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cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.13.2007 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
:cool: excellent. so i be approved to throw down in H-town with ya?

always, my homedude

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 01:27 AM

no i don't, but i used to. i cut them short so i can play guitar.

ALIEN ANAL 12.13.2007 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i can't help how pasty i am.

is it the pastiness or the boniness or the mouth gaping open?

im going to have to go with all of them:p

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 01:28 AM

nail biting and thumb sucking are the only habits i've ever managed to break.

Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
im going to have to go with all of them:p

i can't blame you. that's three things i can't help: being as pale as pale gets, being as bony as bony gets, and my mouth constantly hanging open (i'm a mouth breather.) having weird teeth probably doesn't help either.

davenotdead 12.13.2007 01:31 AM

nad habits huh...i used to go around counting the syllables of words in my head...i hated it...just a phase though luckily...also, when walking on sidewalks, i would do anything to avoid stepping on the cracks...

ALIEN ANAL 12.13.2007 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
im not gay, but id have to say alien is the prettiest boy here.

yr eyes are beautiful, man.

Gaaaay :P nah thanks man
but i think many would disagree haha

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.13.2007 01:37 AM

you crazy

davenotdead is the hottest homedude in here

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
im not gay, but id have to say alien is the prettiest boy here.

yr eyes are beautiful, man.

some people say my eyes freak them out


ALIEN ANAL 12.13.2007 01:39 AM

dont call u the attention whore for nothing :P

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 01:40 AM

i'm just asking. but i can't do that w/o being called an attention whore.
i don't really give a shit because i like the color that they are.

davenotdead 12.13.2007 01:41 AM

i like those eyes a lot

ALIEN ANAL 12.13.2007 01:41 AM

just asking?
what were u asking?

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 01:42 AM

if they're weird or anything
sorry i didn't phrase it as a question

davenotdead 12.13.2007 01:42 AM

^ they freak you out?

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 01:45 AM

i think sea foam green is the proper term

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 01:49 AM

theyre almost the color of a green eyed cat

the one color that really freaks me out though is that really pale icy blue color, but it's so pretty

ALIEN ANAL 12.13.2007 01:50 AM

zombie eyes

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 01:51 AM

are you calling me a corpse?

ALIEN ANAL 12.13.2007 01:53 AM

absolutely cantankerous, your a corpse because your pale and boney

no i was talking about the icey blue eyes you said your affraid of..zombies generally have them

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 01:56 AM

i'm not super familiar with zombies. sorry.

ALIEN ANAL 12.13.2007 01:58 AM

they is dead but be movin
and have creepy eyes in films because they always give the actors really light eye contacts to make them 'dead' and creepy

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 01:59 AM

i see. zombie movies are kind of boring though.

davenotdead 12.13.2007 02:01 AM

mine are kinda like swa's but more hazel-y

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
this ones slightly better


you have pretty eyes, are they grey?

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 02:04 AM

oh that sounds nice. they look grey there for some reason, which are technically a variant of blue (green is still the least common for that reason) but are also pretty.

StevOK 12.13.2007 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)

"no, its a cardigan, but thank you!"

haha...i love dumb and dumber

I may have to quote this the next time someone bumps crypto's nice butt thread.

Norma J 12.13.2007 02:26 AM

Cantankerous is quite dreamy. Like an actress or something. From what we see anyway. Thumbs up.

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 02:27 AM

well thanks then. i don't know about an actress like angelina jolie or something but if you mean in an indie actress sort of way then i guess. anyway, you're quite a specimen yourself.

ALIEN ANAL 12.13.2007 02:30 AM

was goddess bunny an indie actress?

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 02:31 AM

oh lord.
this is going to go on FOR EVER.

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 02:33 AM




i mean, for fuck's sake.

ALIEN ANAL 12.13.2007 02:34 AM

i dont think ill spend for ever making jokes about you cantanky
and im sure u get enough positive comments about your appearance that you can deal with my negative ones :)

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 02:36 AM

i don't care or take it personally or whatever, you just go on and on and on. it's like yeah we get it. i have weird teeth and skinny arms.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.13.2007 02:36 AM

she scares me :\

i was not the same person after watching her tap dance video

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 02:40 AM

i'm a very irritable person.

ALIEN ANAL 12.13.2007 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i don't care or take it personally or whatever, you just go on and on and on. it's like yeah we get it. i have weird teeth and skinny arms.

cheer up, im fucking around, i have never seen your teeth before and dont really want to. We all think your hot, so STFUGB

Cantankerous 12.13.2007 02:41 AM

see above.
i live up to my name for real.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.13.2007 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i'm a very irritable person.


ALIEN ANAL 12.13.2007 02:42 AM

shut up

!@#$%! 12.13.2007 02:43 AM

why the fuck are all you bitches cranky?

i just got home with a nice buzz


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