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Rob Instigator 01.23.2013 05:56 PM

Oh I get it.

keep poppin pimples 01.23.2013 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Hopefully, in the near future, it will be run by a collective of all peoples, but that is the star trek fan in me talking.

what about the klingons!?!?!?!?!?!!?!? and like they make a big deal of having a russian on the crew in the future or whatever, like almost all the planets are living in peace and we're supposed to be impressed that nobody wants wants to nuke the ussr lol. and they even named a character after ayn rand, author of books like 'it makes you good person to be an asshole' and 'it's totally ok to be a douchebag' and she got written off the show because some exec assaulted the actress and they wanted to get rid of her, and romulan ale should be legal

so while i like the show i don't really wanna live in the star trek world where the universal globalist power sends a bunch of americans to save the universe every week

floatingslowly 01.23.2013 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
this is the same guy that gets a huge thrill out of accusing me of being homosexual repeatedly knox. Nice to witness your selective vision here.

Hey now....don't blame me. Glice dubbed thee Big Gay Rob, it's my job to run it into the ground.

knox 01.23.2013 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
in purely selfish heterosexual male interest, alienating girls so we can share share our libidos completely uninhibited is not desirable imo. it's kinda like smacking yr buddies asses with towels in the locker room cause none of the girls in gym class want to talk to you. and i already did that through middle school and highschool.

and it doesn't work does it?
unless talking about girls is more important than having girls around...

Rob Instigator 01.23.2013 05:59 PM

you smacked guys asses with towels because the girls did not talk to you?

The girls did not talk to me and I got my ass whipped with a towel. what a Topsy Turvy world we live in.

knox 01.23.2013 05:59 PM

Anyway Guys
I'm Only Talking Vagina Issues And Human Issues To Promote My Music.
Because Nothing Guarantees Popularity And Praise Like Feminism And Activism.
This Is Why I've Been Talking About Music The Whole Time.


floatingslowly 01.23.2013 05:59 PM

I deleted the part where I called you a poof Rob.

Happy now? :mad:

Rob Instigator 01.23.2013 06:01 PM


I like talking things over with knox cuz she don't let up. Nothing more irritating than someone who won't argue their side.

knox 01.23.2013 06:05 PM

I have argued my side endlessly.
I think you're not getting because you don't want to get it.
This is daily for me.
I have a folder full of hate mail from religious people, sexist men, rape threats and death threats.
Once in a while there's a win.
I get tired, Rob. You're going to have to re-read the previous posts and think about them a little bit.
If you have a sincere question, something that's not a defensive rethorical argument, I'll be happy to answer.

keep poppin pimples 01.23.2013 06:18 PM

i wasn't the coolest kid in school by any margin but i was on the wrestling team and skateboarded and smoked and so on.. so nobody was gonna get to smack my naked ass or comment on my penis without some sort of retribution.

definitely was a huge jerk to lots of girls in gym class, i'm scared to even imagine how many times. but i wasn't patronising, i don't care about gender give me a basketball and any man, woman or child between me and a sweet lay-up(cause i could never dunk) is getting petro'd.

actually i remember in grade 8 we had to share our feelings in health class about what the most embarassing thing that could ever happen would be and my friend said losing in 1-1 to a girl and he got stepped to pretty quick and i hear it was ugly. that girl was pretty damn tall, he tried to act like they were just passing a ball around and not keeping score but deep down he knew he got schooled.

knox 01.23.2013 06:25 PM

theres this research in which they ask men and women what they are most afaid that the"opposite" sex would do to them. most women said they were most afraid of men killing them. most men said they were afraid women would laugh at them

knox 01.23.2013 06:28 PM

rob im going to make the effort of looking for an excellent video if you promise to watch

keep poppin pimples 01.23.2013 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by knox
and it doesn't work does it?
unless talking about girls is more important than having girls around...

since i'm a reggae dj one thing i do with the fellas that seems to alienate women is to pinch our noses shut and sing like gregory isaacs. i don't think it's sexist but it seems to make women want to leave.

i was rolling some joints in the basement of a pub and singing like gregory earlier this very week and this server who's usually very nice came downstairs and saw that and then ignored us when we said hi lol

EVOLghost 01.23.2013 06:55 PM


floatingslowly 01.23.2013 06:56 PM

Fucking hell, why haven't I thought to call myself a reggae dj yet??

I totally am.

floatingslowly 01.23.2013 06:58 PM

Hey Rob, why haven't you snitched on Jose for calling people "black faggots" yet?

That's pretty hurtful, yeah? cuz it is.

EVOLghost 01.23.2013 07:01 PM

Keep my racist homophobia out of this sexist thread please.

knox 01.23.2013 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Murmer99

what's this? it looks interesting.

