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ann ashtray 10.14.2010 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
why is it with all the technology we have at our disposal and the likes of shows (in the uk at least) of ghosthunters has no one any evidence of the existence of ghosts? you'd think that someone somewhere would have got some decent evidence of them right? but it seems that most 'sightings' happen when people are alone and they never seem to get to the camera in time.


Dr. Eugene Felikson 10.14.2010 01:51 AM



hevusa 10.14.2010 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by Murmer99
Something that isn't proven nor disproved to me remains unknown. just because i haven't seen something, doesn't mean i will rule out it exists, as crazy as it may sound to anyone else, but thats what i think. i never understood why people get defensive when someone believes in something you dont. its like religion, ive seen so many people complain about having someone elses religion shoved down their throat, directly being told they should believe in god, and that same person goes ahead and does the same back to someone else, repeatedly telling them that its all a fairytale and it isnt true and they should realize it. that seems very hypocritical to me... id be fine if it could be as simple as just disagreeing instead of attacking someone who thinks differently. i know its a bit off topic but...

you are not fucking getting the point.

There is 0% objective evidence for God, Ghosts, Souls, Aliens, Dragons, Luck and Elvis still being alive... but people are still pompous and stupid enough to claim that there is indeed objective evidence to support that they exist and are real. THIS IS FUCKING LUDICROUS IN THE YEAR 2010.

FOR FUCK'S SAKE PEOPLE. get a fucking grip on reality already.


hevusa 10.14.2010 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by Murmer99
i was not directing that to you, and clearly you didnt understand my point. saying you believe there is a god is different than saying there is evidence. and just because there isnt evidence for something doesnt mean people cant have the right to believe in it, and saying that they cant would be hypocritical if youre someone who doesnt like to have religion shoved down your throat either.

Just because something remains "unknown" doesn't give it any god damn credence man. I can believe that there is a omnipresent flying spaghetti monster that created the universe. That doesn't make it any more credible than the chestershire cat in Alice in fucking Wonderland.

Religion impacts all of us EVERY MOTHERFUCKING DAY just because people fucking "believe" in something for NO FUCKING REASON. FUCK THAT SHIT. It is getting fucking old and preventing peace. TIME TO SAY NO NO NO to that petty fucking belief shit.


floatingslowly 10.14.2010 02:55 AM

who you gonna call?

Dr. Eugene Felikson 10.14.2010 03:48 AM


knox 10.14.2010 05:25 AM

to be honest there are pretty good evidences of something, but people are quick to dismiss them. Now, that's not to say that MOST ghost stories aren't bullshit. And this "take a picture of a ghost" is quite silly. Like I said, you'd have to define what a ghost is first.

Lots of paranormal activity that we cannot understand are widely accepted in investigations and even in court, I've seen lots of these cases. They are real, but whoever isn't comfortable with admitting we don't know shit is always really quick to dismiss these cases.

We know very little about "reality" and "time" and it's pretentious to dismiss something like that. We must remember that we did (collectively) the same thing to lots of ideas that seemed absurd and are now proven as facts.

A lot of serious scientists have put thought and effort into this, but this just shows it's not an area of interest for most of you - which is completely fine since it's far from being a relevant area of studies at the moment.

But you don't have to make yourselves sound silly by "if you don't believe the same thing as me, then "OH GOD you're crazy" cop out.

Let's define What is a ghost first?

Also, this is has NOTHING to do with religion.

ann ashtray 10.14.2010 05:29 AM

There's always going to be those who believe in God, simply because people (in general) aren't comfortable w/ "not knowing". Like Knox said (probably one of few things I agree with her on), it's OK not to know. Far too many people fail to realize this. It's easy to have faith in a higher power and use this faith as a means of explaining absolutely everything. Most that believe in God believe in an after life, which means there are going to be many that believe in ghosts and all sorts of things that have (sorry genetickiss) no place in science or in the lives of those that choose not to believe in things that can not be scientifically proven.

Thankfully, less and less people are buying into this stuff as we are (slowly) beginning to understand how this world around us works. No reason to blame the stormy weather on whatever given god anymore.

People (again, in general) have never been comfortable w/ death, either. Most want to believe in an afterlife, especially one where there is still a sense of self awareness. In my mind I can see how this is (most likely...) bullshit, but most refuse to accept the possibility that death likely just means "lights out".

People live their entire lives thinking their actions will have some effect on what happens to them when they die.

"there could be a green dragon in my trashcan, but something tells me there isn't."

knox 10.14.2010 05:36 AM

Saying ghosts exist does not entail any belief in afterlife necessarily.

Anyway, there are good evidences. Like I said, cases used in court, investigations and whatnot. A lot of people might go there and tell you a story that indeed happened, but if you're too threatened by it you'll go to the extent of saying the whole story is a lie and you will ignore any evidence that shows there is SOMETHING you don't know.

