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Cantankerous 09.11.2006 10:25 PM

NWA is the best rap group ever.

Inhuman 09.11.2006 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by finding nobody
How did Wiggle Wiggle come from that?

Wikithread- post one of those Christian songs. im not sure that i know any

Check out the entire "Saved" album

Are you ready, are you ready?
Are you ready, are you ready?

Are you ready to meet Jesus?
Are you where you ought to be?
Will He know you when He sees you
Or will He say, "Depart from Me"?

Are you ready, hope you're ready.
Am I ready, am I ready?
Am I ready, am I ready?

Am I ready to lay down my life for the brethren
And to take up my cross?
Have I surrendered to the will of God
Or am I still acting like the boss?

Am I ready, hope I'm ready.

When destruction cometh swiftly
And there's no time to say a fare-thee-well,
Have you decided whether you want to be
In heaven or in hell?

Are you ready, are you ready?

Have you got some unfinished business?
Is there something holding you back?
Are you thinking for yourself
Or are you following the pack?

Are you ready, hope you're ready.
Are you ready?

Are you ready for the judgment?
Are you ready for that terrible swift sword?
Are you ready for Armageddon?
Are you ready for the day of the Lord?

Are you ready, I hope you're ready.


Inhuman 09.11.2006 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
NWA is the best rap group ever.

Just picked up an NWA t-shirt not too long ago. Genuises.

Cantankerous 09.11.2006 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
Just picked up an NWA t-shirt not too long ago. Genuises.

whether they were socially conscious or not (but how could you be socially unaware living in fucking compton california?) they wrote good lyrics. the sociopolitical aspect is irrelevent in this case.
i'm sorry, i'm probably misspelling shit all over the place but i think there is perhaps a hint of lucidity in what i'm saying.

finding nobody 09.11.2006 10:34 PM

I Perfer Public Enemy to NWA. They're good though
Yeah, those lyrics are pretty dumb.. Do you know Today Was a Good Day by Ice Cube? I love that song!!

Everyneurotic 09.11.2006 10:36 PM

7 fucking pages?

why you guys didn't read the title of the thread, laughed and dismissed the troll is beyond me.

Cantankerous 09.11.2006 10:38 PM

don't you dare point your nasty, gnarled finger at me. i wasn't the one going on for fucking pages about this bullshit.

Everyneurotic 09.11.2006 10:39 PM

no, i know who the debate class honor students who like to drag the corpses around the town's square are.

Cantankerous 09.11.2006 10:42 PM

hayden, once the horse is dead you can quit flogging it.
although you would like to pretend you know what that means, you little psuedo-intellectual prick, here it is in simpleton terms:

shut the fuck up.

Cantankerous 09.11.2006 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
you little psuedo-intellectual prick,

oh wait. by your standards, i just complimented you.


nature scene 09.11.2006 10:58 PM

Isn't it amazing how personally people take things on an Internet message board?

HaydenAsche 09.12.2006 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
hayden, once the horse is dead you can quit flogging it.
although you would like to pretend you know what that means, you little psuedo-intellectual prick, here it is in simpleton terms:

shut the fuck up.


atari 2600 09.15.2006 06:31 PM

This is a quick checklist of different ways a rapper can play him or herself. Witness everything from cheap gimmicks to tired clichés.
01) if you rap about murdering people and selling drugs, but claim you owe everything to god...
02) if you claim anyone who doesn't like you is a "playa hater"...
03) if you brag about how many people you've killed, but also do songs about how we should "stop the violence"...
04) if you can't remember the words to your own songs...
05) if your concerts are sold-out, but no one in the audience is old enough to drive...
06) if you repeat the same word or phrase on every song you record (ie: "it's muurda," "this is real hip-hop," "bout it," etc.)...
07) if you're named after a soft, feminine, silky fabric...
08) if you only started rapping 3 years before your album was on the shelf...
09) if you claim you're with your label "for life" and then sign to another label "for life"...
10) if the best part of your video is the women, and they barely look good... might be wack

