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PLips 11.23.2016 07:14 PM

Yikes! The telegraph?!? I'm still freaking out about two cans and a string! It almost killed me.

!@#$%! 11.23.2016 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by PLips
Yikes! The telegraph?!? I'm still freaking out about two cans and a string! It almost killed me.

the disembodied voice is most unnatural

it's the work of witches, i tell you. witches and agents of the french revolution.

tesla69 11.23.2016 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you mean that news and rumors travel faster?.

no, not at all.

The Cycle of Stupidity is the result of giving networked handheld microcomputers, unlimited bandwidth and global telephony to morons and sociopaths, I'm sure you know them.

but, then, you don't even have a name!

!@#$%! 11.23.2016 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
no, not at all.

The Cycle of Stupidity is the result of giving networked handheld microcomputers, unlimited bandwidth and global telephony to morons and sociopaths, I'm sure you know them.

but, then, you don't even have a name!


this, children, is what happens when you don't learn to learn

you get stuck on the old toolset and grow mentally sclerotic while your heart pines for the old days

here's a paper about it:

and here's a mini-course for your survival:

natural selection is at work right now

tesla69 11.24.2016 05:54 PM

UPDATE 11/23 9:17 a.m. ET: Clinton continues to lead in the popular vote two weeks after the election. According to the Cook Political Report, the former Secretary of State has now surpassed Trump by 2 million. She has garnered 64,223,958 votes compared to Trump's 62,206,395 votes.

tw2113 11.24.2016 09:18 PM

Unless the popular vote totals somehow affect the electoral college results, to a degree that it could swing enough into Clinton winning, I really don't care how much she wins the the popular vote.

!@#$%! 11.24.2016 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
Unless the popular vote totals somehow affect the electoral college results, to a degree that it could swing enough into Clinton winning, I really don't care how much she wins the the popular vote.

yep, the constitution hasn't changed last i checked

i'm much more interested in the jill stein request for a recount in wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan

looks like she's got the money to get it done!

let's see how that plays out

!@#$%! 11.24.2016 11:12 PM

more news on the moscovian candidate

SonikJesus 11.25.2016 03:16 AM

obamas gay. michelles a dude

!@#$%! 11.25.2016 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by SonikJesus

bad hombre, is that really you or have you been hacked/ altered states?

The Soup Nazi 11.25.2016 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yep, the constitution hasn't changed last i checked

i'm much more interested in the jill stein request for a recount in wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan

looks like she's got the money to get it done!

let's see how that plays out

(Don't get up gentlemen, I'm only... passing through...)

!@#$%! 11.25.2016 07:41 PM

yeah she already got the filing fees for each state which total only 2.1 mil

total she estimates 6-7 mil w/ attorney's fees and other bribes and she's on 5.5 right now

it's kind of hilarious that i'm suddenly full of love and respect for jill stein ha ha ha ha

great PR coup

well i'd probably vote for the greens if they were a "serious" party

great PR coup regardless of what happens ha ha ha

The Soup Nazi 11.25.2016 09:11 PM

A priceless headline "predicted" by Bill Maher on this year's last episode of Real Time:


Citing Trump, Turkey Turns Down Obama's Thanksgiving Day Pardon

"No Way I'm Sticking Around For THAT Shit"

tw2113 11.25.2016 09:24 PM

Has anyone confirmed that Stein is doing this for the sake of possibly preventing Trump? or just for her own benefit of getting some more votes?

The Soup Nazi 11.25.2016 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
Has anyone confirmed that Stein is doing this for the sake of possibly preventing Trump? or just for her own benefit of getting some more votes?

Or Mother Earth told her? Or just because, whaddayaknow, it's actually the right thing to do? Who cares?! Fuck shit up! BRING ON THE RECOUNT!

!@#$%! 11.25.2016 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
Has anyone confirmed that Stein is doing this for the sake of possibly preventing Trump? or just for her own benefit of getting some more votes?

i don't read minds but it's a lovely PR coup either way

pepper_green 11.25.2016 10:25 PM

Bill Maher sucks cock. fuck that asshole. another ugly brainwashed white man just like you. what's the name of his show? he spits at his guest. a rude white man that needs to be hung.

I thought for sure he'd die like David Carradine. he always has that redneck asshat going blha burr durp durp durp redneck drump go hunting goddammit mugfucker fuck mi sister.

