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Aaaadrpk 04.12.2014 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Johnny "Magic Fingers"
We luv our Kim...


beautiful pic.
ps irrelevant.: snoopy sticker (?) or maybe is just Kim's arm or another similar bass.

skipvacuum 04.12.2014 07:58 AM

i didn't think it possible...but after reading a Rolling Stone interview with Questlove...where he said this

"Yeah, and that's the first thing I asked about when they asked me to join. "Well, what if I vote for Kiss?" It was like the "funny idea." But once Tom gave that speech, I gave up all my choices. I'll fight for Sonic Youth next year."

evollove 04.12.2014 09:47 AM

I was thinking last night: I don't particularly care about the Rock Hall of Fame. But others do.

IF there has to be a Rock institution--a place where quality and influence are celebrated--then it is very bothersome that SY are not in there.

There are a number of bands I like, maybe even love, who I feel deserve a spot. But without SY, the whole thing feels incomplete.

In fact, I'm having trouble right now thinking of a group or artist who deserves it more.

pantophobia 04.12.2014 09:59 AM

the Snoopy Bass is an EB-0 Gibson with one main pickup at the neck, this one is an EB-3 which has a small pickup near the bridge in addition, it doesn't help that both are the same color hence the confusion

actuallt i think this is the first time she has been seen in public bass in hand since 2011, i might be wrong but i am pretty sure about it

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.12.2014 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
I was thinking last night: I don't particularly care about the Rock Hall of Fame. But others do.

IF there has to be a Rock institution--a place where quality and influence are celebrated--then it is very bothersome that SY are not in there.

There are a number of bands I like, maybe even love, who I feel deserve a spot. But without SY, the whole thing feels incomplete.

In fact, I'm having trouble right now thinking of a group or artist who deserves it more.

You are speaking from a fan's perspective, but I don't think Sonic Youth ever had the kind of truly mainstream, national/international appeal that generally gets bands into these kinds of schtick museums. Personally, I'd rather they DIDN'T invite Sonic Youth, why taint what we already got going ourselves? WE love them and celebrate them, isn't that enough?

evollove 04.12.2014 02:27 PM

I agree, but that's not my point.

My point is, if you're going to do it, do it right.

And my most objective self sees SY as a band that has garnered enough attention, rave reviews and praise from a wide variety of successful musicians to warrant a spot. And for all the ground they broke, seems they deserve one.

Again, I live an hour from there and I have gone ZERO times. The whole thing could catch on fire tomorrow and I'd give a fuck.

But if it has to exist, make room for a band that blazed as many trails as, say, R.E.M. The story of rock, if that's what they're trying to tell, is simply incomplete without SY.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.12.2014 02:40 PM

I don't that Sonic Youth isn't that caliber of band, indeed, after 30 years and 20-plus records (including side-projects and SYRs) surely they are one of the most durable and prolific "indie" (shit ANY) bands EVER..

But again, I don't think they have the kind of mass appeal neither mass influence. You could credit them for helping to spark the "alternative" movement by being one of the first indie bands to get signed by a major label, but that major signing never actually translated into major success. They had like, what, ONE kind-of-hit SINGLE (Bull in the Heather)I just don't think many contemporary bands would even remotely be able to cite Sonic Youth as an influence.. Really, they haven't been influential to new bands and new scenes since the 1990s..

dead_battery 04.12.2014 03:18 PM



they were influencing everybody during the 00's from erase errata to blonde redhead. they are still influential, and hundreds of thousands of guitarists would kill to be able to play at lee and t's level.

they were big during the 00's, since people could finally download them.

the two nirvana related bands that deserve to be in that hall are sy and melvins (at least), nobody who truly appreciates rock could pass over melvins as a live band and sy in general.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.12.2014 03:23 PM

(a) Can we really call Erase Errata or Blonde Redhead mainstream??

(b) I think that you like evollove are looking at more from a fan's perspective rather than a music critic's

Obviously I'm not dissing Sonic Youth, they are one of the handful of bands who I actually own their complete discography and have been to more than 4 or 5 shows BUT I'm just being honest..

Sadly I dare say the Black Keys have gotten bigger than Sonic Youth EVER WERE..

On TV including sports and major live events?
Selling out the Staples Center here in LA like they were the Lakers?
On Lebron James' playlist?

Sonic Youth? Not so much..

dead_battery 04.12.2014 03:31 PM

sy have been on tv more than the black eyed keys or whoever that band is

your other references dont count cos they are sports

sy have been on more famous peoples radars than black peas

cant believe you are arguing this!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.12.2014 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
sy have been on tv more than the black eyed keys or whoever that band is

You're trolling is just getting too obvious now..


your other references dont count cos they are sports

Sports are part of the national dialogue, when bands make it to sports playlists like in games or in tv commercials for shoes/upcoming games you've officially made it to the big time. That is Kiss big yo..

and black keys aren't just in sports TV, they are ALL over the fucking TV.. I haven't heard Sonic Youth on TV since they played a song from Rather Ripped on some lame TV show on the WB a few years ago, and before that? Bull in the Heather video..


sy have been on more famous peoples radars than black peas

name some..


cant believe you are arguing this!

