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!@#$%! 12.04.2016 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Good to know. It keeps getting recommended to me on Amazon

Just rewatched


Bram Stoker's Dracula.

I've never been a big fan but always kind of enjoyed it. Still feel the same. Poor old Keanu Reeves is terrible and Gary Oldman hams it up unmercifully but in the end they both kind of add to the enjoyment of it all.

lol keanu! worst accent EVER

yeah w/ krampus the problem is that it's evidently a sentimental little flick about "the spirit of christmas" and in spite of the various terrors visited upon the protagonists you never really believe that it will end this way.

i'd say watch it to put a checkmark on that box/so that amazon recommends you something else, but have some bills to pay handy for when you're tired of rolling your eyes.

or who knows, maybe you'll like it. but yes-- christmas vacation, nightmare before christmas, alien, robocop, etc-- but all weak sauce.

evollove 12.04.2016 06:05 PM

Watch Bounty Killer.

Severian 12.04.2016 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Know what's funny? I was thinking of the wrong movie. My bad. I'm not sure I've ever seen this. I guess that means you were thinking of someone else. Funny stuff. I might check it out later. (Unless I did see it and did post about it, in which case I might be losing my marbles. Thanks Trump.)

Yeah actually when you said yours was better I just assumed it was your post I remembered. Obviously I was wrong. I blame Trump too.

Though I think you'd remember this one. I think for better or worse it would be pretty difficult to outright forget, Trump-induced psychosis or no.

Severian 12.04.2016 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
also saw KRAMPUS. fucking awful. good technical achievement in special effects but a bad hodgepodge of movie quotes from national lampoon's christmas vacation to an assortment of horror flicks from gremlins to tremors to terminator to alien---but not in a good way.

you can have it on while playing games on your phone though

Oh man, yeah... what a disappointment. I was actually quite looking forward to it because I saw this promo image:


... and I was like :eek: AWESOME! (Looks totally cool and sinister, right?)
Anyway, a short while into the movie I started to suspect that it was going to disappoint. I realized it was PG-13, and that more or less blew it. What a stinkeroo.

Severian 12.04.2016 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
lol keanu! worst accent EVER

yeah w/ krampus the problem is that it's evidently a sentimental little flick about "the spirit of christmas" and in spite of the various terrors visited upon the protagonists you never really believe that it will end this way.

i'd say watch it to put a checkmark on that box/so that amazon recommends you something else, but have some bills to pay handy for when you're tired of rolling your eyes.

or who knows, maybe you'll like it. but yes-- christmas vacation, nightmare before christmas, alien, robocop, etc-- but all weak sauce.

Have you ever seen Thumbsucker?
Little indie film from early '00s. Charming and good in kind of a Wes Anderson-lite kind of way. AAAAnyway, Keanu is in that movie, and he's actually quite brilliant. His bad acting works in his favor in his role as a "holistic" zenned out dentist (who's also a pretty good hypnotist). Total surfer dude earth-bro.
And he is just. fucking. hysterical. Seriously. It's like, you can tell he knows he's a pretty shitty actor, if only for this film, and he taps into the innate laziness that being a blockbuster "actor" who has zero acting ability requires to inspire what is really the best performance in the movie.

I recommend it. His part is small, and the film has already been forgotten by anyone who ever knew cared about it, but if Keanu has ever had a "moment," Thumbsucker was it.

!@#$%! 12.04.2016 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Have you ever seen Thumbsucker?
Little indie film from early '00s. Charming and good in kind of a Wes Anderson-lite kind of way. AAAAnyway, Keanu is in that movie, and he's actually quite brilliant. His bad acting works in his favor in his role as a "holistic" zenned out dentist (who's also a pretty good hypnotist). Total surfer dude earth-bro.
And he is just. fucking. hysterical. Seriously. It's like, you can tell he knows he's a pretty shitty actor, if only for this film, and he taps into the innate laziness that being a blockbuster "actor" who has zero acting ability requires to inspire what is really the best performance in the movie.