PLips 11.25.2016 10:51 PM

The reason Hillary didn't win in a politically correct atmosphere is because she may be a woman but has many masculine characteristics that she developed in response to a male dominated political system. In other words, she's a woman who wears pants.

The woman who has a great fashion sense and is a charming bitch is the woman who deserves to be the first woman president.

pepper_green 11.25.2016 11:19 PM

not aiming at you PLips ...

...but, Hilliary was a asshole bitch that can go fuck herself.

all the reforms you can think of are already set. established in the 60's and before. don't blame nobody. blame no one but yrself you dumbass. work for yr shit and stop asking for handouts you lazy fucking fuck. there's no race problem or sex problem. it's America!!!

now get the fuck out my face. jackass!!!

Severian 11.25.2016 11:40 PM

I checked back because I was excited about the possible recount, but these last two posts are more depressing than Facebook.

Someone pm me when shit gets smart in here again.

!@#$%! 11.25.2016 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
I checked back because I was excited about the possible recount, but these last two posts are more depressing than Facebook.

Someone pm me when shit gets smart in here again.

come back in the morning when the drunkard is passed out having vomited out half his liver

PLips 11.26.2016 12:23 AM

The reason Hillary never left Bill after Monica was because Hillary knew her blowjobs suck. Bill probably told her it was like getting head from a man, and to avoid the risk of turning gay in mid office, did what was right for America at the time.

ilduclo 11.26.2016 09:59 AM

Yeah, the "p's" are really pissing themselves here. I agree, I love the recount idea. I don't think it's going to overturn the election results, though. We need to send a guy back in time to provide birth control for old Mrs Comey...

Did anyone read David Brooks about "our need to empathize with the 'good Trump voters'?" If I wasn't mistaken, I think Mel Brooks wrote that satire...

Severian 11.26.2016 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by PLips
The reason Hillary never left Bill after Monica was because Hillary knew her blowjobs suck. Bill probably told her it was like getting head from a man, and to avoid the risk of turning gay in mid office, did what was right for America at the time.

This is not where you belong.

I'm not saying that to be a dick to you. I love your posts about being an obsessive Ween fan and fledgling animator. Love them. Seriously. But this is serious business, and yay free speech and all, but your jokes are not appropriate and I'd say largely unwelcome here.

!@#$%! 11.26.2016 11:46 AM

you mean this one?

i just read it and i have to say i've agreed with that most of this season and you can look back at my previous posts to confirm

a lot of people have been left behind in the recovery and a lot others are just looking for change. and now we know that many of trump's voters used to be obama voters the previous times around.

so let's not put everyone in the same basket of despicables and make the same mistake hillary made when she said that.

brooks ends the piece by making a call for people to LISTEN. this is a good thing. cognitive closure and muleheadedness on both sides only polarize and destroy this country. let's go back to the 2004 obama speech and look for what the red and blue factions have in common.

this btw is not a call for capitulation. but come on-- you can't win a war without eyes and ears and a good understanding of your enemy's objectives and strategy.

and the best way to win is without fighting as sun-tzu wrote. so, start listening.

ilduclo 11.26.2016 12:06 PM

Brooks has been playing the fence on the deplorables for years. He's worn that crap out in my book. I think, at best, Dump voters are deeply ignorant. At worst, they are what we are saying.

evollove 11.26.2016 12:11 PM

Yeah. The Daily Show came to my town for a Trump rally. Interviewed a dude who's supporting Trump because where was Obama on 9-11? Probably playing golf. How nice should I be to this person? How much time and effort should I spend trying to understand to this fellow's worldview?

Lumping every Trump supporter into one group and dismissing the whole may be unwise. But really, we're talking about tens of millions of voters. Lots of fuckwads in there and to deny that may be equally unwise. Go on a case-by-case basis, I guess.

!@#$%! 11.26.2016 12:13 PM

brooks is and has always been a conservative. but a reasonable one, which is why he's a fixture on the pbs news and not fox.

i really disagree with calling 62 million voters "deplorables". it's a fucked up move and hillary shot herself in the ass when she said that.

if you wanna continue with that line, it's definitely your right in a democracy. but i don't know where you think it's going to lead you. secession? it was attempted already in 1860, good luck with that this time around.

