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atsonicpark 11.04.2007 08:01 PM


drrrtyboots 11.04.2007 09:04 PM

rape me.

atsonicpark 11.04.2007 09:34 PM

replace "i wanna get free i wanna get free ride into the sun" with "i'm a negative creep i'm a negative creep and i'm stoned" and you'll find the key.

gmku 11.04.2007 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
bores me to tears.

I do not appreciate it one bit

I thought I was the only one! And I'm a freaking Nirvana freak!

I much prefer Bleach and Nevermind. I love the shit out of fucking Nevermind, in fact. I don't care what anybody says about it.

Everyneurotic 11.04.2007 10:18 PM

a big part of kurt's self imposed (yes, self fucking imposed; it wasn't just a random "lucky occurrence) image is strongly based on joseph campbell's hero's journey.

dude drove (and still drives) on martyrdom. same with eddie vedder, except he didn't buy into his self image and actually go to the deep end. "smarter" business decisions.

Norma J 11.05.2007 12:04 AM

Atsonicpark, usually you're posts are interesting even if one does not agree with what you're on about. But in this thread you've made no sense and brought up little to no argument supporting your case whatsoever - just childish insults. Many bands you listen to are fucking junkies, dude, what are you talking about? Mindless lyrics? You've stated members in your band don't even know your songs and they improvise - mindless? As old as it is to defend Cobain (which I'd be doing in this case for any musician/band whether I like the music or not) it's even more tiring and cliche to insult Cobain/Nirvana.

Again, most people who insult Nirvana and Cobain don't know why.

Norma J 11.05.2007 12:11 AM

Many bands get huge success and are talentless. It's a rare occasion when worthy bands get ahead. Which is why Nirvanas fame was/is warranted.

pbradley 11.05.2007 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I didn't even read the whole of your post. Yawn, after the first line. Yawn again for being some sort of yawinish internet yawn. Yawn.

An ironically predictable smugness from sarramkrop. Yawn at the yawns.

Everyneurotic 11.05.2007 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
smarter business decision? i highly doubt ian curtis would have so many fans if he hadnt of killed himself. 'sides, hardley anyone gives a fuck about pearl jam. kurts making a shitload more money dead...haha...mother fucker as of last year sold more albums than ELVIS.

ian curtis is so apples and oranges, dude was a manic depressive guy, "exploited" it on his lyrics (i don't think that, i think he was just being honest, but you can argue about it), BUT didn't dive into feeling worst or presenting himself as being worse than he was to the point for his art and image that he became that. AND joy division when they were around were not even a tenth as famous as nirvana were in their prime.

have you checked what kind of arenas pearl jam play? i can't stand them but dudes sell millions and pack arenas worldwide. my point was that eddie vedder also played the role of troubled artist but didn't become as self absorbed into that roled as kurt cobain and, therefore, could continue his career, whether nirvana fucking ended yet they sell records like crazy (that's why i put "smarter" in quotation marks).

and that remark about how much they sell, well, that's what i meant in my previous post, dude wouldn't want it any other way.

Everyneurotic 11.05.2007 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
yeah...what i shoulda said was "most people that dig pearl jam dont know shit about music". which is ussualy true. i like PJ sometimes. i think ive said it before, but they are one of those bands thats say, releases 15 albums...2 are going to be great, 4 are going to have a couple decent songs...and the rest are going to suck fat ass. eddie just seems to take himself a bit too seriously sometimes for my liking.

i think its important to keep in mind that most artists are indeed "troubled", or at least go trhough a phase of being troubled at some point in their life...even more importantly, i think its important to at least consider that kurt and eddie were VERRRRRRRRRRYYYYY different people. kurt never really grew up. he was 27, but basically died a miserable 18 year old that still seemed desperate to figure shit out. kurt also depended alot on other people to take care of em...eddie was living on his own...had his own truck/job/apartment...while he was in HS!!!!!!!!! thats how he dealt with his shitty home life...he moved out and became a "man". eddie witout a doubt (with all the SHIT i can, have, and probally will say about him) had a shit fucking load more self confidence in HS...then kurt cobain had approachin his freakin 30's. and im not trying to talk shit about either of probally in between both. i have takin care of myself, and for the most part i do...but ive never went too long without a roomate. both of them dealt with their problems in totally different ways and really cant be compared outside of the fact, that at one point in time, they were both the "voices of a generation" < really like what eddie once said when asked about that in an interview...right after kurt died actually...he said "if we're the voices of a generation, then that must be a really fucked up generation". haha. eddie can be okay sometimes. he'll damn sure never be kurt though. but then again, kurt never could have been him either...very different people.

