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Severian 12.06.2016 10:40 PM

Now read 2012's Before Watchmen prequel. I haven't read it in full, but I want to.

Severian 12.06.2016 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
Omg. That whole book. Amazing, tragic, profound.

There's some interesting backstory from a publishing perspective as well. The Watchmen were inspired by characters from Charlton Comics (Captain Atom = Doctor Manhatten; Nightshade = Silk Soectre; Thunderbolt = Ozymandias, etc), which DC purchased the rights to in the '80s.

The original plan for the book was to make a kind of farewell story to the Charlton universe's big heroes, but Moore and Gibbons decided to do something different, even though many of those Charlton guys were assimilated versions of the DC multiverse. The parallels between the two sets of character is interesting. Captain Atom is TOTALLY Doc Manhatten, only silver and less of a ... well, dick. :)

noisereductions 12.06.2016 11:28 PM

Yeah i read about that stuff too. Atom and all that.

I do plan to read the Before comics as welll.

noisereductions 12.07.2016 08:31 AM

sev, have you started Unworthy Thor yet? Issue #2 is out now, and it does sound interesting:


With his hammer no longer deeming him worthy, Thor is drinking heavily, avoiding sleep, and generally living an unhealthy lifestyle.

I read the preview pages of #1 last month. It seemed cool. But I'm already juggling a lot of current series.

Severian 12.07.2016 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
sev, have you started Unworthy Thor yet? Issue #2 is out now, and it does sound interesting:

I read the preview pages of #1 last month. It seemed cool. But I'm already juggling a lot of current series.

No man, I haven't started it. I am pretty new to solo Thor, so I think I want to start by reading more of Walter Sinpson's "definitive" run as a proper introduction to the character's solo titles.

I've only read a couple scattered issues from Simpson's Almighty Thor, and that was long ago, so I'm really hoping to get my hands on a TPB of that stuff that isn't the $200+ hardbound omnibus.

From what I've read and gathered from others, it's comparable to Byrne's Superman run in the '80s, and as an extended arc, taken as a whole, it shows the best of all the Thunder god's different aspects (from silly to serious to serious space opera shit. So that's what my priority is for Marvel right now.

I haven't read a comic in a couple weeks. Been super busy

noisereductions 12.07.2016 02:38 PM

hey sev, maybe there's a store near you that you don't realize:

Like, there's a place called Toy Vault near me that I had no idea carried comics. (Thought it was a toy store... duh).

There's also the option of buying digital comics if you are still interested in reading new Marvel but can't seem to find any near you.

I'll be hitting my shop tonight. I'll let y'all know what I pick up.

Severian 12.07.2016 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
hey sev, maybe there's a store near you that you don't realize:

Like, there's a place called Toy Vault near me that I had no idea carried comics. (Thought it was a toy store... duh).

There's also the option of buying digital comics if you are still interested in reading new Marvel but can't seem to find any near you.

Nope. Nada. I mean, yes there's a hobby shop that has comics... I'm friends with the owner actually. He mainly sells super nerdy stuff like Magic: The Gathering and D&D and, y'know, collectible Alien statuettes, but he also has a growing collection of comics that he's purchased from people and he sells them with things from his own collection. So... if you just want a fistful of comics, you can get them there. If you're looking for something specific, you're pretty much SOL, especially if you're looking for all the issues in an arc.

He was in the process of ordering NEW comics on a weekly basis from a distributor, but he had to cancel that because not enough people placed orders to meet the minimum shipment requirements. Would have been a waste.

Then there's the shitty little bookstore that has, like, Batman, Superman, Doctor Who and Archie. And even those done seem to come in regularly. Zero marvel stuff, and honestly not enough of anything to warrant a visit more than once every few months.

I was plowing through digital issues on my iPad for a long time, but it seems to have taken some kind of a shit on me. Thinking about getting a new one.


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I'll be hitting my shop tonight. I'll let y'all know what I pick up.

