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!@#$%! 07.20.2020 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
I don't care about Robert Schunk's political opinions. Or Bytor's. I'm only curious as to why they are the only two fighting the fight on a Sonic Youth forum, of all places. The energy etc.

one is crazy the other one is stupid (in my opinion). you tell me which one is which (in your opinion).

Bytor Peltor 07.20.2020 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
It's a car crash and a half for sure. His comment when asked about the daily (covid) death toll being around 1,000, said: “It is what it is.” says it all. The guy doesn't give a shit about the massive amount of deaths and never has. Yet this is the guy people wanting leading them through it? Try as I might I'll never understand it.

You truly don’t understand!

Trump did exactly what the voters wanted him to do, he saved them from another Clinton presidency! Trump was beholding to no one, he had never held a political office......what are the odds?

The voters weren’t looking for a savior!

h8kurdt makes it sound as if Hillary or Sleepy Joe would have this pandemic whipped if they were the ones calling the shots and this simply isn’t true. Pandemic’s are hard on the population, especially the elderly!

Tough decisions are being made and the end of July is looming! The end of July is when many will stop receiving their $600 stipend per week from the federal government and the question becomes......what happens then?

Also, all of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) money will soon be running out. Companies will no longer be paid to keep employees employed even though they can no longer afford to keep them.

14 trillion dollars has been pumped into our economy over the past five months. No one wants to appear heartless just before an election, so President Trump is seeking an additional trillion dollars while Nancy Pelosi wants another THREE TRILLION.

Be it the end of this month or the end of the year, the government handouts will run out and financially speaking things will get very bad!!!

A depression greater than the 1920’s is looming and this November the voters will be deciding who leads us out of it!!!

There are a lot of people who didn’t like Trump in 2016, but they voted for him! The question come November many will blame Trump for a world wide pandemic?

The Soup Nazi 07.21.2020 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Donald very well could be proven a tax fraud and if so, he was able to do so during the Obama & Bush Administration’s. But they never caught or prosecuted him for such evasions, so that’s on them! (guess what, they didn’t care)

That is the dumbest thing I've read in my life. If I shoot you in the face and the authorities don't care, it's on them, not on me, I get away with it and your life/death is worthless?

ETA: Don't you have ANY sense of justice?


Bytor Peltor 07.21.2020 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
That is the dumbest thing I've read in my life. If I shoot you in the face and the authorities don't care, it's on them, not on me, I get away with it and your life/death is worthless?

ETA: Don't you have ANY sense of justice?


Are you implying Donald Trump didn’t pay taxes in the years leading up to his Presidency? Do you think Donald Trump paid someone under the table as to avoid paying his fair share of taxes?

What exactly is it that you are implying?

You see, I believe Donald Trump paid his taxes. I believe the George Bush and Barack Obama IRS had alarms in place to catch tax frauds. As I stated above, it’s apparent Donald Trump’s taxes haven’t set off said alarms in the past.

Lastly, I understand presidents aren’t required to make their taxes available!

Could Trump’s taxes reveal he isn’t as wealthy as he states, could it reveal he uses every loophole that may appear questionable —ABSOLUTELY— I believe this is more about embarrassing President Trump and he very well may deserve it......but if he wasn’t President, no one would care!


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
If Barack, Hillary and sleepy Joe were the ones upholding the “rules of law,” why would emails need to be deleted?


!@#$%! 07.21.2020 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
one is crazy the other one is stupid (in my opinion). you tell me which one is which (in your opinion).


h8kurdt 07.21.2020 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Are you implying Donald Trump didn’t pay taxes in the years leading up to his Presidency?

What exactly is it that you are implying?

You see, I believe Donald Trump paid his taxes. I believe the George Bush and Barack Obama IRS had alarms in place to catch tax frauds. As I stated above, it’s apparent Donald Trump’s taxes haven’t set off said alarms in the past.

Lastly, I understand presidents aren’t required to make their taxes available!

