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ilduclo 11.06.2016 01:04 PM

howeveraz, I think my degree did me well, I took a bunch of humanities and history, geology major, math minor. I think the whole package was a great deal.

The Soup Nazi 11.06.2016 02:57 PM

I think Fareed Zakaria's Washington Post column this week is the ultimate condensation of why Trump is fundamentally unacceptable, period, regardless of whether you are liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican or an Alsatian dog for fuck's sake. Nothing we haven't mentioned, sure, but a great closing argument as we approach a giant "...phew!" or the arrival of the Four Horsemen.


Why Donald Trump is different
By Fareed Zakaria
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Over the course of this campaign, I have heard from many people who have cheered my opposition to Donald Trump. But others have objected, arguing that I was being biased, that Hillary Clinton has many flaws as well. So let me try to explain, one last time, why Donald Trump is worth special attention.

I am not a highly partisan person. I have views that are left of center, but others that are conservative. I came to this country when Ronald Reagan was president and admired him. I think well of many Republican politicians, including the last two GOP presidential nominees, John McCain and Mitt Romney, both of whom are honorable men who would have been good presidents.

Donald Trump is different — not just because he is obnoxious, tacky and vulgar, or because his business dealings show him to be a scam artist. He is different because of what he believes.

The simplest way to understand Trump’s core beliefs is to look at his words and actions, not just today but well before. Politicians pander to voters, and Trump’s views on Social Security and Medicare (which he promises not to touch) and taxes (which he promises to cut) seem pretty insincere, reflections of what he thinks his supporters want to hear. But he does have deeper beliefs, values and instincts.

The first area that stands out is race. Trump has consistently expressed himself — in word and deed — in ways that can only be described as racist. In his earliest years as a developer, he was sued by the Justice Department for allegedly denying housing to qualified black people. In the case of the Central Park Five, Trump jumped into the public arena, taking out full-page ads assailing the accused black teenagers and demanding that “when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes.” Most strikingly, he refused to back down when DNA evidence had clearly exonerated the five men, and New York City was forced to pay $41 million in damages for wrongfully imprisoning them for up to 13 years.

Trump seems to believe in ethnic stereotypes deeply. He boasts of his own bloodline and compares it to breeding racehorses. In a 1991 book, one of his associates described him as horrified about having African Americans in his accounting department at two of his hotels, quoting Trump as saying, “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” Trump acknowledged the veracity of these comments in a later Playboy interview, before walking it back in a 1999 NBC interview, calling it “nonsense.”

Trump has also always been a protectionist. In the 1980s, he was sure that the Japanese were about to take over the world and that the only solution was tariffs and trade wars. He doesn’t seem to have noticed that the future he predicted never happened. Undeterred, he has now focused his wrath on China, just as that economy has begun to slow down, and Mexico, a country so small that its effect on the U.S. economy is minimal. The common thread is that Trump is quick to tell Americans facing economic hardship that they should blame their problems on foreigners.

If there is one view that Trump has expressed consistently, openly and with relish, it is that women exist fundamentally as objects for men’s pleasure. He has said and done dozens of things over 30 years that confirm this demeaning view of women — in interviews with Howard Stern, during his ownership of the Miss Universe pageant, when describing working women, and when debating female candidates such as Carly Fiorina and Hillary Clinton. Trump once said in New York magazine about women, “You have to treat ’em like shit.”

Finally, Trump has expressed impatience and contempt for many of the foundations of liberal democracy. He has repeatedly promised to change laws to make it easier to punish journalists who offend him. He has threatened people who contributed to his Republican opponents, implying that he would have the government look into their business affairs. He has proposed a number of policies that are illiberal, unconstitutional or even war crimes, such as banning all Muslims from entering the United States, and waterboarding suspected terrorists and killing their families. He has compared his ideas to the internment of U.S. citizens and noncitizens of Japanese descent during World War II, implying that he approved of that measure. And he has threatened to jail his opponent if elected.

These, then, are the core views of Donald Trump, expressed over decades, and confirmed by many of his actions: racism, sexism, protectionism, xenophobia and authoritarianism. His views on taxes and regulations are irrelevant. Your view of Hillary Clinton is irrelevant. Donald Trump is not a normal candidate. He is a danger to American democracy. And that is why I will vote against him on Tuesday.

(c) 2016, Washington Post Writers Group

PLips 11.06.2016 06:44 PM

I want to know Trump's position on coupons. Does he believe in savings or does he think consumers should be paying full price. Hillary could win the election if Trump promised to abolish coupons.

