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noisereductions 09.11.2008 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by SuperCreep
The only song I hate on The Beatles' s/t is Piggies.

In fact, that's probably the only song I truly hate from their latter period albums.

I cant say I hate anything on the white album. (Let's stop being correct and just call it the white album). I think it's shizophrenic and awesome. And the super happy weird songs just sound derranged to me. It's great.

PAULYBEE2656 09.11.2008 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by This Is Not Here
I love Murray St more than anything, but I still fucking hate Rain On Tin.

wow! one of their finer moments......

washing machine could have done without little trouble girl
ok computer could have done without fitter happier
daydream nation could have done without the last 3 minutes of total trash

ZEROpumpkins 09.11.2008 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by greedrex
nah, i'm not the mocking type.
I mean it.
The Diamond Sea is a filthy filler.

Troll moar.

nomowish 09.19.2008 11:57 AM

Metal Heart by Cat Power

I can't stand sayings. This song has the following...

"It's damned if you don't and it's damned if you do"
"I once was lost but now I'm found"
"Was blind but now I see you"

choc e-Claire 03.26.2019 10:12 PM

OK Computer would be so much better if it didn't end with 'The Tourist'.

'Milk It' is the only In Utero song I don't really like.

(Y'all are going to hang shit on me for mentioning The Black Parade here, aren't you? You know what, I don't care. Great album, but 'Sleep' is trash.)

Severian 03.27.2019 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
OK Computer would be so much better if it didn't end with 'The Tourist'.

'Milk It' is the only In Utero song I don't really like.

(Y'all are going to hang shit on me for mentioning The Black Parade here, aren't you? You know what, I don't care. Great album, but 'Sleep' is trash.)

Fuck that Milk it is essential.

Peterpuff 03.27.2019 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
Fuck that Milk it is essential.

What he said!!! You watch your mouth, Choc!!! :)

demonrail666 03.27.2019 10:44 AM

We Will Fall - The Stooges S/T

h8kurdt 03.27.2019 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
OK Computer would be so much better if it didn't end with 'The Tourist'.

'Milk It' is the only In Utero song I don't really like.

(Y'all are going to hang shit on me for mentioning The Black Parade here, aren't you? You know what, I don't care. Great album, but 'Sleep' is trash.)

This is literally the worst opinions I've ever read it makes my eyes bleed. Electioneering has to rank as one of Radiohead's worst ever songs (and probably an opinion shared by the band themselves). The Tourist is the big release and realisation that it's gonna be ok. Whatever shit you're going through you'll always come through. Something always comes up, and that song celebrates that.
As for Milk It, c'mon, it's a great song just for the drums alone.

h8kurdt 03.27.2019 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
We Will Fall - The Stooges S/T

100% agreed on that one though.

For me it's the track Inertia Creeps from Massive Attack's Mezzanine album. I know a lot of people love that track but for me it just grates. Shame really cos it's one of my favourite albums of all time.

Peterpuff 03.27.2019 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
For me it's the track Inertia Creeps from Massive Attack's Mezzanine album.

OMG, are people just here to troll?!?! :)

Ha, even reading through the earlier pages of this thread, I really am starting to think I am the only one not in on the joke...

Mezzanine is flawless in my eyes though. One of my favorite all-time albums too.

Peterpuff 03.27.2019 01:02 PM

I guess it's unfair to crap on peoples' choices w/o throwing my own out there.

But La La Love You has always sorta killed Doolittle from being a flawless album in my eyes.

The upside to that is the famous Doolittle vs. Surfer Rosa debate has never been an issue for me because of it. Surfer Rosa all the way.

h8kurdt 03.27.2019 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Peterpuff
OMG, are people just here to troll?!?! :)

Ha, even reading through the earlier pages of this thread, I really am starting to think I am the only one not in on the joke...

Mezzanine is flawless in my eyes though. One of my favorite all-time albums too.

Hahaha I know, I know sorry. It just throws me off the mood of the album

Peterpuff 03.27.2019 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Hahaha I know, I know sorry. It just throws me off the mood of the album

While I won't go as far as to say I agree...I actually do understand what you are saying.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 03.27.2019 02:09 PM

Contre le sexism

More like contre le way to make me skip the first track every time

choc e-Claire 03.27.2019 02:13 PM

Haha so this is what it takes to break y'all.

I absolutely stand by both of those opinions. 'Electioneering' rules.

h8kurdt 03.27.2019 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Haha so this is what it takes to break y'all.

I absolutely stand by both of those opinions. 'Electioneering' rules.

