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Fox 07.08.2006 12:37 PM

I agree with Laila, for the moment this boards sucks...

porkmarras 07.08.2006 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Go join the army and fly of to Iraq then cryptowonderdruginvogue.
It might do you some good, instead of showing us all your pimp ass pictures
of the good life with your ho's.


Wich,accidentally(haha),might be all photoshopped pictures of him with imaginary people around:rolleyes:.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.08.2006 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Wich,accidentally(haha),might be all photoshopped pictures of him with imaginary people around:rolleyes:.

mmm, no.
no one is that good at photoshop

Tokolosh 07.08.2006 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
nope, im going to help my country another way
and they are not my "ho's", they're my lady friends
ive only got room in my heart for one special lady

This isn't about your lady friends. They're probably nice respectable chicks that don't know what kind of rightwing crap you post on this forum.
Get your facts straight about your president who fucked it up for us all, before you go gun whipping the boardies.

Now go home and get your fuckin' shinebox!

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.08.2006 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Saturnine
I'll settle for bitches, but not lady friends.

okay, bitches it is

porkmarras 07.08.2006 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
This isn't about your lady friends. They're probably nice respectable chicks that don't know what kind of rightwing crap you post on this forum.
Get your facts straight about your president who fucked it up for us all, before you go gun whipping the boardies.

Now go home and get your fuckin' shinebox!


HaydenAsche 07.08.2006 03:56 PM

I agree with Saturnine.

If we had been making fun of her because she is muslim it would have been different but we were simply saying 'sunni poony' or pointing out the fact that she is muslim. I never once said she was a terrorist or anything derogatory and I never meant to imply it. If you inferred correctly then sorry but I frankly don't give a shit.


cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.08.2006 03:57 PM

i thought you had left?

HaydenAsche 07.08.2006 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
i thought you had left?

Piss off.

Rob Instigator 07.10.2006 10:34 AM

don't forget to keep on rockin.

I say ignore the assholes. people with nothing to do and nooone to do it with are always assholes when they know they cannot be confronted.

Norma J 07.10.2006 07:30 PM

Glad I was wasn't involved in this stupid fucking thread. Geez, the amount of ignorance in this thread, and seemingly board in general, is amazing. Like I've stated in another thread: I didn't expect this from this particular messageboard. I guess all bands have their fucken stupid fans who don't know their arseholes from their elbows. Sad, though, really.

Theres a few boardmembers here, though they are frequent regulars and known by the whole board, who have over stayed their welcome. And I think they realise it, too.

Daddylikes 07.10.2006 07:31 PM

Norma J, I hope you'll find it in your heart then not to download the live sources that I post in the sonic sharing category.


!@#$%! 07.10.2006 07:33 PM

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.10.2006 07:35 PM

If she does and did leave, I believe she left for a good reason. Some people are just really cunts.

!@#$%! 07.10.2006 07:39 PM

fucking shit people let this lame thread die.

not that i give 2 shits one way or another. but really perpetuating the suckdom by complaining about it is not exactly smart.

Norma J 07.10.2006 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Daddylikes
Norma J, I hope you'll find it in your heart then not to download the live sources that I post in the sonic sharing category.

Had no intention to.

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