!@#$%! 11.06.2016 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by PLips
I want to know Trump's position on coupons. Does he believe in savings or does he think consumers should be paying full price. Hillary could win the election if Trump promised to abolish coupons.

he believes in the consumer getting shafted

go look at what happened to "trump university" and there's your answer

!@#$%! 11.06.2016 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
howeveraz, I think my degree did me well, I took a bunch of humanities and history, geology major, math minor. I think the whole package was a great deal.

of course man, that shows up in your everyday speech. it's evident when you discuss books, movies, etc.

but it also gives you a technical ability-- you can communicate with engineers, business executives, supplies, anyone really--- all the while sounding reasonable and coherent and not like someone who can't parse a sentence.

note that i've said i'm for a SKILLED workforce. the ones who are feeling the pain the hardest right now are the high school dropouts, the functional illiterates, the ones who don't know how to operate a computer, can't make a basic worksheet, read a technical manual, follow procedures, etc. etc. that shit needs to end.

the only way forward is, obviously, education--but an education has to enable a graduate to find gainful employment in their field of studies, not just give them a well rounded mind or whatever. starbucks has only so much room for people with a phd in cultural studies or critical theory or whatever the shit.

i mean, yes, your future is your own responsibility, but the universities have been doing a fucking con job by promising every born sucker a career in academia and then giving them an adjunct job for $2000 per course.

Severian 11.06.2016 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i mean, yes your future is your own responsibility, but the universities have been doing a fucking con job by promising every born sucker a career in academia and then giving them an adjunct job for $2000 per course.

And that's high-end for adjunt work, from my experience. A community college in my area pays something like $500 a credit. And 75% of their classes are 3 credits or less (they have an equivalency system for transferring students, but the adjunct instructors get raped. And most do a shit job because of it.)

evollove 11.07.2016 11:29 AM

Lurching violently between not caring (there are other things going on in everyone's life) and shitting bricks.

Anyone else?

!@#$%! 11.07.2016 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
Lurching violently between not caring (there are other things going on in everyone's life) and shitting bricks.

Anyone else?

i'm more calm since the latest polls, and the dipshit's announcement yesterday (was it yesterday? or saturday? i've lost track, lucky for me), but still miles to go etc etc



en la puerta del horno se quema el pan

keep punching

ilduclo 11.07.2016 01:11 PM

Adios, motherfuckers. The country is about to tell you to fuck off. And when next Tuesday is over, crawl back to your deplorable lives, eat shit, and disappear

Rob Instigator 11.07.2016 02:13 PM

we got through 8 years of Preznit Dubya. we will get through Hillary or Donald.

EVOLghost 11.07.2016 04:12 PM

I got my little cheat sheet made out already. Gonna stop by the polling today after work.

!@#$%! 11.07.2016 04:50 PM

just heard HRC speaking in michigan via washington post stream

okay, she's not supercharismatic like bill, that's for sure. she speaks in long complex sentences. she'd have a hard time being a celebrity. she's never going to be an entertainer.

but fuck, i like what she's saying. she's got a good program-- just heard the last part of wages and education and student debt. it makes good policy sense and she can make it happen.

go hillary go! win this one!


Severian 11.07.2016 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
just heard HRC speaking in michigan via washington post stream

okay, she's not supercharismatic like bill, that's for sure. she speaks in long complex sentences. she'd have a hard time being a celebrity. she's never going to be an entertainer.

but fuck, i like what she's saying. she's got a good program-- just heard the last part of wages and education and student debt. it makes good policy sense and she can make it happen.

go hillary go! win this one!


Also, she is literally the most qualified person for the position since Lyndon Fucking Johnson. She was passionate about universal health care in the U.S. long before it was cool... before the then-uncorrupted Affordable Care Act was even a twinkle in a young Barack Obama's eye. She has a proven track record of effectively getting legislation passed from her tenure in the senate.

She's been the freaking First Lady, a two-term senator, and the US Secretary of State for fuck's sake. That sentence alone should be more than enough to convince any Dems on the edge that she's worth a vote to beat down Trump.

No, she doesn't play the saxophone or sing. She looks a bit like my mother in more expensive clothes, and my mom had a HELL of a time while in academia getting her ideas across to a 95% male college board. I too am absolutely rooting for her, and I hope the rest of the nation does the same, because she's stepping into an important seat at an important time.

She and Trump were both in MI today. Apparently it's become an anyone's guess kind of state. It's blue, but polling suggests it could flip.

