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Cantankerous 07.19.2006 06:16 AM

oh i thought that was a typo

porkmarras 07.19.2006 06:18 AM

Somehow i think you might like Curve.

Cantankerous 07.19.2006 06:20 AM

i probably would.

porkmarras 07.19.2006 06:26 AM bN71lQya6M:&tbnh=140&tbnw=98&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcurve%2Bband%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%2 6lr%3D

Cantankerous 07.19.2006 06:27 AM

early 90s? i was too born.

porkmarras 07.19.2006 06:31 AM

My youth.

sonicl 07.19.2006 07:12 AM

Okay, I'm going to throw a few more into the mix:

Xmal Deutschland
Skeletal Family
Ghost Dance
Sex Gang Children
Rose of Avalanche
Strawberry Switchblade

All much loved among my former friends in the goth community (even though Strawberry Switchblade were nothing like Goth)

Reminisce away....

porkmarras 07.19.2006 07:15 AM

Strawberry Switchblade.

sonicl 07.19.2006 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Strawberry Switchblade.

It's okay - you can claim to have got into them through Current 93 :)

Cantankerous 07.19.2006 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Strawberry Switchblade.

strawberry switchblade is fabulous.

porkmarras 07.19.2006 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
It's okay - you can claim to have got into them through Current 93 :)


nicfit 07.19.2006 07:34 AM

bauhaus get my vote.i could go and see them on august 14th,is it worth to go nowadays?costs 35$ more or less.

sonicl 07.19.2006 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit
bauhaus get my vote.i could go and see them on august 14th,is it worth to go nowadays?costs 35$ more or less.

I can't remember who, but someone on the old board went to see them last year and seemed to come away very happy.

porkmarras 07.19.2006 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
I can't remember who, but someone on the old board went to see them last year and seemed to come away very happy.

I set my eyes on a Peter Murphy solo album on my last exursion into a record shop.It was his last one.I resisted,i just knew it would have ended in the bin at one point.I bet sonicl that you are sucker for Love and Rockets.

sonicl 07.19.2006 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
I bet sonicl that you are sucker for Love and Rockets.

10/10 - Go to the top of the class.

I have a soft spot for them, yes, but no records. I'm also a sucker for Tones on Tail.

porkmarras 07.19.2006 07:53 AM

Tones on Tail i like too.Love and Rockets are more of a love/hate affair but i can't bring myself to slagging them off because deep down i know i appreciate their music more than not.You have excellent taste geez.

Cantankerous 07.19.2006 08:10 AM


a lot of these bands ripped their look off from siouxsie sioux.

Massenvernichtungswaffen 07.19.2006 09:10 AM

The Goth culture disappeared centuries ago. I'm sure they didn't all wear black and complain about the bounding darkness of the heart. LOL. They were warriors and kings. Horse thieves. They even sacked Rome once.

why don't "goths" call themselves something else like Sad-ites or something? or Dark Ones?

shat shat

Trasher02 07.19.2006 10:01 AM

The Cure is goth???
Fuck that shit

Hip Priest 07.19.2006 10:03 AM

THey are usually liked by goths, for whatever reason. I agree with you though.

'Goth' seems to mean 'liked by goths' rather than being of a similar style. I just rode with it, really.

Trasher02 07.19.2006 10:04 AM

I like the cure but i always looked at it as a punk band or the one and only decent emo band.

Hip Priest 07.19.2006 10:07 AM

I saw The Cure as more pop, to be honest. In the 1980's there was a host of bands who were definitely pop, and chart regulars, but who were more serious than the throwaway stuff one usually means by 'pop'. Heaven 17, Tears for Fears, The Cure, Propaganda and no doubt many more.

The Cure were never goth in my book, certainly.

sonicl 07.19.2006 10:09 AM

Unlike now, Goth in the '80s was a thing that you probably didn't get to know about until you were 16+ and started reading NME. The Cure definitely attracted an under-16 Smash Hits audience.

Cantankerous 07.19.2006 10:10 AM

they certainly have pop sensibility but i love them. not gothy until you get a look at them.

Hip Priest 07.19.2006 10:10 AM

Through their chart success. Lots of bands that were not traditional pop were making it onto Top of the Pops regularly. I remember the Teardrop Explodes too.

