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Glice 07.01.2007 07:58 AM

I found a Herb Alpert LP in a charity shop (thrift store, for our American friends) and thought it was one of those LPs that sold nothing. Turns out Herb was huge like a mountain.

Meanwhile, I've also got a 40s/50s UK jazz compilation called Homemade Jam 2 which is one of my favourite records (and if a certain bandmate of mine is reading, I want it back you fucker). If anyone sees the first edition, buy it and I'll pay you back handsomely.

EDIT: Turns out it's from 1936/8. Crikey. If anyone can read The language of this website I'd be most grateful to know what it's saying.

EDIT 2: Don't worry, there's actually an English section. Excellent. Well, I shall report back as to whether the first edition is any good once it arrives in my mail box. Oh, happy days.

Also, David Munrow's 'Instruments of the middle ages and renaissance' is pretty spectacular. It's quite an important LP amongst early music afficionnados, but not so much amongst you lot (or anyone else I know), I suspect. One day I'll be amongst the echelons of early music collectors, you mark my words.

king_buzzo 07.01.2007 08:31 AM


atsonicpark 07.01.2007 08:40 AM

yeah man flying testicle are my shit also!

demonrail666 07.01.2007 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by SonicSam
Do you have any links where I can download this?

I've never seen it around for download, but I'll look out for it. Mine is a vinyl copy so i could do with getting it on disc myself.

atsonicpark 07.01.2007 09:28 AM

distorted pony - instant winner

just heard this today.

fucklin great!

pokkeherrie 07.01.2007 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
EDIT: Turns out it's from 1936/8. Crikey. If anyone can read The language of this website I'd be most grateful to know what it's saying.

EDIT 2: Don't worry, there's actually an English section. Excellent. Well, I shall report back as to whether the first edition is any good once it arrives in my mail box. Oh, happy days.

Sounds like you already ordered, but if still necessary then I can read that language. The moving text in red mentions something about getting half-price when you're buying 6 LPs or more.

king_buzzo 07.01.2007 10:31 AM


atsonicpark 07.01.2007 10:45 AM

HAHA man i love unsane too.

i love all that shit, as i already posted.. enemy mine, cutthroats 9, theory of ruin, cherubs, fudge tunnel.. that insane noise rock...

unsane made it cool to scream through a distorted guitar amp and to put dead people on your album covers..

Cardinal Rob 07.01.2007 10:47 AM

I had Flying Testicle too, but didn't enjoy it and deleted it.

A few uber-obscure 7"s I acquired at 13:
Bagpipe Operation - Mt. Lavaty
The Sellouts - Hey Mofo
D.Q.E. - Masturbation Made a Mess Out of Me
Thee S.T.P. - Johnny Danger
etc. etc.

SYRFox 07.01.2007 11:38 AM

Gomm - Destroyed to Perfection
Gomm - 4

sonicl 07.01.2007 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
In my days of obsessions with Glasgow indie, I really liked Electroscope.

Edit: who, in retrospect, may have only been associated with a Glasgow label. I'm not that fastiduous a collector.


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Electroscope=full-on aceness. Beautiful, imaginative, original stuff. I have 2 LPs and a 45 by them. One of the LPs came with a kite and a shopping bag. Great stuff, definitely underrated/underappreciated

Do you know if they released anything else besides the first 2 LPs and the 45?

Toddle on over to Boa Melody Bar, run by Gayle from Electroscope.

Everyneurotic 07.01.2007 12:17 PM

i love hood, unsane, flying testicle and crom tech.

been meaning to check out goon moon.



i know a lot of people who like orthrelm but everybody seems to not like this album (except the dude who ranked it at 50 on bitchfork's 50 albums of '05) and it's probably the best album of the '00s.

Cardinal Rob 07.01.2007 12:20 PM

My friend's really into OV. I haven't heard it myself.

Glice 07.01.2007 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Toddle on over to Boa Melody Bar, run by Gayle from Electroscope.

Many thans, Mr L. 'Twas through yonder Boa records' 'Noises from the sound cupboard' compilation I first heard electroscope. There was a handful of other good tunes on there an' all.

king_buzzo 07.01.2007 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
HAHA man i love unsane too.

i love all that shit, as i already posted.. enemy mine, cutthroats 9, theory of ruin, cherubs, fudge tunnel.. that insane noise rock...

unsane made it cool to scream through a distorted guitar amp and to put dead people on your album covers..

haha *does scene from Austin Powers* 'were not so different, you and i...'

Steve Turner-New Wave Punk Asshole.

king_buzzo 07.01.2007 01:39 PM

Also, I've dont think anyone knows The Charlottes

^haha awesome grammar!!! i was gonna write something else but then changed it

HaydenAsche 07.01.2007 02:24 PM

7 Year Rabbit Cycle
Parenthetical Girls
Hot Guys, Cool Girls
Gospel Gossip
Dirty Projectors

atsonicpark 07.01.2007 03:44 PM

ov is the only orthrelm i can listen to...


miracle chosuke - 7/8 wonders of the world
phantom limbs - displacement

sarramkrop 07.02.2007 03:22 AM

I've never met a single person who knows this chap. It's pronounced 'Reeton', the French slang for Henry.


