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Bytor Peltor 04.25.2020 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Savage Clone neg repped this post of mine:

NO!!! We Trump supporters absolutely recognize the difference between legal and illegal immigration, in that the former can be controlled as a matter of Federal policy, whereas the latter is controlled only by the market for undercompensated labor by the employing classes.

I, myself, strongly oppose the fact that immigration was once within the jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce (representing big business), when it should have been under the jurisdiction of the Department of Labor (which SHOULD be the Working Class' seat in the Cabinet).

Now it's under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security, which should, ideally, place it in (theoretically) class-neutral hands.

by means of the following rejoinder (I wonder why he didn't simply post it publicly?):

Fuck off. Your presence here is unwelcome and always has been. You're completely disingenuous voice of reason facade has worn very thin.


Now, I hardly post upon this forum to become popular (indeed, I did not become a punk rocker to earn society's approval!), as I realize that my point of view is, indeed, not the popular one around these parts. Yet I wonder why he chose this post, which represents my sincere and informed opinion upon the subject, to vent such personal vitriol unrelated to the content of the post to which he so strongly objects!

Robert, I’m sorry you’ve had to endure this, it’s unacceptable!

You’ve done nothing wrong!!

It’s okay if we least it should be!!!

I admire the way you share your beliefs and arguments, Robert, and most importantly, I respect how you never respond with anger or make it personal.

Nothing disingenuous when you treat others with honor and respect!!!!

h8kurdt 04.25.2020 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Robert, I’m sorry you’ve had to endure this, it’s unacceptable!

You’ve done nothing wrong!!

It’s okay if we least it should be!!!

I admire the way you share your beliefs and arguments, Robert, and most importantly, I respect how you never respond with anger or make it personal.

Nothing disingenuous when you treat others with honor and respect!!!!

A real American hero, huh?

!@#$%! 04.25.2020 06:20 AM

the delusional wino strikes again?

h8kurdt 04.25.2020 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
Once again, what happened to your promise to place me on your ignore list? :confused:

I akin it to like seeing a crash on the side of the road. You know you shouldn't be slowing down to look, but damn hell, you just gotta.

!@#$%! 04.25.2020 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
I akin it to like seeing a crash on the side of the road. You know you shouldn't be slowing down to look, but damn hell, you just gotta.

i see a bunch of posts in a row i just know he’s talking to himself

zer0 04.25.2020 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
The replies to this post have focused on who would be nuts enough to jump into the race as a third candidate now, but I think what you meant was "Bernie's out, we got no candidate anymore, eh, let's sit this shit out and watch The Bachelor on November 3rd". I DON'T CARE IF THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE IS A GODDAMN BANANA IN PYJAMAS - THERE'S A CRAZY RETARDED EVIL MOTHERFUCKER IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND THE GUY HAS TO GO, PERIOD. Fuck! :mad:

no, I wasn't saying that at all... participating in democracy is absolutely vital, but now that bernie's dropped out I find myself searching for a candidate that represents my interests -- one that isn't a rapist, one that isn't senile, one that stands up for the working class

howie hawkins strikes some of those boxes, but my heart is still with bernie, from when I attended his rallies in my state to 2016 when I sent him cash out of my own pocket

trump has got to go
so does biden

!@#$%! 04.25.2020 06:55 PM

yeah boris, biden has go to go... to the white house.

tw2113 04.25.2020 06:59 PM

The more I see on social media, the more I see the democratic party handing the election to Trump.

Skuj 04.25.2020 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by zer0
no, I wasn't saying that at all... participating in democracy is absolutely vital, but now that bernie's dropped out I find myself searching for a candidate that represents my interests -- one that isn't a rapist, one that isn't senile, one that stands up for the working class

howie hawkins strikes some of those boxes, but my heart is still with bernie, from when I attended his rallies in my state to 2016 when I sent him cash out of my own pocket

trump has got to go
so does biden

And this is exactly how we will have 8 years of Trump.

I will never understand how anyone can see that Trump is better than Clinton or Biden, no matter how flawed/hated/boring/whatever those latter persons are. At least they are not completely incompetent narcissists.

Skuj 04.25.2020 07:37 PM

"What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions, & then refuses to report the truth or facts accurately. They get record ratings, & the American people get nothing but Fake News. Not worth the time & effort!"

zer0 04.25.2020 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
And this is exactly how we will have 8 years of Trump.

I will never understand how anyone can see that Trump is better than Clinton or Biden, no matter how flawed/hated/boring/whatever those latter persons are. At least they are not completely incompetent narcissists.

Fuck Donald Trump

Skuj 04.25.2020 08:10 PM

Looks like Azar is going to get the boot.

This should be fun. Maybe Azar will "sing" on CNN soon, about how he briefed The Donald in January.

Skuj 04.25.2020 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
"What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions, & then refuses to report the truth or facts accurately. They get record ratings, & the American people get nothing but Fake News. Not worth the time & effort!"

