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vulva 06.30.2007 12:05 AM

mostly a bunch of obscure death metal/black metal/industrial

also, everything by Phil Ochs. More people need to know Ochs

Norma J 06.30.2007 12:06 AM

Tim Rogers is one of them great songwriters that no one on here acknowledges.

terminal pharmacy 06.30.2007 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Norma J
Tim Rogers is one of them great songwriters that no one on here acknowledges.

he was i would say... no longer. hourly daily was the last great you am i record. tim rogers and the twin set was very very average, so average in fact that i left half way through the set on the first tour. sound as ever is one of my favourite albums though. in fact thankyou norma j, im gonna put some you am i on my ipod. on a side note did you hear the story about TR punching that fucking holden guy from Australian Idol in the face at one of the airports around the country, not sure which one it was though. Would have love to have seen it, and joined in I HHHAAAATTTTEEEEE that holden c**t

EDIT: I am also surprised as MR Ranaldo produced Sound as Ever, I never mention them because apart from sonicl and sarramkrop porkmarras everyone else here seems to be quite euro / americo centric

EDIT2: uzi - sleep asylum

Norma J 06.30.2007 02:55 AM

I loved the Twin Set album, What Rhymes With Cars and Girls. I love the Temperance Union stuff he's been doing over the last few years too. The new You Am I record Convicts was/is fantastic. It's a great rock 'n' roll record. I love anything Tim Rogers does. He has an honesty in his music that the apparent "greats" could only ever dream of acheiving.

Torn Curtain 06.30.2007 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by vulva
also, everything by Phil Ochs. More people need to know Ochs

No offense but in my opinion he's just a pale copy of Bob Dylan.

hat and beard 06.30.2007 05:44 PM



Jun Togawa - Tamahimesama

I'm probably not the only person who knows these albums, but I am probably the only person who loves them like a child or a puppy. So good for me.

atsonicpark 06.30.2007 05:54 PM

haha i love xxx maniak and g.i.s.m.

there were a shitload of g.i.s.m. videos on soulseek back in the day.. one user.. i think his name was GismMan or something.. he had like all these INSANE g.i.s.m. videos..

actually they're probably all on youtube, i';ll have to go check.........

anyway, dunno if anyone else on this board does, but i really dig messer chups.

Cardinal Rob 06.30.2007 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
renaldo and the loaf - arabic yodeling

I have this too, yo.

Glice 06.30.2007 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by hat and beard


Jun Togawa - Tamahimesama

I'm probably not the only person who knows these albums, but I am probably the only person who loves them like a child or a puppy. So good for me.

I dearly need the second and, as regards the first - If you're ever in London there's a girl I know who would marry you based on the fact you know that Coyne record. Having not seen your reaction when you listen to it, I still suspect she'd out gay you in being gay for that record.

Messr Clone - No idea. Like many of these things, I get excited about a couple of things (I suspect there was more than one 7") and then don't bother to follow it up. Such is my fear of becoming a toady record sniffer.

jussumchik 06.30.2007 08:20 PM

cat power. . . .moonshiner(Dylan cover)
. .can't stop listening to this song. .

musicfallinglikesnow 06.30.2007 10:04 PM

Roberto Conlazo - Iris

vulva 06.30.2007 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Torn Curtain
No offense but in my opinion he's just a pale copy of Bob Dylan.

Well Ochs and Dylan were both folk... that's about all they had in common musically. Ochs was a journalist first, musician second. His music was far more direct than Dylan's and he was much more involved in the protest spirit than Dylan. Hell, Dylan was trying to dis-associate himself from the protest movements near the end of the '60s, appearing on compilations under different names as to not lend direct fact of his involvement with it. While Ochs was out there with Rubin and Hoffmann at the protests, with the YIP...
But yeah, they're pretty different in many many ways...

Everyneurotic 06.30.2007 11:49 PM

ocean - here where nothing grows.

i'm really surprised no one ever brings this album or band up...not that i think only i know them, i know for a fact a lot more people are into them, they don't get mentioned more and that's kinda weird.

same with fairport convention or discordance axis, i know a lot of people are into them yet no one mentions them.

Torn Curtain 07.01.2007 05:21 AM

The Notwist - Shrink
Tim Buckley - Starsailor
SY - Daydream nation (I only met one person who already knew the record)
Scott Walker - Scott 4
Hood - Cold house

SonicSam 07.01.2007 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by Torn Curtain
Hood - Cold house

Hood are awesome I have 2 of their flexis and they rule.
Blood brothers first EP is good, I cant get into anything else.

SonicSam 07.01.2007 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator


Janitor - There Are No More American heroes

My friend loves this band! I cant really get into them though :(

SonicSam 07.01.2007 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666

That this is even better than Volume One just proves how fucking great it is. 70s West Coast Pop Punk Heaven.

Do you have any links where I can download this?

atsonicpark 07.01.2007 07:09 AM

enemy mine - the ice in me or whatever it's called
goon moon - i got a brand new egg layin' machine
motocompo - discotheque murder
plus-tech squeezebox - fakevox
theory of ruin - counterculture nosebleed [never hear it mentioned here]

SonicSam 07.01.2007 07:27 AM

crom tech I only know one person who like this band. Everyone should like them

atsonicpark 07.01.2007 07:36 AM

i love crom tech!

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