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atsonicpark 09.30.2009 07:46 AM

2nd trailer for my 3rd film, 75% done!

atsonicpark 10.02.2009 02:12 AM

Showed can't or won't not at tromadance this weekend (it was shown in vancouver as well, to a good response)...

Columbus-native Adam Cooley’s ”Can’t or Won’t Not” was entirely produced, conceived and executed as a visual, computer-generated and modified experiment by the 23-year-old self-taught director. It was, perhaps, the most artistically challenging and provocative film shown during TromaDance.


atsonicpark 10.02.2009 06:25 PM

trailer for all 3 of my films, which will be put on one dvd and released through placenta recordings soon, for cheap.

atsonicpark 10.06.2009 07:38 PM

again, new film, enjoy

part 1:
part 2:
part 3:
part 4:
part 5:
part 6:

will upload a download link soon.


davenotdead 10.06.2009 09:42 PM

done with part 1. this is so good, makes me want to make films

atsonicpark 10.07.2009 04:59 AM

Thanks! It gets waaaaaaay better after part 1, haha. I always say that but yeah. I do everything in order, pretty much, so I feel like I'm getting better as it goes along.

By the way, your voice is at the beginning of part 5 I believe, it's a bit buried underneath all the other people talking.

davenotdead 10.07.2009 05:02 AM

i listened to it like 6 times, haha. but i heard it finally

nicfit 10.07.2009 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
will upload a download link soon.





faster pussycat!

atsonicpark 10.07.2009 05:05 AM

Yeah there's some point where I just used every voice at the same time and yeah it gets a bit ridiculous, I guess looking back on it I probably should have put all the voices in different parts of the speakers, but oh well. My television is old and only plays in mono so it would've lost the sounds to me, and I'm just thinking of my tv and no one else's I guess. HAHAHAHA... uh. Hah.

atsonicpark 10.07.2009 05:05 AM

I am upping it now, it has 2 hours left.

atsonicpark 10.07.2009 01:24 PM



nicfit 10.07.2009 01:35 PM


atsonicpark 10.11.2009 07:27 AM

*kisses back*

phoenix 10.11.2009 07:47 AM

I'm youtubed videod out, I have 10 days left and my download limit is almost maxed out :(

atsonicpark 10.14.2009 01:03 AM

creepy short video I made for some guy who is doing a compilation of nothing but experimental shorts that are recorded onto VHS tapes. this is my x-girlfriend as a little kid playing...

atsonicpark 10.20.2009 01:04 AM

After I finish BLAZE THE POT SMOKING DEER, I will begin work on my 4th film entitled

"me, myself, and my third eye"

atsonicpark 10.25.2009 08:18 PM

okay, all my films are on now

which means, in all likelihood, they might never disappear from the internet. so, yeah.

Also, I'm on imdb now (not for my movies, yet, but for help I did on another film). Post mean things about me! Haha:

atsonicpark 11.14.2009 05:27 AM

Going to be working on my 4th film... ME, MYSELF, AND MY THIRD EYE... when it starts snowing out.

This film is going to be 6 little short stories put together. One story about a guy who fucks electrical wall plugins and falls in love with one, one story about a girl who is a mime who talks, one story about a guy who stared into the sun when he was little and became blind (though all his other senses have improved) and is pissed at god so he became a secret service agent because of his other imrpoved skills and he plans on not diving in front of the bullet like he's been trained to do but to actually let people shoot the president, one story about a phone sex operator who shoves goldfish bowls up people's assholes (also in the story is a story about her dad who she has caged in a gigantic cage and he decides tofuck his own daughter so he tapes pictures of monsters to her body before he fucks her), one story about a guy who invented his own alcohol by going to the bar and collecting other people's vomit and then mixing the alcohol vomit together, and then finally a story about a guy who used to be a transvestite pop star but he got so into his role that he chopped his own dick off and no one wanted to work with him anymore so now he's decided to become a mouth band, covering classic rock songs with just his mouth (you know, plenty of closeups of him going DUN DUN DUN, DUNDUN DUN DUN, DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN "smoke on the water" with just his mouth) and this will be a great final story because i'm actually going to play on stage in front of people doing this mouth vocal thing. Should be a fucking hoot of a film.

