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Satan 11.13.2009 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by amerikangod



DeadDiscoDildo 11.13.2009 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
You are John Kerry and dave is the guy in the blue shirt.

I'm the out-of-focus guy in the back.

So Sway is the little one near our crotches?


DeadDiscoDildo 11.13.2009 02:27 AM

Aw, I dunno why I'm picking on Sway now. I like Sway.

I like all of you guys.

But you can all fuck off, just as well

davenotdead 11.13.2009 02:36 AM

haha, swa(y) invites the punishment somehow. i don't really hate him either. really, nothing i post here is serious, unless i post "[not a joke]" behind the phrase, or am talking about bodily health/chiropractic, then i'm probably serious.

sway has no balls though, and is a pretty serious closet gay, so he's pretty sensitive about these subjects obviously.

as for bradley, he is obviously just jealous he was not included in the thread title.

Dead-Air 11.13.2009 02:40 AM

I don't want manliness. I've fought it off for decades. I want to be a hot lesbian. I've had a few bi-girls who were willing to play along too, but these days the chest hair seriously fucks it up.

amerikangod 11.13.2009 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by Satan

I felt like it was a pretty serious metaphor.

davenotdead 11.13.2009 03:21 AM

i actually couldn't see that gif the first time i clicked on the thread [security risk]... funny because i'm on safari too, and my safari is a $3 taiwanese whore

Satan 11.13.2009 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
I felt like it was a pretty serious metaphor.


davenotdead 11.13.2009 03:36 AM

can't stop watching it

atsonicpark 11.13.2009 03:39 AM

this thread's a blast!

davenotdead 11.13.2009 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
this thread's a blast!

like a sonic blast ?!?!


or like sonic blast?


terriblecanyons 11.13.2009 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
shouldnt you be asking yr yr terrible adopted parents to be buying you another les paul? you know, christmas is comin up. maybe theyll get you a car this time if you get a job and quit bitching about how sick you apparently are all the time.


man, you're annoying as fuck. please excuse me while I write 134545847538 goodnight/goodbye/no one loves me threads while I whine about my father and post the same thing every time I click "reply". oh, I almost forgot asking some chick over the internet that I don't even know to move in with me. sorry.

davenotdead 11.13.2009 01:26 PM

haha, sick burn

DeadDiscoDildo 11.13.2009 01:28 PM

It says there are 6 pages but when I click on 6 it keeps directing me towards page 5....

is this some kind of 13th floor elevator shit?

terriblecanyons 11.13.2009 01:31 PM

it's cause sway is eternally banished from SYG.

...or he just bitched to habib cause he quit for the 234643536th time.

davenotdead 11.13.2009 01:35 PM

nah, i think we broke through the space-time thingy

terriblecanyons 11.13.2009 01:36 PM

it's almost like that time that when anyone clicked to see anuspoo's profile it was redirected to kegmama's...

davenotdead 11.13.2009 01:41 PM

i don't remember that. damn that would've been cool

floatingslowly 11.13.2009 01:44 PM

teh internets iz brokened. :(

I want to see the secret page 6. :(

davenotdead 11.13.2009 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
teh internets iz brokened. :(

I want to see the secret page 6. :(

we may never reach it :(

i hate the unnattainable reminds me of my humanity :( . want to delete myself now

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