just wish PJ understood the concept of evolution...they talk about it in their songs, but shit, their music just hasnt done it much since oh, the early 90's..

couldn't agree more, and because of what you just described about kurt proves that there was a yearning for power and control in his own person and he used it in a negative way, for a shitload of reasons.

of course i agree with that part of the "trouble artist", totally, but there's a projection on their self images that both guys had and one let him, for whatever reasons, to take the best of him and fucking ending his life, while the other kept it in check.

the artist who suffers and dies for his art is another archtype that people respond strongly to and another reason why he keeps on being this icon.

Kylerobert 11.05.2007 01:32 AM

The guy wrote good tunes...The biggest irritation for me when it comes to Cobain is when people base their decisions over (or even think they know) what Kurt wanted/thought. Unless you knew him personally its hard to make a judgement on "what you see"...However, even people on here claiming you can't judge the book by the cover... Judge people by the cover all the time. Fuck even Kurt probably did. I remember seeing an interview where he bashed Pearl Jam and called them manufactured or something along those lines. Well Kurt for a band that is just 'hopping on the bandwagon' they sure have lasted quite some time now.

sarramkrop 11.05.2007 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
An ironically predictable smugness from sarramkrop. Yawn at the yawns.


alyasa 11.05.2007 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by Kylerobert
The guy wrote good tunes...The biggest irritation for me when it comes to Cobain is when people base their decisions over (or even think they know) what Kurt wanted/thought. Unless you knew him personally its hard to make a judgement on "what you see"...However, even people on here claiming you can't judge the book by the cover... Judge people by the cover all the time. Fuck even Kurt probably did. I remember seeing an interview where he bashed Pearl Jam and called them manufactured or something along those lines. Well Kurt for a band that is just 'hopping on the bandwagon' they sure have lasted quite some time now.

Apparently Kurt Cobain met up with Eddie Vedder, had a talk with him, and released a press statement saying that he respected Eddie Vedder as a human being, but he still thought that the band sucked... Musical tastes and opinions... I happen to like Ten, but they've never done anything that good after that... My opninon... :o

Norma J 11.05.2007 04:58 AM

Pearl Jam are cool, but them still making music today was a smart business choice? I think I disagree.

sarramkrop 11.05.2007 05:32 AM

Sometimes when I read atsonicpark's posts I can't help but wonder if this guy really loves music, or he's just a poseur. I mean this in the nicest possible way, because he seems to also be able to come up with some interesting points of view, but then he goes all the way to come across like some overopinionated indie geek.

jon boy 11.05.2007 05:37 AM

in utero, like it a lot it has a good sound but i would have liked to have heard the original version of it before other producers and the label got their hands on it and added changes. milk it is probably my favourite on here and i love the title of radio friendly unit shifter, ace name.

pbradley 11.05.2007 05:43 AM

I actually prefer the kind of awkward, accidental-sounding funk with songs like Milk It and In Bloom.

But then again I always like when heavy guitar songs drop the guitar and let the hidden bassline carry. Fugazi's Shut the Door, etc.

PAULYBEE2656 11.05.2007 09:29 AM

my god is this thread still going.........

atsonicpark 11.05.2007 09:31 AM


posin' since 1998.

atsonicpark 11.05.2007 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Norma J
Atsonicpark, usually you're posts are interesting even if one does not agree with what you're on about. But in this thread you've made no sense and brought up little to no argument supporting your case whatsoever - just childish insults. Many bands you listen to are fucking junkies, dude, what are you talking about? Mindless lyrics? You've stated members in your band don't even know your songs and they improvise - mindless? As old as it is to defend Cobain (which I'd be doing in this case for any musician/band whether I like the music or not) it's even more tiring and cliche to insult Cobain/Nirvana.

Again, most people who insult Nirvana and Cobain don't know why.

Now hold it -- when did I say "mindless lyrics"?

And, for the record, I may listen to bands with junky members, but I don't worship those guys.