Should I focus on/show in the film one story at a time, or should I have all the stories happening at the same time (they probably won't connect) and just keep cutting back to them? I think i'm going to go with the former.

atsonicpark 11.17.2009 06:08 AM


atsonicpark 11.17.2009 06:08 AM


atsonicpark 11.17.2009 06:10 AM

Since this thread is a bit messy and all over the place, here is the definitive post... a gift for everyone here... all my films/animated series available to download on the ultra-fast, ultra-awesome

- man of the graveyard man [all 10 episodes combined, 36 minutes] (220mb)

- can't or won't not [42 minutes] (270mb)

- nothing is more beautiful than nothing [48 minutes] (326mb)

- no reason to exist [45 minutes] (305mb)

- blaze the pot smoking deer [all 6 episodes combined, 22 minutes] (128mb)

If anyone wants to put any of that stuff on torrent sites (aside from kg and cinemaggeddon), feel free. If anyone wants to burn copies for their friends, feel free. Basically, do whatever the hell you want, you can even use my images in your work, I don't care. If anyone can specifically upload to google video, please do so, as it's never been able to work for me at all.

However, even though I offer these up for download, if you have the money and want sexy packaging, then MAN OF THE GRAVEYARD MAN DVD (with bonus dancing kitty music video!) will be available to order very soon from Strange Vistas ( JM kindly passed out many copies of this at the Eugene Noise Fest. Thank you, JM, you are a good partner/friend. This is the best way to watch the show, as I had to compress the episodes a bit for the avi above, and you can choose the episodes separately on this DVD. Please support Strange Vistas.

...THE NO TRILOGY DVD will finally be available to order most likely in Jan. 2010, and this has every single one of my films, trailers, an interview, a music video, and more! Over 3 hours of content! This will be out by Placenta Recordings. More info on this soon, but it's going to be a doozy.

In the future, my next film ME MYSELF AND MY 3RD EYE will be released by Strange Vistas, and BLAZE THE POT SMOKING DEER will be a special feature on there. So, you'll definitely want to get in on that (but that's not for a while). But ME MYSELF AND MY 3RD EYE will be a film that will have 5 or 6 different little stories in it, all put together. One story is about a guy whose alcoholic dad fucks his asshole for 2 years straight, so he decides to get revenge on his dad so he collects vomit outside of bars and distills the alcohol from the vomit and sells the vomit-alcohol back to the alcoholics in an endless cycle and then his dad dies from an alcohol overdose so the guy chops his dick off and eats it because he's depressed that he killed his own father but then he starts a classic-rock cover band with only his mouth and plays on a stage in front of thousands of people and he feels better about all the demons that have been chasing him in his life, in a story about redemption, enlightenment, and more! Another story is about a guy who is possessed by Satan and he works in a sperm bank and he finds out the first lady is getting artifically insiminated so he decides to contaminate the sperm with his demon sperm. Tons of fun little stories like this, all put together. The entire film is going to be shot in the snow, and there's going to be bizarre animation, it will basically be the most insane, absurd, and ridiculous thing you will ever see. Will probably start filming it in about a month, here's a logo!

Watch for it!


...FINALLY, I am going to do a screening for my films in Bloomington, Indiana. This will likely be on a Friday in March and definitely be at The Bishop, which is a bar and a venue. Basically, I am waiting for THE NO TRILOGY to come out on DVD and I will use this as an outlet to screen my films and sell my films. I EXPECT EVERYONE TO BE THERE. I mean, you get to drink, hang out with me, and enjoy experimental films all night, for supercheap. What is honestly more fun than that?!!.. This will have an introduction by me, a q&a session after every film, and screenings of all 3 of my films (roughly 2 hours of stuff to watch). I will be selling "official" copies of THE NO TRILOGY dvd for $5 and I will be selling crappy artless special features-less burnt copies for $2. I will also be selling some semen, blood, cigarette, and vaginal fluid paintings and some props for my films for extremely cheap (yes, I am going to be selling Skelly).