You've had your fun, now leave this place and never return.

choc e-Claire 03.27.2019 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
You've had your fun, now leave this place and never return.

So now I'm experienced here, I'm not a protected species. I see how it is.

'The Tourist' is just rather aimless and bland to me - it drifts past. The only reason I can remember it is sheer repetition.
Meanwhile, 'Electioneering' blasts through. I love the drums on the track.

And 'Milk It' might be better than 'Very Ape' in reflection, but it's still one of the worst on In Utero.

Severian 03.27.2019 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Haha so this is what it takes to break y'all.

I absolutely stand by both of those opinions. 'Electioneering' rules.

Electioneering is indeed good.

Better now than when it was released.

Not a favorite track for me, but it was definitely the “Idioteque” of OKC in retrospect. The standout song that goes hard and throws the rhythm of the album off but fuck it because it’s great.

Kuhb 03.27.2019 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
So now I'm experienced here, I'm not a protected species. I see how it is.

'The Tourist' is just rather aimless and bland to me - it drifts past. The only reason I can remember it is sheer repetition.
Meanwhile, 'Electioneering' blasts through. I love the drums on the track.

And 'Milk It' might be better than 'Very Ape' in reflection, but it's still one of the worst on In Utero.

I'm inclined to agree with an earlier comment, that The Tourist (aside from being a beautiful little ditty) plays the role of an optimistic ending to an otherwise somewhat nihilistic album

Dr. Eugene Felikson 03.27.2019 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
So now I'm experienced here, I'm not a protected species. I see how it is.

'The Tourist' is just rather aimless and bland to me - it drifts past. The only reason I can remember it is sheer repetition.
Meanwhile, 'Electioneering' blasts through. I love the drums on the track.

And 'Milk It' might be better than 'Very Ape' in reflection, but it's still one of the worst on In Utero.

you have over 1,000 posts. the gloves had to come off eventually.

Severian 03.28.2019 07:46 AM

Milk It and Very Ape are excellent. The worst track on In Utero is clearly and deliberately Radio Friendly Unit Shifter.

But even that rocks, so whatever.

choc e-Claire 03.28.2019 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
The worst track on In Utero is clearly and deliberately Radio Friendly Unit Shifter.

I want some of whatever you're smoking, because I don't think you could come up with an opinion that bad while sober.

Severian 03.28.2019 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
I want some of whatever you're smoking, because I don't think you could come up with an opinion that bad while sober.

Said the only person ever who doesn’t like fucking MILK IT


Plus, RFUS kicks ass and I said so. It just happens to be the worst/least amazing track.

EDIT: Ok, maybe RFUS is better than Very Ape. Very Ape has really good lyrics though.

choc e-Claire 03.28.2019 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Said the only person ever who doesn’t like fucking MILK IT

Oh, look at me. I can mumble my way through half a song, then start slamming on a guitar...

Okay, I'm describing essentially their whole discography. But still, the quiet parts of the song suck shit. And what the hell does 'doll steak test meat' mean?


Originally Posted by Severian
Plus, RFUS kicks ass and I said so. It just happens to be the worst/least amazing track.

How can you say that about an album with 'tourette's' on it? I guarantee you Kurt pulled that one out of his ass and spent no more than fifteen minutes on it. RFUS is so much better.

(EDIT: All this argument is achieving is making me really want to listen to In Utero again. So, mission accomplished?)

_tunic_ 03.29.2019 02:03 AM

American Flag, the first song on Cat Powers' Moonpix album
it was the first CP album I bought, thinking it would still have Steve on drums. Still love the album, but I still always skip this song, even though while listening to it just now I realize it ain't that bad

oh and I used to think that Mick Turner was the worst guitarist on earth. Took me years to get into Dirty Three.

choc e-Claire 03.29.2019 02:04 AM

Milk It isn't as bad as I remember.

I should listen to you more, Sev

h8kurdt 03.29.2019 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Milk It isn't as bad as I remember.

I should listen to you more, Sev

Slow down, sugar! There were a lot of us standing up for Milk It. As if you're commenting on the "doll steak/test meat" line given how many of his lyrics have been ambiguous as hell.

demonrail666 03.29.2019 04:29 AM

Brass Monkey - Licensed to Ill

Antagon 03.29.2019 05:48 AM

Wouldn't say hate, exactly. But the first time I listened to Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) I really didn't like Up The Hill Backwards and I could never really warm up to it. Don't mind it too much these days but I still think it's the worst on the album. Fripp's guitar is still excellent on that track though.

h8kurdt 03.29.2019 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Brass Monkey - Licensed to Ill

:eek: how can you not love that? Whenever I hear it I get my white boy funk on. Also cos my adolescent side thinks it's HILARIOUS to change funky to spunky.