It's like telling someone back then the earth isn't flat, really.

But either way, it's far from being relevant in our list of priorities.

ann ashtray 10.14.2010 05:48 AM

And it's not like saying the earth is flat....that was something (thankfully) we had the tools to disprove. The superstitious mind believed the earth was flat and dropped into a pit full of demons....basically the same sort of people that believe in ghost (and sorry knox, there is no evidence...if so, please present it). The skeptical mind proved the earth is round. Just like the skeptical mind proved that bad weather doesn't equate to an angry god.

knox 10.14.2010 05:54 AM

Like I said, I have plenty of evidence. But if I tell you, you'll say I'm making it up - so it'd be pointless and I really couldn't care less.

ann ashtray 10.14.2010 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by knox
Like I said, I have plenty of evidence. But if I tell you, you'll say I'm making it up - so it'd be pointless and I really couldn't care less.

Well, if it's disputable then it's likely not worth posting...I agree.

knox 10.14.2010 05:57 AM

It's not, but you'll say it is. Somehow, you'll ignore all facts to carry on believing what you do. I often find that disbelief requires as much faith as belief. But, it's shower time now.

ann ashtray 10.14.2010 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by knox
It's not, but you'll say it is. Somehow, you'll ignore all facts to carry on believing what you do. I often find that disbelief requires as much faith as belief. But, it's shower time now.

You and your assumptions. How does one live like that?

atsonicpark 10.14.2010 06:19 AM

she's making GHOSTS.
she's so happy
ball room dancing
falling ghosts
real ghosts
lonely for forever
real ghosts
didn't ask to be...
all her goodness
all her goodness
pray she doesn't make you
pray she doesn't
or anyone you know


Toilet & Bowels 10.14.2010 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
And it's not like saying the earth is flat....that was something (thankfully) we had the tools to disprove. The superstitious mind believed the earth was flat and dropped into a pit full of demons....basically the same sort of people that believe in ghost (and sorry knox, there is no evidence...if so, please present it). The skeptical mind proved the earth is round. Just like the skeptical mind proved that bad weather doesn't equate to an angry god.

It's correct that at the time that people widely believed in a flat earth they didn't have the tools to prove or disprove otherwise, but then it's also true now that we don't have any widely accepted tools to prove or disprove what a ghost is, whether they "exist" and why it might be that even though there are no cold hard facts regarding what they are there is the cold hard fact that people all over the world have been claiming to have seen them for thousands of years. Who is to say whether at some point in the future science will make discoveries only imaginable to us now that might settle this issue?

Anyway, I saw a "ghost" when I was about 10 years old, it was in the middle of the afternoon and outdoors, I saw a small old man pass through a locked door.

But knox is right about defining the word "ghost", and we can say that if "ghost" is used as some kind of equivalent to UFO (i.e. unidentified flying object, and objects that fly and are unidentified obviously do exist) as meaning some kind of unidentified apparition or apparent non-corporeal entity then we can go on from there.

Toilet & Bowels 10.14.2010 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Did your Dad see them? Probably not.
There is a reason those ghosts shows have been on tv for years and years now and nothing of value has ever been presented.
You were dozing off for a split second in front of the TV during supper dear. There are no such thing as ghosts.

What you're suggesting is that Chicka is either unable to tell the difference from being asleep or being awake, or differentiate a dream from reality? I've never met or heard of anyone else suffering from this almost certainly completely incapacitating affliction.

Toilet & Bowels 10.14.2010 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
And it's not like saying the earth is flat....that was something (thankfully) we had the tools to disprove. The superstitious mind believed the earth was flat and dropped into a pit full of demons....basically the same sort of people that believe in ghost (and sorry knox, there is no evidence...if so, please present it). The skeptical mind proved the earth is round. Just like the skeptical mind proved that bad weather doesn't equate to an angry god.

Yeah, but skepticism means suspending judgement until a point has been proven, and hevusa is not suspending judgement at all.

Generally speaking I think a lot of people mistake skepticism to mean being closed minded to anything that goes against what is accepted by mainstream thought.

knox 10.14.2010 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
You and your assumptions. How does one live like that?

Quite well, thanks for asking.

hevusa 10.14.2010 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Murmer99
believing and knowing are two different things, thats what you continuously keep overlooking.

Right, believing FUCKS SHIT UP because it is baseless. But knowledge is power. In other words the people on this planet would be more powerful if they stopped making up stupid shit like ghosts, god and luck. Then I could go buy a bottle of booze on a Sunday or hear curse words on television. GO FIGURE!

More and more people are realizing what a huge negative impact "believers" are having on actual reality these days (yes, "believing" actually changes reality and the world around even the non believer).

hevusa 10.14.2010 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by knox
Like I said, I have plenty of evidence. But if I tell you, you'll say I'm making it up - so it'd be pointless and I really couldn't care less.

