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atsonicpark 10.15.2009 02:09 AM

The underground is commercial. This message board is commercial.

There's good in everything.

Going back to my point a few pages ago, I like JPop a lot more, because I actually OFTEN actively listen to it, versus American pop music. But even American pop music has become more interesting, to me, as of late.

alteredcourse 10.15.2009 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I can't tell if your reply is sarcastic or not...?

I love black metal. Always have, always will. I never knew it was trendy to like it, on here. SHRUG.

Ha, for one, keep on lovin it.

For two, SYG, money puts food on your table, and their table, and maybe shakes an ass or two. Find a balance.

#3, for sure going to bed now.

nicfit 10.15.2009 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth Gossip
everything on commercial radio is so lifeless and is ALL about the money


Glice 10.15.2009 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
You must not have heard much JPop then...

Listen to Plus-Tech Squeezebox sometime, it'll blow your mind.

They bored the fuck out of me 6 or 7 years ago; if anything I'm less likely to like them now. Ultimately, if you prefer it, you prefer it, but I can't help but feel that people listening to J-pop (although not necessarily yourself) tend to be the sort of people who need decent pop music 'exoticised' and made slightly shitter by the Japs for them to like it.

I used to live with a guy who was obsessed with J-pop. He also had a habit of shagging underage boys and stealing people's drugs. Let that be a warning to you.

Glice 10.15.2009 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by infinitemusic
I have an axe to grind. On the internet.

Holy shit how pathetic is that sentence?


Glice 10.15.2009 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

easy easy.. I'm a witless turd, there is no need to get upset..

Right you are.

Sonic Youth Gossip 10.15.2009 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
The underground is commercial. This message board is commercial.

the underground is far more focused on music for the sake of music rather than money. sure, there's bound to be some bands that are only interested in the cash, but the fact that underground music is of far superior quality to the musical shits of miley cyrus or brittany spears speaks for itself.

Genteel Death 10.15.2009 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth Gossip
the underground is far more focused on music for the sake of music rather than money. sure, there's bound to be some bands that are only interested in the cash, but the fact that underground music is of far superior quality to the musical shits of miley cyrus or brittany spears speaks for itself.

Such a twat you are, Sonic Youth Gossip. Especially with a username like that, and the fact that you are zeropumpkins. Twat.

nicfit 10.15.2009 05:18 AM

I can't see what's the point in comparing supposed "qualities" of underground or mainstream music.
A good song is a good song, no matter how famous it is, and there are pop songs both underground and mainstreamin'.

Far superior qualities my ass.
Perhaps much more close to your personal tastes (and there's no point in comparing tastes, so sayin' what you don't like is bad is pointless too), but absolutist assumptions like that are really narrow minded imo.


Genteel Death 10.15.2009 05:29 AM

And don't forget that his other username was inspired by Smashing Pumpkins. Christ on a horse.

Sonic Youth Gossip 10.15.2009 05:31 AM

it's not about taste man, it's about actual musical integrity.

when i turn on the radio, all i hear is the same ideas expressed throughout the last 50 years of pop music rehashed and run into the ground. as someone who has an appreciation for music, i find this to be incredibly boring to hear the exact same shit over and over again being marketed to people who don't realise that the music with real quality, real passion is to be found off the waves, (or perhaps on a more dedicated station).

Look i understand that people enjoy listening to this, and that's great that they are getting enjoyment out of music, but you cannot deny that the primary interest of musicians (or rather companies) in the field of commercial radio is money. to me, that's just not music.

i'm sure there are many who agree with me, but are afraid of being called a twat by the biggest twat of them all.

(by the way i came to this message board when i was 14, so the pumpkins part is excusable)

Genteel Death 10.15.2009 05:38 AM

What musical integrity have you got? You listen to Smashing Pumpkins, and only post about Authecre like it's the only music ever made.

atsonicpark 10.15.2009 05:40 AM

If a musician makes a good song and makes tons of money from it, good for them. You can make that argument about anything or anyone. "Yeah, he's a good factory worker -- but he's just doing it for money!" So?! Who cares?

