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luxinterior 05.09.2007 01:29 AM

I'm in the process of getting rid of a lot of the music I own, even the stuff I've liked and may still like (I really don't know, I'm not going to relisten to any of it, I'd rather just do away with it all), on the grounds that I suddenly can't stand holding onto things that only encourage solitary activity (like music-listening and book-reading). I don't need to own any of that stuff, I can get it elsewhere borrowed or stolen. I am also giving away a lot of my clothing that goes beyond the annual purging of my closet contents. This will probably all culminate in me joining a convent or something but I really don't want to think about that yet.

Hopefully this isn't an unpopular opinion, but I once came to the conclusion that Jim Carroll's song "People Who Died" is the worst song ever written, and I still stand by that.

Phil Collins has crafted some of the finest tunes I've heard.

I think shorts look bad on just about everyone, and I hate wearing them. Nothing to do with music, just a complaint I feel is worth mentioning.

Michael Jackson did not molest any of those children and I'm glad that he was cleared on all charges of abuse.

In response to being asked who his favorite band was, my brother once said, "I hate music. It's annoying." I agree with that statement more often than not, and will one day probably agree with it completely. Do note that this brother of mine is the single most interesting person I know because he can find loads of other stuff to talk about that has absolutely nothing to do with music, thank god.

I rarely listen to music in places other than my car. Which means that on average I listen to about 40 minutes (or less) of music per day, and that is it. I can't remember the last time I played music on the weekend and actually paid attention to what I was listening to.

I sort of get excited whenever there is a concert happening nearby that I think I might be interested in, and so I make plans to go, but then as the date nears, I quit being excited about it and begin to dread going, because I know it's going to be crap, but I end up going anyway because usually I've invited a friend of mine who probably really is excited to see this concert, and when we get there the whole thing is complete crap. And even in the rare cases where it was actually worthwhile or even impressive, there is still a 95% chance that I will never feel the urge to listen to that music on my own time ever again. Right now it would take a lot of persuading to get me to go to a concert.

I am okay with the fact that a significant number of people on here think that I enjoy two kinds of music: Nick Cave and hair metal. I am really accomplished at avoiding all other kinds of musical discussion on this board, as it is often boring as hell (the discussion, not necessarily the music).

I don't like hearing about Sonic Youth on this board. That is what the two Sonic Youth sections are for, and that is why I rarely visit them. The other two, better sections should be kept Sonic-free.

pbradley 05.09.2007 01:37 AM

You've given up on reading in favor of being more social?

luxinterior 05.09.2007 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
You've given up on reading in favor of being more social?

I didn't say that. What I did say was that I don't like to keep things around the house that are basically only used in solitary activities. Any of that stuff (music, books) I can get elsewhere without paying for, and without owning, and that way I don't have to spend my own money that is essentially only contributing to my solitude. Solitude is fine and everything, but not when you have a whole household of people whose company you enjoy. I would rather spend time with them than being off by myself listening to some stupid record.

Movies are a different matter, because it's not always weird watching them with other people, and plus I like them better than both music and books probably, and most of my movies come in through Netflix so I don't spend a whole lot of money buying movies, only the really good ones that I would care to see more than once.

Actually I shouldn't say anything negative about books because they are just as fine and enjoyable as movies, but I don't see any reason to keep a lot of books around the house anymore whenever I have a library I can go to just as easily. So I will stop buying books that I can find there and then return. And I will give away ones that I have read and don't intend to read again.

luxinterior 05.09.2007 02:25 AM

The problem is too much stuff and I am getting bogged down by it. Even music and therefore I feel like I am on a different page than some people here, hence "Unpopular Musical Opinions." I am no collector, nor do I aspire to be one. There is nothing wrong with it, it's just not for me. The stuff I own has in the past acted as a wall between me and the people I know, and I have rarely valued the company of others when I could instead entertain myself with the things I own. In the past I've put my friends second, and I still do because I don't like them that much, but I also used to do the same thing to my family, and that is not something that I can do anymore.

pbradley 05.09.2007 02:27 AM

I come from a family of lawyers, so large bookselves stocked to pretentious smarter-than-thou levels are in my blood. Crosses over to music, too.