(but if you manage to secede i might just move there, ha ha ha )

evollove 11.26.2016 12:16 PM

She said "half" were deplorable, then apologized for using such a high number. Seems like a very uncontroversial and probably accurate statement.

!@#$%! 11.26.2016 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
She said "half" were deplorable, then apologized for using such a high number. Seems like a very uncontroversial and probably accurate statement.

and what exactly did that get her? only further typecasting as the smug elitist liberal that hates "regular people"

i get the same feeling when my fellow liberals laugh at "the people or walmart"-- makes me wanna turn republican out of sheer spite. fortunately i have some self-control. but yeah.

read that brooks column

rinse, repeat

Severian 11.26.2016 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Yeah. The Daily Show came to my town for a Trump rally. Interviewed a dude who's supporting Trump because where was Obama on 9-11? Probably playing golf. How nice should I be to this person? How much time and effort should I spend trying to understand to this fellow's worldview?

Lumping every Trump supporter into one group and dismissing the whole may be unwise. But really, we're talking about tens of millions of voters. Lots of fuckwads in there and to deny that may be equally unwise. Go on a case-by-case basis, I guess.

I can totally relate to this. In all honesty, I have not been able to find understanding or compassion for anyone I know who voted for Trump. They may have had reasons that were perfectly reasonable, but I have yet to hear evening one. When it comes to the "where was Obama on 9-11" level idiots, I feel like it would be unwise and dangerous to give them the benefit of the doubt, or to pretend that there's anything normal, relatable or acceptable about what they've done.

Hillary was right, and, if anything, going VERY easy on these people.

Sometimes people really are just totally fucked up. Trump voters are totally. fucked. up.

Severian 11.26.2016 12:32 PM

It may have been politically stupid for her to say that, but it was true enough, and anyone who was offended was already lost.

evollove 11.26.2016 12:32 PM

I agree with symbols that statements like


Originally Posted by Severian
Trump voters are totally. fucked. up.

is probably not going to make your life easier, aside from not being accurate.

But I feel like I'm being asked to swallow a lot of bullshit so I don't come off as a liberal elite.

In other words, I am somewhere between Severin's "fuck 'em all" attitude and symbols' "Can't we all get along?"

!@#$%! 11.26.2016 12:38 PM

im not saying "can we all get along." i'm saying liberals have to offer a good product and sell it to the customer and they're failing at both. if you're happy with stale formulas and only selling to yourself then continue what you're doing.

fuck the presidency-- take the house of representatives for the next 50 years.

okay i have some soccer to watch now-- that foreign, elitist un-american sport.

Severian 11.26.2016 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
im not saying "can we all get along." i'm saying liberals have to offer a good product and sell it to the customer and they're failing at both. if you're happy with stale formulas and only selling to yourself then continue what you're doing.

fuck the presidency-- take the house of representatives for the next 50 years.

okay i have some soccer to watch now-- that foreign, elitist un-american sport.

I agree with this, though I'm not sure I can get behind "fuck the presidency" after the Betsy DeVoss announcement. The president can do an extraordinary amount of damage, especially with full backing from the house and senate.

Betsy Fucking DeVoss. I just can't believe it. Any illusion that this idiot may have had an ounce of integrity or any intention at all to run the country in a responsible way has been completely snuffed out by his cabinet vetting. And I look back at the primaries and see him encouraging violence against dissenters and members of the press, and I think, "If you voted for this man, you are either monumentally stupid or certifiably insane." What the fuck are we supposed to do here? How are we supposed to interact with these people?

And yes, evollvove, I too am walking on eggshells to not sound like a liberal elite. To not sound OFFEND the people who proudly know nothing about their country or their candidate. I'm trying to be better, but those people aren't worried about offending me, or offending the minority groups they crapped on with their vote. Why are we expected to play nice here? Why are we being guilted into bringing a box of chocolates to a Fucking knife fight?

ilduclo 11.26.2016 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Severian

And yes, evollvove, I too am walking on eggshells to not sound like a liberal elite. To not sound OFFEND the people who proudly know nothing about their country or their candidate. I'm trying to be better, but those people aren't worried about offending me, or offending the minority groups they crapped on with their vote. Why are we expected to play nice here? Why are we being guilted into bringing a box of chocolates to a Fucking knife fight?


agree. The solution to me appears to be education and a more honest media. I also think that the Dump voters, like the Shrub voters before them, will live to regret this and will vote better the next time around, after Dump has fucked things in the same way Shrub did.

