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atari 2600 09.26.2006 06:55 AM

1) The word "devil" is in quotations.
(Learn to understand better what it is you read before commenting.)
2) The God of the church is but a shard of the fragmented truth.
(Nobody owns a definitive explanation of God; the closest is Einstein.)
3) Athiests are in severe denial.
(Ironically, they consider themselves to be the most free.)

A typical Christian (or any typical religious devotee) knows no more about God than an atheist.

porkmarras 09.26.2006 07:00 AM

In severe denial of what exactly?Who says that what you bang on about is 'The Truth'?Do you want that other injection or what?What are these semi-religious,seed of doubt-like patterns of thoughts of yours?

atari 2600 09.26.2006 07:06 AM

You people should read something other than the maybe more actual books.

I can't keep banging my head against this wall with a bunch of obstinate ne'er-do-wells.

porkmarras 09.26.2006 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
2) the God of the church is but a shard of the fragmented truth
(nobody owns a definitive explanation of God...the closest is Einstein)
3) athiests are in severe denial
(ironically, they consider themselves to be the most free)

A typical Christian (or any typical religious devotee) knows no more about God than an atheist.

Now you need to back up all this stuff atari.Where is it written or proved that these two statements are true?I have little patience with people who make statements that they can't prove to be tangibly true.Let's see what you can do there.Telephone quiet at the moment.

atari 2600 09.26.2006 07:07 AM

The "individual" members of the human race are all in denial to one degree or another concerning their eventual personal deaths. All denial and all fear springs forth from this source.


Originally Posted by porkmarras
you need to back up all this stuff...

It's not just my view, of course. It's the view of all the most intelligent people that have ever lived, so call off your dogs or continue to look like a fool.

If one didn't live in denial of death with fear then they would ___________. (fill in the blank) They would actually BECOME who it is that they really are in POSSIBILITY.
Since we don't address our fears because it is too painful to do so, we live lives that are not our BECOMING. We are literally slaves to our fears.

You think you are growing impatient. That's a fucking hoot!

porkmarras 09.26.2006 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
You people should read something other than the maybe more actual books.

I can't keep banging my head against this wall with a bunch of obstinate ne'er-do-wells.

You need to read the right books and hang around with more people who are less prone to second anything that you come up with.

Tokolosh 09.26.2006 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
This is what puzzles me about you.I do hope these well adjusted gay friends do exist and you haven't read about them(Oh yes i haven't got a problem with black people,i have a lot of friends who are black.......hmmm).This post seems in clear contrast with your other one earlier in this thread.Now,i have quite a few gay friends(and straight,and chinese,and limping creeps for that matter) and i certainly am aquainted with many others who don't feel much of a need for flying the gay/straight/whatever flag.For someone who uses other posters' posting tactics i ask you......what exactly are you trying to say?

What I'm trying to say is, that I don't understand why people have to defend themselves or make an issue about being gay, black, short, fat, whatever. This isn't even about being gay. It's about the urgent need to prove a point, that has already been dealt with... at least in a lot of western progressive countries, that is.

You live in London, right? Do you feel that you have to watch your words and back as a gay man in London? I can't imagine that the average Londoner still has difficulties regarding this issue. It's a different story in other places though, and if gays there have to go out and protest, it would make sense and have it's purpose. You bring it up a lot on this forum, and to me, it says more about the way you feel personally, than the average Londoner does. You might have your reasons for that. I don't know.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you're victimizing yourself when there's no reason too.
I'm not trying to attack you, by the way. I'm just asking questions, ok?

porkmarras 09.26.2006 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
The "individual" members of the human race are all in denial to one degree or another concerning their eventual personal deaths. All denial and all fear springs forth from this source.

It's not just my view, of course. It's the view of all the most intelligent people that have ever lived, so call off your dogs or continue to look like a fool.

Still you've only come up with two more statements.If you want to be taken seriously,prove me wrong.

atari 2600 09.26.2006 07:17 AM

If one didn't live in denial of death with fear then they would ___________. (fill in the blank) They would actually BECOME who it is that they really are in POSSIBILITY.
Since we don't address our fears because it is too painful to do so, we live lives that are not our BECOMING. We are literally slaves to our fears that our conscious minds will not even allow us to address.

You think you are growing impatient. That's a fucking hoot!

Ever hear of obscure (haha) things like EXISTENTIALIST PHILOSOPHY or MODERN PSYCHOLOGY ???

By the way, if it helps to pique your interest, the first existentialist is Socrates, who was a gay man.

porkmarras 09.26.2006 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
The truth is that as to why of people have to defend themselves or make an issue about being gay, black, short, fat, whatever. This isn't even about being gay. It's about the urgent need to prove a point, that has already been dealt with... at least in a lot of western progressive countries, that is.