Severian 11.07.2016 06:53 PM

Ps I get to stay up until fucking forever tomorrow reporting results as they come in. I'm nothing close to a big-shot, so I'll be flllowing county and district data and phoning county commissioners and the like, but still... I'll be on call for the big meaty shit if anyone gets behind or calls in sick.

I'm pretty much planning on it being the most stressful night of my working life. And yes, I will be working under the influence of prescription anti-anxiety medications.

tesla69 11.08.2016 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
but fuck, i like what she's saying. she's got a good program-- just heard the last part of wages and education and student debt. it makes good policy sense and she can make it happen.

of course you like, she's spent millions of dollars on marketers and psychologists to fine tune the program so you'll love it. And then Katy Perry comes out with her big satanic tits to make you dribble a bit.

!@#$%! 11.08.2016 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
of course you like, she's spent millions of dollars on marketers and psychologists to fine tune the program so you'll love it. And then Katy Perry comes out with her big satanic tits to make you dribble a bit.

right... because me agreeing that public education should be free for low & middle income people is the result of mkultra programming. or if hillary says we shouldn't be competing with china we should be competing with germany in high tech industries-- i like it because i'm a zombie.

it's the satanic tits, i tell you what. they'll make me do anything. like, agree with policies i favor, and other total nonsense.



ilduclo 11.08.2016 08:22 AM

If no Bradley effect, should be all over. The misogyny factor might be a big thing, though. Sure as fuck hope not. We delivered paella and spinach/pear salad to our volunteers yesterday, there were a LOT of them, for our little burg of less than 150 thousand looked like 60 people there working the phones


!@#$%! 11.08.2016 10:21 AM

ah, election day nerves! fuck!!!

ilduclo 11.08.2016 10:37 AM

EST's. polls closing, asterisks mean there's more than one time zone.

6:00 pm Indiana*, Kentucky*
7:00 pm Florida*, Georgia, Indiana*, Kentucky*, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia
7:30 pm North Carolina, Ohio, West Virginia
8:00 pm Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Florida*, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan*, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, North Dakota*, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota*, Tennessee, Texas*
8:30 pm Arkansas
9:00 pm Michigan* New York, Minnesota, South Dakota*, North Dakota*, Colorado, Louisiana, New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Wisconsin, Wyoming
10:00 pm Iowa, Idaho*, Utah, Nevada, Montana
11:00 pm California, Idaho*, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii
12:00 am Alaska*
1:00 am Alaska*

d.sound 11.08.2016 11:08 AM

just voted. it was more crowded than usual. i've been voting every election there for four years and never seen it so crowded. unfortunately i live in a swing state and had to vote clinton instead of stein (who honestly i wasn't thrilled with either). in 2000 i planned on voting nader, but when i got the booth a panic of what that idiot w bush presidency look like crossed my mind. i couldn't have known how bad his presidency would be, but i voted gore then. this election is way more important than that race.

AND MORE IMPORTANTLY. supposedly if you show your "i voted" sticker you can get a free taco from taco bell and a free coffee from starbucks.

Severian 11.08.2016 11:42 AM

I haven't voted yet. Spent the whole day in a dentist's chair so far. I'm working late (as fuck!) tonight so my workday starts in the afternoon. Thank god. I'll
Have plenty of time to vote before having to sit at the courthouse for 12 hours.

Dental hygienist in the room across from mine this morning: "I'm not voting because I don't believe in either one"
Her patient: "You don't like Trump?0
Hygienist: "Well I definitely think he's the better of the two"
Patient: "Then vote for him!"
Hygienist: "No no. I'm not going to be blamed if he wins."

Hygienist was a woman, working in a health care field. Super upsetting to hear that she "definitely" thought Trump was "better" but WOW, maybe more of his supporters will take this "not my fault" route and just not vote! Wouldn't that be great?

!@#$%! 11.08.2016 11:45 AM

Go Vote Before Lunchtime Yo. It Will Get Crowded.

Reply Later

& Congrats D

Severian 11.08.2016 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!

I hear you, I hear you. I slept maybe 3 uninterrupted hours last night. Woke up at 5:30 this morning. Chain smoked, refreshed FiveThirtyEight and Nytimes about a hundred times in the dark.

I'm losing it. This can't be over soon enough.

!@#$%! 11.08.2016 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
I hear you, I hear you. I slept maybe 3 uninterrupted hours last night. Woke up at 5:30 this morning. Chain smoked, refreshed FiveThirtyEight and Nytimes about a hundred times in the dark.

I'm losing it. This can't be over soon enough.


you can nap & post later

tw2113 11.08.2016 03:16 PM

I don't have a "I voted" sticker, so I may or may not have already. Hard to tell.