Lord, forgive me for bumping this, but I stumbled across the message above today at

porkmarras 09.15.2006 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
This is a quick checklist of different ways a rapper can play him or herself. Witness everything from cheap gimmicks to tired clichés.
01) if you rap about murdering people and selling drugs, but claim you owe everything to god...
02) if you claim anyone who doesn't like you is a "playa hater"...
03) if you brag about how many people you've killed, but also do songs about how we should "stop the violence"...
04) if you can't remember the words to your own songs...
05) if your concerts are sold-out, but no one in the audience is old enough to drive...
06) if you repeat the same word or phrase on every song you record (ie: "it's muurda," "this is real hip-hop," "bout it," etc.)...
07) if you're named after a soft, feminine, silky fabric...
08) if you only started rapping 3 years before your album was on the shelf...
09) if you claim you're with your label "for life" and then sign to another label "for life"...
10) if the best part of your video is the women, and they barely look good... might be wack

Lord, forgive me for bumping this, but I stumbled across the message above today at

Reading David Toop's 'Rap Attack'wich is way more informed than old bag atari.

atari 2600 09.15.2006 08:45 PM

You're over thirty also, porkmarras. I just thought I'd remind you that you're less than six years younger.

Human beings have biases that are hard-wired.
The primary determinants of these biases are race, sex and age.

kingcoffee 09.15.2006 09:58 PM

[quote=ted_kennedy]Been thinkin' a lot lately that the top rappers, people like Nas and, I guess Biggie when he was alive, are actually better lyricists than any one from the rock world - Dylan, Young, Beatles, etc, etc.

Teddy, my boy, you are completely fucking crazy. No way in hell has any rapper ever been able to outword Dylan, Young or the Beatles. There have been some very inventive rappers out there, but none of them compare to Dylan or Young or Lennon/McCartney. Especially Nas. He sucks. I'd say maybe Chuck D came close, but he's the man. Fuck Nas. Biggie was ok, but his death helped his career more tha anything. Besides, Biggie was a poser. A pathetic wannabe, and I for one am glad he is dead. Now Im just waiting for Jay Z and Puff Diddy-Daddy to be knocked off. They never deserved their level of fame.

Glice 09.16.2006 05:44 AM

Jay-Z's fucking amazing. Outstanding. Now, Tone-Loc, I don't think he competes with Dylan et al, but Jay-Z? I'll have some of that.

atari 2600 09.16.2006 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by kingcoffee

Teddy, my boy, you are completely fucking crazy...

Now you've gone and done it; you referred to him as a "boy."

porkmarras 09.16.2006 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
You're over thirty also, porkmarras. I just thought I'd remind you that you're less than six years younger.

Human beings have biases that are hard-wired.
The primary determinants of these biases are race, sex and age.

I see.

Norma J 09.16.2006 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by ted_kennedy
Been thinkin' a lot lately that the top rappers, people like Nas and, I guess Biggie when he was alive, are actually better lyricists than any one from the rock world - Dylan, Young, Beatles, etc, etc.

Teddy, my boy, you are completely fucking crazy. No way in hell has any rapper ever been able to outword Dylan, Young or the Beatles. There have been some very inventive rappers out there, but none of them compare to Dylan or Young or Lennon/McCartney. Especially Nas. He sucks. I'd say maybe Chuck D came close, but he's the man. Fuck Nas. Biggie was ok, but his death helped his career more tha anything. Besides, Biggie was a poser. A pathetic wannabe, and I for one am glad he is dead. Now Im just waiting for Jay Z and Puff Diddy-Daddy to be knocked off. They never deserved their level of fame.

Well said, man. Although, I don't think 'Biggie' was ok.