I recommend it. His part is small, and the film has already been forgotten by anyone who ever knew cared about it, but if Keanu has ever had a "moment," Thumbsucker was it.

i think i saw part of it but was annoyed or bored or something. i've seen bits of it.

i wasn't laughing at keanu himself-- only at his terrible terrible terrible terrible hilarious terrible english accent and affectations. it was to pair him with winona for the box office.

keanu was great actually on johnny mnemonic. also the one with the surfer parachutes bank robbers. keanu was great as bill (or ted? i forget who was who). and of course "whoa, i know kung fu" lolololol-- yes, neo. oh in private idaho he was good too.

keanu is alright. he was born for certain roles. the casting in dracula was most fucked up though.

Severian 12.04.2016 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i think i saw part of it but was annoyed or bored or something. i've seen bits of it.

i wasn't laughing at keanu himself-- only at his terrible terrible terrible terrible hilarious terrible english accent and affectations. it was to pair him with winona for the box office.

keanu was great actually on johnny mnemonic. also the one with the surfer parachutes bank robbers. keanu was great as bill (or ted? i forget who was who). and of course "whoa, i know kung fu" lolololol-- yes, neo. oh in private idaho he was good too.

keanu is alright. he was born for certain roles. the casting in dracula was most fucked up though.

Oh, Point Break. Yeah. Classic '90s cop romp. One of the best. Puts Speed to shame. I forgot about Johnny Mnemonic. Need to see that again. And yeah. Bill and Ted.

I feel like there are other actors out there who are just "for" certain roles, and they've flipped, changing it from a limitation into something that makes them coveted, and perhaps even results to roles being written basically FOR them. Like Brad Pitt. Not sure when it happened, but he turned into a damn good, classic kind of leading man. Brings his own personality to every role rather than losing himself in a character. A bit like Cary Grant in that way.
Georfe Cloony too to some extent. That guy really sucked early on. Found his groove somewhere along the way and has had a few really great performances at this point. Not a ton, but a few.

tw2113 12.04.2016 09:52 PM

About to start Ladyhawke, because why the fuck not.

!@#$%! 12.04.2016 11:13 PM


stupider and funnier than i remembered. looks great on bluray actually.

atmos 12.05.2016 07:48 AM

I saw Herzog's "Lo and Behold: Reveries of a Connected World" last week.

It's a doc that covers topics such as the birth & the future of the internet, AI, humans going to Mars, and with such broad subject matter it can't help but be interesting. There's a bit of Herzog making his Herzoggy jokes, a couple of odd characters we've come to expect and some humourous editing, but what really makes it worth watching is the lite-reflection of where the internet's at and where it could go.

I enjoyed it more than 'Into the Inferno', (his recent volcano doc) which is also worth a watch.

ilduclo 12.05.2016 09:39 AM

That documentary about the oil fires in Iraq was awesome, Verdi soundtrack especially....

Rob Instigator 12.05.2016 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
You've said this sort of thing a few times before and I still can't get my head around it. So anything not from 'murica you can't watch? It's kind of a dim statement to say you can't watch something cos it's from Britain. No less dim if you had said Spain or wherever else.

it's that I don't care about it's concerns. It is a cultural thing. I do not enjoy much Brit-written sci-fi either. no biggie. don't find it or Dr. Who or Red Dwarf entertaining. I hate most Spanish movies too, concerned so much with their bullshit romantic fatalism and shit. fuck spanish movies.

EVOLghost 12.05.2016 11:01 AM


Saw this yesterday. It's a neat lesbian love/heist film. Really liked it. When it goes back and replays scenes, it's shown from a different perspective and it's done wonderfully. And wow...the length. 2hr43m. Definitely worth a watch though.

!@#$%! 12.05.2016 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost

Saw this yesterday. It's a neat lesbian love/heist film. Really liked it. When it goes back and replays scenes, it's shown from a different perspective and it's done wonderfully. And wow...the length. 2hr43m. Definitely worth a watch though.

oh hell

thanks dude. i'd like to see that

!@#$%! 12.05.2016 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I hate most Spanish movies too, concerned so much with their bullshit romantic fatalism and shit. fuck spanish movies.

aaaahaaaa haaaaa haaaa!

yes, it's true there's a lot of that

i mostly like that stuff though--over the top high drama--a bit like opera

Severian 12.05.2016 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
it's that I don't care about it's concerns. It is a cultural thing. I do not enjoy much Brit-written sci-fi either. no biggie. don't find it or Dr. Who or Red Dwarf entertaining. I hate most Spanish movies too, concerned so much with their bullshit romantic fatalism and shit. fuck spanish movies.