Trama 01.23.2013 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Actually, I act like I'm 7. :o

I'm never accused of being disrespectul, but oftentimes, told "stop it. That's gross"

To be fair, she's right. I'm pretty fucking gross.


gast30 01.23.2013 07:51 PM

loosen up here a bit
you got to promote people to have sex
sex is normal
attraction is all naturally given and so on

show that sex is good
people can enjoy it
it is healthy to do 3-5 times a week

that is what we got to do
and then things will work out and people realize back that is all normal
no problem no fear, no big deal about it

and then it is the next generation that is there
and who knows what they gonna do in their sexlife

when you oppres sexuality you get a porn industry
the porn industry is a result of 1000 of years of religious oppresion of our nature

that is what happend
and so you have to explain it that way to your childeren

that sex is just something that all animals on earth do
and explain what went wrong when religion oppresed the natural side

gast30 01.23.2013 07:53 PM

got to give people an explanation for the bombardement of pornmovies world wide

it never happend in the history of humans

gast30 01.23.2013 07:54 PM

the 7th world wonder is not for everybody between their leggs
the wonder is more our brain
then chemical reactions happening in our brain

knox 01.23.2013 07:55 PM

Sex and objetification are only synonyms in the minds of brain washed western straight men.
Sex is awesome, you'll get more of it if you stop objetifying women and saying degrading shit in front of them.
Also, you'll probably be better at it too.

gast30 01.23.2013 07:59 PM

if i see a pretty girl under the moonlight then i make love to her
no problem

(with the windows open, so everyone in the street can hear it and maybe go live online, totally openminded, like lennon and joko in that amsterdam hotel)

knox 01.23.2013 08:02 PM

I don't think they were making porn there, gast.
They were living in a time where people cared more about sexual pleasure than about getting reassurance from online viewers.

gast30 01.23.2013 08:07 PM

no, it was a halfnaked thing
so, now we corrected that
you know the message they spread
be nice to eachoter
a good promotion for peace

knox 01.23.2013 08:07 PM

Rob, if you do actually care about anything I've been trying to say, it's all explained here, in a way that's more articulate than anything I could ever say here.

This will make you understand why your comments about women's looks are not appreciation, but oppression.

Also recommended to anyone else who's interested:

knox 01.23.2013 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
no, it was a halfnaked thing
so, now we corrected that
you know the message they spread
be nice to eachoter
a good promotion for peace

john & yoko are feminists.

gast30 01.23.2013 08:09 PM

i totally believe the idea of the woodstock people
then when you come home from woodstock you are still in woodstock
it is something you take with you to your home
a really cool lifestyle
still have a lot of love for these people
they also give alot of love

keep poppin pimples 01.23.2013 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
got to give people an explanation for the bombardement of pornmovies world wide

it never happend in the history of humans

how do you know they didn't have pornmovies in the middle ages

gast30 01.23.2013 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by knox

i don't find that, doing what is normal, has something to do with feminism

if everyone contibutes something good is ok
not necesarely something for females or gays or poor or crippled

good from our natural inside

gast30 01.23.2013 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
how do you know they didn't have pornmovies in the middle ages

because they like to burn woman more in those days

burn the witch

yeah, i'm glad i'm not a girl in some countries

it is simply terrible for woman to live there
feel deeply for those woman

what can i do?

Trama 01.23.2013 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by knox
Sex and objetification are only synonyms in the minds of brain washed western straight men.

I'm afraid sexual objectification is not exclusive of a race, gender or sexual orientation.

keep poppin pimples 01.23.2013 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
because they like to burn woman more in those days

burn the witch

yeah, i'm glad i'm not a girl in some countries

it is simply terrible for woman to live there
feel deeply for those woman

what can i do?

how do you know they weren't videoing all that burning to watch later?

knox 01.23.2013 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Trama
I'm afraid sexual objectification is not exclusive of a race, gender or sexual orientation.

Oh so men are objectified as much as women, seriously?
How many images of an objectified body have you seen today?
Research suggests women will see an average of 300 or more images of idealized women bodies being used by media everyday.

How many discussions have we had here about men worried about being objectified?

How many threads created by women posting photos of men's bodies and discussing them as objects X threads created by men discussing photos of women's bodies?

Are you SCARED when you find yourself in an elevator with a strange woman?
Are you scared to walk alone to your car, not for your wallet or your phone, but for something much greater?

How many times a week, on average, do you hear somebody shouting something demeaning at you as you're going to work about your body then told to "take it as a compliment"? How often is your size, hair or make-up discussed in the work environment?

How often does a stranger make a sexual gesture of remark to you?

How many times have strangers in a club or a bus put their hands on your ass or chest and laughed to their friends like it was nothing?

I'd appreciate it if we have a discussion about the real world, not an imaginary "equal" world.

Once again, data is here:

Need more data? I'll give it to you.
But please, the real world.

I trust you know math so you probably know that whatever exception you can mention doesn't invalidate statistics.

knox 01.23.2013 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
how do you know they weren't videoing all that burning to watch later?

true that some countries are way worse than others but there is no place where women are not oppressed.

gast30 01.23.2013 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by keep poppin pimples
how do you know they weren't videoing all that burning to watch later?

because i know what happend before the burning and that is historicly proven

it was time where people wrote with goozefeathers
bad weather was comming
and people grow cereals to make bread
it rained alot and that caused the cereal to form mold
as most people were analphabetic they didn't also know that you halucinate if you make bread with creals that had mold
the crowed started to halucinate, experience wierd things, and blame woman for this happening

that is what really happend during that time
historicly correct

gast30 01.23.2013 08:37 PM

in france there is still a law that sez what woman should wear
in england gay marriage is forbidden

not all people like youth going to festivals

knox 01.23.2013 08:38 PM

i think you need to check your bread for mould.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.23.2013 08:48 PM


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