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ploesj 04.05.2007 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
^ Yes. And while on this shoe issue- Girls: DO NOT wear high heels unless you can hang! If you chicks dont have the stamina of a stripper in stilletos- then don't wear these shoes to shows!

My friend Erica went with me to see SY on the Jimmy Kimmel show and she bitched and complained the entire time becuz her feet hurt. She is a good friend, but I talked a lot of shit and still don't let her live that down. If you can't look just as cute in flats then you don't need to be going to shows.

so true. i never EVER wear heels to a concert-i know my feet will hurt. y back usually aches already after a concert (i can't stand up for too long for some weird reason) so heels would definitely kill me.

sarramkrop 04.05.2007 08:40 AM

Do you just talk about yourself without saying much about anything? You seem to give an account of your own life, which is fine, but you never say much about a myriad subjects. Just asking.

ploesj 04.05.2007 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Do you just talk about yourself without saying much about anything? You seem to give an account of your own life, which is fine, but you never say much about a myriad subjects. Just asking.

that's just because most people i know are so slf-absorbed they never ever listen to what i say. they expect me to help them through all of their problems but never ask about me.

that wasn't entirely serious but i get what you mean.. it's something i try to avoid, but it's not easy, and combined with the fact that i'm not good at formulating my opinions, definitely not in another language.. i'll try to pay attention. sorry if i bug you.

afterthefact 04.05.2007 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by ploesj
that's just because most people i know are so slf-absorbed they never ever listen to what i say. they expect me to help them through all of their problems but never ask about me.

that wasn't entirely serious but i get what you mean.. it's something i try to avoid, but it's not easy, and combined with the fact that i'm not good at formulating my opinions, definitely not in another language.. i'll try to pay attention. sorry if i bug you.

Don't be sorry, porky is just a grumpy old spinster :)

Rob Instigator 04.05.2007 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
its only happend twice but it was fucking annoying. It wasnt intentional

it has happened to me. TALL PEOPLE TO THE FRONT!!!!!!!!!!

Rob Instigator 04.05.2007 10:10 AM

and hell FUCK yeah wear a band's shirt to their show. hell FUCK YEAH. How else you gonna get them to sign the shirt? why would I want sonic youth to sign a mudhoney shirt? have you ever been to a ramones show? the entire crowd is decked like a ramone army and it was fucking amazing. WEAR YOUR BAND'S SHIRTS DAMNIT!

steve shelley signed this one for me at their show. FUCK!! SONIC YOUTH RULE ALL!

afterthefact 04.05.2007 10:35 AM

I guess that just depends on the value you put on some guy writing his name...

truncated 04.05.2007 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
while not being particularly ok, air guitar can be executed as long as you don't air whirlwind strum your axe or air break your guitar or air leap or anything that can hit and or get in people's faces. ask yourself "would i do a move pete townsend would do even though i'm not pete townsend or am playing a guitar for real and am onstage with plenty of room to move around?" come on, answer that!

Air guitar is never acceptable.


cryptowonderdruginvogue 04.05.2007 10:45 AM

i airguitar :/

Rob Instigator 04.05.2007 10:46 AM

I place GREAT value in having a memento of my rock n roll idols. sonic youth are my beatles, they are my stones, they are my elvis, they are my nirvana.
steve shelley signed my shirt
"Sonic Life! -Steve Shelley"

hell fuck yeah.

I have never worn the shirt again

truncated 04.05.2007 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
i airguitar :/

In the privacy of your own abode is one thing, and even then, I hope it's followed by even a minute twinge of sheepishness.

Iain 04.05.2007 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by truncated
Air guitar is never acceptable.


I know someone who goes to A LOT of shows around here and does a sort of air guitar thing to pretty much everything. But it's less an actual air guitar thing than one of his myriad unique gesticulations so that's allowed I think.

Rob Instigator 04.05.2007 11:03 AM

air guitar is fine. do whatever you want. pogo, dance, whatever. there are no RULES except be considerate of your neighbor.

it is better though if you ahve the solos memorized before you air guitar

jennthebenn 04.05.2007 11:17 AM

at the slayer show i went to in february, this
dude next to me was not only doing air guitar,
he was perfectly airing the CHORDS.

truncated 04.05.2007 11:30 AM

I repeat: Air guitar is never acceptable. In fact, no mimicry of the playing of any musical instrument is acceptable, exceptions being only when in an educational setting.

Anyone disobeying this rule is categorically a twat.

