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hevusa 02.01.2011 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
I don't even know why I'm still arguing with you

Because you aren't making very good points. Playing drums takes a tremendous amount more talent and musical ability than someone who only knows how to use a drum machine. I would NEVER call someone who only knows how to use a drum machine a drummer or musician but to each his own. I guess your standards are lower than mine. You think pressing play on a computer is the equivalent of knowing how to play an instrument; insane!

SYRFox 02.01.2011 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Because you aren't making very good points. Playing drums takes a tremendous amount more talent and musical ability than someone who only knows how to use a drum machine. I would NEVER call someone who only knows how to use a drum machine a drummer or musician but to each his own. I guess your standards are lower than mine. You think pressing play on a computer is the equivalent of knowing how to play an instrument; insane!

well done you troll

Genteel Death 02.01.2011 04:33 PM

HEVUSA IS RIGHT MOTHERFUCKERS! Start playing your own goddamn instruments! What's all this pressing buttons shit, eh?

SYRFox 02.01.2011 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
HEVUSA IS RIGHT MOTHERFUCKERS! Start playing your own goddamn instruments! What's all this pressing buttons shit, eh?

man i just decided to pick up my hurdy-gurdy again in order to play street concerts since i realised the music i listened to on cds was not real since if the power got cut out i would not be able to listen to it and the concerts i go to are not made by real musicians since the music would not be heard if the power got cut out so street hurdy-gurdy concerts appear to me as the only way to play and hear real music played by real musician knowwhatimean

hevusa 02.01.2011 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
HEVUSA IS RIGHT MOTHERFUCKERS! Start playing your own goddamn instruments! What's all this pressing buttons shit, eh?

Why not do both (use samplers and play instruments)? That is what I would encourage.

What is more confusing to me than middle eastern kids digging rock music is why we (america) didn't get a generation of african american singer/song writers inspired by Jimi Hendrix.

Genteel Death 02.01.2011 06:31 PM

Whatchagonna do?

Genteel Death 02.01.2011 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
man i just decided to pick up my hurdy-gurdy again in order to play street concerts since i realised the music i listened to on cds was not real since if the power got cut out i would not be able to listen to it and the concerts i go to are not made by real musicians since the music would not be heard if the power got cut out so street hurdy-gurdy concerts appear to me as the only way to play and hear real music played by real musician knowwhatimean

Same. I'm gonna drum on a child's anus in Oxford Street so hard every person will realise I mean it and I'm for real. How stupid was I before? And you?

Glice 02.01.2011 08:15 PM

Just as a side-note to the already mentioned reasons Hevusa is an absolute fuckend: if you choose to re-tune your guitar (unless anyone reading happens to be a member of a band I'm going to see on Friday), you're chosing to ignore proper arpeggiation of chords; which is to say, you're undermining any proper understanding of music theory in favour of short-cuts which accentuate a chimerical 'sophistication' over a more a more meaningful understanding of music.

Essentially, everyone here understands what music is, and how to make it, except those who are choosing to limit it to specific, 19th-century ontologies of reproduction which bizarrely limit those ontologies to acoustic/ acousmatic surfaces over abstractions or consequentialist machinations.

hevusa 02.01.2011 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
if you choose to re-tune your guitar (unless anyone reading happens to be a member of a band I'm going to see on Friday), you're chosing to ignore proper arpeggiation of chords; which is to say, you're undermining any proper understanding of music theory in favour of short-cuts which accentuate a chimerical 'sophistication' over a more a more meaningful understanding of music.

hahaha. you are rich.
Hush, I'm making a collage. I'm an artist.

Glice 02.01.2011 11:57 PM

Rich in knowledge, yes.

Well. Rich in knowledge by comparison to yourself. Which is a bit like calling a particularly muddy and uninteresting puddle rich.

In monetary terms though, I'd happily stab you with a sharpened tuppence, if I had the means to sharpen a tuppence. And a tuppence to sharpen.