!@#$%! 11.26.2016 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
I agree with this, though I'm not sure I can get behind "fuck the presidency" after the Betsy DeVoss announcement. The president can do an extraordinary amount of damage, especially with full backing from the house and senate.

Betsy Fucking DeVoss. I just can't believe it. Any illusion that this idiot may have had an ounce of integrity or any intention at all to run the country in a responsible way has been completely snuffed out by his cabinet vetting. And I look back at the primaries and see him encouraging violence against dissenters and members of the press, and I think, "If you voted for this man, you are either monumentally stupid or certifiably insane." What the fuck are we supposed to do here? How are we supposed to interact with these people?

And yes, evollvove, I too am walking on eggshells to not sound like a liberal elite. To not sound OFFEND the people who proudly know nothing about their country or their candidate. I'm trying to be better, but those people aren't worried about offending me, or offending the minority groups they crapped on with their vote. Why are we expected to play nice here? Why are we being guilted into bringing a box of chocolates to a Fucking knife fight?

you're bringing a knife to a gun fight is your problem

to the man with a hammer every problem is a nail is your problem

i.e. your "weapon" can't win shit

the goal is to persuade the voters to give a majority of votes in the electoral college to a candidate. and the states to elect democratic governors and legislatures and members of congress.

if your method is to proclaim your moral and intellectual superiority then good luck with that.

"hello i'm your regional pepsi salesman. i hear you prefer coke?"
"yeah i drink coke my daddy drank coke my granpappy drank coke, for generations"
"well sir you're clearly morally and intellectually inferior and you should stop drinking coke like a fucking redneck and buy pepsi and be enlightened"
"fuck you and the delivery truck you rode in"

you gotta give the people what they want-- not what you want. can't force them to like you.

as for fuck the presidency i meant-- the focus of democrats in elections. the narrow view. the last bastion of a losing war. wtf. will never win that way. to have the house is to have the nation. to have the senate is to have the nation. the presidency without congress is gelded.

ilduclo 11.26.2016 03:09 PM

Rude Pundit

"So, just to get this right, Democrats are supposed to make the effort to understand where the white working class is coming from. That's so goddamned patronizing.
No one is saying to the white working class, "Hey, you know what? Maybe you should try to understand what Democrats are trying to do."
It's like we're treating the white working class as if they're a long-lost tribe whose barbaric rituals we're studying instead of a group of fucking adults who know exactly what the fuck they're doing.

!@#$%! 11.26.2016 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
Rude Pundit

"So, just to get this right, Democrats are supposed to make the effort to understand where the white working class is coming from. That's so goddamned patronizing.
No one is saying to the white working class, "Hey, you know what? Maybe you should try to understand what Democrats are trying to do."
It's like we're treating the white working class as if they're a long-lost tribe whose barbaric rituals we're studying instead of a group of fucking adults who know exactly what the fuck they're doing.

they were promised high paying service jobs after nafta and they got walmart greeter instead

now what were they offered by democrats in 2016? "soak the rich" (bernie) and "stronger together" (hillary--wtf does that mean). all explained in hillary's fancy words and dependent clauses and lawyer talk.

the repukes are so much better at framing the issues in simple terms. e.g.: a tax increase: "an attack on job creators". universal health care: "socialism." game, set, match.

go watch fox news-- i've been doing that lately. they lie through their fucking teeth, but they do it very well.

Severian 11.26.2016 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
they were promised high paying service jobs after nafta and they got walmart greeter instead

now what were they offered by democrats in 2016? "soak the rich" (bernie) and "stronger together" (hillary--wtf does that mean). all explained in hillary's fancy words and dependent clauses and lawyer talk.

the repukes are so much better at framing the issues in simple terms. e.g.: a tax increase: "an attack on job creators". universal health care: "socialism." game, set, match.

go watch fox news-- i've been doing that lately. they lie through their fucking teeth, but they do it very well.

Are you saying we should engage in unabashed hyperbole and manipulative lies? Not trying to be a dick, just asking.

The republicans are better at exploiting people's fears. They speak more directly, sure, but it's still all horseshit.

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