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k-krack 10.12.2006 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by umjammer atomsk
sun glasses...

At night? Or do you live on the moon. As far as I know it's night-time on earth. Wierdo.

umjammer atomsk 10.12.2006 09:49 PM

My monitor screen is very bright.

Пятхъдесят Шест 10.12.2006 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by k-krack
At night? Or do you live on the moon. As far as I know it's night-time on earth. Wierdo.



youthoftomorrow 10.12.2006 10:07 PM

green SY t shirt
navy cordorouy blazer
blue jeans
brown tennis shoes

static-harmony 10.13.2006 03:45 AM

MY working clothes.

Cantankerous 10.13.2006 09:26 AM

hole shirt and undies. i have a baby with me all day, it's just easier.

gmku 10.13.2006 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by k-krack
At night? Or do you live on the moon. As far as I know it's night-time on earth. Wierdo.

Because his future is bright.

("I wear my sunglasses at night..." Anybody, anybody?)

gmku 10.13.2006 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
hole shirt and undies. i have a baby with me all day, it's just easier.

Oh, good Lord. Somebody entrusted you with the care of an infant?

Cantankerous 10.13.2006 09:31 AM

because of her parents' work arrangement someone different takes her a couple days of the week and my day is friday, friday being my day off from work. i'm not totally irresponsible all the time, i swear.

gmku 10.13.2006 09:31 AM

Me, from the bottom up:

Born Bain chocolate suede oxfords.
Socks (tan, from Target).
Levis 559 brown cords (over boxer shorts).
Eddie Bauer brown leather belt.
Deoderant under pits.
Red Eddie Bauer button-down long-sleeved shirt over a Fruit of the Loom navy T-shirt--both tucked into pants.
Anglo American Optical horn-rimmed tortoise-shell glasses (script correcting vision to 20/20).
Maybe a remnant, and certainly the fragrance, of Colgate shaving cream.
My hair.

gmku 10.13.2006 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
because of her parents' work arrangement someone different takes her a couple days of the week and my day is friday, friday being my day off from work. i'm not totally irresponsible all the time, i swear.

Just kidding. Though it is still a bit disconcerting to think about. Stay substance-free today, at least.

Cantankerous 10.13.2006 09:33 AM

i am. i'm not into endangering children.

gmku 10.13.2006 09:37 AM

That's reassuring.

Cantankerous 10.13.2006 09:41 AM

she likes bob dylan. i had a tape of blonde on blonde in my car on the way over here from picking her up and she can't talk but she was making noises like bob and laughing.

gmku 10.13.2006 09:49 AM

Funny. My daughter knew Dylan and the Stones before she was five. Even today, when her boyfriend plays like Nirvana and Sonic Youth and so on, she'll go, oh yah, I heard that in my dad's car a lot around 1991.

Cantankerous 10.13.2006 09:50 AM

my mom played a lot of the "gen-x" bands (like sonic youth and nirvana and dino jr etc.) because she's a part of that generation, but also dylan and the stones and zeppelin and so on and so forth. my dad always played old blues.

_slavo_ 10.13.2006 10:44 AM

my dad likes old 30s style jazz.

which is kinda awful but still better than MTV

king_buzzo 10.13.2006 10:58 AM

goo tshirt

Savage Clone 10.13.2006 11:07 AM

Black boots
Black pants
Black belt
Black Zebulon Pike t shirt over longsleeve black shirt
Black Orange Goblin hooded sweatshirt

golden child 10.13.2006 12:56 PM

jeez canker, your moms young.

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