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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.28.2009 11:12 PM

My father was raised Catholic, my mother was raised Lutheran.

My parents pretty much raised me to be Christian, but not in line with any church. I have a rather negative outlook on churches because they all seemed to be preaching a distorted Christ. I've always thought of Christ as tolerant, loving, and ultimately forgiving, but in every church I've seen lack of tolerance, hatred, judging, and damnation. But I think that might not just be the church, I think that might just be fucking humankind in general.

artsygrrl 12.28.2009 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by akprodr
apparently, there are some 'christians' who think that catholics aren't christians. How fucked up is that?

George fucking bush is the worst christian on the planet

True that!
Also, I like the fact that many religions are truly Christian (i.e. believe in God). I like it because apparently many Catholics think they are first on God's list because they believe in God "the most."

akprodr 12.28.2009 11:19 PM

good bumper sticker: Hate is not a family value.

akprodr 12.28.2009 11:25 PM

And what is unclear, vague, or ambiguous about 'thou shalt not kill'

pbradley 12.29.2009 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by akprodr
And what is unclear, vague, or ambiguous about 'thou shalt not kill'

Everything. Taken to its most extreme, its impossible and contradictory.

What is the life that can be killed?

pbradley 12.29.2009 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
At the risk of saying anything... I'm a swimming world of NO but also 'but...' with regards that.

No risk at all because, shying some context, I have no idea what you mean.

Hope you don't mind.

pbradley 12.29.2009 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
many Catholics think they are first on God's list because they believe in God "the most."

What Catholics do you know? The Catholic condition that I grew up with was the complete polar opposite. Catholic guilt, and all.

Then again, a lot of traditional Catholicism has been tainted by that even more repulsive born-again trash.

pbradley 12.29.2009 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
every sperm is sacred


ahh, the psychology of sexuality stiffled by catholics..

I want to make it clear, though, that I absolutely oppose this assumption that the source of this apparent army of the faithless from Catholicism is necessarily originates in its oppressive sexuality. That may be a comfortable idea for the remaining faithful to consider the lot to be carnal hedonists but they're wrong.

If anything, I've met lapsed Catholics that are more spiritually awake than your most fundamentalist believers of any faith.

Genteel Death 12.29.2009 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
Same here; raised Catholic. I excommunicated myself years ago, but the damage was already done. Buddhism sounds peaceful and genuine. The Jewish faith sounds pretty cool also.
I say no to Jehovah's Witness, Holy Rollers, or those who speak in tongues, tho.

Turning atheist for me wasn't anything to do with oppressive views of catholicism or the church, it just seemed like
the most natural way of thinking when I've adopted Marxism . I can't really claim to have had particularly bad experiences with any religious people of any faith either.

_slavo_ 12.29.2009 03:02 AM

Roman Catholic, although all my family is perfectly atheist.
I don't even remember now how I turned up to have a faith.

pokkeherrie 12.29.2009 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
I don't even remember now how I turned up to have a faith.

I remember. You were strapped for cash and started a thread in which you sold your soul to the highest bidder. In the last few seconds of the auction the Vatican managed to outbid me by 20 cents.

_slavo_ 12.29.2009 03:16 AM

Wonder what would have happened if you had won?

pokkeherrie 12.29.2009 03:31 AM

Oh, I'm just a soul broker. You know, trying to make a small profit here and there.

Glice 12.29.2009 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
No risk at all because, shying some context, I have no idea what you mean.

Hope you don't mind.

Fair. It's all to do with the impossibility of escaping the epistemic, and what the notion of 'orthodoxy' means in that context. I tend to think of theism as the prima facie of epistemics, but I've no intention of arguing about it on a messageboard.

knox 12.29.2009 08:02 AM

I just don't understand how someone thinks unified christianity would improve the world in any sense. Wasn't it a bit worse and more intolerant before?

I can't stop thinking that religion should be a private thing. I don't see the point of preaching it to someone who's not really asking for it. (I am not talking about anyone here).

If you really wanna improve the world, stop mixing religious bias with politics and laws, that's gonna be work for generations anyway.

knox 12.29.2009 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
My father was raised Catholic, my mother was raised Lutheran.

My parents pretty much raised me to be Christian, but not in line with any church. I have a rather negative outlook on churches because they all seemed to be preaching a distorted Christ. I've always thought of Christ as tolerant, loving, and ultimately forgiving, but in every church I've seen lack of tolerance, hatred, judging, and damnation. But I think that might not just be the church, I think that might just be fucking humankind in general.

Humans love to belong.

chrome noise tape 12.29.2009 10:42 AM

inhumans hate to belong

knox 12.29.2009 10:55 AM

good logic. not necessarily true tho.

Rob Instigator 12.29.2009 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by artsygrrl
True that!
Also, I like the fact that many religions are truly Christian (i.e. believe in God). I like it because apparently many Catholics think they are first on God's list because they believe in God "the most."

"christian" does NOT mean you believe in god.

It means you believe, SPECIFICALLY, that Jesus Christ was the one and only incarnate Son of God, that he was God made man here on Earth, and that his "sacrifice" redeemed all humans from all sins from the beginning of time to the end of time.

very different than believeing in "GOD"

floatingslowly 12.29.2009 11:06 AM

my mother is Lutheran.

I'm a monotheistic pagan.

I hope this helps.


Originally Posted by chrome noise tape
inhumans hate to belong

tell that to Dr. Frankenstein's monster; or, say, the lion, the tinman and that little dog.

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