Could Trump’s taxes reveal he isn’t as wealthy as he states, could it reveal he uses every loophole that may appear questionable —ABSOLUTELY— I believe this is more about embarrassing President Trump and he very well may deserve it......but if he wasn’t President, no one would care!

People cared when the Panama papers came out revealing the mass amount of tax avoidance going on. Also, as president he should be scrutinised even more.

You think it's right for him to hire lawyers for the sole purpose of exploiting every tax loophole? If you tried it you can guarantee you'd be booted up the ass pretty quickly. So what's it ok for the rich to do it?


Do you think Donald Trump paid someone under the table as to avoid paying his fair share of taxes?

Oh wait, you don't even know that's a thing, do you?

Don't forget the guy has boasted a few times about not paying federal tax



Remember when you crowed like the rest of the buffoons about Clinton being locked up. Thought Trump was going to do that and be the saviour for you all?

Bytor Peltor 07.22.2020 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
People cared when the Panama papers came out revealing the mass amount of tax avoidance going on. Also, as president he should be scrutinised even more.

You think it's right for him to hire lawyers for the sole purpose of exploiting every tax loophole? If you tried it you can guarantee you'd be booted up the ass pretty quickly. So what's it ok for the rich to do it?

Oh wait, you don't even know that's a thing, do you?

Don't forget the guy has boasted a few times about not paying federal tax

Remember when you crowed like the rest of the buffoons about Clinton being locked up. Thought Trump was going to do that and be the saviour for you all?

I disagree about the scrutinization of a sitting President!

However, I would be in favor of every presidential candidate’s taxes being made public as a stipulation for their name appearing on the election ballot......but Congress hasn’t implemented such a change in that process.

Regarding tax loopholes, until the Tax Laws are changed, people will continue to bend them to their advantage. It’s up to the IRS to determine if the tax law was bent too far......guess that’s what the lawyers are for? Also, I have no doubt the majority in Congress, both sides of the isle, wouldn’t appear so wholesome if their taxes were made public.


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
If Barack, Hillary and sleepy Joe were the ones upholding the “rules of law,” why would emails need to be deleted?

The only buffoons are those who continue to ignore what Barak, Hillary and Sleepy Joe were trying to hide with the deletion of 33 THOUSAND emails.

choc e-Claire 07.22.2020 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
I disagree about the scrutinization of a sitting President!


h8kurdt 07.22.2020 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire


Bytor Peltor 07.22.2020 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
If Barack, Hillary and sleepy Joe were the ones upholding the “rules of law,” why would emails need to be deleted?

Senator Marsha Blackburn
“Newly declassified DOJ documents show the FBI spied on the Trump campaign despite acknowledging there was no evidence of any collusion with the Russians.”

......the truth is coming!!!

!@#$%! 07.22.2020 06:09 AM

stupid? or crazy? why not both?

!@#$%! 07.22.2020 11:54 AM

“I just wish her well, frankly. I’ve met her numerous times over the years especially since I lived in Palm Beach, and I guess they lived in Palm Beach. But I wish her well, whatever it is.”


!@#$%! 07.22.2020 07:16 PM

The paranoid style in pandemic politics

By Paul Krugman
Opinion Columnist

When Chris Wallace asked Donald Trump, “How will you regard your years as President of the United States?” Trump didn’t cite a single achievement. Instead, he went immediately into grievance mode, declaring that “I’ve been very unfairly treated, and I don’t say that as paranoid.”

Actually, Mr. President, that is paranoid. But while Trump couldn’t cite any achievements, one thing he has achieved is defining paranoia down.

In another administration it would be a days-long scandal that the president is trying to appoint an insane conspiracy theorist, who claims that the former head of the C.I.A. plotted the president’s assassination, to the #3 position in the Pentagon. These days it barely registered on the news cycle.

But if the Trump administration and its allies, both in Congress and the media, were paranoid before Covid-19, things have gotten much worse over the past few months.