SynthethicalY 05.09.2007 02:34 AM

I have nothing in common with my family.
I think Automatic is the best album JAMC released.

Pookie 05.09.2007 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
I'm in the process of getting rid of a lot of the music I own, even the stuff I've liked and may still like (I really don't know, I'm not going to relisten to any of it, I'd rather just do away with it all), on the grounds that I suddenly can't stand holding onto things that only encourage solitary activity (like music-listening and book-reading).

Took me a lot longer to get to this stage. Break the addiction now, don't become your possessions.


Originally Posted by luxinterior
Phil Collins has crafted some of the finest tunes I've heard.

This, on the other hand, is just plain madness.


Originally Posted by luxinterior
I think shorts look bad on just about everyone...

I would leave out the "just about" here.


Originally Posted by luxinterior
In response to being asked who his favorite band was, my brother once said, "I hate music. It's annoying." I agree with that statement more often than not...

I'm not a music fan, because I hate 99.9999999999999999999999% of it.


Originally Posted by luxinterior
I don't like hearing about Sonic Youth on this board.

Me neither, and I rarely mention them, love them as I do.

luxinterior 05.09.2007 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
i like keeping alot of books, as well as albums. not because i feel the need to listen to all of them, but i think they serve as a diary. when im looking through my albums and see crass's "the feeding of the 5000", it reminds me of who i was, and what i was doing at whatever given point in my life.

my album, and book collection also serve sometimes as a nice reference if i need to look something up. not to mention books are great conversation pieces, and ya can often tell alot about someone by what they are reading, and are (as well as once "were") listening too.

i can understand where yr coming from though lux. i dont relate, but i can understand.

i just look foward to being 75 and having a room in my house devoted to art, wether it be music/whatever.

and i think alot of the albums i own may one day be difficult to locate (even with the rising popularity of torrents/etc)

I think though I've begun to feel very disconnected from a lot of the things I normally would've seen as a sort of milestone. I just think this, because once you grow, as much as you try to give meaning to those old things, they just really can't hold up, so what's the point in keeping them around? It's really a waste. This isn't stuff that I'm embarrassed of in any sense, that is not my point at all. I can't think of anything I'm actually embarrassed to own. This is stuff that I still "love" but in the same way that I say I love Fruit Roll-Ups: I haven't eaten them in a while, and I know that if I tried to eat them again, I wouldn't be able to, because they do not sit well with me anymore. The only thing that makes me say good things about them is the memory of how I used to like them. But I know that it's not going to be one of those circular things where I can come back to it years later and enjoy it. A lot of books, music, movies, and just stuff in general can fit in here.

I guess unlike you, I don't want people to come into my house and look at all my stuff and try to come to some conclusion about the sort of person I am. I've had people do that before and I think it's lame. I would prefer keeping my stuff hidden, and right now all of my stuff is at my dad's house, but my dad is the sort of person who likes to show off the things that he owns, so he puts all of my books and his books on display, and did the same thing with the music, and the movies, and it just strikes me as a crap thing to do. But it's his house, and I have nowhere else to keep this stuff (which is one reason I'm getting rid of it), so what can I do.

My idea of having a house devoted to art is hanging up your kids' drawings they bring home from school, and any sort of crap they might put together. My mom does this all the time. I think in our entire house, there are only two store-bought pieces of "art," and everything else is school projects or art work done by me and my brothers. My favorite drawing ever, in the history of all art, is this portrait a friend of mine sketched of Geddy Lee once during lunch period in high school. It was totally from memory, yet it looked exactly like him. I don't have this drawing, but I would like to get my hands on it someday. My second favorite piece of art is a 5-minute painting a guy in my class did when everyone in class had to model for each other when we were learning about the human anatomy. The painting is of myself, and I have this gigantic witch nose and an enormous chin and I'm wearing a red hat, and this guy hated so much how it turned out that he tried hiding it from me, he was really embarrassed of it, but I found it, and so he let me keep it.