For a scene, goth has quite a mix of musical styles, which is a rare thing.

sonicl 07.19.2006 10:13 AM


Do you remember the episode of Top of the Pops when Robert Smith appeared twice, once with The Cure and once as a Banshee? The Banshees song was probably Dear Prudence. Those were the days...

Cantankerous 07.19.2006 10:13 AM

hole was on top of the pops a couple of times i think. i'll try and find the video somewhere.

Hip Priest 07.19.2006 10:16 AM

Oh, no. But I remember All About Eve sitting still, refusing to play their instruments as a protest against not being allowed to perform live.

I remember Frankie Goes to Hollywood swapping instruments in a simlar protest.

And I remember with special fondness the time the thoroughly wretched Bon Jovi 'performed' You Give Love a Bad Name, after which Sir John Peel said 'and that was Bon Jovi with We Give Music a Bad Name.

Cantankerous 07.19.2006 10:17 AM

did anyone ever actually play their goddamn instruments or sing on that show>?

Hip Priest 07.19.2006 10:18 AM

For a long time it just wasn't allowed. Eventually it was all live, I think.

Cantankerous 07.19.2006 10:19 AM

that, if i do say so myself, is fucking retarded.

Hip Priest 07.19.2006 10:22 AM

It is indeed

Highlights have included Jimi Hendrix being forced to mime to someone else's track being played by mistake (in the days of live broadcast), Shane Macgowan of the Pogues drunken performance of "Fairytale of New York", featuring his inaudible falling over the drumkit, and John Peel's appearance as the mandolin soloist for Rod Stewart on "Maggie May".

sonicl 07.19.2006 10:24 AM

I thought that the All About Eve sitting about episode was because Julianne Regan didn't have any sound in her earpiece, so didn't know she was supposed to be miming.

By the way, the Cure / Banshees TOTP episode was December 1983. The Banshees did Dear Prudence and The Cure did The Love Cats.

Hip Priest 07.19.2006 10:26 AM

Oh. Maybe. Could be right, I suppose. That's one to look up.

Hip Priest 07.19.2006 10:27 AM

Seems you're right. Well done. You'd get rep for that, if the system would let me.

All About Eve infamously failed to take their cue to mime Martha's Harbour live in 1988. The music played out for broadcast, the cameras went through the choreographed moves, but someone forgot to turn on the studio monitors. The result - the poor saps just sat there, shrugging bemusedly at the audience, for the first two minutes of the song. Career killer? Well, it didn't help much, put it that way.

Mark E Smith once majestically read his lines from a crumpled sheet of paper, I've been reminded.

sonicl 07.19.2006 10:29 AM

I also remember a Peelie-introduced show where the cameras spent a long time throughout one song lingering on one girl's ample cleavage, and afterwards he announced, "and if you would like to apply for a job as a BBC cameraman, just apply to...." or something similar.

EDIT - There probably ought to a "Top Top of the Pops Memories " thread at this point, seeing as it's not long left for this world. Best leave it a week or so though.

Hip Priest 07.19.2006 10:33 AM

He once promised that if the Mighty Wah's 'Sinful' didn't get to number one 'I'll come and visit your kitchen'. I never saw him though.

He also once referred to every artist on the show as 'multi-talented' for (so far as one could tell) no good reason other than it was screamingly funny.

kingcoffee 07.20.2006 12:00 AM

There's no such thing as good Goth Rock.

sonicl 01.24.2007 11:37 AM

I'd forgotten about this thread, and how much I enjoyed it. I'm re-opening the lid of the coffin in which it was buried because I bought the NME's Goth review magazine at the weekend. The memories came flooding back so fast they nearly knocked me off my feet.

Sisters of Mercy are still the tops.

candymoan 01.26.2007 05:47 AM

early sisters...
andrew eldritch's voice alone constitutes a genre...

apart from the sisters of mercy, faith/pornography era the cure...
the mission is basically an offshoot from the sisters..
i'm okay with siouxsie and bauhaus, although i'm not too into them...

and of course, joy division is gothic..

what i don't understand is the american kids with the tattoos and the makeup and the MTV videos owning up a genre that is laced with sugar and hype, then claiming to be "goths"...

the south park gothic kids probably summed it up....

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