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noisereductions 03.26.2009 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by chairman of the bored
i guess ive gotta give into the hype and check the new album...doom was basically my favorite mc, then he released dangerdoom and...some other sub-par album that didnt hook me so i lost hope and interest, but im gonna go check out this new one...i know its streaming somewherez

1. Danger Doom is always slept on. i'm not really sure why. Is it his best? No. But it's damn good. The production is great.

2. He did not release a (studio) album after Danger Doom, so I'm not sure what subpar album yr talking about. [since DD, there's been Special Herbs 9&0 (instrumentals), Special Herbs 3CD set (instrumentals), John Robinson Project (production only) and Madvillainy 2 (just Madlib remixes of OG Madvillain album)]

floatingslowly 03.27.2009 08:18 PM


Like an instant OMG album.

I was on itunes, and about to buy it, but I wanted to see what you thought first.

I hope to OMG.

floatingslowly 03.28.2009 12:22 PM

I OMGed and ooh shitted.

rap ambush makes me want to cry.

someday, I want DOOM's brain in a jar.


Originally Posted by The Earl Of Slander
it's too crammed with guests.

DOOM's music is almost as good as his vocals. Yessir! (feat. Raekwon) might be one of my favorite tracks and DOOM's vocals don't even play much of a part at all.
(it doesn't hurt that the track starts with the sound of LA cop cars circa two-thousand one nine).

wellcharge 03.29.2009 10:23 AM

"i bought madvillain on vinyl and i ain't even have a record player"

-mos def

o'connor 04.11.2009 11:04 AM

new DOOM interview, talks about forthcoming albums and what not.

The Earl Of Slander 04.11.2009 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by o'connor
new DOOM interview, talks about forthcoming albums and what not.

I'm assuming half of that is just DOOM being DOOM and making shit up (a science book?), but I have to say that "But later on this year, niggas’ll hear the Doom/Ghost shit. It’s raw as hell by the way. It’s about to be bonkers. You can’t even imagine" has me really psyched, if it doesn't turn out to be more bull.

o'connor 04.11.2009 08:08 PM

exactly what i thought when i read that

noisereductions 04.11.2009 08:28 PM

I dnt believe any of his albums are coming out until I see a label press release anymore. I've read way too many interviews of the years that gave me false hope.

o'connor 04.12.2009 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I dnt believe any of his albums are coming out until I see a label press release anymore. I've read way too many interviews of the years that gave me false hope.

co-sign. yr dead on w/ that one buddy.

o'connor 05.07.2009 07:26 PM

new DOOM interview, supposedly it's REALLY REALLY interesting and he talks about alot of new stuff coming out and even teh old KMD days. i can't read it though cause i don't have word on my computer. here's the link

Hip-Hop Connection

anybody wanna paste it to somethign else so i can read it? pretty please :)

floatingslowly 05.07.2009 07:46 PM

you don't need word. it's adobe .pdf.

I'd cut/paste, but it formats weird.

I'll leave you with this:


It’s more than a little off-key speaking to MoBonix. Not
necessarily because the ATLien is wearing a black stocking
pulled tightly over his face and glasses – it’s more that he
introduces himself by way of a deadly serious, “MoBonix is
from Mars

he's not lying either. you should see the dude.

The Earl Of Slander 05.15.2009 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by matt g
Born Like This on glorious vinyl next week, I believe.

It's out already. I've held it in the store and battled with myself over whether I can justify dropping £14 on the vinyl of an album I bought on CD like 3 months ago. Fiscal responsibility ended up winning out, but quite possibly not for very long...

noisereductions 05.15.2009 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I was on itunes, and about to buy it, but I wanted to see what you thought first.

Thanks, man.

noisereductions 05.15.2009 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

DOOM's music is almost as good as his vocals. Yessir! (feat. Raekwon) might be one of my favorite tracks and DOOM's vocals don't even play much of a part at all.

Yr dead on. A DOOM track doesn't need DOOM's vox to be amazing. See SPECIAL HERBS 9 + 0 for further proof.

The Earl Of Slander 05.15.2009 12:28 PM

Don't get me wrong, I generally I love the guest tracks on Doom albums. He's possibly my favourite producer. Say, "Tick, Tick..." from Operation Doomsday, is stunning, and there's no Doom vocal on that. I just thought that "Supervillainz" specifically was a bit overstuffed. The rest of the guest tracks (RAEKWON! GHOSTFACE!) are amazing.

noisereductions 05.15.2009 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by The Earl Of Slander
Don't get me wrong, I generally I love the guest tracks on Doom albums. He's possibly my favourite producer. Say, "Tick, Tick..." from Operation Doomsday, is stunning, and there's no Doom vocal on that. I just thought that "Supervillainz" specifically was a bit overstuffed. The rest of the guest tracks (RAEKWON! GHOSTFACE!) are amazing.

