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floatingslowly 08.10.2009 05:59 PM

I cannot, in good faith, just sit here and let people bash bradley. sure, he's a twat, but so are you and so am I or we would have all given up, long before this.

sure, I may hate unwanted quips, advice, suggestions, backlash, hatred, snide and snarky remarks just as much as next guy, but don't act like you don't do it too.

and by you, I mean, nobody in particular.



Originally Posted by pbradley
Hope you get your sex life back, Phoenix.

well, fuck. now yr just being nice and I don't know what to do or say. :(

tw2113 08.10.2009 08:10 PM

visit me

pbradley 08.10.2009 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
well, fuck. now yr just being nice and I don't know what to do or say. :(

I'm fine with being a twat. Not so fine with being conceited.

floatingslowly 08.10.2009 08:16 PM

tone is not easily conveyed in this medium.

it's easy to mean to be "matter-of-fact" and come off as being cold, hard and like a robot. trust me, I know.

Satan 08.10.2009 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
I'm fine with being a twat. Not so fine with being conceited.

you might want to work on that then.

pbradley 08.10.2009 08:27 PM

I appreciate your feedback.

Satan 08.10.2009 08:28 PM

no you don't

pbradley 08.10.2009 08:35 PM

^ pretty much the conditioned response to any of my posts in this thread

chairman of the bored 08.10.2009 09:00 PM

Hmm...I was hoping to find some tactful ways to improve one's sex life in here

atsonicpark 08.10.2009 09:09 PM

the way my girlfriend improved our sex life was to just throw me down and go "I just wanna make you fucking cum."

Satan 08.10.2009 09:21 PM

that's hot. getting forceful is where it's at.

infinitemusic 08.10.2009 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
I'm fine with being a twat. Not so fine with being conceited.

Well then quit acting that way.

pbradley 08.10.2009 10:03 PM

Please don't bother citing specific examples.

infinitemusic 08.10.2009 10:03 PM

I don't know, OP. If you've talked to him, jumped on him, etc the only other option that I can think of is couples counseling. He obviously doesn't seem willing to change and you don't seem willing to give up on sex (which is pretty fucking understandable) so you are not getting what you want in the relationship. You really either need to get to the heart of the matter and figure out how to fix it, which is only possible if he's willing to actually talk, or break up with him because he's not meeting your needs in the relationship. And equal sex expectation are important in a healthy relationship.

Look, Pbradley, I don't know what your problem is but you came off as a conceited asshole from the start and it only got worse as you posted more and more in the thread and continue to refuse to let it go. You want to know why you come off as conceited? Why don't you look at the way you're writing? It reeks of condescension and circle talk. You obviously don't want to change, you just want to irritate people. You seem like the kind of person who gets into a tiny argument with someone in the course of a conversation and refuses to let it go even when everyone else has moved on and doesn't give a shit about it anymore.

pbradley 08.10.2009 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by infinitemusic
You seem like the kind of person who gets into a tiny argument with someone in the course of a conversation and refuses to let it go even when everyone else has moved on and doesn't give a shit about it anymore.

Page 3:

Originally Posted by pbradley
Fine, anything else I would say would only involve myself more.

Carry on.

Last page:

Originally Posted by pbradley

Hope you get your sex life back, Phoenix.

I can only guess that you think rational articulation is, itself, condescending and circular.

terriblecanyons 08.10.2009 10:15 PM


!@#$%! 08.10.2009 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by phoenix
when yr partner is continually jacking off before you come to bed. :mad:

and you haven't had real sex more than once in the past few weeks.

It's starting to get annoying.

whut do I do apart from start going to therapy.

this is why i can't quit this fucking board

wasting an hour of paid work on the internet: $75

reveling in other people's dirty laundry: priceless

patronizing them over the interwebs: too delicious for words


Originally Posted by phoenix
ermm he has mommy issues, but it has never really affected our sexy time ( until now? if that what it is, I dunno. )

It's never been an issue because I like being a bitch/tying him up for a play sometimes as much as he enjoys that kind of thing.

ermmmm when we do have sex no, there is no problems with any of that. THAT is what is annoying I guess. To me there is no reason for this BS behaviour. haha. Half the time I'm not allowed to 'go there' even when the rest of his body clearly wants it. :mad:

ha ha, i wonder if poor pantyhead reads this board

!@#$%! 08.10.2009 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by phoenix
whut do I do apart from start going to therapy.

shave yr leg stubble


treat that sinus infection

firm up the flab

easy on the garlic

oh yeah, and on the emotional side, don't be such a shitty girlfriend-- spilling your bf's shit on the interwebs says more about your problems than his

infinitemusic 08.10.2009 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Page 3:

Last page:

I can only guess that you think rational articulation is, itself, condescending and circular.

That's exactly what I think. I'm glad you have such insight into the human psyche.

Satan 08.10.2009 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by terriblecanyons

yr killin me smalls

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