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Severian 04.30.2018 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by tw2113
You had me at "Kate Winslet"

I was on the fence until he mentioned breasts. Now I’m all in.

!@#$%! 04.30.2018 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
I was on the fence until he mentioned breasts. Now I’m all in.

wasnt trying to be a dirty old man—really they’re maximally featured and central to plot and dialogue. no joke. and yeah she’s beautiful...

Rob Instigator 04.30.2018 08:29 AM


wowo. DAMN. everything and the kitchen sink. insanity. freaked out shit. Gonna need to rewatch to digest properly. so buckwild. Made me happy.

tw2113 04.30.2018 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
wasnt trying to be a dirty old man—really they’re maximally featured and central to plot and dialogue. no joke. and yeah she’s beautiful...

I have been a fan of her work as a whole beyond just this two-part topic, so any lead on her work is a welcome.

!@#$%! 04.30.2018 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by tw2113
I have been a fan of her work as a whole beyond just this two-part topic, so any lead on her work is a welcome.

yeah she really is fantastic. i really liked her in LITTLE CHILDREN which is based on a tom perrotta novel. did you see it?

Severian 04.30.2018 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

wowo. DAMN. everything and the kitchen sink. insanity. freaked out shit. Gonna need to rewatch to digest properly. so buckwild. Made me happy.


Still a stupid ass name.

If anything he’s a samurai or ronin... not a fucking ninja. Also just calling it “Batman Ninja” is hella basic, but whatever.

Rob Instigator 04.30.2018 12:37 PM


tw2113 04.30.2018 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yeah she really is fantastic. i really liked her in LITTLE CHILDREN which is based on a tom perrotta novel. did you see it?

No but i'm checking IMDB now.

!@#$%! 04.30.2018 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
No but i'm checking IMDB now.

it’s kind of a funny role cuz she plays jabroni to jennifer connelly haa haa ha haa

weird, i know, but yeah

tw2113 04.30.2018 08:34 PM

Not sure which is worse, that I actively searched "Little children" or that I want to say "Schwing" to that actress pairing on screen at the same time.

!@#$%! 05.03.2018 11:32 PM

a streetcar named desire


this time it worked out better than when i tried watching it on the old vhs rental with the cheesy 5-minute trailer and ended up turning it off

great brando performance of course and i recognized karl malden in the cast. while i was entertained, and some of the play’s lines were just fucking great, and some of the camera work and angles were cool, as a movie it didn’t 100% work for me. maybe i just found blanche superfuckingannoying? possibly...

great characters and inventions though. maybe it will grow on me further— already has since the first time i saw. or maybe i just need to read the fucking play so i can hate the movie. ha!

demonrail666 05.04.2018 03:06 AM

Yeah, it doesn't quite work for me either. Probably more an iconic film now, than a great one.

!@#$%! 05.05.2018 05:42 PM

jacques demy’s A SLIGHTLY PREGNANT MAN (1973)


i dont know how this was intended back in the day but i started it as a nostalgic euro-trash light comedy with two film icons in somewhat buffoonish roles, and it was that for sure, but it also went a little further with lines like “if men start to get pregnant they’ll have to legalize abortions” and other stuff like that which i don’t know how incendiary it might have been back in the dark ages of the 20th century ha ha ha ha. male pregnancy as the next step in human evolution. this isn’t really a spoiler because the title gave it away. at least the english title— the french one is completely different.

but yeah it wasn’t great or anything after all, just lighthearted jacques demy stuff with his usual bright color schemes, plus the two stars on it made it watchable in their own way.

!@#$%! 05.05.2018 09:15 PM

linklater’s SLACKER (1991)


it’s now on criterion, and streamable, and this is maybe the 4th time i see this? and it’s the time i’ve also liked it the most. strange, but it almost seems as if little has changed since then, except we now have the internet, and the jeans and the haircuts are different. maybe i live in a bubble. maybe i’m stuck there myself.

early on in the movie my wife commented on how it reminded her of altman, which i hadn’t notice, but of course now i know— it’s nashville! but in austin. and not even two decades later but it’s a whole other era & ethos and everything else. i watch nashville and i think “oh this is how it was”. i watch slackers and it feels a lot more like the present. not the same, but it’s pre and post reagan, ha ha ha ha. maybe reagan started a nuclear war and we’re already dead and stuck in bardo and haven’t noticed.

but anyway, yeah, a lot of fun to rewatch and more entertaining than earlier attempts. i remember the first time i was soooo boooored with it! and now i’m liking it ha ha ha ha. ok.

noisereductions 05.05.2018 09:55 PM

Infinity War, holy shit

!@#$%! 05.06.2018 05:55 PM

luis buñuel’s ROBINSON CRUSOE (1954)


i was expecting some surrealistic shenanigans but no! this is a straight reading from the novel. maybe a couple of little crazy buñuelian moments thrown in there but yeah, it’s otherwise a square movie for the squares, and the funny part is, it’s actually entertaining! oh yeah.

expectation—>disappointment—> surprise—> satisfaction, not a bad matinee

and lol@ “james” fernandez in that poster. jaime fernández was his name. was in only a bazillion movies. he got friday’d by the typographer!

decent movie tho furreals.