Severian 03.29.2019 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Oh, look at me. I can mumble my way through half a song, then start slamming on a guitar...

Okay, I'm describing essentially their whole discography. But still, the quiet parts of the song suck shit. And what the hell does 'doll steak test meat' mean?

How can you say that about an album with 'tourette's' on it? I guarantee you Kurt pulled that one out of his ass and spent no more than fifteen minutes on it. RFUS is so much better.

(EDIT: All this argument is achieving is making me really want to listen to In Utero again. So, mission accomplished?)

You don’t like Tourette’s or Milk It? But you like Radio Friendly Unit Shifter? First of all, that makes no goddamn sense because they’re all great. Secondly, if you don’t appreciate how awesome it was that Nirvana was able to bring those tracks onto #1, multi-platinum mainstream rock record, you’re missing some bigger picture stuff.

I don’t give half a fuck if Tourette’s was pulled out of Kurt’s ass, it rains unholy hell on the listener and fucking kicks bloody ass.

I’m concerned that you seem to think prep-time is required for good music. Ever heard an improvisational jam from the band this very forum is devoted to? Great stuff can come from absolutely nowhere, and it doesn’t make it less great.

Severian 03.29.2019 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire

I should listen to you more, Sev

Well, yes... but to be fair, it’s probably one of the most consistently cited favorite Nirvana deep cuts among Sonic Youth fans.

Peterpuff 04.02.2019 10:15 AM

I saw this comment on the Youtube vid for Milk It and just thought it was fucking great. Maybe it's just me though...

"I don't always test meat, but when I do, it's doll steak."

Peterpuff 04.02.2019 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
The worst track on In Utero is clearly and deliberately Radio Friendly Unit Shifter.

I was blessed enough to see Nirvana on this tour when I was 15. I was living outside of OKC at the time about 2 hours away, so my dad had to drive us to the show. Their opening "music" when the lights went out was the pitchbending feedback intro of RFUS on loop. Then they came on and busted right into the song. Honestly, I could not really even consider a more perfect opening. This song will forever hold a special place in my heart. And while it may not be the best recorded, it fucking blew the doors off as a show opener.

You actually can see it on the Live and Loud DVD, but the feedback loop was much shorter on that (likely because it was being recorded I suppose).

I still feel like people are trolling... :)

choc e-Claire 04.02.2019 02:24 PM

I 100% agree with Peterpuff. I can only imagine how awesome it would be to be greeted by that thumping chorus.

Severian 04.02.2019 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Peterpuff
I was blessed enough to see Nirvana on this tour when I was 15. I was living outside of OKC at the time about 2 hours away, so my dad had to drive us to the show. Their opening "music" when the lights went out was the pitchbending feedback intro of RFUS on loop. Then they came on and busted right into the song. Honestly, I could not really even consider a more perfect opening. This song will forever hold a special place in my heart. And while it may not be the best recorded, it fucking blew the doors off as a show opener.

You actually can see it on the Live and Loud DVD, but the feedback loop was much shorter on that (likely because it was being recorded I suppose).

I still feel like people are trolling... :)

Yeah, I love all the songs, and RFUS rules.

You’re lucky. I attended a Nirvana performance when I was like 10, but I was too young to remember much. I usually don’t even tell people about it when I list concert experiences, because I don’t have a solid memory of the experience beyond being excited and my cousins and dad smoking weed around me. I feel like a fraud when I tell people I know that I “saw” Nirvana, so I normally don’t.


choc e-Claire 04.02.2019 07:03 PM

One guy I know on Twitter once told me a story about how he had to give up mid-1991 Nirvana tickets so he could do something with his girlfriend.

Peterpuff 04.03.2019 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
I 100% agree with Peterpuff. I can only imagine how awesome it would be to be greeted by that thumping chorus.

Very awesome indeed.


Originally Posted by Severian
You’re lucky.

I think that is why I always feel the need to throw in the part about my dad driving us 2 hours to see the show. I am forever grateful, and will always feel lucky about that.


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
One guy I know on Twitter once told me a story about how he had to give up mid-1991 Nirvana tickets so he could do something with his girlfriend.

Ouch. Simply...ouch.

choc e-Claire 04.03.2019 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Peterpuff
Ouch. Simply...ouch.

He did later see them at the Reading Festival, but still, missing the opportunity for a pre-fame club show?

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