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truncated 06.02.2006 03:15 PM

Gooey is one of my absolute favoritest posters ever. I would build him a shrine if I had enough feather boas.

atari 2600 06.02.2006 03:16 PM

blowing kisses here

I didn't vote either & tried to refrain from posting in the topic at all too.

but, then again, in the words of Yoda:
There is only do and do not; there is no try.

finding nobody, you got your poll. Or as you repeatedly termed it, "pole".

spiritbears 06.02.2006 03:18 PM

Wish you had made this a public poll..Spec
Everyone is denying voting, yet kchris keeps gettin more votes!! (lol)(not doubting you atari...)

truncated 06.02.2006 03:21 PM

I think the word 'hate' is often shied away from; perhaps given deeper connotations than it ought to be.

I consider 'hate' to be a word indicating a passionate distaste.

I 'hate' a wide variety of personality traits that humans possess.

Therefore, I 'hate' a lot of people.

It's what I do.

!@#$%! 06.02.2006 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
I think the word 'hate' is often shied away from; perhaps given deeper connotations than it ought to be.

I consider 'hate' to be a word indicating a passionate distaste.

I 'hate' a wide variety of personality traits that humans possess.

Therefore, I 'hate' a lot of people.

It's what I do.

don't be hatin' :D

truncated 06.02.2006 03:22 PM

Hey! Who are the asshats who voted for me?

I will kill your pets and feed their entrails to the crippled kid down the street.

atari 2600 06.02.2006 03:23 PM

Thanks for that vote of confidence, spiritbears.

I was thinking just what you were thinking when I read !@#$%!'s post haha.

My correcting of grammar in the thread & mere presence is likely to get me some votes now though.

C'est la vie

I really dislike even using the word "hate". It binds one to the object of acrimony. AssBlaster's sig really bums me out because I was so mad once that I did use that detested word.

truncated 06.02.2006 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
don't be hatin' :D

Hate is passion. Without it, one is that much less alive.

!@#$%! 06.02.2006 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
Hate is passion. Without it, one is that much less alive.

passion schmassion :D


i see it as more of a waste of passion in useless shit :p

truncated 06.02.2006 03:27 PM

All passions exist in dichotomies.

spiritbears 06.02.2006 03:28 PM

passion, fine...but I don't really know any of you....kind of hard to hate you unless you post something really upsetting......

!@#$%! 06.02.2006 03:29 PM

yeah yeah. but "hate" can be turned around into something constructive. hate kinda festers and destroys. and it produces bad hormones, i swear, that make butts droopy. :D

atari 2600 06.02.2006 03:30 PM

All dichotomies are illusions of perception, for all is One, although that truth doesn't make the emotion seem any less real to the emotional one.

Peace lies in finding the True War. - Norman O' Brown, Love's Body

Anger is definitely a human behavioral trait.

I try to limit my anger to the righteous (as opposed to the self-righteous) variety. I don't do the best of jobs with that most of the time though.

We must evolve or die, but

Don't Fuck Me Up (with Peace and Love) - David Lowery, Cracker

When you talk about destruction
Don'tcha know that you can count me out
- John Lennon, Revolution

spiritbears 06.02.2006 03:31 PM

Lol At !@#$%!

truncated 06.02.2006 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yeah yeah. but "hate" can be turned around into something constructive. hate kinda festers and destroys. and it produces bad hormones, i swear, that make butts droopy. :D

Of course it can be constructive; that's my point. It can be used as a fertilizer/catalyst of sorts, if you will. And Doritos make butts droopy.

Illusion lies in the idea of equanimity and univeral "peace." Emotions are nonexistent without their negations. One cannot embrace without rejecting.

I can't get all philosophical 'n stuff when I'm at work.

atari 2600 06.02.2006 03:47 PM

We live in Time, but all Time exists within Eternity.

This answers all questions about All even though our conscious minds will always see a paradox.

truncated 06.02.2006 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
We live in Time, but all Time exists within Eternity.

This answers all questions about All even though our conscious minds will always see a paradox.

I will pick that apart when I have more time.

!@#$%! 06.02.2006 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
Of course it can be constructive; that's my point. It can be used as a fertilizer/catalyst of sorts, if you will. And Doritos make butts droopy.

oh you should stay away from those too or glice's sperm count will eventually rise to normal levels and he might be able to actually reproduce-- a frightful possibility :p


Originally Posted by truncated
Illusion lies in the idea of equanimity and univeral "peace." Emotions are nonexistent without their negations. One cannot embrace without rejecting.

yeah i dont believe in universal bullcrap but i can tell you i'm not wasting my time in hating anything much. if i can't DO anything about it (anything i enjoy, anything that drives me) i just let it drop. there is plenty of shit that gets me riled up but i have to turn that into something productive.

and hating people on the internet... well that's just silly.


Originally Posted by truncated
I can't get all philosophical 'n stuff when I'm at work.

hah! DO you work? :D

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.02.2006 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
im guessing khchris would totally vote for me if he didn't have other people higher in his list of priorities...

i didnt vote for anyone btw. INTERNET HATE? that's even more pathetic than internet sex :p

I participate in angry internet sex/ political debate. It goes something like:

"girl": fuck you John Kerry voting troll
me: suck my dick you religious right bitch
"girl": you tastes good for a liberal puke
me: fuck, don't bite so hard
"girl": stop bitching, or I'll send you to haditha in brown makeup you pseudo-intellectual hippie anti-war dove.
me: oh work it you Limbaugh loving bitch

I included you !@#$%! because of the "fuck you !@#%!" thread.

!@#$%! 06.02.2006 04:17 PM

ha ha thanks man. my vanity thanks you for your good memory. :D

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