Hah. "Y'all." I think it's pretty much just me and you buddy.

noisereductions 12.07.2016 03:43 PM

lol. Well, I know Rob and demonrail have posted a bit in here, though now that you mention it I don't think either of them care about issue #2 of the 2016 run of The Avengers. Haha.

noisereductions 12.07.2016 04:47 PM

you ever consider a Marvel Unlimited subscription? Think of it as a digital Marvel Netflix. I believe it has all issues 6+ months old. You pay one monthly fee to access em all. May be convenient in your situation where you have no local stores.

Your other option is waiting for TPB's to get collected, I guess. But that takes away the constantly reading stuff weekly, as well as the ability to try one new issue and see if you like a series.

noisereductions 12.07.2016 07:00 PM

so here's what I picked up:

Avengers #2 - came out today.

Infamous Iron Man #1 - this is the new series where Dr. Doom is supposed to be reformed and wants to be good. Interesting.

Uncanny Avengers #15 - currently this is on #16. I started at 15 as it is the first in a new story line.

Extraordinary X-Men #13 - carrying on...

h8kurdt 12.08.2016 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
Hah. "Y'all." I think it's pretty much just me and you buddy.

Nah, I'm here too. Problem is I can't be doing with capeshit 90% of the time. There's a whole incredible medium there, and all that's being focused on is the latest crap-o-rama edition of a character that is just replaying the same story over, and over again. Ever more STRONGER/RIDICULOUS baddies that can't actually win no matter how strong they are, cos y'know, you're not gonna kill off Superman, Batman etc. and even when they supposedly do it's not for long.

Hit me up when BadgerBoy and PepsiMan do a cross over.

demonrail666 12.08.2016 04:08 AM

Just picked up Alan Moore's Necronomicon.


It got bad reviews but I'm a Lovecraft fan and always at least interested in what Alan Moore does, so we'll see.

On the 'capeshit' thing, I occasionally dip me toe in but rarely for long. I like mythologies so I enjoy the superhero universe on that level but I'm certainly not a collector. I was buying the Batman Rebirth issues but I think I'll stop and just wait for the TPBs. I wouldn't mind if there was a really good horror comic out there. I might collect those (I have all the Sandman issues) but I don't know of any, so it's mostly just graphic novels. Although of the Superhero comica, I suppose Batman gets close to horror at times.

noisereductions 12.08.2016 08:19 AM

Alan Moore also recently did a book called Providence. Is that also Lovecraft related?

Y'know it's weird. Love comics. Love horror. But horror comics aren't my thing at all.

That said, I have heard really good things about this Haunted Horror issue that just came out. if yo'ure into horror books, maybe you'd dig it?

demonrail666 12.08.2016 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
Alan Moore also recently did a book called Providence. Is that also Lovecraft related?

Y'know it's weird. Love comics. Love horror. But horror comics aren't my thing at all.

That said, I have heard really good things about this Haunted Horror issue that just came out. if yo'ure into horror books, maybe you'd dig it?

Providence is terrible. I actually think Alan Moore's been in a major decline for years. His best stuff always felt like it was commenting on the world around him but now it just seems like a product of his own self-obsessed mind. It's like he's only doing stuff for himself now. Saying that, I'll always check out whatever he's doing, just because.

That Haunted Horror comic looks like exactly the kind of thing I'm after. I love old EC comics and that seems to be in a similar vein. Thanks!

h8kurdt 12.08.2016 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Providence is terrible. I actually think Alan Moore's been in a major decline for years. His best stuff always felt like it was commenting on the world around him but now it just seems like a product of his own self-obsessed mind. It's like he's only doing stuff for himself now. Saying that, I'll always check out whatever he's doing, just because.

That Haunted Horror comic looks like exactly the kind of thing I'm after. I love old EC comics and that seems to be in a similar vein. Thanks!

Have you read his book? Sure he said he's retired from comic books now.