Torn Curtain 05.09.2007 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
anyway, i think all the bad seeds albums are rubbish, aside from the best of nick cave and the bad seeds which is great.

No, The Good Son is great.

Torn Curtain 05.09.2007 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by ScreamingSchool
I don't see what's so hot about Television. Their music is BORING.

Maybe that's because I'm a guitar player, but this defines well what I like in them:


Television were one of the most creative bands to emerge from New York's punk scene of the mid-'70s, creating an influential new guitar vocabulary. While guitarists Tom Verlaine and Richard Lloyd liked to jam, they didn't follow the accepted rock structures for improvisation -- they removed the blues while retaining the raw energy of garage rock, adding complex, lyrical solo lines that recalled both jazz and rock. With its angular rhythms and fluid leads, Television's music always went in unconventional directions, laying the groundwork for many of the guitar-based post-punk pop groups of the late '70s and '80s.


sarramkrop 05.09.2007 05:18 AM

I agree with the giving away records thing. I gave away quite a lot of them simply because someone liked them. Generally i think that if i want to listen to them again, i'll buy them once more. I love music, but it is not the most important thing in my life, in fact i only really chat about it so much on here.

Pookie 05.09.2007 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I agree with the giving away records thing. I gave away quite a lot of them simply because someone liked them. Generally i think that if i want to listen to them again, i'll buy them once more. I love music, but it is not the most important thing in my life, in fact i only really chat about it so much on here.

I increasingly have less desire to just possess 'things'.

What's the point in me having thousands of records, if most of them will never be played again.

I get a lot of satisfaction giving them to people, knowing they'll be played and appreciated once more.

Same goes for books. In fact, more so, because there's even less chance of me re-reading books.

sarramkrop 05.09.2007 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
I increasingly have less desire to just possess 'things'.

What's the point in me having thousands of records, if most of them will never be played again.

I get a lot of satisfaction giving them to people, knowing they'll be played and appreciated once more.

Same goes for books. In fact, more so, because there's even less chance of me re-reading books.

Same here. Once i've absorbed something, i like to pass it on to someone else.

Onani Nic 05.09.2007 07:35 AM

T.I and Clipse are much better than any indie/collage hip hop or whatever they call that p.c. shit these days.

luxinterior 05.09.2007 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Torn Curtain
No, The Good Son is great.

I've said this a trillion times on here, but The First Born is Dead is the closest they've come to making a perfect record. As I take it, a lot of people think it's boring.

Infinite Spark 05.09.2007 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Cardinal Rob

I Looked up your number in my address pad
It was under 's' because you make me sad
I remember what you sound like and I changed my mind cos

lalalala, lala, lalalala
lalalala, lala, lalalala
lalalala, lala, lalalala
lalalala, lala, Japanese girls.

Best. Song. Ever.

Quite impressed with the sultans response, maybe now they've reformed they'll re-release Casual Sex In The Cineplex?

Cardinal Rob 05.09.2007 04:11 PM

Possibly. I'm not a huge fan, but I have two singles.

Infinite Spark 05.09.2007 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Cardinal Rob
Possibly. I'm not a huge fan, but I have two singles.

To go off on something of a tangent, where in West Yorks are you from, if you don't mind me asking... I 'grew up' there

Glice 05.09.2007 04:32 PM

Unpopular town-related opinion - I refuse to believe that someone from Taunton can comprehend the internet and has found this forum (this coming from a Westonian as well... shocking).

Edit: It's ok, turns out s/he's from West Yorks, where sisters aren't ripe for the fucking. Phew.

Infinite Spark 05.09.2007 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Unpopular town-related opinion - I refuse to believe that someone from Taunton can comprehend the internet and has found this forum (this coming from a Westonian as well... shocking).

Edit: It's ok, turns out s/he's from West Yorks, where sisters aren't ripe for the fucking. Phew.

Speaking of Somerset, i do think some of the london-based scenesters were rather disturbed by the strange goings-on in minehead during the last ATP, as minehead is backward even by somerset standards

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