Peter Navarro, the administration’s trade czar, got a lot of grief for his op-ed attacking Anthony Fauci; if you think he did that without a go-ahead from his boss, I have a degree from Trump University you might want to buy. But his claim a few days earlier that Covid-19 was a “weaponized virus” sent by China to hurt the U.S. economy was much crazier, and would have been a major international incident if the Chinese, like everyone else, hadn’t become blasé about insane Trumpist rants.

And what can you even say about people like Rush Limbaugh — who Trump gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom? A few months ago he was calling Covid-19 a hoax, no worse than the common cold, which was being “weaponized” (they do love that word) against his president. Now he says we should emulate the Donner Party, which turned to cannibalism when the going got tough.

There are a couple of reasons the pandemic has amplified the right’s paranoia. One is that it has transformed the electoral landscape. Even in February Trump was generally a bit behind in national polls. But the Electoral College worked in his favor, and as late as April people on Wall Street were sure he would win. Now he’s at a huge disadvantage, for all the right reasons.

Beyond that, however, Trump’s failure on Covid-19 has been so comprehensive, so total, that his supporters can’t process it.

Presidents are often given credit or blame for things they can’t control; except in a time of crisis that includes the economy, which is driven more by impersonal forces and Federal Reserve policy than by the guy who happens to sit in the White House.

But responding to national emergencies is very much the president’s responsibility. Nor can Trump and his supporters credibly claim that he did as well as anyone could have expected: U.S. performance has fallen so far short of what other wealthy countries have managed — we’re dying 10 times faster than Europeans, and we’re going back into lockdown as other countries return to more or less normal life — that it’s hard to make excuses.

Think about what this means if you’re a Trump supporter. To admit seeing what’s right in front of your eyes means admitting that you’ve been a fool: Everything Trump’s critics said, everything they warned about, has turned out to be true, and you were blind to the obvious.

There may be a few people able to face this reality, learn from it, and move on. But most people can’t handle it. Someday they may manage to convince themselves that they never supported Trump in the first place. For now, however, their only recourse is to insist that it’s all lies, that there’s a vast deep state conspiracy to get their hero.

Paranoia strikes deep, especially when it’s all you’ve got.

h8kurdt 07.23.2020 10:03 AM

"Obama didn't brag half as much about winning a Nobel peace prize as Trump is about passing a dementia test"

The Soup Nazi 07.23.2020 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
"Obama didn't brag half as much about winning a Nobel peace prize as Trump is about passing a dementia test"


Wallace: "It's not the hardest test. They have a picture and it says 'What's that' and it's an elephant."

Trump: "I'll bet you couldn't. They get very hard, the last five questions."

Bytor Peltor 07.23.2020 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Senator Marsha Blackburn
“Newly declassified DOJ documents show the FBI spied on the Trump campaign despite acknowledging there was no evidence of any collusion with the Russians.”

......the truth is coming!!!

“Obama’s infamous 1/5/17 Oval Office meeting is a key moment in the corrupt effort to smear and spy on Donald Trump and target General Flynn with a malicious prosecution,”

Bytor Peltor 07.23.2020 04:45 PM

Trump calls off Florida segment of GOP National Convention

Bytor Peltor 07.26.2020 08:53 PM

Nadler Calls ANTIFA A “MYTH” Only Reported In Washington

Bytor Peltor 07.27.2020 11:00 AM

”The President is being charitable to Barack Obama. Obama makes Richard Nixon look like a piker when it comes to targeting his political enemies.”

Lou Dobbs: “And look who says their not going to reach to the Obama White House, not talking to President Obama or Vice President Biden...the Attorney General has said that, the Chair of the Judiciary Committee in the Sennett has this’s outrageous they won’t reach as far as the facts will take them!“

h8kurdt 07.27.2020 11:07 AM

Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years

Trump's attempts to make out the danger to American society is BLM and the anti-fascists is sickening and based in nothing but stupidity.

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