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king_buzzo 11.03.2006 08:51 AM

muff overdrive id the most unversatile pedal ever. that knob wont even do anything anyways since its only volume

CHOUT 11.03.2006 12:53 PM

No, it is an overdrive pedal - it gets dirtier the more you turn the knob.

The LPB pedal is more of what you are talking about.

Danny Himself 11.03.2006 01:03 PM

I'm considering getting a distortion pedal soon, though perhaps overdrive is what I'm looking for. I just need a volume boost, but something that could double as a fuzz/distortion too.

king_buzzo 11.03.2006 01:39 PM

boost? dirtier? i think a marshall bluesbreaker would do fine. its a boost as well as overdrive, you can switch between 2 modes. its a really dirty, gritty pedal.

Danny Himself 11.04.2006 09:03 AM

I tried one of those out once. I thought it was pretty lame.

king_buzzo 11.04.2006 03:37 PM

ohh okay. go buy a nano booster from ehx, its only 39 bucks and its an amazing boster pedal. i might get one of those

CHOUT 11.16.2006 03:55 AM

Just got that Deluxe Big Muff and I really dig it. Soundsample below, this spiel is copied from a thread I just made on HCFX:


So far I really like the sound, though I'm just playing pretty quiet in my room. I'll crank it at the practice space tomorrow.

In the clip, I just dropped D on my old Tele custom (bridge pu) and mess with the knobs, so you can hear the variety of sounds it makes.

For the clip, I start with just the Fuzz, turning the sustain and tone knobs (so far tone in the center sounds best to me). Then the compressor (there is some clipping of the level on my digital recorder on this part) turning up and down the threshold knob. And then the feature I like a lot: Blending the Fuzz and Compression, starting with the clean tone and bringing the fuzz up gradually - I'm sure I will get some use out of this one for recording and perhaps live too.

king_buzzo 11.16.2006 09:28 AM

nice. its downloading now ill edit the post when i hear it.

edit: very nice. sounds top class.

so basially its a big muff with compressor?

CHOUT 11.16.2006 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo

so basially its a big muff with compressor?

Yes. The compressor (always clean, you can turn the comp down all the way if you dont want it) and distortion are totally separate, so you can blend them how you like. Gonna go crank it now at the practice space...

king_buzzo 11.16.2006 02:31 PM

crank it!!!

i put some fucked up headphones on my amp and turned it to 10 and the muff sounded like a phaser mixed with a fuzz factory... weird

king_buzzo 11.21.2006 03:29 AM

hey, tell me what other pedals do you have?

the blue box isnt very well by itself, but its great with other effects. its a bit pricey though.

it depends what you want ...

i can post soundclips if you want.
good luck

king_buzzo 11.22.2006 03:23 AM

okay, soundclips will be up tomorow if i have time (shitty math test)

hmm i think you should buy both actually, the blue box works very well with the muff and the ds1. i use it as a solo boost or just fucking around.

theres one thing though, its quieter then other pedals, but it works amazing with other pedals.

with the wah and the muff turned on, the b box does freaky stuff...

its also a sustainer pedal i think, it makes the tone to sustai much more.
works great when palm muted with a ds1, a flager like sound.

king_buzzo 11.22.2006 03:32 AM

palm muting is the easiest thing ever. its not when playing fast pmd downstrokes, it kills the arm...

the blue box also makes a weird sound which i dont know how to describe, but ill post it with the soundclips

ZEROpumpkins 11.23.2006 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by CHOUT
Already posted this on HCFX, but figured some of you fux would dig it:


Whoah! I thought just having one made me cool!

heavium 11.23.2006 05:04 AM

muff PEDALS are awesome, i have a usa version, thinking of getting the russian one for bass, also much love for octave fuzz pedals, but you shouldn't overuse those, i love checking out other people's pedalboards and turning green w/envy.

king_buzzo 11.23.2006 10:08 AM there kegmama,

done in five minutes today since im kinda in a rush

CHOUT 11.24.2006 02:08 AM

I just won this fucker for $38 using one of those sniper programs. I put in $50 not thinking I'd get it. It's a late 70s or early 80s tone bypass switch version. I'm getting broke, I need to stop checking ebay and getting tempted. A great freakin' deal though regardless of what kind of Big Muff it is.


king_buzzo 11.24.2006 02:42 AM

that looks awesome... 38 eh?

i could have gotten one for 40 something on ebay, the auction is over now

guitarpro 11.24.2006 07:17 PM

cool shit man

jon boy 11.25.2006 05:29 AM

can you pick one up fpr me as well keg?

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