You have 0% objective evidence for the existence of ghosts and are now looking quite pathetic. You know your "evidence" won't hold up so you aren't presenting it... and it might be the first smart thing you have done in this thread.

hevusa 10.14.2010 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
What you're suggesting is that Chicka is either unable to tell the difference from being asleep or being awake, or differentiate a dream from reality? I've never met or heard of anyone else suffering from this almost certainly completely incapacitating affliction.
enough said, right?

hevusa 10.14.2010 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by knox
I often find that disbelief requires as much faith as belief.

wow. scary. this is how belief warps the mind. next you are going to call atheism a religion. we have achieved pathetic folks.

hevusa 10.14.2010 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
Anyway, I saw a "ghost" when I was about 10 years old, it was in the middle of the afternoon and outdoors, I saw a small old man pass through a locked door.

Do share more information about your experience. Where were you? What were you doing at the time? Was there anyone else there that saw it?

ann ashtray 10.14.2010 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
What you're suggesting is that Chicka is either unable to tell the difference from being asleep or being awake, or differentiate a dream from reality? I've never met or heard of anyone else suffering from this almost certainly completely incapacitating affliction.

First + foremost, I dig this isn't a jab at him in any way. BUT, it's a fact that been proven time and time again that we humans can reach hallucenigenic states without ingesting drugs of any sort. I'm NOT saying that this is what happened to chicka, but merely suggesting it as a possibilty. I've def experienced a situation or two, have a memory or two, that I am not sure were dreams or not. It happens.

And proving the world is round is something considerable different than trying to prove (and yeah, in some cases even disprove...) the "supernatural". < I put this word in quotations because it is a word I personally think is border line retarded. What is the super natural? If something is possible, it's only natural...and thus far, ghost haven't been proven to be anything more than phenomenon that goes no where beyond personal experience, which is always going to be (or should be...) questionable to anyone simply hearing about it.

I personally can not forsee any machine that can prove the existance of ghosts ever coming into play. The earth can be physically touched, the afterlife? Come the fuck on.....remember, people believed in ghosts far before they even gave a shit about as to wether or not the earth was flat. To date, no evidence. Nothing solid or tangible...just weird experiences that can be explained in a variety of ways + that's it.

If I was a ghost, I wouldn't hang out in graveyards and old houses. Possibly, time and space or whatever has a way of recording events, and whenever something occurs somone is just witnessing this and nothing more. I tell ya someone was murdered in my room back in the 20's, you spend the night in it, any weird noise you hear you'll likely assume is a ghost...maybe not you personally, but most are that stupid. Far too many people WANT to believe in things that do not, or can not be proven to exist. People WANT to believe in little green men and ghosts and big foot. + this is fine and dandy, just nothing should be presented as fact, ever,ever, ever unless it can be backed up by some sort of LEGITMATE evidence. A blurry photograph and old noisy pipes do not qualify as evidence. Insisting that they present a possiblity is acceptable...evidence is not.

Why are ghosts often seen wearing clothes? COME THE FUCK ON FOR REAL....shits stupid.

I live in a building that some claim to be haunted. Built in 1924 as a hotel/apartment building. Been here three years and have yet to witness anything but a strange knock on my door in the wee morning hours...most likely a friend or some kid playing a prank. I hang out in a graveyard (not because I'm "dark" but becaue this particular place happens to be beautiful)..I'm often out there late at night. The Wolfolk tragedy victims of 1887 are buried there (Thomas Wolfolk murdered nine people with an axe....), Duane Allman and Berry Oakley are buried there. Mr. Bond, a rich 1800's plantation owner that was murdered for prortecting a slave is buried there...all sorts of weird stories (all true....) and I've never seen one ghost. if anything, I feel at peace in these srt of places.

Ghosts...OoooooOOoOoOoOOOOoooOo COME ON, GET REAL.

Knox, PLEASE show this evidence, since you were there and all and secondhand account is valuable.


hevusa 10.14.2010 10:52 AM

Here is HARDCORE evidence for the existence of the yeti. Believe Knox! BELIEVE!!!!


ann ashtray 10.14.2010 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Here is HARDCORE evidence for the existence of the yeti. Believe Knox! BELIEVE!!!!



knox 10.14.2010 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Do share more information about your experience. Where were you? What were you doing at the time? Was there anyone else there that saw it?

what's the point? you are ready to mock him and tell him he's crazy and/or lying.

having that said, you're being so articulate. In a sitcom kind of way.

it makes me wanna use my girlfriend as an excuse not to jam with you anymore.

power chords.
lunch time.

hevusa 10.14.2010 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by knox
what's the point? you are ready to mock him and tell him he's crazy and/or lying.

