews and wants to see them wiped off the planet? The only viable future is to defend Israel at all costs or lose everything and fugazifan is fucking aiding the enemy of his country and protesting against his government when they try to protect him from them.

FUCK THAT! Pointless. And you guys are kissing his ass like he was mother teresa or something.

read history you fucking dumbass. both egypt and jordan used to be israel's mortal enemies, they aren't today. jews rebelled against the turks before israeli independence, now the israeli and turkish military work together.

look, when you dont know shit about something, you have 2 options:

1) ask questions, read, learn, etc

2) shut the fuck up

since it's hard for me to shut the fuck up, i like to ask questions, read, and learn. since you don't seem able to shut the fuck up either, you could start by getting informed-- so why don't you ask fugazifan what he's trying to accomplish instead of trying to make snap judgments about him? are you jealous of his popularity in this thread or something? really-- shut the fuck up and pick up a good book.

you could read chaim herzog's "the arab-israeli wars", which tells the story from an israeli point of view but it provides a good overview of all the wars between 48 and lebanon and the reasons for waging them.

i mean.. really... shut the fuck up and go read some books!

space 05.18.2010 12:29 PM

hey !@#!$!$$, welcome to the last 5 pages. yr late for the party.

and by party, I mean, Likud.

!@#$%! 05.18.2010 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by space
and by party, I mean, Likud.

ha ha ha-- i hate that fucking furniture salesman bibi swine-- he's the very fucking worst

hevusa 05.18.2010 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

1) ask questions, read, learn, etc

2) shut the fuck up

Hey asshole.... I'll ask a question. How the fuck is there going to be peace in the middle east when everyone hates the fucking Jews??

Tell me that or shut the fuck up yourself.

hevusa 05.18.2010 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
don't just look at that region, there is an simmering amount of anti-Jewish hate here in the US just waiting to explode, England burns with anti-Jewish hate as does Russia and Austria.

I am very concerned.

There is a lot of it here in the US and a lot in Europe.. That is for sure.
I have lived in both and it is fairly prevalent.

HaydenAsche 05.18.2010 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
How the fuck is there going to be peace in the middle east when everyone hates the fucking Jews??

One can not look at another's actions around him and decide to give up hope of even trying. Just because there are a large number of people with their heads off-kilter in the middle east killing each other, does not mean fugazifan shouldn't BE THE POSITIVE CHANGE and do what he feels is right. Just because peace may seem impossible, does not mean it is. All things can be accomplished with the right direction.

I fully support and absolutely admire your actions, fugazifan. You're one of the good ones, a reason for faith in humanity.

hevusa 05.18.2010 12:53 PM

Change I can believe in?

!@#$%! 05.18.2010 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Hey asshole.... I'll ask a question. How the fuck is there going to be peace in the middle east when everyone hates the fucking Jews??

Tell me that or shut the fuck up yourself.

better an asshole than an asstard, for sure.

not everybody has to hate the jews you fucking jellobrain. a lot of the current hate is post-70s. not sure if you knew this, but there's such thing as history.... what's with your lack of understanding of this? do you wake up to a whole new world every 2 minutes, or do you have the faculty of remembrance?

the palestinians, even if they hated jews to death, have absoluetely NO FUCKING POWER to do anything-- anything!-- to israel proper. the only ones at risk are the fucking settlers-- a fringe right-wing minority that's there as a provocation. israel on the other hand has the power to raze gaza to the ground, as it was shown last year, but since the settlers were removed from gaza, they don't have to occupy it.

hamas by the way was elected by a populace fed up with 40 years of stalled "peace process" and corruption by fatah. no worries, now that hamas is demolishing houses in gaza like the israelis used to do their popularity is going down. but was the civilian population pushed to support radicals by despair and hopelessness? you bet your sorry ass they were. it's always the case that the worst living conditions and lack of a viable future are breeding grounds for terrorism. give people opportunities for progress and economic development and nobody wants to blow themselves up in a bus-- well there will always be kooks, can't be helped-- look at you.

are you there, coconut head? or is that skull completely hollow?

HaydenAsche 05.18.2010 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Change I can believe in?

Regardless of whether or not you can believe in it, it's socially irresponsible to personally attack someone who is doing something about their beliefs and putting in their part for the greater good. There was no need to turn this thread into an impossible argument between intelligence and biased troll spew.

Genteel Death 05.18.2010 01:10 PM

Me and Melly spent an evening with fugazifan a while ago, and I can guarantee you he is a smart guy who genuinely thinks there is no need for this mess.

space 05.18.2010 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Fucking anti-semitic bullshit... and you guys are supporting it??


Originally Posted by hevusa
the fucking Jews


Originally Posted by space
what's there to say waffleking?


TheMadcapLaughs 05.18.2010 01:14 PM

i think its funny that fugazifan hasn't responded at all in this thread seeing as he is actually there and therefore probably has more insight on the situation than any of us. I figure he is either really smart, doesn't check this forum that often, or has been captured by the israeli government.

that being said i support israel but recognize its many shortcomings.

i look forward to a time when we are not depending on crude oil to fuel our world's economy and then all of sudden no one will give two fucks about this region. theres more injustice, brutality, and racism in other parts of the world but this one conflict gets more attention cause our economy is at stake.

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