Glice 02.01.2011 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
hahaha. you are really clever.
Hush, I'm continuing to be an utter fuckwit

Je m'excuse.

hevusa 02.02.2011 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
Rich in bullshit, yes.

Over 12,000 gems and still counting...

SYRFox 02.02.2011 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Same. I'm gonna drum on a child's anus in Oxford Street so hard every person will realise I mean it and I'm for real. How stupid was I before? And you?

Man I feel relieved to finally be able to realise what real music truly is thanks to hevusa. Let's create a real christian acoustic rock band called The Hurdy-Gurdy Child's Anus Real Badmanz and prove anyone that only Hurdy-Gurdy and Children's anus are real musical instruments since they are the only way one can show his coordination and timing and realness even when the power gets cut out;

hevusa 02.02.2011 01:26 AM

I love when the topic returns to me! Flattered really!

Derek 02.02.2011 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Coordination and timing to name a few (the list is long). It doesn't take much talent to use a drum machine. But to keep a beat on a drum set, on the other hand, requires actual musical ability. Same idea with samplers. if this guy had no co-ordination or timing then it would sound terrible and he's using... *GASP* a sampler?!

Derek 02.02.2011 08:03 AM

Actually, please don't reply to that. I can predict that the answer will be a loop-holed diatribe.

Why are we continuing to argue with this guy anyway? He doesn't know what he's talking about. End of thread.

Glice 02.02.2011 09:09 AM

It's relevant to the original point of the thread, methinks - in as far as part of the problem with rock music is that it's attached, for some people, to these antiquated ideologies and idiocies. I feel a bit embarrassed for liking rock music sometimes. It's the least cool thing possible in 2011. I mean, dubstep has its own problems (passing force, arguably) but at least some attractive people like it.

Or rather: rock isn't the preserve of radicalism, it's generally considered archaic and part of the older generation. I mean, I say this as a guitarist myself. I like playing guitar, and do it well, but if I was political in a different way I'd never use my axe to express that.

SONIC GAIL 02.02.2011 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Did you know the fingering on a clarinet is basically the same as an alto saxophone? So you could probably play one if you ever picked one up. Fun. (I play alto sax).

I played sax in highschool for jazz band. the fingerings are the same from the lowest register of the clarinet but on the sax you just have to hit the register key to change octaves with the clarinet there is a different fingering for each note so the sax is actually a bit easier to adjust toi just don't prefer it's sound.

SONIC GAIL 02.02.2011 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
Yeah - not as well as I did a few years ago (practice has turned elsewhere lately) but it's good fun. Unfortunately, tone is something that needs more practice than I can seriously give it. Sadface.

tone is everything. i got my old chops back finally now my tone has improved leaps and bounds i am very close to where i want to be with it now. i can FINALLY improv now which is very difficult for a classically trained musician. It is so much more fun than sheet music.

SONIC GAIL 02.02.2011 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't alto sax more similiar to flute than clarinet? I played clarinet years ago and I had to learn the fingerings for the alto sax.

The key it is in is similiar. The clarinet is tuned in the key of B flat.

hevusa 02.02.2011 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Derek if this guy had no co-ordination or timing then it would sound terrible and he's using... *GASP* a sampler?!

That is awesome! Love it. He obviously knows how to play an instrument or two.
Not to nit pick but all he is doing is manipulating prerecorded material (filters, muting/unmuting parts, changing sounds).

hevusa 02.02.2011 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
you use the term artist and im bit sensitive with that one.

It should be sensitive (if you consider yourself an artist). I feel the same way about someone who only knows how to program a drum machine or a sampler calling themselves a drummer or musician. That is like someone using a digital camera and calling themselves a photographer. Or considering myself an artist after an epic collage (tears of joy ensue upon gazing at them).

Fuck that! Unless you want to consider everyone on the planet an artist and musician, which is fine by me but rather pointless.

hevusa 02.02.2011 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Why are we continuing to argue with this guy anyway?

Because I got you thinking. And I like that.