Disgruntled Youth 09.17.2006 02:21 PM

My two cents, as if it matters. Nas only has one full album more like an ep Illmatic that is all good material. Every track on that album is hot, the thing with Nas is he admited on a vibe interview or The Source, I forgot which of the magazines I read it in. That @ the Source awards he was wearing a Gap T & Biggie was looking paid so he went with a more crowd pleasing rap style with I Am. Live in the BBQ on the Main Source is hot shit & Nas's first apperance. But he sold out & went mainstream. Look @ that shit he did with Puffy, White furs yeah!!!! Their if equally good albums to Illmati if not better in hip hop. I was listening to nas when the fucker came out the production on Illmatic is hot ass well Q-Tip, Primier, Large Profesor, & L.E.S. But that was the last good entire album I heard not only that it was 45 min. long. & as far as Dylan is concerned Tom Foolery (hahaha) No comparison ever!!! Put nas up against Jay-Z or Mos Def even then I think Kool Kieth with slaughter them all!!

ted_kennedy 09.17.2006 02:48 PM

Nas up in this piece, mutherfuck Hayden Ashe! Short arms and deep pockets, kna' mean? Ya'll are TROLLS (apart from the people that agree with me), the rest of ya'll are NUMB-FUCKING-NUTZ!

- I bet the VAST majority of people who responded to this post never listened to any of the Nas tracks I mentioned (or the one I posted). So fuck you all and your ingrained racism.

Everyneurotic 09.17.2006 04:51 PM

die Die Die My Darling
Don't Utter A Single Word
Die Die Die My Darling
Just Shut Your Pretty Mouth
I Ain't Seeing You Again
I Am Seeing You
In Hell

HaydenAsche 09.18.2006 01:17 AM

Listen to POS. His lyrics are far greater than Nas' lyrics.

HaydenAsche 09.18.2006 01:44 AM

You are a racist, though, Kegmama. It's impossible to dislike one single rap artist and not be a racist.

porkmarras 09.18.2006 02:10 AM


Glice 09.18.2006 06:35 AM

I'm not a liberal. Some of my best friends are far-right neo-nazis.

Tokolosh 09.18.2006 07:27 AM

Good for you.

HaydenAsche 09.18.2006 08:04 AM

I'm not a liberal. I am a far-right neo-nazis.

Do I win the biggest cock competition?

Toilet & Bowels 09.18.2006 11:08 AM

seriously, quasimoto (madlib's best work) is great and everything but saying madlib is better than nas is just idiotic, madlib has never and never will make a record of the calibre of illmatic, his lyrics are entertaining but he's a beat maker, he's not by any stretch of the imagination a lyricist on a par with nas. it's a shame nas never will reach the heights of his first album again either though.

anyway, for the record, i agree with the guy who started this thread. speaking for myself, biggie and nas, or any of the best rappers have far more intricate, inventive and interesting lyrics than bob dylan. bob dylan's music has never struck a chord with me though.

this arguement has gone on too long for me to be that bothered to join in, but it is further confirmation, as if any were needed, that most people on this board have absolutely no clue about music.

ted_kennedy 09.18.2006 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
biggie and nas, or any of the best rappers have far more intricate, inventive and interesting lyrics than bob dylan.

In the words of Tim Westwood: EXACTLY!

Like I've been saying, the rhyme patterns and sentence structures of the best rappers are far more complex than those of the best rock lyricists. Thats not to say that rappers are more intelligent (although, they are by no means on average less intelligent) - its just that hip hop as a genre of music lends itself better to more intricate lyrics.

For what its worth though, I think that, musically, rock is better than rap. Its also a better canvas for expressing certain emotions (e.g. anger and alienation with grunge)

Glice 09.18.2006 12:40 PM

I had a hard time with hip-hop for a long time. I didn't really get it. I came from a 'rock' background. When it finally clicked it was great. Because, unlike rock, and as Ted 'best new poster for ages' Kennedy says, hip-hop lends itself to intricate lyrics... because there isn't much happening musically. You get the ocassional exciting beat, but mostly the lyrics are the main focus, becuase the 'music', as it were, is generally repetitive and a-melodic. And yes, I do think hip-hop generally has better lyrics. Dylan's rhyming scheme is VERY take it or leave it, Nas' (and many other people's) 'rhyming scheme' is generally more diverse than your average rock musician.

Westwood, in spite of being the world's largest prick, is a national hero.

HaydenAsche 09.18.2006 12:47 PM

I find Biggie and Nas to be terrible. Especially Nas. I know Madlib's lyrics are silly but I enjoy him more than someone talking about selling crack. POS is far greater lyrically than Nas or Biggie. I hate Dylan btw.

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