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ZEROpumpkins 01.05.2008 10:34 PM

Actually I tend to agree with you. If there's an SY song I don't like, I just assume that I don't "get" it.

JohnEsmoke 01.06.2008 09:16 AM

I agreed with you, there were no bad sonic song until I listen to that boring "wildflower soul"

RanaldoNecro 01.06.2008 10:40 AM

Track down the live version of WildFlower Soul from the Tibetan Freedom Concert in 97

Its much better than the studio version...


Originally Posted by JohnEsmoke
I agreed with you, there were no bad sonic song until I listen to that boring "wildflower soul"

JohnEsmoke 01.06.2008 04:17 PM

yes, there are some good instrumental versions too. But for me this song is the first of a serie of long and annoying Thurston's pop song... (empty page, peace attack ...)

sarramkrop 01.07.2008 08:46 AM

I was never aware that Junkie's Promise was so disliked until I read this thread. I think it's a great song.

Norma J 01.07.2008 07:40 PM

I'm listening to it now. I'm up to Saucer-like. I'm enjoying it.

Edited: Onto Washing Machine now. I don't understand the dislike for it, especially the vocals. I'm someone who believes if anything can downgrade Sonic Youth, it's the vocals in certain songs. Sometimes Kim and Thurston sound like they're half asleep - like there's no emotion. I don't care if vocals are out of pitch (well, kinda) or the lyrics are shitty, aslong as it's honest and has energy. That's really important to me. And so far, Washing Machine has energy.

RanaldoNecro 01.08.2008 12:43 AM

Washing machine is my one of top 3 favourite albums of all time....

They defin ripped Becuz from Bruce Springsteen & Patti Smith. Also, a birdie told me that Panty Lines is a lift from Yoko Ono's No No No

SonicBebs 02.15.2009 04:19 PM

heh, just found this while using the search thing for something else

I love this album so much. Like someone said, it's like a fuck you to trying to be mainstream, its them melting back into sonic goodness. the title track is my favourite piece of music ever, the contrast between the 2 halves and the way it melts into itself. fucking amazingly lovely.

even the songs is used to dislike i've grown to love.
Junkie is pretty dull untill it begins to sprawl out toward the end.
No Queen Blues used to really irritate me, but the windly guitar line now hypnotises me
PantieLines just seems to groove nicely. It has a cool atmosphere to it

and becuz is fantastic, sinister and beautiful

GeneticKiss 02.15.2009 04:57 PM

Washing Machine has always been a bit of an anomaly for me. I don't know exactly why I've chosen to put it that way-maybe just to sound cool and intellectual...

But seriously, while I can enjoy pretty much any other SY album anytime, I have to be in a certain mood to listen to Washing Machine. That's not to I say I don't like it; indeed, I love some of the individual tracks (Becuz, Junkie's Promise, Washing Machine, yes-Panty Lies, and of course The Diamond Sea), but I can't take it as a whole unless I really want to hear this album. It's hard to explain.

Maybe it's the one-two anti-punch of Unwind and Little Trouble Girl; I never thought it's a good idea to follow a soft song with an even softer one. Total momentum killer there.

Of SY's 2 mid-90s "return to form" albums (the other being Experimental Jet Set, Trash and No Star), I have to say I prefer EJSTNS.

Something I don't understand, though, is why Junkie Promise and Panty Lies keep appearing in "Worst SY Song" polls...come on, guys! Junkie's Promise-Black Sabbath-esque sludge that later takes off into noise-punk destruction? How fucking cool is that? And if you ask me, the noises in the last part of Panty Lies are the some of the coolest sounds ever to appear on an SY album. I can overlook Kim's "Martian scatting" vocals.

akprodr 02.15.2009 05:15 PM

anybody got a quarter?

joe11121 02.15.2009 05:21 PM


1. Becuz - 5/5 - Great opener. The guitar just kind of, draws me into the song, I guess you could say. And I like Kim's vocals on it too, her best on this album.

2. Junkie's Promise - 3/5 - This song is good for the first couple minutes, then I get bored with it.

3. Saucer-Like - 2.5/5 - It's alright, bad for a Lee song.

4. Washing Machine - 3/5 - Cool song, vocals aren't very good though.

5. Unwind - 5/5 - I love this song, great music, and vocals!

6. Little Trouble Girl - 2/5 - Um, not a fan, it' okay though, I'll listen to it once in a while. I'm not sure how this was a single.

7. No Queen Blues - 5/5 - Another great one. I love it, the intro is really cool.

8. Panty Lies - 0/5 - The worst song on this album. The only one I never listen to. Music and vocals suck.

9. Untitled - 4/5 - Really cool. I love the becuz riff throughout it. I'm pretty sure this was originally a part of Becuz, but they made it different because of the prducers or something.

10. Skip Tracer - 4/5 - Really cool. I love the guitar.

11. Diamond Sea - 5/5 - Awesome way to end it.

The album is okay all together, I give it a, 3.5/5

SonicBebs 02.16.2009 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by joe11121

9. Untitled - 4/5 - Really cool. I love the becuz riff throughout it. I'm pretty sure this was originally a part of Becuz, but they made it different because of the prducers or something.

i think geffen thought it was too long for an opening track, so they split it. stupid geffen.

Death & the Maiden 02.16.2009 05:15 AM

I think it's alright. I haven't listened to it in ages. I love the title track, and Saucer-Like and Skip Tracer are also great. But I think that the rest of it (especially Diamond Sea) is overrated.

greedrex 02.16.2009 06:18 AM

best album ever by any band.
My favourite album of all time.
I own this on wax, tape and CD.

Malcolm81 02.16.2009 08:27 AM

I'm still astonished - I never thought anyone could find defects in this masterpiece. It's perfect, I love every single note, every noise, every whisper on it. I even love the cover! If Sonic Youth went back to this sound, I'd be the happiest fan. Murray Street is the only album they've made since then that comes close to this beauty (and both are definitely in my top 3 SY albums).

atsonicpark 02.16.2009 08:33 AM

Sonic Youth has bad songs. EVERY BAND has bad songs.

Derek 02.16.2009 08:37 AM

Yeah, Sonic Youth have been my favourite band since I was 12 and I can safely say that they have a number of bad songs.

barnaclelapse 02.16.2009 09:50 AM

Definitely one of my top-three favorite SY albums. Untitled and Diamond Sea are two I always come back to.

samuel 02.16.2009 01:39 PM


amire80 02.16.2009 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
I'll love this album forever. It was my first Sonic Youth encounter.

Same for me!

I heard Silver Rocket, 100% and Teen Age Riot on MTV before that, but Washing Machine was the first SY album i actually bought and heard.

It is excellent.

Becuz has excellent riffs and fx. Junkie's Promise is what 100% was supposed to be, but far better. Saucer is one of Lee's best songs.

The title track - i used to hate it initially, but then it grew on me. The frirst part is to "Orange Rolls" what "Junkie's" is to "100%" - similar, but better. The final part is a good prequel to SY's later era - 1000 Leaves and Murray St, and that's a good thing.

Unwind has a beautiful melody. It develops simply and expectedly, but powerfully. Trouble Girl is OK, but would be much better off as a b-side. No Queen and Panty are less amazing than the rest of the album, but grew on me, too. They would fit perfectly on EJST&N*, though.

From here on it's pure bliss: #9 is a powerful reprise of Becuz, Skip Tracer is a yet another excellent Lee song - and Lee never stops to surprise, and so much has been said about The Diamond Sea that i need not add.

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