"Who knew that injecting disinfectants and sticking a lightbulb up your ass would be the last straw for Trump's propaganda rally briefings?!"

A commenter.

Bytor Peltor 04.26.2020 03:07 AM

Christopher Steele admitted under oath in March that he had no records of his conversations with the primary sub-source for his infamous dossier, contradicting public claims made by his lawyers in December and sowing further doubts amid allegations that Steele relied on Russian disinformation.

Appearing in a British Court last month, Christopher Steele testified in a deposition for a defamation case against himself. The case is against three Russian Bankers who were demanding to see the evidence against them that Christopher Steele said he had......the evidence that led to the Steele dossier and eventually, the Mueller investigation.

“He later elaborated that not only were the documents relating to the Russian bankers deleted, but all other documents underlying his intelligence report “were wiped in early early January 17.” He also said that communications with Fusion GPS — the firm which funded the dossier — were deleted from his company Orbis’s computer network on January 5, 2017.”

According to Steele who was under oath, everything was wiped (”like with a cloth or something?”) by
January 5, 2017.

Who was President of the United States on January 5th......Barack Obama!!!

Just a reminder that Crooked Hillary’s Attorney has already testified in court that President Obama gave her immunity for deleting 33 THOUSAND emails......emails that had been subpoenaed.

What are the odds President Obama granted immunity to Steele (or someone acting on his behalf) to wipe the so called evidence?


And why January 5th......because BUZZFEED was leaked copies of this dossier and they were going to release it to the public a few days later.

Skuj 04.26.2020 05:48 PM

"When will all of the 'reporters' who have received Noble Prizes for their work on Russia, Russia, Russia, only to have been proven totally wrong (and, in fact, it was the other side who committed the crimes), be turning back their cherished 'Nobles' so that they can be given to the REAL REPORTERS & JOURNALISTS who got it right,"

Skuj 04.26.2020 10:46 PM

Normally, I think The Hill is decent, but this story cracks me up. So, since Meadows arrived, it has been much less of a shitshow? The new Press Secretary is not just as pathetic as the ones before?

I beg to differ.

Bytor Peltor 04.27.2020 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
And why January 5th......because BUZZFEED was leaked copies of this dossier and they were going to release it to the public a few days later.

On Tuesday of this week, Judicial Watch announced its receipt of “138 pages of emails between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page.”

In the records, it is revealed that the FBI, under the Obama administration, was aware that Senator John McCain (R-AZ) had leaked the Steele dossier.

One email from January 10 of 2017, Strzok said the Steele dossier version published by BuzzFeedwas “identical’ to the version given to the FBI by McCain and had ‘differences’ from the dossier provided to the FBI by Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and Mother Jones reporter David Corn.”

The FBI Russia Probe documents have been declassified, but the FBI can’t release them due to coronavirus?

The Russia Probe that produced NADA nothing!

Since the FBI Russia Probe documents have ZERO incriminating evidence against the Donald Trump campaign, why would Adam Schiff Blocks Release Of Declassified Russia Probe Transcripts, Keeping Americans In The Dark???

So just to recap, two years ago this month:
Republicans on the Intelligence Committee, under then-chairman Devin Nunes, wrapped up their investigation of election interference in April 2018. They found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians. Mr. Schiff and Democrats objected to that conclusion and accused Republicans of hiding incriminating evidence. GOP Members were therefore only too happy in September 2018 to vote to release the transcripts of the investigation’s 53 witness interviews. The committee vote was unanimous. The documents were sent to the intelligence community in the executive branch for declassification.

On TV in front of the American people, Shifty Schiff moaned and groaned that it was the Republicans who were trying to hide evidence......but now that the evidence has been declassified, Shifty Schiff doesn’t want anyone to see it??

Any of you free minded freethinkers care to guess what Mr. Shifty Schiff doesn’t want you to see?

Skuj 04.27.2020 11:53 PM


PS: Get this:

White House deputy spokesman Hogan Gidley fired back at the Post's report in a statement to the newspaper, denying that the president was slow to react.

"President Trump rose to fight this crisis head-on by taking early, aggressive historic action to protect the health, wealth and well-being of the American people," he said. "We will get through this difficult time and defeat this virus because of his decisive leadership."

Shall I replay the videos and tweets, with associated dates?

Skuj 04.28.2020 09:59 PM

So, to nobody's surprise, Amash will run as a Libertarian. (It's not official yet, but come on....)

I like the guy!! He seems intelligent, and principled. (WTF WAS HE DOING IN THE TODAY'S REPUKES??)

So now, the thing I am trying to figure out is, does he help Trump or does he help Biden?

demonrail666 04.28.2020 11:08 PM

A libertarian is more likely to pinch votes off of Trump than Biden, if only because I can't see anyone with libertarian tendencies considering Biden to begin with. I don't know enough about Amash specifically to speculate on how big of an impact he'll have on Trump's support, but my guess is it'll be pretty negligible. And even if he does decide to run he's not even guaranteed the Libertarian nomination yet.

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