!@#$%! 05.06.2018 08:10 PM

Monkey Love Experiments

beautiful little retro-looking short from scotland about stuff you’ve heard about science

!@#$%! 05.06.2018 08:43 PM

whit stillman's METROPOLITAN (1990)


so ive watched this a bunch of times and i still like it haaa haaa haaaa

i think it’s been discussed plenty in this thread

criterion’s got it now—woooohooo!!!

i looooove this app. movies look beautiful on it too.

demonrail666 05.07.2018 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
whit stillman's METROPOLITAN (1990)


so ive watched this a bunch of times and i still like it haaa haaa haaaa

i think it’s been discussed plenty in this thread

criterion’s got it now—woooohooo!!!

i looooove this app. movies look beautiful on it too.

I've been wanting to see that since forever. It doesn't seem to have any distribution in the UK.

Severian 05.07.2018 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
Infinity War, holy shit


!@#$%! 05.07.2018 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I've been wanting to see that since forever. It doesn't seem to have any distribution in the UK.

so strange! maybe he does in spain? lol he used to live there ages ago. i think his wife is spanish? i forget things. but. damn! wish i could pirate it for you ha ha ha.

actually i could videorecord my tv bha ha hah a

but it’s not salò or something forbidden. nobody has a dvd? so strange!

he just made a movie in england. for amazon and with kate beckinsale.

this is your el topo somehow...

demonrail666 05.08.2018 02:41 AM

It's not impossible to get but the DVD is out of print here so very expensive and only available as a Blu-Ray, which I don't have a player for.

!@#$%! 05.08.2018 06:23 AM

i used to have a priceish bluray player and it croaked after the years— discs would skip, eventually made horrible noises, etc.

so i bought a refurbished sony one for 30 bucks off amazon. figured it would last a few months. been 2 or 3 years, so far so good. these days i use it mostly for the apps though, ha ha ha.

one strategy some people use for movie watching (you have to have the temperament for this sort of shit) is to buy used, watch, and then resell—which they claim is cheaper than renting or subcribing to services because you can even turn a profit. but i’ve never tried it—selling physical objects online is a minor logistical nightmare for me. where are the envelopes? did i print this label? ufff...

i hope you find it some day at reasonable rates! or in a library or something.

demonrail666 05.08.2018 11:48 AM

I'm sure if I asked around someone must have it, and I've probably seen most of the key scenes already on youtube (the whole film seems to be less a story and more a sequence of conversations.)

!@#$%! 05.08.2018 11:54 AM

yyyyes. it’s a jane austen novel of sorts. but there’s a weapon brandished at some point ha ha ha. for me it gets better on rewatch though, i pick up on these minute details. anyway yeah. good stuff and i still recommend it highly.

!@#$%! 05.08.2018 12:03 PM

anyway speaking of conversational movies, this is also it but not it

agnes varda’s LA POINTE COURTE (1954)


a lot has been made of varda’s influence on the french new wave and i suppose it’s there but in another way who cares about that shit, she’s better, ha ha ha ha.

this is her first movie and it’s visually great, in spite of one forgivable visual glitch at the beginning but hey, it was her first movie and she had zero experience and she made this crazy thing anyway better than most.

don’t be fooled by the stupid synopses about “a couple bla bla bla”. yes the couple is there and that’s one of the stories, and the couple does give a very hiroshima mon amour flavor to the whole thing for which reason actually alain resnais almost refused to edit it (or so i read).

but no it’s not just about this and a long coversation about “love” which can get supremely boing at times. fuck this nonsese.

for me the best part is the town itself! and the stories that are going on in the supposed “background”. but they are not. they are maybe better stories than the supposed protagonists— a mysterious ban on fishing on a certain zone, a young couple trying to get approval from the girl’s dad to date, it’s a little bit like la terra trema but funner. not just funner. funnererer. yeah.

and the visuals are amazing. read that varda had trained as a photographer and had zero film experience. her shots are fucking gorgeous. the way the whole thing is put together is brilliant. and even the boring couple eventually becomes fun to watch, yeah.

ok so this was great.

eta: altered date to show was made in 1954. some sources say 55 and thats what i used originally but no.