!@#$%! 04.05.2007 11:37 AM

oh ha ha ha hahahahaaaa

painful to watch but the laughs win in the end

floatingslowly 04.05.2007 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by truncated
In fact, no mimicry of the playing of any musical instrument is acceptable, exceptions being only when in an educational setting.

goodbye, my cherished invisible drum set. :(

truncated 04.05.2007 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
goodbye, my cherished invisible drum set. :(

Honestly, I expected better of you.

!@#$%! 04.05.2007 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
Honestly, I expected better of you.



MellySingsDoom 04.05.2007 02:31 PM

I went to see metal overlords Celtic Frost recently, and I saw this guy doing "the claw" constantly i.e. holding his hands out to the band in a claw-like grip. I really didn't get that at all. Well, I laughed a lot, but couldn't see the point of it. Is this something the young people do these days?

LittlePuppetBoy 04.05.2007 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh ha ha ha hahahahaaaa

painful to watch but the laughs win in the end

Of all the songs....why THAT one?

LittlePuppetBoy 04.05.2007 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I place GREAT value in having a memento of my rock n roll idols.

Mementos from concerts are really cool. Especially if the band breaks up.

Like what happened when I saw Controller.Controller at Bluesfest last summer. I managed to get every member of the band to sign it. six months afterward they broke up (as far as I know). It was the only time I got to see them live. :(

floatingslowly 04.05.2007 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
Honestly, I expected better of you.

I don't actually USE it at shows (come on!), but it tends to follow me everywhere I go (typically it's disguised as my steering wheel).

after reading your rule, I was forced to smash it to bits Keith Moon style.

PS: your shame burns. :(

ploesj 04.05.2007 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh ha ha ha hahahahaaaa

painful to watch but the laughs win in the end

that's really great :D

Katy 04.05.2007 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
man you clearly have never been right next to the stage at a 16 bitch pileup gig--those "16 bitches" violated my ear drums as if with icepicks-- the pain lasted a while and they rang for 3 days.

Hee! :p

I made sure, at ATP, that I got there early for 16BPU. Right at the front, dead centre. I didn't cover or plug my ears once. It was rad. For some reason they don't make me want to. :)

Unlike My Cat Is An Alien . I admit I had to leave the building during MCIAA's set. Something about the pitch of that siren-like wailing sound they had going made my ears want to fold in on themselves. I couldn't take that one, not even from near the back.

Um, rules? Don't grope girls/women in the crowd no matter how squished it gets. And if you're going to do nothing but purposely push backwards then heavily fall into people (presumably in the hope of causing a domino-like fatal trampling fiasco?) expect to be elbowed fiercely in the face/neck/testicles and kicked HARD in the shins.

Everyneurotic 04.05.2007 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
Air guitar is never acceptable.


i involuntary air guitar whenever i hear music, i sometimes do air feedback when listening to drone shit...i know, i'm switching medications soon.

that's why i said it's not particularly something you would want to do, but if you most, just don't get in other people's faces.

Tokolosh 04.05.2007 06:46 PM

Don't forget to take a leak before the show starts.
Don't wear sunglasses indoors. You won't see a thing, and you'll look like a zob.

!@#$%! 04.05.2007 06:56 PM

ok, the REAL rules now, no jokes:

1) have fun! this might be your only or last chance to see the band. if you worry about how you look and don't enjoy yourself and you're trying so hard to fit in you're a stupid fuck. thousands of people there, not everyone is going to like you no matter what you do so don't be such an approval whore and just have some fun for fucks sakes. nobody gives a shit about you, really, they are there to see the band. live a little.

2) let other people enjoy themselves or be destroyed. if you think you're better than anybody else, you're not. if you think you're cooler than anybody else, you're not. if you want to act like a bully prepare to get your ass kicked. life is cool because people are so different from one another. let them be & don't act like a complete cunt.

RdTv 04.05.2007 11:31 PM

Couldn't have said it better.

Everyneurotic 04.06.2007 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Seriously- Agreed.
(Except I've acted like a bully to cunts and never gotten my ass kicked.)

that's because you are hot and, in the food chain of concerts, hot girls are at the top, near the headlining band.

Everyneurotic 04.06.2007 12:56 AM

you are always on the list whenever i play, k. whenever you can make it to the show, you are welcomed anytime.

!@#$%! 04.06.2007 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Seriously- Agreed.
(Except I've acted like a bully to cunts and never gotten my ass kicked.)

ah! spankings are in order! where is my paddle??

!@#$%! 04.06.2007 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
My ass is still sore from the 29 I got earlier this week, thank you very much.
PS- Whips are better then paddles.

hey, who said this was supposed to be a reward?? :p :D

king_buzzo 04.09.2007 04:24 PM

(Dont) tak advantage and feel up girls.

BTW, I'm back from Mr. Dylan, it was mighty fine !

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