Derek 02.02.2011 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
That is awesome! Love it. He obviously knows how to play an instrument or two.
Not to nit pick but all he is doing is manipulating prerecorded material (filters, muting/unmuting parts, changing sounds).

1) He doesn't really 2) Yes, prerecorded material he recorded. He is still performing the material.

Originally Posted by hevusa
Because I got you thinking. And I like that.

Thinking what? That you're wrong?

Glice 02.02.2011 12:55 PM

I understand he's on his hols.

hevusa 02.02.2011 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
or maybe it shouldnt.
obviously you didnt read/understand what i wrote. honestly, dont bother. i dont mind.

you know this thing sometimes we say about artists? but also for people in general. he/she takes him/herself too seriously and that shows in/ ruins __ add whatever.

smth else. being absolute is smth that i m not. so i cant relate to such way of thinking. but you see, maybe i can, because i m not absolute. try it sometime?

i wonder now, how should musique concrete be called....i like the way it sounds though. musique concrete.

I hope English is not your first language...

SONIC GAIL 02.02.2011 03:48 PM

Leave her alone fuck head she writes like that on purpose

hevusa 02.02.2011 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
Thinking what?

Thinking enough to search youtube for videos to share (which I loved by the way).
Always remember Derek... the longer your drone songs are the deeper you are as a person.

Derek 02.02.2011 07:59 PM

Have you even heard my music?

TheDom 02.02.2011 08:04 PM

this thread stinks now

hevusa 02.02.2011 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
Have you even heard my music?

yeah. i like it (and you like delay/reverb).
do you have anything a little more straight forward?

hipster_bebop_junkie 02.02.2011 11:24 PM

After taking a quick look through this thread, this phrase attributed to Luciano Berio came to mind:

"Music is everything that one listens to with the intention of listening to music".

It can be related to what you people are arguing about, can it?

Anyway, carry on.

Genteel Death 02.03.2011 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Derek
Have you even heard my music?

Have you heard HIS music? Glice, can you please up Hevusa's track on here? It's for anyone who's wasting time replying to him. For proper comedy effect, you need to read his posts on this thread while you listen to it.

ann ashtray 02.03.2011 03:25 AM

A perfect still-life painting of a fruit basket isn't considered art by those that prefer the weird. The weird/abstract stuff isn't considered art by those that would prefer a photo-esque painting of their grandmother.

really, it doesn't matter.

do what you want.
like what you want.
consider yrself whatever you want.
someone somewhere will dig it and agree (yr mom)
someone somewhere will think it sucks (everyone else)

Derek 02.03.2011 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Have you heard HIS music? Glice, can you please up Hevusa's track on here? It's for anyone who's wasting time replying to him. For proper comedy effect, you need to read his posts on this thread while you listen to it.

I've heard it. It's pretty golden.

Glice 02.03.2011 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Have you heard HIS music? Glice, can you please up Hevusa's track on here? It's for anyone who's wasting time replying to him. For proper comedy effect, you need to read his posts on this thread while you listen to it.

ann ashtray 02.03.2011 06:48 AM

yeah, Hevusa's stuff is def. good.

hevusa 02.03.2011 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
yeah, Hevusa's stuff is def. good.

thanks dude!
have you seen the social network? haha. this shit is too easy. i might as well have a hand up their arses. now they are posting links to my music and threatening to put my music on a compilation. this board really is just endless entertainment for me.

but anyway... I have updated that song a bit since you heard it. I added vocals and my drummer put down a beat. Singing is motherfucking hard! It won't be the final version but check it out

Genteel Death 02.03.2011 12:38 PM

sonic sphere 02.03.2011 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
thanks dude!
have you seen the social network? haha. this shit is too easy. i might as well have a hand up their arses. now they are posting links to my music and threatening to put my music on a compilation. this board really is just endless entertainment for me.

but anyway... I have updated that song a bit since you heard it. I added vocals and my drummer put down a beat. Singing is motherfucking hard! It won't be the final version but check it out

sounds like a shit cardigans/wannadies covers band.

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