And to be fair to him, he's written three comic books that'll always rank as some of the best books ever. If I had just one of them I'd die a happy man.

noisereductions 12.08.2016 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
That Haunted Horror comic looks like exactly the kind of thing I'm after. I love old EC comics and that seems to be in a similar vein. Thanks!

glad to help!

Another possible recommendation is the new Tales From The Darkside series being written by Joe Hill (Stephen King's son). I didn't read it myself (again, not big on horror comics). My wife read issue #1 because she's enjoyed Hill's novels, and said "meh", so take that for what it's worth. It still may be worth looking into for old EC style books.

Severian 12.08.2016 12:43 PM

Look to early '00s IDW for some badass horror comics.

30 Days of Night was really something ... even the movie was ok, but the movie only focuses on one storyline. My favorite horror comic EVER is "Juarez; OR; Lex Nova & the case of the 400 Dead Mexican Girls."

It's fucking down and dirty horror noir that's actually scary and it's also FUNNY AS FUCK. The main character narrates his thoughts and actions, out loud, in real time, regardless of who's around or the appropriateness of what he's saying/thinking.


Just fucking great. It has nothing to do with the 30DoN movie or anything like that. It's just the main story in a 30DoN collection called Bloodsucker Tales. Art by Ben Templesmith.

Oh my god it's so fucking good, seriously. They could have made a great movie out of this one story. To this day this stands as one of my favorite comics ever, and it's been a decade since I read it, but I still remember so much about it.

Read Lex Nova, guys. Holy shit. Schizophrenic paranormal Detectives, vampire priests, dead hookers, tequila. Magnificence.

noisereductions 12.08.2016 01:01 PM

cool. IDW really puts out some awesome stuff. And just on a tangible note: their paper feels so sturdy and quality.

Still, just not really into horror comics. I don't know.

Last night I read Avengers #2, Infamous Iron Man #1 and Uncanny Avengers #15. All good.

I might dig thru my backlog this week... I'm really in the mood for some 90's comics right now.

Severian 12.08.2016 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
cool. IDW really puts out some awesome stuff. And just on a tangible note: their paper feels so sturdy and quality.

Still, just not really into horror comics. I don't know.

Last night I read Avengers #2, Infamous Iron Man #1 and Uncanny Avengers #15. All good.

I might dig thru my backlog this week... I'm really in the mood for some 90's comics right now.

Well, this is a thread about comic books and exploring new comic books, so I think you should read at least (at LEAST) the following from IDW, I will read three titles of your recommendation, promise.

These ones here:
• The first "30 Days of Night," if you haven't read it already. It's masterful and beautiful.
• "Juarez; Or: Lex Nova & the Case of the 400 Dead Mexican Girls" found in 30DoN anthology "Bloodsucker Tales" (just that story, not the whole thing)
• "Singularity 7" ... This is sorta horror, sorta sci-fi, sorta superbeing. One short TPB. Super intense and gloriously fucked up in the best of ways.

Alll are drawn by Ben Tenplesmith, written by Niven or Niles (I get them mixed up and it's been a while).

noisereductions 12.08.2016 02:51 PM

I've got some credit on the Google Play Store, so I'll see if any of those might be available digitally "for free" for me.

I do own some horror comics, but just not really into them.

I'll have to think about 3 comics to force - I mean suggest - you read. :) I feel like I have this huge opportunity now. I don't wanna blow it haha.

noisereductions 12.08.2016 03:46 PM

well, none of those are on Google Play. But I'll figure something out. I'll see if any of them are available thru my library or something.

Switching gears: I think I might check out the DC Rebirth Supergirl series. Actually... I definitely will. It's only on #3 I believe right now, so easy to catch up. I actually find the TV series totally charming. So I'm kind of 'into' the character right now. So that's another DC title that I'll be picking up Sev. Prob not one of the ones you were hoping I'd follow, but...

demonrail666 12.08.2016 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Look to early '00s IDW for some badass horror comics.