And finally, here's links to me in all my forms:

I will bump this thread again when there's an official date set for the screening in Bloomington, as well as when the DVD's officially come out. I was hoping they'd be out by X-Mas, so you can guys can put DVD's of my stuff in people's stockings, but that doesn't look like it'll be happening for a bit. Haha.

Feel free to PM me about any of this stuff, I love private messages!

atsonicpark 11.21.2009 05:45 PM

Random screens from my films




atsonicpark 11.21.2009 05:46 PM





atsonicpark 11.21.2009 05:46 PM





atsonicpark 11.21.2009 05:47 PM





atsonicpark 11.21.2009 05:47 PM





atsonicpark 12.14.2009 10:22 PM


atsonicpark 12.24.2009 08:51 AM

some pics from new film:



atsonicpark 12.24.2009 08:52 AM





Derek 12.24.2009 09:06 AM

Did you use any of the music I sent ya? :)

Looking forward to seeing it though. No Reason To Exist was excellent... a digital Eraserhead.

atsonicpark 12.24.2009 09:13 AM

Yeah, UUUUUU is used VERY prominantly throughout the whole film. Your music goes perfectly with my images. I really appreciate it. I kinda hope we can work together on every film I do, like Herzog and Popul Vuh. Of course a lot of the music is my stuff but all the intros, and most of the more surreal scenes has your stuff in it. You will be very impressed and happy when you see the finished product, and I will make sure and give you tons of credit, because you've really helped me out.

atsonicpark 12.24.2009 09:14 AM

oh derek i got the new suishou no fune PHANTOM OF THE ETERNAL NIGHT, I'm on slsk right now if you want it.

Derek 12.24.2009 09:19 AM

Excellent, downloading now.

And awesome, I appreciate you using my music! It helps ME out as well ya know. :) Also, not to derail your thread but I am sort of halfway through the new UUUUUU album... I have 40 minutes already and plan to expand even more on loads of luscious drones. You'll love it... and you're free to use anything from it for your own projects of course.

atsonicpark 12.24.2009 09:50 AM

thanks man. love you. can't wait for new uuuuuu. i am always sending your stuff out to people and burning for friends and stuff, so yeah. hope i do help you in some way.

_slavo_ 12.24.2009 10:11 AM

Is that really Satan on the top picture there? It looks like her.

atsonicpark 12.24.2009 11:55 AM

sure is, she is featured prominently in my film NOTHING IS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN NOTHING.. videos of her, some of her art, some pics she took, and some phone conversation she had.

she's my muse. she's brilliant.

atsonicpark 01.14.2010 11:35 PM

Adam Cooley - The No Trilogy DVD is available now from Placenta Recordings! $10 Each! Order A Copy now! 1st pressing of 100 hand numbered copies. Spray painted DVD+R inside a clear slim DVD case with full color high quality artwork! THREE HOURS OF EXPERIMENTAL, PSYCHEDELIC CINEMA.

Send cash or money order (made out to Jay Watson) to:

Placenta Recordings
P.O. Box 694
Beulah, MI

atsonicpark 01.20.2010 09:30 AM

i'm on imdb, rate me, review me

Derek 01.20.2010 11:11 AM

I rated.

shabbray2.0 01.20.2010 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Instead of starting a thread every time I make a new film, I'll just use this thread.

Here's my new short:
nothing is as beautiful as nothing

The original version is available for d/l on my mediafire for now if you'd rather have that. I re-edited this one because I wasn't happy with the original.

is it supposed to be deleted?
if so, I got the joke.
if not: why?

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