Anyway, I really like Bleach and Incesticide, but I don't care for much of the other stuff. And Kurt just irritates me forever. That's all.

Norma J 11.06.2007 04:59 AM

It was a joke, Sway. As in hardy-har-har-har. Jokes. Etc. Although, I probably should have just put "Pearl Jam should have shut the door years ago". But then I probably would have got a spiel about how you've seen them shut car doors, house doors, etc. So I probably should have just said I don't really care for them these days - but I think that was kinda evident anyways.

alyasa 05.09.2010 01:46 AM

Bumped for the continued appreciation of In Utero - the culmination of Bleach and Nevermind - the peak of a tortured artist's manic vision and dream yearnings... For a world where pop doesn't have to suck my motherfuckng balls...

atsonicpark 05.09.2010 06:56 AM

Muddy Banks Of Wishkah >

alyasa 05.09.2010 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Muddy Banks Of Wishkah >

kicks asses and takes names... You know SY should release a live album with this kinda energy... a double disc edition...

infinitemusic 05.12.2010 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by alyasa
I have to disagree... Nirvana created a masterpiece of abrasion and aggression on In Utero, managed to look good doing it, and still remained nice guys you could have a cup of coffee with...

Mmm... In Utero is neither that abrasive nor that aggressive. It's pretty MOR, not that that's necessarily a bad thing. I loved this album when I was younger, but having heard the so-called Steve Albini mix, which is supposedly a very far-away cleaned-up version of his mix, I wish they had released that. It actually sounded very abrasive in some parts, and really cool and intriguing in others. And that's not something I can say about any of Nirvana's music, except maybe their really late stuff.

It's way better than Nevermind, though. I mean, I'm not even talking about production or musical "ethics" or indieness and that bullshit, I'm talking about pure and simple songwriting. It's a million times more consistent than Nevermind. The noise songs are more committed to the noise and also more thought out. The ballady songs are more melodic. The ones in the middle like "Heart-Shaped Box'' are also better. Not to mention the lyrics actually having some thought put into them (and we ALL know that was at least partially thanks to you know who's influence, whether we want to admit it or not).


unfortunately yes! exactly! but that shouldn't discredit in utero, I mean does the crappy music from the 70s discredit paranoid?

Paranoid really isn't THAT great of an album. You can tell it was rushed out to capitalize on their success or whatever. The first album was much better in every way. Lyrically it was much better and musically I think it was too. Although "Paranoid" is a really good song.


contrary to popular belief, i love the production, one of albini's best...besides, the remixing and remastering was just in a couple of songs, not on the whole album.

Listen to the alternate mix and you'll see that that's absolutely not true. Every song on that mix is different in at least some small way. Most of them are very different.


anyway, what's sad about in utero is their best song (marigold) was recorded during these sessions.. and it wasn't even on the album.

This is definitely not their best song haha. First of all, it wasn't even a fucking Nirvana song, it was a remixed version of a song on Dave's Pocket Watch thing, and second of all it's a terrible song and the only reason you posted this is to be "edgy"

atsonicpark 05.12.2010 07:30 PM

Okay, then, by your no-logic, you said Paranoid is not good to be "edgy", too! See how that works? Crazy!

...But, seriously, Marigold is by far the best song recorded during that time. Even MY MASTER MASTIKAL, MR. ALBINI, thinks so. Scentless Apprentice is also really good, wasn't that also written by Dave? Oh no it's not a Nirvana song either then!


Lurker 05.12.2010 07:37 PM

It's a great album but not the best womb themed album I can think of.

alyasa 05.13.2010 01:09 AM

What is the best womb themed album you can think of; off the top of your head...

wellcharge 05.13.2010 08:49 PM

i appreciate the record

atsonicpark 05.13.2010 09:10 PM

Hit or miss. I've grown to appreciate it a bit more in time. I LOVE Milk It (even though it's clearly a Melvins ripoff; same bassline, structure, etc), Frances Farmer, Scentless, Serve, Dumb, Very Ape, Radio Friendly. Not a big fan of any of the other songs, but they are all interesting in some way. Heart Shaped kinda goes nowhere, but at least creates a cool atmosphere, with its ugly chord pickings. Rape Me.... I mean, it's kinda cool how it sounds exactly like Smells Like Teen spirit at the beginning, and then considering the content of the song -- it almost seems like a parody of, and a response to, Teen Spirit. Don't like All Apologies at all, aside from the ending. I do remember listening to it once and hearing what sounded like a piece of paper at one point, like Kurt turning a piece of paper with lyrics on it, over.