I kinda get where you're coming from actually. The regional and cultural elements of genre books/films/tv can make it tough to enjoy the story if you're not already big on the culture itself. Oddly, I kinda feel this way about skme Japanese horror. A lot of it just seems to come from a place that doesn't interest me, and maybe makes me a bit uncomfortable at times. It's not a strict thing, but I'm somewhat out off by some of the tropes, particularly with regard to women, school girls, etc.

I've always been a bit of a Anglophile. Grew up on Beatles, Doctor Who and Monty Python. That's not to say I love all the BBC stuff (never been a Red Dwarf fan either) but I have always kind of had a thing for the culture. You know, Tolkien and Douglas Adams and all that. Pip pip, cheerio! "I've got blisters on my fingers!" etc.

tw2113 12.06.2016 12:21 AM


ilduclo 12.06.2016 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Severian

I've always been a bit of a Anglophile. Grew up on Beatles, Doctor Who and Monty Python. That's not to say I love all the BBC stuff (never been a Red Dwarf fan either) but I have always kind of had a thing for the culture. You know, Tolkien and Douglas Adams and all that. Pip pip, cheerio! "I've got blisters on my fingers!" etc.

“God save the Queen and a fascist regime … a flabby toothless fascism, to be sure. Never go too far in any direction, is the basic law on which Limey-Land is built. The Queen stabilizes the whole sinking shithouse and keeps a small elite of wealth and privilege on top. The English have gone soft in the outhouse. England is like some stricken beast too stupid to know it is dead. Ingloriously foundering in its own waste products, the backlash and bad karma of empire”

William S Burroughs, Place of Dead Roads

demonrail666 12.06.2016 09:22 AM

And yet he chose to live here for over a decade.:rolleyes:

Severian 12.06.2016 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
“God save the Queen and a fascist regime … a flabby toothless fascism, to be sure. Never go too far in any direction, is the basic law on which Limey-Land is built. The Queen stabilizes the whole sinking shithouse and keeps a small elite of wealth and privilege on top. The English have gone soft in the outhouse. England is like some stricken beast too stupid to know it is dead. Ingloriously foundering in its own waste products, the backlash and bad karma of empire”

William S Burroughs, Place of Dead Roads

I just mean I like double decker buses and and London architecture and dry humor is all.

I'm not a fan of the social structures of British society. Not a fan of the archaic ideas of "good breeding," class, propriety. Not a fan of Imperialism. Just like the color blue, Beatlemania totally makes sense to me, and they appreciate the importance of good Christmas decorations. :D

!@#$%! 12.06.2016 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
and they appreciate the importance of good Christmas decorations. :D

terry gilliam, minnesoter, appreciates that too


Rob Instigator 12.06.2016 11:24 AM

the Brits have nothing on the Germans when it comes to xmas decorations!

Severian 12.06.2016 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
the Brits have nothing on the Germans when it comes to xmas decorations!


Severian 12.06.2016 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
terry gilliam, minnesoter, appreciates that too


I always through Gilliam was a Brit actually.

!@#$%! 12.06.2016 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
I always through Gilliam was a Brit actually.

he lived a long time there but no

(why do i always think of that as the pixies lol. there's something there.)

gilliam met john cheese in broadway, actually, in 1962.

he crossed the pond much later

just learned that from the python dvd extras the other day. but i always knew about gilliam because i watched brazil and fisher king before i knew of python's existence. for me it was the reverse-- "oh holy shit these animations are gilliam's ha ha", kinda.

ilduclo 12.06.2016 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
And yet he chose to live here for over a decade.:rolleyes:

Ol Uncle Bill always had something bad to say about EVERY country, especially hissown.

demonrail666 12.06.2016 01:54 PM



I liked the idea of deadpool but no way did he justify or was able to carry an entire film. He's fine as comic relief in another character's movie but for a whole film ... once you get past the wise cracks, its pretty empty. And if anything, Negasonic totally stole the show.

!@#$%! 12.06.2016 02:16 PM

^^ i'm watching deadpool this weekend

"empty" is kinda what i'm looking for this month ha ha ha

so far doing ok w/ that project


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Ol Uncle Bill always had something bad to say about EVERY country, especially hissown.

he never had anything bad to say about fucking 12 year old moroccan boys though

noisereductions 12.06.2016 02:17 PM

I loved every minute of Deadpool personally.