30 Days of Night was really something ... even the movie was ok, but the movie only focuses on one storyline. My favorite horror comic EVER is "Juarez; OR; Lex Nova & the case of the 400 Dead Mexican Girls."

It's fucking down and dirty horror noir that's actually scary and it's also FUNNY AS FUCK. The main character narrates his thoughts and actions, out loud, in real time, regardless of who's around or the appropriateness of what he's saying/thinking.


Just fucking great. It has nothing to do with the 30DoN movie or anything like that. It's just the main story in a 30DoN collection called Bloodsucker Tales. Art by Ben Templesmith.

Oh my god it's so fucking good, seriously. They could have made a great movie out of this one story. To this day this stands as one of my favorite comics ever, and it's been a decade since I read it, but I still remember so much about it.

Read Lex Nova, guys. Holy shit. Schizophrenic paranormal Detectives, vampire priests, dead hookers, tequila. Magnificence.

I've heard great things about 30DoN but your recommendation has confirmed it, so another one for my Amazon basket!


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Have you read his book? Sure he said he's retired from comic books now.

And to be fair to him, he's written three comic books that'll always rank as some of the best books ever. If I had just one of them I'd die a happy man.

I'm not sure if he's completely abandoned comics. I've tried to read both his novels but couldn't finish either. He's frustrating. If only he could get over his bitterness towards the industry. I think he did his best work when constrained by 2000AD and DC rather than when he was given total freedom. I agree that, had I written Halo Jones, Watchmen, V For Vendetta, Swamp Thing, From Hell, etc, I'd be happy too, but his recent stuff just isn't in that league and probably only has any readership at all because of his name. I respect him for going his own way but I don't think it's benefitted him creatively.

noisereductions 12.09.2016 10:38 AM

last night I read...

Extraordinary X-Men #13, which starts the third TPB. I'm actually pretty close to being current on this series. I believe it's up to issue 16 or 17 right now. Y'know who I love in this book? Magik. She's so awesome.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #62, which is really good. But like I've said previously, there's crazy ish happening this far into the series. Like... I don't think I should drop spoilers. But there's insane stuff that is franchise-changing.

Wonder Woman Rebirth, the 'prequel' to the Rebirth series. This sucked. It's written really confusingly. I actually stopped reading halfway thru. And I was only reading it cuz my wife read it and said it made no sense and didn't like it and wanted me to confirm if she just didn't get it or if it was really meh.

noisereductions 12.09.2016 01:00 PM

hey demonrail



Stine is writing a new “Man-Thing” limited series for Marvel Comics.

The horror writer, known for the young adult novel series “Goosebumps,” will make his comic-writing debut with the new “Man-Thing” series. The comic, which will be heavily inspired by the “Tales From the Crypt” comics of the 1950s, will feature covers by Tyler Crook and interior art by German Peralta. True to the 1950s horror anthology style, each issue will also include a short horror story written by Stine and drawn by a guest artist, the first of which is Daniel Warren Johnson.

noisereductions 12.09.2016 02:57 PM

hey sev, I know you were interested in that Batman Annual I told you about, so this might be up your alley as well, coming out next week:



Dc Rebirth Holiday Special #1
DC Comics: December 14, 2016 Writer: Paul Dini Art: Robbi Rodriguez
Cover Price: $9.99 Diamond ID: OCT160155 GCIN: 962229
DC's biggest and brightest heroes celebrate the holidays in this new special! Don't miss a Chanukah crisis for Huntress, a Flash family Christmas, Wonder Woman interrupting John Constantine's hellblazing pagan party and more-including the return of Detective Chimp! Today's top talents bring you a very special holiday gift that'll keep on giving through the New Year! And writer Paul Dini crafts a Harley holiday tale featuring DCU guests that bridges all the stories in the weirdest, wildest way.

demonrail666 12.12.2016 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions

Oh wow, that's awesome, thanks!

noisereductions 12.12.2016 01:40 PM

hey sev, I did pick up a new DC book: Supergirl #1. I like it. I'm gonna keep up with this series.

