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truncated 03.30.2006 11:08 AM

Bobbins: Mary Poppins' deformed cellar-bound brother.


Glice 03.30.2006 11:11 AM

Doggerel - The spring season of clothes for dogs.


truncated 03.30.2006 11:13 AM

Paranthetical: a prong-like medical device used to remove foreign objects from the nasal cavities.


Glice 03.30.2006 11:21 AM

Pestilence - The artificially manufactured scent of rabies, used to clear busy places, usually bars.


Hip Priest 03.30.2006 03:02 PM

Triumvirate - celebrated Norwegian WWII fighter plane.


qprogeny79 03.30.2006 10:45 PM

pipistrelle -- french term for a white dwarf.


Hip Priest 03.31.2006 03:39 AM

eleemosynary: a member of any militant Italian offshoot of freemasonry.


qprogeny79 03.31.2006 04:26 PM

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis: disease caught by a lone construction worker wielding a jackhammer who scaled an incredibly tiny mt. elba on the verge of erupting.

(check yr. spelling, hip priest . . . i'm a nazi when it comes to that word)


jon boy 03.31.2006 04:32 PM

Panophobia- Fear of everything

Hip Priest 03.31.2006 04:45 PM

Thanks, qprogeny79: schoolboy speeling error.

floccinaucinihilipilification: zoological word that describes fluctuations in porcupine populations..


Glice 03.31.2006 08:26 PM

The drunken discussion of horror flicks which spills into filming a murder.


qprogeny79 03.31.2006 11:46 PM

bzzt, not a word, try again.

Florya 04.01.2006 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Glice


The wrinkles seen in the ill fitting stockings of women of the 1940's, due to their manufacture from the silken canopies of WWII airmen.


Hip Priest 04.01.2006 04:46 AM

Reprehensible: the ability of certain under-water plants to grow a 'tail' or 'leg', which can then be used to move around sea or river bed.


Glice 04.01.2006 05:36 AM

Chelonian: An era in ancient Cuba, named after that guy off that t-shirt.


qprogeny79 04.01.2006 01:02 PM

you mean acrid? ha -- you should check out to make sure your words really are words.

at any rate, i'll do acrid: in an ironic twist of fate, to murder agatha christie.


!@#$%! 04.01.2006 01:09 PM

the invention of the parthenon


ps- and i thought acridics were a sect of orthodox jews who drank rancid cofee

Hip Priest 04.01.2006 05:53 PM

anastomosis - the complex and archaic rules laid down by Pope Urban II by which the Vatican chooses it's Head Chef.


stirling 04.01.2006 06:13 PM

comminution - Small communities of little people, sometimes armed.


qprogeny79 04.01.2006 08:57 PM

the -- proper name of a feared 11th century viking warrior born of notoriously lazy parents.


stirling 04.01.2006 09:01 PM

tintinnabulation - When a dog attempts to calculate


qprogeny79 04.01.2006 11:31 PM

unctuous -- exclamation proclaimed by one who wishes to be cannibalized by his mother's brother.


!@#$%! 04.02.2006 01:16 AM

perspicacity: the ability to sweat hot sauce at will


atari 2600 04.02.2006 01:24 AM

irk (also IRK, also I.R.K.)

an acronym for the
Internet Reparations to Khchris

Because, you know, he's the only one of us that's not a white suburbanite.

Please, again, I plead with chabib to ban khchris' impostor. If you do not ban them, then we will forever be reading khchris accusing everyone & that eventually leads to his discussion of how he's the only person here with "street cred" or somesuch.

You didn't give us much to work with there, !@#$%!.


!@#$%! 04.02.2006 01:27 AM

^^ ha ha thats funny

youre supposed to provide a word now :)

atari 2600 04.02.2006 01:35 AM

i realized that right after i sent the message. oops. then i had a hard time thinking of one.

!@#$%! 04.02.2006 01:36 AM

enunciation: the anoinment of eunuchs


atari 2600 04.02.2006 01:57 AM

septentrion - a Sioux indian ceremony held during the Autumnal Equinox whereby nine tents are arranged & set up for the purpose of tribe members to try on each other's clothes.

(haha...i was thinking of something to do with eunuchs & the CIA)


qprogeny79 04.02.2006 02:11 PM

hyperborean: a kid with adhd.


Florya 04.02.2006 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by qprogeny79


Normally used in the plural, the first word specifically designed for those with the speech impediment known as a lisp.
Used in context " Buttons are slower xanthippers, but Velcro is faster."


Hip Priest 04.02.2006 04:23 PM

Amnesiac: one of the group of drugs Amnesiatri, developed in Italy in the 1970's. Amnesiac was banned following the discovery that 30% of all people prescribed the drug quickly developed blemishes reminiscent of frog skin on their left hand.


qprogeny79 04.02.2006 05:12 PM

ordovician: a despotic military dictator.


Hip Priest 04.02.2006 05:32 PM

abecedarian: A chronicler of religious architecture.


DoubleNickels 04.02.2006 06:17 PM

The state of being covered in milk


stirling 04.02.2006 06:33 PM

Esoteric - An obscure and mysterious style of ancient greek architecture


Hip Priest 04.02.2006 06:35 PM

querken: obsolete Flemish unit of weight, used in the trading of mushrooms in the 19th century.


qprogeny79 04.03.2006 09:10 PM

dismicrite -- to undo the rituals associated with setting up and plugging in a microphone, by ritually unplugging it and packing it up for the night.


Hip Priest 04.04.2006 04:20 AM

panglossian: period of geological time, coming after pre-panglossian and before paleozoic.


qprogeny79 04.04.2006 04:38 PM

fluvial: the tube in which the government is keeping that "deadly" strain of virus found in birds to release in the event of biological warfare.


Hip Priest 04.04.2006 05:15 PM

sphairistike (obs): little-known 17th century legal defence, used against charges of 'that most serious and heinous crime, namely apple-stealing' to avoid hanging. The term is believed to have originated from the phrase 'was a fair mistake', and relies on the jury being unable to be certain if the property boundaries of the apple's owner were reasonably obvious to the alleged thief, or if he may have held an honest belief that he was on common ground. Most famously used in the defence, in 1678, of Tom Grumble, who had collected an estimated 234 apples from the trees of Mr Joshua Silverspoon. There was a history of bad feeling between the two, as Silverspoon had had Grumble horsewhipped several years earlier for 'gazing upon my fair daughter and thus tainting her with your very filthiness, you Luciferian peasant'. That said, the evidence seemed well-presented, the judge seemed well-bribed, and the 'guilty' verdict looked certain until Grumble's lawyer, Mr Ebeneezer Feesaregood, stunned the public gallery by declaring 'My client wishes to plead sphairistike'. The jury accepted that Grumble thought himself, by way of ancient satute, to be technically on the village green and found in his favour, and it is believed that it was this decision that led to the following summer's 'Apple Rebellion', when orchards owners across England would wake to find their trees bereft of fruit.


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