Rob Instigator 12.06.2016 03:49 PM

the deadpool movie was fun as fuck man. It was exactly as superfluous, irreverent, pointless, and dumb as the deadpool comics.

AntMan was always a silly character in the comics so I was glad they did that movie in the same tone.

noisereductions 12.06.2016 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
the deadpool movie was fun as fuck man. It was exactly as superfluous, irreverent, pointless, and dumb as the deadpool comics.

exactly! I LOVED Deadpool comics growing up. So when the movie was announced I was like (1) it HAS to be fun/funny/ridiculous/wall-breaking and (2) it has to be rated R, crass and violent as F. That's what the comics should have been in movie form, and that's what got delivered. I was ecstatic.

Severian 12.06.2016 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
he lived a long time there but no

(why do i always think of that as the pixies lol. there's something there.)

gilliam met john cheese in broadway, actually, in 1962.

he crossed the pond much later

just learned that from the python dvd extras the other day. but i always knew about gilliam because i watched brazil and fisher king before i knew of python's existence. for me it was the reverse-- "oh holy shit these animations are gilliam's ha ha", kinda.

I think Gilliam is great (not stuff like Spies Like Us or Jupiter Ascending, but... y'know.. the twisted groundbreaking shit). He can be sooo bleak (Tideland... OOF!) Like, really, truly bleak as fuck and unsettling. But that's part of his charm.

I love Brazil, Time Bandits, 12 Monkeys, Fisher King, he Python films of course. Even The Brothers Grimm and Inaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (Tom Waits as the devil!) kicked a bunch of ass.

I always thought he'd be a great choice to direct the adaptation of American Gods (have you read?) with maybe Bruce Willis in the Shadow part. That was a while ago. Maybe Tom Hardy would be better at this point. Shrug.
But instead they're doing a Game of Thrones type-thing with all the Norse God characters being played by Cuban dudes. Still looks cool as hell and I'm all for the reverse whitewashing angle, but I think Gilliam would have done a tremendous job on a Neil Gaiman adaptation. They seem almost made for a collaboration.

Severian 12.06.2016 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
exactly! I LOVED Deadpool comics growing up. So when the movie was announced I was like (1) it HAS to be fun/funny/ridiculous/wall-breaking and (2) it has to be rated R, crass and violent as F. That's what the comics should have been in movie form, and that's what got delivered. I was ecstatic.

Deadpool was as perfect an adaptation of its character as Nolan's films were of Batman. Great in totally different ways of course, but somehow equal in delivering pretty much EXAXTLY what I'd always wanted.

I read an interview with Reynolds (God, I think it was in GQ) about the role, and man did he put his all into that project. The result was awesome. Almost don't want them to attempt a sequel because the chances of it being as good as the first seem extremely slim.

Rob Instigator 12.07.2016 09:50 AM

I love Baron Munchausen (Gilliam)

Severian 12.07.2016 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I love Baron Munchausen (Gilliam)



HenryHill51 12.08.2016 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost

Saw this yesterday. It's a neat lesbian love/heist film. Really liked it. When it goes back and replays scenes, it's shown from a different perspective and it's done wonderfully. And wow...the length. 2hr43m. Definitely worth a watch though.

One of my favs of the year. Park Chan Wook has been a bit of letdown with his last 2 films ("I'm A Cyborg But OK" and "Thirst") but this one, wow. Sensual. Funny. Surprising. Brutal.

demonrail666 12.09.2016 05:38 PM


Black Mass

Decent but felt like a film I'd seen countless times already

!@#$%! 12.09.2016 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by HenryHill51
One of my favs of the year. Park Chan Wook has been a bit of letdown with his last 2 films ("I'm A Cyborg But OK" and "Thirst") but this one, wow. Sensual. Funny. Surprising. Brutal.

thirst was great!

tw2113 12.09.2016 08:26 PM

"Bring It On" because I needed some mindless background noise for a bit today.

noisereductions 12.09.2016 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
"Bring It On" because I needed some mindless background noise for a bit today.

I love yr pom poms
would feed you bon bons all night...

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