Bertrand 07.02.2007 04:25 AM

I also have a record by sixties British band the Primitives. Album named Maladjusted.
I bought it for there was a version of the Stangeloves' Cara-Lin on it (does anyone else know the Strangeloves?).
It is quite hilariously awful. As awful as the cover.
My reason for keeping it is not that they performed Cara-Lin nicely, they failed at that, but... somehow, as they became "big" in Italy, they sang rock standards in Italian.
That's why I kept the CD, for that terrible accent carried by the powerful voice of a hunk who thought he was a superstar.
Judge by yourself, downloading this :
Gira, gira (Reach out)

_slavo_ 07.02.2007 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by SonicSam
Hood are awesome I have 2 of their flexis and they rule.

I met the guys before their concert in my town 2 years ago. Really nice and friendly mates, especially the bass player Richard.

My personal fave album of theirs is Home is Where it Hurts E.P. though. Brilliant music.

sarramkrop 07.02.2007 04:56 AM

Hood rule. Love Silent '88 and Cold House.

hat and beard 07.02.2007 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I dearly need the second and, as regards the first - If you're ever in London there's a girl I know who would marry you based on the fact you know that Coyne record. Having not seen your reaction when you listen to it, I still suspect she'd out gay you in being gay for that record.

I hope you aren't exaggerating, cause I just broke up with my girlfriend and booked a flight to London.

Boners boners boners.

Re: Togawa - I have the nearly as good 2nd Jun Togawa album (Suki Suki Dai Suki) saved on my computer. I'll see if I can't figure out how to put it on the online.

Savage Clone 07.02.2007 03:36 PM

Anything on Ata Tak records, like Pyrolator, Der Moderne Man, Der Plan, etc. I'm the only one I know around here who is into that stuff to any extent.

I have one Kevin Coyne 45; I like it. I know a fair few people who were very upset when he died.

HairwayToSteven 07.02.2007 04:03 PM

Swirlies - Blonder Tongue Audio Baton

This band doesn't get mentioned nearly enough.

atsonicpark 07.02.2007 09:32 PM

everyone talks about swirlies on here, man. i started talking about em about 2 years ago, actually, after hearing about em from my friend cory. not saying they're not still a pretty obscure band, but this thread is for "albums that you generally think that only yourself knows"... not albums that most of the people on this board know. haha.

but yeah.. great band.

you can download most of their discography off their official website.. perfect.

i think i SLIGHTLY prefer their first ep, "what to do about them".. and i really love cats of the wild volume 2.. WILD CATS ARE FOREVER!

demonrail666 07.13.2007 12:55 PM


Only people who still find the Ramones 'relevent' need apply

lungfish 07.13.2007 01:19 PM


gmku 07.13.2007 04:05 PM

Hawg Tied and the Caroliners - Highway 61 Re-revisited (limited edition pig-shit-brown colored vinyl EP)

gmku 07.13.2007 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by lungfish

Ha! What the fuck! What a cover! Like borderline porn, even!

atsonicpark 07.13.2007 06:17 PM

oh yeah, parenthetical girls are great, i found out of them through your reccomendation hayden.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 07.13.2007 07:36 PM

The Fire Escape- Psychotic Reaction. Typical late 60's garage band. Only released one record, mostly of covers. The thing written by their producer on the back is really funny.

Also I've got this old punk comp with the band 2.3 on it, as well as the Flowers, and Scars. People know about Scars, but the Flowers and 2.3 I never hear anyone mention.

Norma J 07.13.2007 10:02 PM

No Knife are a really cool band that no one ever seems to talk about.

Bertrand 07.14.2007 06:41 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
The Fire Escape- Psychotic Reaction. Typical late 60's garage band. Only released one record, mostly of covers. The thing written by their producer on the back is really funny.

I've been flirting with the idea of buying that one for some garage standards played on it are appealing to me.
Would you recommand it?

pbradley 07.14.2007 06:54 AM

nobody knows my high school noise/fuck-around band Dying Barnyad Animals except for the members and our friends. we weren't really shooting to get a following so we did whatever amateurish thing we could at gigs so I don't think we had that many true fans. Although I think our stuff was pretty decent.

what we did record (which was rare since we were all taken with the Syd Barrett idea of never playing a song the same way twice) we put on a cd-r and named it "Sounds Like..." My copy is still probably at my parents' house.

atsonicpark 07.14.2007 07:16 AM

yeah i dig no knife. listened to them for the first time in forever a few days ago actually. odd.

atsonicpark 07.14.2007 07:17 AM

oh, a band no one talks about :point line plane.

Norma J 07.15.2007 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
yeah i dig no knife. listened to them for the first time in forever a few days ago actually. odd.

Yeah, I haven't listened to them in awhile. But everytime I do it's a pleasant listen.

Sonic Youth 37 07.15.2007 11:08 PM


Dead-Air 07.16.2007 01:03 AM

Of course other people know it, but Closed Circuit by Peter Jefferies is my favorite album that nobody I know seems to know. I bought it for $4 used at Phantom City Records in Olympia in the very heart of indie hipdom, so go figure. It's such a phenomenal album.

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