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Green Magnesium 02.16.2009 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Sonic Youth has bad songs. EVERY BAND has bad songs.

Who stated otherwise?

Derek 02.16.2009 04:39 PM

The people who posted a few posts above that one.

Rob Instigator 02.16.2009 04:50 PM

I like most of this album a lot.
I love Junkie's Promise. It rocks hard like a magic kiss.
I always, always forward past or skip past Little Trouble Girl. I find it tepid and too long, and not to my taste.
I love Panty Lies. and Becuz is one of my favorite Kim songs.

all in all, I put the album in the lower third of SY releases.

nancykitten 02.16.2009 05:47 PM

I've been listening to it a lot recently and Saucer-Like is doing a lot more for me now than it ever did back then.

Panty Lies is still irritating as fuck, but I do like the actual music. An instrumental would have been fine; it's Kim's antics there that make it a 'bad song'.

I don't recall liking Junkie's Promise as much either, yet I'm digging it.

It's funny how you can go a few years without hearing a record and then you seem to get something brand new from it; probably because you've experienced all kinds of new music in the meantime, so your ears are constantly 'opening'.

And Skip Tracer is eternal. The Eternal?

Dead-Air 02.16.2009 06:23 PM

It's always strange when these old threads resurface, as I can never remember if I commented or not. Digging though, I did, and I said all that I really can about the record.

What's interesting in retrospect is that I find the people who were most critical of this, one of my very favorite SY records, are people who's opinions I generally respect more than most who post here. So what is the difference? I think one level is that the very premise of picking it apart song by song cannot work for me with Washing Machine. That's how I end up looking at EJT&NS because it hits me as an uneven collection of songs that often could have been fleshed out to reach their potential. Washing Machine, though is an ALBUM, in fact the most so of anything they'd done since the '80s and the most so of anything they would do until Nurse. Each song is stronger for me because of the song that follows it and the song before, and really they don't stand alone because of that. It's a record to put on and feel rather than pick apart.

atsonicpark 02.16.2009 06:27 PM

no queen blues really is an underrated masterpiece. I probably listen to it more than any other song on the album.

akprodr 02.16.2009 07:03 PM

Skip Tracer is defiantly one of my all time fav songs. Panty Lies is a good one. Unwind isn't high up there.

Malcolm81 02.16.2009 07:19 PM

Sonic Youth do have bad songs, of course... who says they don't? But in my opinion, Washing Machine doesn't have a single bad track. No Queen Blues might even be my most favorite SY song...

atsonicpark 02.16.2009 07:21 PM

Again, someone on the last page said they don't have any bad songs!

Dead-Air 02.16.2009 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Again, someone on the last page said they don't have any bad songs!

"Bad" is such a subjective thing though. I don't particularly like "Hits of Sunshine" because I just find the whole hippie trip Thurston was on with it a bit too cheesy and don't really think it's a very fitting tribute to Ginsberg who to me is about a whole lot more than acid. However, I wouldn't say it's a "bad" song. If somebody else finds listening to it a fulfilling experience, more power to them. I'm even mildly envious that they are enjoying a song I can't get into.

atsonicpark 02.16.2009 07:49 PM

I love that song. 11 minutes of 2 boring bass chords and random spacey sounds. Masterpiece.

sarramkrop 02.16.2009 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Dead-Air
"Bad" is such a subjective thing though. I don't particularly like "Hits of Sunshine" because I just find the whole hippie trip Thurston was on with it a bit too cheesy and don't really think it's a very fitting tribute to Ginsberg who to me is about a whole lot more than acid. However, I wouldn't say it's a "bad" song. If somebody else finds listening to it a fulfilling experience, more power to them. I'm even mildly envious that they are enjoying a song I can't get into.

That's one my favourite Sonic Youth songs, which I find a bit odd 'cause it's one of their most 'straight' numbers. I agree with the whole 'overall feel' about this record, whereas EJSTNS' strength for me comes from the very fact that it feels like such a fragmented album, with songs being able to sustain their own worth by themselves. Up until 'Sonic Nurse' I always felt like all their records worked as some sort of narrative that unfolded with each record, and then I was badly let down when that one came out, which sounded like a dull chapter in the whole story.

Rob Instigator 02.16.2009 08:00 PM

ive done hits of sunshine.
love that song

viewtiful_alan 02.16.2009 08:29 PM

Am I the only one who loves Saucer-like...?
I just love Lee's vocals on that one, and the ooh's in the chorus really work for me XD

samuel 02.16.2009 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by viewtiful_alan
Am I the only one who loves Saucer-like...?
I just love Lee's vocals on that one, and the ooh's in the chorus really work for me XD

I think Saucer-Like is perfect. I love whenever Lee and Kim are paired together vocally. I know Kim doesn't say much, but when she does come in underneath Lee, it's beautiful. The music is fantastic too!

This is also why I love I Dreamed I Dream.

EVOLghost 02.16.2009 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
no queen blues really is an underrated masterpiece. I probably listen to it more than any other song on the album.

Great song indeed, probably my favorite right next to Diamond Sea.

joe11121 02.17.2009 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by samuel
I think Saucer-Like is perfect. I love whenever Lee and Kim are paired together vocally. I know Kim doesn't say much, but when she does come in underneath Lee, it's beautiful. The music is fantastic too!