You live in London, right? Do you feel that you have to watch your words and back as a gay man in London? I can't imagine that the average Londoner still has difficulties regarding this issue. It's a different story in other places though, and if gays there have to go out and protest, it would make sense and have it's purpose. You bring it up a lot on this forum, and to me, it says more about the way you feel personally, than the average Londoner does. You might have your reasons for that. I don't know.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you're victimizing yourself when there's no reason too.
I'm not trying to attack you, by the way. I'm just asking questions, ok?

Right,go and check all my posts and bring back here all the ones where you find that i have been 'victimizing' myself.This is interesting as you still are making a statement but(like your buddy atari) have not sufficient or consistent proof of it.

sonicl 09.26.2006 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you're victimizing yourself when there's no reason too.

You really should meet Porkmarras before you cast him as self-victimising. I have rarely come across people (of any sort) who are so comfortable with the person that they are. He is one of the most positive and least self-pitying people I have ever met.

porkmarras 09.26.2006 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
If one didn't live in denial of death with fear then they would ___________. (fill in the blank) They would actually BECOME who it is that they really are in POSSIBILITY.
Since we don't address our fears because it is too painful to do so, we live lives that are not our BECOMING. We are literally slaves to our fears that our conscious minds will not even allow us to address.

You think you are growing impatient. That's a fucking hoot!

Ever hear of obscure (haha) things like EXISTENTIALIST PHILOSOPHY or MODERN PSYCHOLOGY ???

By the way, if it helps to pique your interest, the first existentialist is Socrates, who was a gay man.

Modern psychology i can take(to an extent)but existentialist phiilosophy has been proved often to be a load of cack or mental masturbation over a century ago,now.i'm afraid but i'm more a fan of crude realism atari.

atari 2600 09.26.2006 07:23 AM

You're a tosser to end all tossers.

Existentialist philosophy has only in the middle of the last century come to light as the most evolved philosophy that there is. It is the historical continuation of the philosophy of self-knowledge espoused by Socrates. Your statement is completely false and one that is simply made up because you have an axe to grind.

There are various forms of modern psychology, but the most accepted is Jungian psychology and that's what I mean.

You people should stop and read and get it all in context before you hone in on one word like sonicl just did to start a point of contention'll find you have much more in common than you have differences.

Read a book. Don't be Afraid. - Vanessa Briscoe of Pylon

You're funny and you don't know why
You're funny and you can't even cry
You're funny and you don't know why
You're funny and you don't even try

Cause your head's shaking cause your arms are shaking
And your feet are shaking cause the earth is shaking

You're hungry and you don't know why
You're hungry and you can't even cry
You're hungry and you don't know why
You're hungry and you don't even cry

You take a walk and you try to understand
Nothing can hurt you
Unless you want it to
There are no answers
Only reasons to be strong
You take a walk you take a walk
You take a walk and you try to understand

You're in love and you don't know why
You're in love and you can't even cry
You're in love and you don't know why
You're in love and you don't even try

- Vanessa Briscoe of Pylon

Tokolosh 09.26.2006 07:27 AM

I'll take your word on that Sonicl. Why all the fuss about being gay then? I don't think that it's important for people on this forum to know what sex turns me on. It's irrelevent.

porkmarras 09.26.2006 07:28 AM

Still,you haven't answered my question atari.Fair play or no playing at all.

porkmarras 09.26.2006 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
I'll take your word on that Sonicl. Why all the fuss about being gay then. I don't think that it's important for people on this forum to know what sex turns me on. It's irrelevent. anyone?

Tokolosh 09.26.2006 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras anyone?

Ha! You're funny. Really!

atari 2600 09.26.2006 07:34 AM

Yeah, why all the hoopla, people?

You're gay.

So fucking what?

You people that go around mentioning your gayness every day, in many cases, multiple times a day, are like a bunch of hypocritical, disingenuous Christians that always say "Jesus" over and over to convince themselves that they believe something.

I guess gayness is your religion.

Guess what?

You're a human being first and gay second.


"in the name of Jesus"..."in the name of Jesus"...

porkmarras 09.26.2006 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
Yeah, why all the hoopla, people?

You're gay.

So fucking what?

You people that go around mentioning your gayness every day, in many cases, multiple times a day, are like a bunch of hypocritical, disingenuous Christians that always say "Jesus" over and over to convince themselves that they believe something.

I guess gayness is your religion.

Guess what?

You're a human being first and gay second.


"in the name of Jesus"..."in the name of Jesus"...

Wow you really told me something that:

1 - I don't know already
2 - I haven't been told already
3 - I'm not totally happy and comfortable with already

Christ,atari,you really are made of bricks!

atari 2600 09.26.2006 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Still,you haven't answered my question atari.Fair play or no playing at all.

You seem to describe yourself a lot and attribute those characteristics to me. You do this with others as well. It's a trick you learned that you somehow think always works.

It's not my fault if you are too obstinate in your perceptions to understand what I've already explained.

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