Gawd, I LOVE "Supervillainz"! I don't think Slug has sounded so on point since SE7EN'S TRAVELS.

And "Still Dope" is great too. The Rae track is definitely a standout though.

kittymagic 06.05.2009 08:04 AM

u gotta check out curse ov dialect or def wish cast

noisereductions 06.05.2009 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by kittymagic
u gotta check out curse ov dialect or def wish cast

I don't know these words.

kittymagic 06.05.2009 08:45 AM

curse ov dialect

kittymagic 06.05.2009 08:45 AM

def wish cast

Sonic Youth 37 06.05.2009 09:34 AM

So, it's MF Grimm's vocals on "Tick, Tick..."? I was never 100% sure about this. It really doesn't sound like DOOM or Grimm to me...

noisereductions 06.05.2009 10:00 AM

yeah, Grimm does "Tick Tick".

The Earl Of Slander 06.05.2009 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
yeah, Grimm kills it on "Tick Tick".

Fixed :)

noisereductions 06.05.2009 02:03 PM


Grimm kills it on:


Sonic Youth 37 06.05.2009 02:14 PM

"chop that ass in half like Obi Wan Kenobi" is my favorite line.

matt g 08.11.2009 12:24 PM



noisereductions 08.11.2009 01:25 PM

OMG where did you get that???? Goes well with the King Geedorah ones!

(And the Vik Vaughn 2 coloring page)

pokkeherrie 01.07.2010 11:09 AM

Looks like DOOM is "supposedly" coming to Europe after all these years, playing in Amsterdam on March 4th:

Then the day after he's booked to play in London.

Yeah right.

Assuming he still has the same passport issues, it seems more obvious than ever that he'll be sending out a DOOMposter to lip sync a European tour for him... Can he really just get away with that shit?

noisereductions 01.07.2010 11:43 AM

DOOM can get away with pretty much anything. He's a supervillain.

pokkeherrie 01.07.2010 11:49 AM

True... and I admire his honesty/shamelessness about the whole imposter saga, but €35 for having someone lip sync for 20 minutes? That's just a rip-off... although I guess anyone believing he's really coming over deserves to lose that kind of money.

noisereductions 01.07.2010 12:04 PM

but the thing is, yr paying for the experience. The money you spend is to say you experienced a DOOM show. If that means you experienced one of his bizar imposter pranks, then you still experienced that. Right?

pokkeherrie 01.07.2010 12:29 PM

If the people attending see it like that, fine. But I'd feel cheated and disrespected myself. Imposter pranks are funny once or twice, but to do a whole tour like that when it's already known in advance? I don't see the point.

I'll pay for his albums, but I wouldn't pay for a DOOM experience... or a Sonic Youth experience or whichever band.

noisereductions 01.07.2010 12:50 PM

meh. I guess I just think of going to a show as going to a... SHOW. I mean, if that's what is shows are, then so be it. I think of it like going to a William Castle movie. You're really not paying for the movie...

pokkeherrie 01.07.2010 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
if that's what is shows are, then so be it.

But they're not "his" shows, that's the point.

I mean I've seen plenty of fake instruments being played during live hip-hop shows and if the show was good then it didn't really matter, because it's indeed all about the show.

But in DOOM's case he won't be there, it's not his show. He'll be thousands of miles away in a different continent. That's where I clearly draw the line for €35, I don't care what other people do.

noisereductions 01.07.2010 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
But they're not "his" shows, that's the point.

but he orchestrated it. It's his show. It's performance art.

Like The Residents. If you go see them live, how do you know you're really seeing hthem?

chicka 01.07.2010 02:04 PM

performance art my ass it's a ripoff pure and simple it's obvious he hasn't sold enough albums to be financially successful so he's burning his true fans.

sad sad

noisereductions 01.07.2010 02:13 PM


pokkeherrie 01.07.2010 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
but he orchestrated it. It's his show. It's performance art.

He orchestrated what exactly? Most of what I've read about DOOM's gigs involves fans waiting three hours only to get an imposter lip-sync for 20 minutes and leave the stage. That's performance art? Get the fuck out, it's called shitting on your fans. It's a shame, because I would've liked to go see him.


Originally Posted by noisereductions
Like The Residents. If you go see them live, how do you know you're really seeing hthem?

yeah, or SunnO))), The New Blockaders, Caroliner, Daft Punk or GWAR. You can play that game for many people. What I do know is that when I went to see The Residents it was a lot cheaper than what DOOM's asking and they performed for nearly two hours... without lip synching.

noisereductions 01.07.2010 05:44 PM

alright, well then just don't go. Makes little difference to me.

vulva 01.07.2010 06:56 PM

cool guys! I'm seeing DOOM and Mos Def. Or maybe I'm seeing Mos Def and a DOOMposter or maybe I'm seeing Mos Def wearing a DOOM mask. Regardless of that, I'm going to a DOOM show

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