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Tokolosh 07.25.2006 06:19 AM


Headbanging is for the cunts in front... not you.

porkmarras 07.25.2006 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by Norma J
Has anyone actually ever did that? Or you were just forewarning?

Not that i know of.

Tokolosh 07.25.2006 06:27 AM

Looking directly at someone in the crowd might make them think you've dedicated the song to them.

porkmarras 07.25.2006 06:34 AM

On stage,do not dedicate songs verbally.Only on the inner sleeves of your records.

Tokolosh 07.25.2006 06:42 AM

Going down on your knees while looking up makes you look like a religious prick.

nicfit 07.25.2006 06:53 AM

No Air Guitar

Glice 07.25.2006 12:27 PM

I like how I've perpetrated an awful lot of these rules. I like that a lot.

porkmarras 07.25.2006 12:28 PM

Did you now?

Glice 07.25.2006 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Did you now?

Yes, very much so. I am in an improv band though, so I think I have certain exemptions.

porkmarras 07.25.2006 12:32 PM

You lot get away with murder under that moniker.

TheDom 07.25.2006 12:35 PM

1. Don't suck.

2. Don't do this:


Glice 07.25.2006 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
You lot get away with murder under that moniker.

Mmm. It's certainly a concern. There is so much very, very bad improv out there.

jon boy 07.25.2006 12:43 PM

no smoke machines and keep lighting to a bare minimum. no light shows. dont have a concept and dont try to put on an accent. if anyone says anything bad to you just keep playing. do not look at the audience. turn you back, kneel on the floor and face your amp. drink on stage, smoke on stage. dont have dedications unless its to someone who's dead and even then recently cold. no anouncements. only thank people at the end. dont dress up, wear what you wear all the time. if no one likes it, so fucking what. no five string basses. dont make a big entrance onto the stage, just walk on get on with it.

jon boy 07.25.2006 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
if you are planning to say smth to audience in language of country you are visiting (lucky you and thank you very much), make sure you arent been fed with curses instead of normal talk. could be hilarious and cool, could get you in trouble, each time depending on which style of music you play/crowds you get.

that reminds of motorhead on their european tour of some time in the 80's. while playing in dresden the stage prop was a giant lancaster bomber overlooking the stage. lemmy says 'bet you havnt seen one of those for a while'

Savage Clone 07.25.2006 12:46 PM

I happen to enjoy fog, lights and some consideration in stage wear. I wear my "stage clothes" in regular life, but I do think some effort in looking good onstage is good. Just not too costumey.

porkmarras 07.25.2006 12:47 PM

-The above post reminded me of a very important rule that i haven't posted about yet.DO MAKE SURE THAT WHEN YOU PLAY LIVE YOU LOOK GREAT IN THE DARK!It's more important to look great in the dark than it is to look cool in bright lights.

edit-reference was to jonboy's post.

luxinterior 07.25.2006 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
for singer=dont kiss and hug microphone like its just the 2 of you in the world. basically dont treat microphone as if it is a hotdog that you are about to eat.



Savage Clone 07.25.2006 01:11 PM

Lux Interior gets a pass on all this stuff. That guy can pull it off, no matter what "it" is.

LittlePuppetBoy 07.25.2006 01:34 PM

don't let one member become the centre of attention. look at what happened to U2.

don't let your political ramblings become the staple of your live shows. Again, look at what happened to U2.

foldback 07.25.2006 02:14 PM

Don't do anything that the guys in Oasis have done in the past 10 years.

Example: Don't break up 14 times without actually breaking up, don't get banned from an airline, don't walk out and make your guitarist sing lead for entire chunks of the tour, don't start fights from the stage, don't record Be Here Now...

Yeah. It gets really old really quickly.

porkmarras 07.25.2006 02:21 PM

-Do abide by the law of the right beard.This law has been passed 400 years ago and it's caused a lot of overpopulation in prisons all over the world.

porkmarras 07.25.2006 02:22 PM

Chapter 2
How to sound

porkmarras 07.25.2006 02:26 PM

-Always make sure that those influences of yours stay as such wich means they don't sound like a rip off of other(and perhaps more talented)musicians.This particular regulation was passed at the dawn of time but it seems difficult to put it into practice for a scarily enormous amount of bands.

Glice 07.25.2006 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
-Do abide by the law of the right beard.This law has been passed 400 years ago and it's caused a lot of overpopulation in prisons all ove the world.


How to sound: 1. Whatever you do, don't play guitar. If you must play guitar, try and turn it down so it is inaudible. If you, further to these rules, must play it, you absolutely must kill yourself if you ever even think about what Eric Clapton could possibly sound like, let alone actually hearing it.

2. The Shaggs. Why are you even thinking about playing music when I have now told you the name of the Shaggs?

porkmarras 07.25.2006 02:46 PM

Dispose of most superflous instruments and musicians and do everything yourself.Particularly important is that this instrumentation is used:
-Field recordings
-Creative imagination

There are many more but due to my lack of being arsed i'll list them later.

Onani Nic 07.25.2006 07:24 PM

don't sound like radiohead

acousticrock87 07.25.2006 07:30 PM

If you're songs consist of two-note power chords, and it is not the blues: quit. Just stop playing.

Cantankerous 07.25.2006 08:25 PM

punk is dead.

luxinterior 07.25.2006 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
punk is dead.

So are my grandparents. Cool!

Cantankerous 07.25.2006 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
So are my grandparents. Cool!

ooh, they must be punk.

acousticrock87 07.25.2006 10:08 PM

That was funny and depressing. Which happens to be the best kind of funny.

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