Pookie |
10.27.2008 04:49 PM |
Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
Why Goofy stands erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!
The main characters in the stories just happen to look like animals but are human in their behavior, emotions and culture. They represent humanity. But that doesn't mean there are no animals left. There are plenty of regular animals appearing in his stories. The best example would be a panel in the classic story "Ghost of the Grotto" that has the human-Ducks (Donald Duck and his nephews) appearing in a panel while in the panel's background there is a family of regular animal-ducks. Just Barks's way of contasting the "human" and the "animal" version of the species.
The same rule also applies in the stories of other creators. Even in early stories by Floyd Gottfredson there are clues towards this point of view. For example a recuring gag was Minnie Mouse's fear of regular animal-myce. The Italian stories have explained that the humanized versions of those species have evolved from the regular versions millions of years ago, established a civilisation as early as 1.000.000 years ago and have long lost most of the original animal's traits. For example no member of the Duck family has the ability to fly on its own means since they have hands and not wings. But their webfeet still help them in swimming.
The course of evolution in the Disney Universe may not be very realistic but has its own logic and leaves few mysteries.
Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are flat?
thank you good sir!
Stupid thing to do. I just throw it at the wall when the batteries are dead.