The point is there is usually a more reasonable explanation other than "ghost". And from this mind blowing thread it is obviously needed.

knox 10.14.2010 11:29 AM

what is a ghost? define that first.

Pax Americana 10.14.2010 11:35 AM

Well, shouldn't you define what a ghost is? I mean, you're the one insisting that they exist. So if we skeptics don't know exactly what you're talking about, then define it for us. I think when most people hear the word 'ghost' they think, 'soul', 'spirit', etc. They think of dead people lingering around on earth to haunt the living. If that's what you're talking about, then no, I don't think there's any evidence you're going to present that's going to make me believe that my dead relatives are floating somewhere watching over me or haunting a graveyard. If that's NOT what you're talking about, then please tell us. Define what it is you're actually referring to when you use the term, 'ghost'. Then maybe we can go somewhere beyond, "They're not real, where's your proof?" and "Yes they are!!!"

DeadDiscoDildo 10.14.2010 11:42 AM

This thread is cracking me up.

floatingslowly 10.14.2010 11:43 AM

acting as the definitive skeptic is much worse than being a total believer, as it entails both a sense of closed-mindedness as it does cuntestry.

cunts are something much more detrimental to humans than any held belief, yet this tread is rife with them.

cunts. I do believe.

Pax Americana 10.14.2010 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
acting as the definitive skeptic is much worse than being a total believer, as it entails both a sense of closed-mindedness as it does cuntestry.

cunts are something much more detrimental to humans than any held belief, yet this tread is rife with them.

cunts. I do believe.

Look, I'm not trying to be a cunt or a jerk or anything, and I really don't think being skeptical of something makes one close-minded. Shit, if I see some real, tangible, provable evidence of the existence of ghosts, I'll be the first person to say, "Holy shit! Ghosts are real! Guess I was wrong." But I'm uncomfortable believing in something when (in my opinion) there is no credible evidence to support it. That's all.

I mean, would you call me a close-minded cunt for saying, "Man, believing in unicorns is kinda dumb." just because there might be someone out there who believes in unicorns?

knox 10.14.2010 11:53 AM

I need to know what you say when you say what "ghosts" are in order to know if I believe it or not.

hevusa 10.14.2010 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by Pax Americana
Well, shouldn't you define what a ghost is? I mean, you're the one insisting that they exist. So if we skeptics don't know exactly what you're talking about, then define it for us. I think when most people hear the word 'ghost' they think, 'soul', 'spirit', etc. They think of dead people lingering around on earth to haunt the living. If that's what you're talking about, then no, I don't think there's any evidence you're going to present that's going to make me believe that my dead relatives are floating somewhere watching over me or haunting a graveyard. If that's NOT what you're talking about, then please tell us. Define what it is you're actually referring to when you use the term, 'ghost'. Then maybe we can go somewhere beyond, "They're not real, where's your proof?" and "Yes they are!!!"


hevusa 10.14.2010 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by knox
what is a ghost? define that first.

a Swayze movie that always gets me teary.

knox 10.14.2010 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Pax Americana
Look, I'm not trying to be a cunt or a jerk or anything, and I really don't think being skeptical of something makes one close-minded. Shit, if I see some real, tangible, provable evidence of the existence of ghosts, I'll be the first person to say, "Holy shit! Ghosts are real! Guess I was wrong." But I'm uncomfortable believing in something when (in my opinion) there is no credible evidence to support it up. That's all.

I mean, would you call me a close-minded cunt for saying, "Man, believing in unicorns is kinda dumb." just because there might be someone out there who believes in unicorns?

except that not everything is tangible.
in fact, science is currently coming to the conclusion that nothing is.
the material world is an illusion and chronological time a human invention.
science has evolved, some people have not.

and yes, people got into shit for saying the earth wasn't flat or we weren't the centre of the universe.
it's a mistake to think that our current idea of science is completely separated from religious, political, and cultural conditioning.

hevusa 10.14.2010 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by knox
except that not everything is tangible.
in fact, science is currently coming to the conclusion that nothing is.
the material world is an illusion and chronological time a human invention.

put down the crack pipe for a second and try to connect this thought to ghosts somehow. sure you could make some existential statement like "maybe nothing is real" including the both of us but that ain't going to save your ass in this ghost discussion. hahahaha

knox 10.14.2010 12:07 PM

I think I found a retard-proof kind of "explanation" that is superficial enough for you (btw crack pine was funny because, as far as i know, you do drugs and i don't - so what an amazing reference).

"But what if ghosts are something else? Could it be possible that what we see or experience as a ghost represents a break in the continuum of time? In other words, if we view time as not a linear construct, but rather a wave, or even a loop, could we be looking backwards (or perhaps even forwards) in time when we observe a ghost, or similar phenomena?"

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