I'd be along in Batman if I could find a copy of #2 locally. Everywhere seems to have #1 and then #3 and onwards.

noisereductions 12.14.2016 11:03 AM

damn there's a lot of good stuff coming out today. Here's my shopping list:

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows #2 - love this series.

Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures #2 - I told myself I was gonna skip the Adventures series after #1, but #2 has Harley Quinn in it, so I'm like... damn, I wanna read this one.

DC Rebirth Holiday Special - I love weird one-shots.

Guardians Of The Galaxy #15 - or, Issue #1 of "Grounded." On the fence about starting ANOTHER monthly series here, but I do love Guardians, and I read the preview of this issue and it was really good...

Gwenpool Holiday Special - I love weird one-shots.

Hawkeye #1 - This is the new solo series of Kate Bishop. Another one where I read the preview and was impressed.

Inhumans Vs X-Men #1 - Finally!

Jessica Jones #3 - Finally!

noisereductions 12.14.2016 01:18 PM

@demonrail: I'm looking out for you now...


noisereductions 12.15.2016 01:06 PM

Inhumans Vs. X-Men #1 is fantastic.

demonrail666 12.15.2016 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
@demonrail: I'm looking out for you now...


OK, now that I seriously MUST have!

I've seen the individual comics and uhmmed and ahhed, but now they're collected together in a single volume I'm 100% in.

noisereductions 12.15.2016 03:39 PM

glad to be of service, my friend.

noisereductions 12.15.2016 09:09 PM

hey you guys, I've decided to start a blog as a sort of reading journal of the comics I'm reading each week. It's still in beta mode, as I haven't really tweaked the layout nor added anything like an "about" page or whatever, but I've already upped some thoughts on stuff that I've read this week so far.

PLEASE check it out and any/all feedback welcome:

Feel free to leave comments on posts there as well, so I'm not lonely. :)

noisereductions 12.16.2016 08:19 AM

echo echo echo.

Severian 12.16.2016 10:06 AM

Sorry man, I haven't had time to do any comic reading. My iPad is slow as fuck, the local store doesn't get anything good, and I've been working a ton. When I'm not working, I'm trying to finish up the book I'm currently reading. Or if I'm lucky spending a bit of time with my girlfriend.

I read your blog posts though. Well done. Nice and to the point. I tried to maintain a tumblr+Wordpress page for over a year, but life got in the way and I didn't have enough readers to make it worth a shit. Keep it up. I'll check back regularly.

noisereductions 12.16.2016 10:11 AM

cool, thanks man.

BTW I'll be starting a new DC series next week when JLA vs Suicide Squad starts up.

Severian 12.16.2016 05:52 PM

Hey NR, check it the fuck out man....



Severian 12.16.2016 05:57 PM

Also this... slightly less cool, but whatevs.



Why the fun haven't they done that? Deadpool's face gets slapped on promo shit alll the time. Hell, they could even make it just like the explicit version of the album cover, only with Wade and Copycat going at it! As long as they made it a "parental advisory" variant.

But Deadpool in a ballerina pose or with one of his own sword sticking out of his head would work just fine too. :D

noisereductions 12.17.2016 01:00 PM

they've been doing those hip hop variants for a while now. They're cool, but I never buy them. I like the "real" cover art on my comics unless it's something specific like a Comic Con exclusive or whatever.

Marvel actually put out a book of all the covers from the first wave already.

Severian 12.17.2016 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
they've been doing those hip hop variants for a while now. They're cool, but I never buy them. I like the "real" cover art on my comics unless it's something specific like a Comic Con exclusive or whatever.

Marvel actually put out a book of all the covers from the first wave already.

Yeah I know (duh!) but... there's a Pablo one now!!!

Sheesh. You're hard to impress.

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