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!@#$%! 02.01.2020 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by GravitySlips
Sounds like a failing democracy. Who the fuck needs witnesses anyway?

yep. we’re going to hell.

anyway, let’s give bitey a trophy. or maybe drunkle bob. like this one:

(worth the watch)

Bytor Peltor 02.02.2020 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Imagine the mental gymnastics Bytor has to do to be fine with there being no witnesses in a trial.

ZERO verbal gymnastics with the Biden Rules:

Senator Joe Biden: “these two cases demonstrate that the Senate may dismiss articles of impeachment without holding a full trial or taking any evidence.

The Constitution does not impose on the Senate the duty to hold a trial. In fact, the Senate need not hold a trial even though the House wishes to present evidence and hold a full trial and the elements of jurisdiction or present”


House Chairman Shifty Schiff oversaw SEVENTEEN public witnesses in the House. They gave their testimony which resulted in mostly silencenothingnada!

Shifty Schiff could have allowed the Presidential Defense to cross examine and call witnesses, but Shifty Schiff REFUSED......and that was his prerogative!

The key mistake in this Impeachment sham was when Shifty Schiff admitted, “we have proven our case,” which Presidential Senior Council Jay Sekulow replied, “if you think you’ve proven your case, let’s go to a vote.”

(that’s how you play impeachment poker)

You see, the sole responsibility of presenting the case belonged to the House and the DEMS over promised and under delivered......the DEMS loudly banged the drum of “fairness” while engaging in a process that was contrary to the rule of law or due process!

In his closing, Jerry Nadler referred to the Senator's as juveniles......what kind of desperate strategy was that?

The House delivered two extremely weak Articles of NOTHINGNESS that, in my opinion, will lead to a bipartisan acquittal!!!

Let that bipartisan acquittal thought sink in when you watch our President and First Lady take the field during the National Anthem of today’s Super Bowl......and when your Orange Cheeto delivers the State Of The Union Tuesday night......a mere NINE months from the first Tuesday in November.


!@#$%! 02.02.2020 07:39 AM

since when is drunkle bob working class and not lumpen?

tw2113 02.02.2020 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
^ :D - solid movie, too

which movie is it? legit curious

choc e-Claire 02.02.2020 11:09 PM

Stick It! Rebellious teenage punk fucks up one too many times and gets sent back to a gymnastics academy to straighten up. Lots of fun teenage pettiness (and Bad Brains, Black Flag, etc. t-shirts).

Was a straight-to-DVD movie originally, but it's on one of our channels all the time.

tw2113 02.02.2020 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Stick It! Rebellious teenage punk fucks up one too many times and gets sent back to a gymnastics academy to straighten up. Lots of fun teenage pettiness (and Bad Brains, Black Flag, etc. t-shirts).

Was a straight-to-DVD movie originally, but it's on one of our channels all the time.


tw2113 02.03.2020 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
Stick It! Rebellious teenage punk fucks up one too many times and gets sent back to a gymnastics academy to straighten up. Lots of fun teenage pettiness (and Bad Brains, Black Flag, etc. t-shirts).

Was a straight-to-DVD movie originally, but it's on one of our channels all the time.

thanks to the power of google and youtube, all i can say is "don't you dare fart" also, it has Jeff Bridges in it.

!@#$%! 02.03.2020 11:55 AM

the dotard saluting “the great state of kansas” for their superbowl win


(for those living abroad, plus our local goobers: kansas city is in missouri)

when will this disaster of a presidence finally end?

ilduclo 02.03.2020 12:25 PM

I don't much care for Bill Maher, but this is a gem:

tw2113 02.03.2020 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
the dotard saluting “the great state of kansas” for their superbowl win


(for those living abroad, plus our local goobers: kansas city is in missouri)

when will this disaster of a presidence finally end?

Either this month next year, or this month 2025

Derek 02.03.2020 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
I basically agree with you yet I disagree that Yang is a dummy. His ideas need serious consideration, with caveats, as per the New York Times article Finland’s Basic Income Trial Boosts Happiness, but Not Employment

UBI needs serious consideration. Yang's idea of it is horribly flawed and not rooted in the political context that needs to happen before it can be implemented, and he doesn't understand what that political context is.


Not so fast!