!@#$%! 05.09.2018 12:28 PM

jane campion’s SWEETIE (198...9?


im seriously wondering why outside of the mainstream success of “the piano” i never heard about jane campion. she’s fucking great. watched holy smoke the other day and loved it (ok, kate winslet helped, still, it was a good story). now i found this older movie by her on criterion.

what can i say? #1 is beautifully fucking filmed, really, it’s like if soap operas were shot in heaven haa haa haa haa. i can’t explain. it’s just very fucking good.

the writing is great also. totally unexpected/weird story that does not even... it’s not even what you thought was gonna be about. not at all. by which i therefore mean: nothing else is like this! and that’s the sign of a true artist or what.

this gets billed as a comedy and yeah it’s very funny/has very funny moments but it’s no way just that. it’s got a bit of everything and it’s much better and strange as fuck. not strange like david lynch strange. more like... anybody here remembers maybe baghdad cafe? anyone? no. kinda like that sorta but not on purpose— more natural than “a collection of misfits”. this movie is about families i guess and we all have those to whatever extent.


today im gonna try catching her first short (supposedly, but looks more like her 3rd one) which won palme d’or at cannes back in the prehistory of the world.

ps. also on criterion channel watched a 9 minute short called “let’s kill mr. kinski” haaaa haaaa haaaa that insane motherfucker. yeah good stuff.

evollove 05.09.2018 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
whit stillman's METROPOLITAN (1990)


so ive watched this a bunch of times and i still like it haaa haaa haaaa

i think it’s been discussed plenty in this thread

criterion’s got it now—woooohooo!!!

i looooove this app. movies look beautiful on it too.

I guess this counts as one of my favorite movies ever, because as soon as I saw this post I thought to myself I need to watch it for the millionth time. It's been a year or two.

And yes, we've discussed it before.

ilduclo 05.09.2018 02:15 PM

Tom of Finland

!@#$%! 05.09.2018 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
I guess this counts as one of my favorite movies ever, because as soon as I saw this post I thought to myself I need to watch it for the millionth time. It's been a year or two.

And yes, we've discussed it before.

a bit of a long shot here, but do you think you could hook demonyo somehow with it? some anonymous link to somewhere? ha ha ha ha. i’m generally opposed to illicit shenanigans but he’s the victim of a cultural embargo and there are limits to everything.

evollove 05.09.2018 02:54 PM

Can do. I don't think it's the greatest copy, but it'll work.

Anyway, fuck Whit Stillman. He's got billions. What does he care?

h8kurdt 05.09.2018 03:00 PM

Damn, you guys got me real interested in this film. Downloading and primed to watch.

!@#$%! 05.09.2018 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Anyway, fuck Whit Stillman. He's got billions. What does he care?

nah man! he’s a failure! typical uhb


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Damn, you guys got me real interested in this film. Downloading and primed to watch.

it’s very talky. if you like bbc jane austen productions this should be right up your alley ha ha ha.

Rob Instigator 05.09.2018 03:18 PM

so you guys like to sleep through your movies?


!@#$%! 05.09.2018 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Damn, you guys got me real interested in this film. Downloading and primed to watch.

and i forgot to add, you actually read war and peace ha ha ha— i think you’re gonna love it

!@#$%! 05.09.2018 04:03 PM

ps- this reading seems spot on ha ha ha

a slightly different version of the same with better typography here

demonrail666 05.10.2018 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
Can do. I don't think it's the greatest copy, but it'll work.


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
do you think you could hook demonyo somehow with it?

Thanks for that but I think I can get a copy from someone at work. Thanks for the offer though.

!@#$%! 05.11.2018 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Thanks for that but I think I can get a copy from someone at work. Thanks for the offer though.

now im afraid to say “get it already” because after all this hype you’re going to be disappointed. but get it already and disappoint yourself! hahaha. srsly

evollove 05.11.2018 11:05 AM

That's funny. I was worried the people who haven't seen it and who have been reading our praise are going to be underwhelmed.

I really can't even explain why I like the film so much. Just some people talking.

Anyone who is expecting to be blown away by a brilliant piece of cinema that will burn itself into the soul will be pretty disappointed.

!@#$%! 05.12.2018 08:50 PM

dirty rotten scoundrels


i was expecting some horrible 80s shit and sure there was some of that but this was actually funny, yeah

this was directed by yoda himself, frank oz

aka ms. piggy

wtf lololol

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