And even "integrity-havin" underground musicians like money, too. Even seen Ian MacKaye turn down a check? Haha. Nearly every band licenses their music to itunes, and all that garbage. Hell, even Autechre licensed a song for a cell phone ad (and one of the dudes went on a date with Ginger Spice)... But that's GREAT! They're making money doing what they enjoy doing... that's so cool!! The American dream!

Ultimately, a song is just a song. A couple of chords and shit. I don't care about the politics invested in a song... because it's just a song. It's probably hard for some people to separate the musician from the music. I've been guilty of this myself. I'm sure a lot of people on here won't be listening to Skrewdriver soon, for example, because of their politics. Still, it's harmless pop music, which has existed for FOREVER. And some of it is actually quite good.. that one Justin Timberlake album with "Sexyback" on it was actually quite awesome, SY Gossip, you'd dig some of the production on it.

atsonicpark 10.15.2009 05:42 AM

Oh, and Glice, I just tend to dig JPop more than regular pop, not any for purging reasons, I just happen to usually dig the instrumentation/music/melodies more. I listen to Mac Donald Duck Eclair all the time (I just love that a JPop band has a song called "Mac Teenage Riot").

Genteel Death 10.15.2009 05:42 AM


atsonicpark 10.15.2009 05:45 AM

*plays opening riff to Zero*

Glice 10.15.2009 05:45 AM

I know a lot of musicians. A lot of them have a lot of passion, and integrity. Plus they work hard. Not a single one of them has produced a song as brilliant as Beyoncé's single ladies.


Billy Corgan is notoriously the most mercenary cunt ever to have picked up a guitar. If anything, people like Britney get put through the mill and see much less of the music-money-pie than someone with genuine business nous like, say, Billy Corgan or Ian Mackaye.

Integrity be damned.

Sonic Youth Gossip 10.15.2009 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
What musical integrity have you got? You listen to Smashing Pumpkins, and only post about Authecre like it's the only music ever made.

i haven't listened to the pumpkins in a good couple of years. yes billy is a MASSIVE cunt but still a very capable musician (especially back in his hey-day) and an excellent guitar player. pumpkins don't really do it for me anymore, but that doesn't mean i can't appreciate the effort that goes into it. also i'm not denying that my favourite musicians are making money off what they do. of course they are, but the music they produce is at least (in my eyes) of substantial quality and is not entirely motivated by profit.

i'm guessing by "Authecre" you mean autechre. i post about aphex twin, squarepusher and boards of canada just as much as i post about autechre. and why? these people push music beyond the norm and have inspired many to do the same. they are not the only to do so, but are my personal favourites so it makes sense that i'd talk about them a lot.

i think you're grabbing at straws a bit :rolleyes:

Glice 10.15.2009 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Oh, and Glice, I just tend to dig JPop more than regular pop, not any for purging reasons, I just happen to usually dig the instrumentation/music/melodies more. I listen to Mac Donald Duck Eclair all the time (I just love that a JPop band has a song called "Mac Teenage Riot").

Yeah, my criticism is more general, I generally get the sense that you wouldn't be arsed with being a dickbag weaboo.

Glice 10.15.2009 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth Gossip
i haven't listened to the pumpkins in a good couple of years.

i'm guessing by "Authecre" you mean autechre. i post about aphex twin, squarepusher and boards of canada just as much as i post about autechre. and why? these people push music beyond the norm and have inspired many to do the same. they are not the only to do so, but are my personal favourites so it makes sense that i'd talk about them a lot.

i think you're grabbing at straws a bit :rolleyes:

You listen to music that was pushing a very particular boat and has been superseded several times over in its own field at least 10 years ago. Kudos, you win a smile from Mika Vainio.

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