I can't believe that YOU'RE arguing this. I mean, again, I LOVE Sonic Youth, probably in my top-5 ALL TIME for bands that I love and adore, I've seen them as much as any other band in my library and heart, YET, I'm just being realistic. For example, for the past 15 years I been listening to Sonic Youth, whenever I tell somebody randomly about them, or about an upcoming show I want to go to or recent show I went to, or when new record came out, the majority of responses were, "Who?"

Most people simply have no frame of reference for sonic youth, they couldn't name you a single record or sing a single song.. Those other bands inducted in the HOF with Nirvana, those are household names even among people who don't even remotely listen to music.

Sonic Youth = INDIE GODS but HOF material? Doubtful. And again, WHY THE FUCK WOULD WE EVEN WANT THAT? Sonic Youth is ours, lets enjoy it ;)

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.12.2014 03:48 PM

Oh yeah, and Staples Center had nothing to do with sports, it just the biggest and most in vogue venue here in LA, only bands that are big time play there, and the tickets sell for hundreds of bucks. Black Keys? Sold that shit out back-to-back nights. Shit, I remember seeing Black Keys nervously falter opening for Sleater-Kinney at shows in the early 2000s.. Who could have ever imagined that they'd be so damned big? Not me, and I listen to their records!

Sonic Youth did play the Hollywood Bowl once, but I'm not sure it sold out even with Pavement and No Age (all LA favorites).

Genteel Death 04.12.2014 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

name some..

David Bowie
Neil Young
The Strokes
Harmony Korine


badgercorn 04.12.2014 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
I agree, but that's not my point.

My point is, if you're going to do it, do it right.

And my most objective self sees SY as a band that has garnered enough attention, rave reviews and praise from a wide variety of successful musicians to warrant a spot. And for all the ground they broke, seems they deserve one.

Again, I live an hour from there and I have gone ZERO times. The whole thing could catch on fire tomorrow and I'd give a fuck.

But if it has to exist, make room for a band that blazed as many trails as, say, R.E.M. The story of rock, if that's what they're trying to tell, is simply incomplete without SY.

I can't see them wanting to be on stage together, picking up an award or playing, at the moment. See Blondie's bitter, awkward induction into the hall of fame (fall-out with two ex-members) to see problems that could ensue.

R.E.M on the other hand are a dead cert.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.12.2014 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
David Bowie
Neil Young
The Strokes
Harmony Korine


He said "famous people", not other musicians, and Nirvana was on Sonic Youth's radar, and they were friends before the whole 1991 thing..

really, I don't get it. Are you guys all serious or just fucking with me? Again, I LOVE sonic youth, but they are hardly a "big" band regardless of how prolific or long lasting they were..

They deserve WAY more credit and celebration than they've gotten, but it doesn't negate the reality of what it is. Go randomly ask people today about Sonic Youth, people at the bus stop, corner store, burger stand, the pub tonight.. see what they say. See if its really as big as y'all are trying to tell me..

Genteel Death 04.12.2014 04:03 PM

Those people are such obscure names. Gerhard Richter, a little known painter, didn't even charge the band to use one of his paintings for the Daydream Nation sleeve because he's a fan.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.12.2014 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Those people are such obscure names. Gerhard Richter, a little known painter, didn't even charge the band to use one of his paintings for the Daydream Nation sleeve because he's a fan.

So you're essentially proving my point then?

Genteel Death 04.12.2014 04:07 PM


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.12.2014 04:10 PM

How does obscure fans of marginally renowned band somehow demonstrate they are "mainstream" or "big"?? Obscure artists tend to listen to obscure bands..

I ain't gonna argue with y'all.. it is what it is.

I telling y'all, find out for yourself, go ask random people on the street today about Sonic Youth, gauge their reactions.

ann ashtray 04.13.2014 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
You are speaking from a fan's perspective, but I don't think Sonic Youth ever had the kind of truly mainstream, national/international appeal that generally gets bands into these kinds of schtick museums. Personally, I'd rather they DIDN'T invite Sonic Youth, why taint what we already got going ourselves? WE love them and celebrate them, isn't that enough?

Truth. But still, consider several bands that were once considered somewhat obscure that have made it in. That, and several that have made it in were largely ripping off/highly influenced by obscure bands that will likely never get in.

Think: Stooges
Think: Dolls

Highly likely that Sonic Youth will eventually make it in. The reality is, they aren't and haven't been "obscure" in a long while. They've been largely influential in both mainstream and so called "underground" worlds. They had tracks on both the Juno and End of Days soundtracks. They've had videos on MTV. They were on Beavis and Butthead. Tons of people always showed up for their live shows (I never once saw them play a small/intimate bar like venue...and almost every time I saw 'em, the larger venues in which they'd be playing would be near packed if not over shoulder to shoulder scrunched over packed.

Plus, plenty of mainstream bands enjoy obscure music, in the same way plenty of obscure bands listen to mainstream stuff. The two aren't as separate as many make them out to be. Both have always been informed by each other in one way or another. Nirvana is a good example of this, as are the Beatles. Nirvana were just as proned to listen to Led Zeppelin as they were Half Japanese. And usually, from the fans perspective, those who tend to only listen to underground stuff seldom seem very honest as individuals. Too cool for school types who take pride in mouthing off band names no one else in the room has heard of. Those who only know classic rock/mainstream stuff tend to be the sorts that use the radio and their parents as their main means of discovering bands. I've always preferred those that lie somewhere in the middle.

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