Decent album, seems a bit conflicted in what they were trying to accomplish, but that adds to the charm. It's also the first CD I ever bought with my own birthday money (first tape I ever got was WALK AMONG US, at age 6). I think I was 8.

I'd like to hear the other version, the mixed version that wasn't released, or whatever infinitemusic's post alludes to.

EVOLghost 05.13.2010 09:33 PM

my fave of trhe three studio albums. Scentless Apprentice does kick ass also Radio

atari 2600 09.13.2013 12:13 PM

Dave Grohl And Krist Novoselic Share Memories, Unreleased Tracks From 'In Utero'

EVOLghost 09.13.2013 12:16 PM


h8kurdt 09.13.2013 12:51 PM

Still my fav. album of all time. Think I'll be getting the new box set, but by golly gosh it costs a fair few pennies.

atari 2600 09.13.2013 01:02 PM


pantophobia 09.13.2013 10:50 PM

that super deluxe is looking nice, but i wish i could get it under 100, ugh decisions

hipster_bebop_junkie 09.16.2013 09:36 PM

atari, thanks (and it's good to see you around)!

I was hesitant to check out the NPR link as I don't want to hear that obscure "Forgotten Tune" yet as I plan to purchase the box-set. The rest of that program is worth a listen, though (enjoying it now).

I'm familiar with a lot of the material. Most of it has circulated in trading circles/torrent sites for years. It is my understanding even the Steve Albini original mix has been released by Geffen Records at some point already... This reissue is still an interesting object to me, though, even if it would cost crazy bucks (don't remember if the "Nevermind" reissue was as costly, probably it was) and I think there could be a horrible loudness-war remaster there, too, which in my case would not make me happy in the slightest. Really looking forward to the "Live and Loud" DVD and CD, though. It's great to know an universally acclaimed performance will finally get an official release in its full form.

As a side note, just the other day I was reading Tom Hansen's "American Junkie", and found a mention of that Live and Loud show, which had more to do with Kurt Cobain's heroin addiction at the time, as opposed to providing any sort of context in regards to that particular Nirvana performance.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.16.2013 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by hipster_bebop_junkie
This reissue is still an interesting object to me, though, even if it would cost crazy bucks (don't remember if the "Nevermind" reissue was as costly, probably it was)

It was 19.99-24.99 but they had a gold version which was pricier.. I think the reissues are crucial because they expose quite literally AN ENTIRELY new generation to that more underground, bootleg version of Nirvana which was part of the appeal. In the mid-1990s buying obscure Nirvana boots was an almost esoteric experience. Now that kids can find this material easier than we did, I think is good, because that bootleg scene was (a) mercilessly over priced and (b) utterly dead due to the internet.


and I think there could be a horrible loudness-war remaster there, too, which in my case would not make me happy in the slightest. Really looking forward to the "Live and Loud" DVD and CD, though.

Yes, I've been happy with all the DVD reissues, Reading, Unplugged, 1991: Year That Punk Broke, Live!Tonight!Sold Out!, and now definitely Live and Loud which is the best Nirvana show I think. Its great to finally replace all those VHS copies from the 1990s, and again, that is something that kids today simply couldn't have experienced otherwise..

Rob Instigator 09.17.2013 11:23 AM

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 09.17.2013 12:49 PM

damn you courtney you are still so damned greedy its always a fucking Nirvana sabotage. Why not release Live and Loud separately as a stand alone Live DVD?? Why make us buy something we already have. I'm not even remotely interested in buying a reissue of material I've had since I was in elementary school, I'm happy the kids in elementary-high school today get to relive our 1990s joy of more obscure Nirvana, but I also want to buy that DVD, and now I won't.. Sighs. Its been twenty fucking years of this shit, Nirvana won't finally be itself until she is dead, and then Francis can rekindle a revival like Hendrix's sister has been doing lately. What she has been doing over the past 15 years with the Hendrix Estate is remarkable, what Courtney has been doing with Nirvana is embarrassing..

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