This is also why I love I Dreamed I Dream.

I Dreamed I Dream is an awesome track, I do love when the two are singing together, although I'm not the biggest fan of Saucer-like, it is in no way a bad song. Now, Panty Lies is a god awful track.

jetengine 02.18.2009 10:02 AM

I don't think it's as consistent musically and conceptually as what A Thousand Leaves is--or their other mainstream double LP from the '90s, Dirty. I think it comes across as a flawed masterpiece because (and I think I already mentioned this in this thread some time back) 'The Diamond Sea' got its tail chopped off, 'Becuz' got split in two and divided between sides 1 and 3, and it seems to be missing a number ('My Arena'?) regardless of whether 'Becuz' was kept in one piece or not (i.e., either way, Side 1 or Side 3 is going to seem truncated to vinyl listeners). So, from my angle anyway, the album sounds unfinished on 2 or 3 different levels. I can't understand how the band allowed Geffen to talk them into this. Sad, really.

A similar thing can be said about Sonic Nurse--at least to LP listeners: Sides 3 and 4 really need 'Kim's Chords', 'Beautiful Plateau' and 'Fire Engine Dream'. But at least all the numbers that made it onto Sonic Nurse never got chopped up and divided--at least to the best of my knowledge.

[Sandbag] 02.18.2009 09:13 PM

i'll not try to write down in a pretentious extended musical journo lingo if this album IS good or band

but only what i think of it.

becuz: is a great opener. its a bit repetitive, but when the middle part starts... i can't avoid getting goosebumps... that middle part in this song is the best musical achievement in the history of humanity.

junkies promise: great song too. nothing special... catchy rhythm and singing.

saucer like: nice song.. nice riffs.. i like the last part...

washing machine: greeeeeeeeeeat song. including the ending (trippy) and kims tomboy vocals...i LOVE HER VOICE.

unwind: it's ok.. song for going to sleep as someone said. sounds a bit like the diamond sea...

little trouble girl: theres nothing wrong with this track. i love the voices and the guitar is ok.. not one of my faves.. but its not shit neither.

no queen blues: dirty..the voice, guitars and rhythm. love this one.

panty lies: if you feel uncomfortable by kims voice when playing this loud, that means the song works. one of the best songs by them.

untitled: niiiiice stuff.

skip tracer: best song on the album (by Lee :P) great lyrics.. and it grows..

the diamond sea: this is perfection.

all of the above is only my personal opinion ^_^

[Sandbag] 02.18.2009 09:22 PM

i can't think of one sonic youth bad song

transmogrifier 02.19.2009 03:48 AM

Panty Lies is awesome.

RanaldoNecro 02.19.2009 06:44 PM

Its a Yoko song...

atsonicpark 07.28.2009 06:33 AM


PAULYBEE2656 07.28.2009 07:40 AM

grat album... imagine it was gonna be called sonic youth and the band remnamed as washing machine.. this would have been wmg instead..sounds like a radio station......

atsonicpark 07.28.2009 07:58 AM


Anngella 07.28.2009 02:49 PM

Panty Lies is such a fun song. Quit the hatin'.

atsonicpark 01.09.2011 11:29 AM

The title track is my favorite SY song, musically. The vocals? Ehhhhhhhhh......................

GeneticKiss 01.10.2011 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by [Sandbag]
i can't think of one sonic youth bad song

Marilyn Moore
Creme Burlee
Little Trouble Girl
Plastic Sun
Kim Gordon and the Arthur Doyle Hand Cream
Peace Attack
Lights Out

atsonicpark 01.11.2011 05:15 PM

^That's pretty accurate. That ARTHUR DOYLE HAND CREAM track in particular... man.

I don't think PLASTIC SUN is so bad, it just sounds so out of place on that album.

Derek 01.11.2011 05:25 PM

'Lights Out' has a good verse at least.

Genteel Death 01.11.2011 06:47 PM

It might seem odd, but I always found a certain aspect of certain SY songs kind of tacky.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.11.2011 08:01 PM

Kissability, Mary-Christ, Plastic Sun, Kim Gordon + the Arthur Doyle Hand Cream, and Peace Attack have always been among my favorites. Bite me.

donnie 01.12.2011 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Kissability, Mary-Christ, Plastic Sun, Kim Gordon + the Arthur Doyle Hand Cream, and Peace Attack have always been among my favorites. Bite me.

Thanks, doctor. Meet me in the physicians' lounge.

EVOLghost 01.13.2011 06:03 AM

I listened to WAshing Machine (the song) on my way to work today.

EVOLghost 01.13.2011 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
Marilyn Moore (Good song)
Kissability (Good SOng)
Creme Burlee (Good Song)
Bone (comes from an ok album so can't expect too much)
Little Trouble Girl (it's times)
Plastic Sun (good song)
Kim Gordon and the Arthur Doyle Hand Cream (GOod song)
Peace Attack (it's ok...)
Lights Out (it's....better than sleepin' around)


duderanchnurse 01.13.2011 07:56 PM

Marilyn Moore?

Worst SY song is obviously sleepin around

Chris Lawrence 01.14.2011 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by duderanchnurse
Worst SY song is obviously sleepin around

Would everyone agree that this is just becuz of the vocal and not so much the tune itself? The instrumental demo they had as the soundtrack to one of their mov freebies on the homepage was pretty cool.

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