batreleaser |
09.04.2008 01:07 PM |
Originally Posted by atsonicpark
"sexy pee story" is my fav cows.
Essential 5 from that list? Let's see, probably Pink and Brown, Halo of Flies, Mount Shasta, Cutthroats 9, and the Savage Republic in my opinion.
i know ive said this before, but im still convinced mount shasta-put the creep on is the best pure noise rock record ever. totally no fi, recorder in a couple hrs at the ass crack of dawn, real noisey fast and loud punk, total energy, and fuck, just a great record. i love all the other bands of that list too, except pink of brown. im surprised you like them that much, ive always found them a lttle tame for noise rock. which is strange because i think john dwyer is just the coolest can running, the hospitals' rich people lp is one of the best noise rock records around, it gave me the same feeling as the first time i heard 'white light white heat', 'twin infinitives', and 'the wigmaker in 18th century williamsburg', that feeling being, well, shivers. the coachwhips are fucking amazing too.