Sanders had the support of the American Working Class in 2016 (I should know, as I voted for him in the Rhode Island primary that year), but, since then, President Trump has renegotiated American trade out of the pit it had been in for many years, and, per the establishment Wall Street Journal: Life Expectancy Rises in U.S. for First Time in Four Years Lower mortality from cancer, accidents and unintentional injuries; drug overdose deaths fell 4%

In other words, the American Working Class is no longer dying from establishment policies at the rate they had been, due to TRUMP! And if you believe that Sanders is some sort of Marxist who's going to lead the American Working Class to state power, think again: his support of illegal aliens and the franchise for criminal prisoners clearly shows his preference for what real Marxists call the lumpenproletariat over the Proletariat, which will NOT appeal to the actual Proletariat.
Okay, now I know you're talking bullshit, yet I somehow get why you think that way as wrong as it is. Trump's trade deals will not lift the working class up, his administration actively work so that the rich get richer while using scapegoats such as immigrants to point the finger at. You've been scammed and I hope if it's between Bernie or Trump, you'll see that Bernie actually cares about your wellbeing and Trump does not.

And what's wrong with prisoners voting? Because you're punished for whatever crime by the state you should somehow lose a basic human right? What do you think would happen, all the prisoners would band together to vote in a pro-felony candidate? Nonsense.

!@#$%! 02.03.2020 02:42 PM

the goobers already banded to vote for a pro-felony candidate and the senate is about to arbitrarily exonerate him

Derek 02.03.2020 02:46 PM

America will throw people in prison for years for weed and then tell them they've lost their right to vote in democratic elections.

Bytor Peltor 02.03.2020 03:23 PM

Shifty Schiff: “History will not be kind to Donald Trump..”

Schiff says those who vote to acquit will be tied to Trump “with a cord of steel”

Shifty Schiff was directing that toward his fellow Democrats, who he and Vomit Pelosi fear will become part of the bipartisan vote to acquit President Donald Trump!


The Senate trial of Impeachment against President Donald Trump has adjourned!

The Senate remains in session for senators to debate the articles of impeachment tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday. Those speeches will start soon and limited to 10 minutes apiece.

!@#$%! 02.03.2020 03:34 PM

speaking of brain damage...

Bytor Peltor 02.04.2020 06:50 AM

Waking up to see that Iowa is in a meltdown......and we thought they knew how to caucus???

MSNBC reporting that Joe Biden’s lawyers are demanding —NO RESULTS— be reported until they are consulted

Just because Senator Joe Biden could call ahead and delay the departure of his Amtrak train doesn’t mean he can delay the reporting of the results......does it?

Weekend At Bernie’s Campaign announced they were in —FIRST PLACE— last night......looking doubtful this is what the results will show when the Iowa DEMS announce their results today.

Bytor Peltor 02.04.2020 07:08 AM


FEC: Ilhan Omar’s Campaign Paid Half of Last Quarter of 2019 Budget to Alleged Boyfriend......didn’t a few of you think she was doing a swell job?

(not breaking, just a reminder)......was this ever determined?
FBI Investigating Claims That Rep. Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother To Get Him To U.S.

Bytor Peltor 02.04.2020 07:47 AM

Yesterday, Wall Street Journal reported:

Iowa's Top Election Official Dismisses Claim of Voter Fraud That Circulated on Twitter


@IowaSOS confirms "inactive" voters kept on voting rolls. Disinfo campaign ignores federal law that requires states clean up rolls. Iowa has 8 counties with more names on rolls than eligible voters???


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Waking up to see that Iowa is in a meltdown......and we thought they knew how to caucus???

MSNBC reporting that Joe Biden’s lawyers are demanding —NO RESULTS— be reported until they are consulted

Just because Senator Joe Biden could call ahead and delay the departure of his Amtrak train doesn’t mean he can delay the reporting of the results......does it?

Weekend At Bernie’s Campaign announced they were in —FIRST PLACE— last night......looking doubtful this is what the results will show when the Iowa DEMS announce their results today.

Derek 02.04.2020 07:57 AM

Fuck sake, Ilhan did not marry her brother. What absolute racist bullshit.

Also Bernie's internal count says he came in first with 30%. Biden 4th with 12% ouch.

!@#$%! 02.04.2020 08:11 AM

trytor peltor again celebrating putin’s assistance? lmao

fortunately there’s a paper trail here so digital fuckups can be remedied

and yeah, he’s a fucking racist

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