!@#$%! 11.08.2016 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
I don't have a "I voted" sticker, so I may or may not have already. Hard to tell.

what's aleppo? :D

tw2113 11.08.2016 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
what's aleppo? :D

Not much, what's aleppo with you?

!@#$%! 11.08.2016 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by tw2113
Not much, what's aleppo with you?

just drinkin' coffee, waiting for the results...

dead_battery 11.08.2016 03:33 PM

looking good so far,

heres some music

never thought id be this desperate to see a fuckin' neo con hawk get into power but i guess we're all sufficiently horrified and traumatized by the evil of our leaders that someone slightly less murderously insane is the best we can hope for

!@#$%! 11.08.2016 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
looking good so far,

heres some music

never thought id be this desperate to see a fuckin' neo con hawk get into power but i guess we're all sufficiently horrified and traumatized by the evil of our leaders that someone slightly less murderously insane is the best we can hope for

come on, she has a mild history of hawkishness but she's not a neocon. i say mild because she didn't spearhead the iraq invasion-- she just fell in line with it, probably to show she was macho too.

and she's been consorting with kissinger lately-- kissinger is all about balance of power and therefore anathema to neocons.

say what you want about kissinger (and there's plenty) but he's not in the same naive idealist dipshit cult as rumsfeld, cheney, jeane kirpatrick, richard perle, paul wolfowitz, and all the fucking leo strauss disciples whose names i cannot recall but gog and magog, holy fuck, that was the ultimate expression of idiotic "good vs evil" neocon dumbfuckery.

ilduclo 11.08.2016 03:58 PM

she's unfortunately pretty well right in with all of the US politicians when it comes to being pro Israel. Maybe this last arms deal will FINALLY get some pols off of that fucking bandwagon. Edit to say two things. I've NEVER had a candidate with whom I've really agreed about a lot of things, and I voted for her gladly!

The Soup Nazi 11.08.2016 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
she's unfortunately pretty well right in with all of the US politicians when it comes to being pro Israel.

True, although she has publicly told Israel that if they don't cut it the fuck out with building new settlements there simply will not be the slightest possibility of peace.

!@#$%! 11.08.2016 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
True, although she has publicly told Israel that if they don't cut it the fuck out with building new settlements there simply will not be the slightest possibility of peace.

bibi doesn't want peace-- he wants to conquer

the problem is that as israeli society becomes more capitalist and spoiled (moving away from its collectivist roots) they're becoming more and more entrenched on the right, as a whole, and suppressing dissent.

there's a mix of basic arrogance and fatigue with the situation that makes israelis think they can just get rid of the palestinians like you can get rid of a mouse infestation or mosquitoes in a swamp you can drain.

ilduclo 11.08.2016 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
True, although she has publicly told Israel that if they don't cut it the fuck out with building new settlements there simply will not be the slightest possibility of peace.

I think Israel knows that and doesn't give a shit. And, since we send them arms and $$ no matter how they act, I don't expect it to change.:mad:

The Soup Nazi 11.08.2016 05:36 PM

Donald Trump has made his closing argument: If he doesn't get elected president, this will have been "the single greatest waste of time".


tesla69 11.08.2016 05:40 PM

EDIT you gotta see the cool laser beam light show at the trump rally in manchester last night.

i voted the best choice: Gary Busey/Christopher Walken.

Working Families party has jumped the shark, they have Chuck "the globalist" Schumer under their banner this year.

Do you think these Stalinist shitheads are unclear on the concept?
In order to decry the deplorabe and irredeemable nature of Donald Trump and his supporters, two women decided to bare their breasts and chant anti-Trump slogans inside the polling station where Donald Trump will cast his ballot later today.The women were arrested after security grappled with them in front of a large group of voters and cameras."

dead_battery 11.08.2016 06:00 PM

jesus christ, they bared their breasts, one can only shudder at the thought of the amoral stalinist utopia this portends. if only we saw sense and elected the guys who keep threatening to jail or murder their opponents and bear their arms rather than their breasts, then things would be safer.

!@#$%! 11.08.2016 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
jesus christ, they bared their breasts, one can only shudder at the thought of the amoral stalinist utopia this portends. if only we saw sense and elected the guys who keep threatening to jail or murder their opponents and bear their arms rather than their breasts, then things would be safer.

tesla is terrified of SATANIC TITS

see previous page


The Soup Nazi 11.08.2016 06:04 PM

Because sometimes you just gotta make sure:


PLips 11.08.2016 06:04 PM

If Trump had gotten breast implants, he would have cornered the female vote

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