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k-krack 08.01.2006 08:42 PM

uhhh i think i agree with the black eyed peas
... also shout it out loud by kiss... TERRIBLE song.. gawwwwwwW! many mainstream rap songs are among my most hated songs ever (not to sound common, but, mainstream rap all sound identical....: shitty.

LifeDistortion 08.01.2006 10:01 PM

Nookie-Limp Bizket

American Badass-Kid Rock

Yeah the late nineties compared to the early ninties was such a shitty era in music.

Inhuman 08.01.2006 10:08 PM

most songs by Tenatious D
One - Metallica

Pax Americana 08.01.2006 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Nookie-Limp Bizket

American Badass-Kid Rock

Yeah the late nineties compared to the early ninties was such a shitty era in music.

I'm glad you brought up Kid Rock because he might just be my single most hated human being on this planet. Every song he's ever done is my least favorite song ever.

truncated 08.01.2006 10:54 PM

Everything by Mates of State
Nearly everything by Belle & Sebastian
Every gasp of air ever emitted from Dusty Springfield
All things Sleater-Kinney. They should have been executed to ensure against future reunions.
Lots of Blonde Redhead
The Fall's I Can Hear the Grass Grow - should've left it alone
Whatever that new song is by Pink
I'll second Glice's nomination for "Imagine," closely followed by "Yesterday"
Anything Joanna Newsom. I will, and this is a promise, extract her vocal cords with a blunt knife before I die.

krastian 08.01.2006 10:56 PM

Whitney Houston doing "I Will Always Love You."

drrrtyboots 08.01.2006 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by truncated
Everything by Mates of State
Nearly everything by Belle & Sebastian
Every gasp of air ever emitted from Dusty Springfield
All things Sleater-Kinney. They should have been executed to ensure against future reunions.
Lots of Blonde Redhead
The Fall's I Can Hear the Grass Grow - should've left it alone
Whatever that new song is by Pink
I'll second Glice's nomination for "Imagine," closely followed by "Yesterday"
Anything Joanna Newsom. I will, and this is a promise, extract her vocal cords with a blunt knife before I die.

You've got quite a bit of hate, huh?

k-krack 08.01.2006 11:01 PM

truncy, i agree with you on Mates of State... they are terribly boring... but everything else (with the exception of imagine.. which is just not very good) there i love.

truncated 08.01.2006 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by drrrtyboots
You've got quite a bit of hate, huh?

It emanates from my every pore.

truncated 08.01.2006 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by k-krack
truncy, i agree with you on Mates of State... they are terribly boring... but everything else (with the exception of imagine.. which is just not very good) there i love.

I shall notify you in a timely fashion of my decision of whether to let you live.

Cantankerous 08.02.2006 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by truncated
It emanates from my every pore.

i knew there was a reason for your craterous pores.

k-krack 08.02.2006 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by truncated
I shall notify you in a timely fashion of my decision of whether to let you live.

make it quick.

truncated 08.02.2006 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i knew there was a reason for your craterous pores.

I never thought of that. It all makes sense now.

k-krack, I shall grant you mercy. This time.

k-krack 08.02.2006 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by truncated
I never thought of that. It all makes sense now.

k-krack, I shall grant you mercy. This time.

thanks. i hoped you'd say that.

bloom 08.02.2006 02:25 AM

Stawberry Field Forever (Beatles)

Savage Clone 08.02.2006 03:15 AM

Full concurrence re: Newsom and Sleater-Kinney.

However, the first things to spring to mind (if I think too much, the floodgates will open) were:

Eagles - Hotel California
Foreigner - Urgent
Bob Seger - how do I choose from this infinite cornucopia of horror?
Modest Mouse - Convenient Parking
12 Rods - I Wish You Were A Girl
Beatles - Ob La Di, Ob La Da

When I am more fully awake and feeling more vitriolic (it's 3 AM and I am enjoying a beautiful rainstorm at the moment), I will list off some more of the Songs I Love To Hate.

Cantankerous 08.02.2006 03:19 AM


static-harmony 08.02.2006 03:27 AM

Ironic by alanis morissette

porkmarras 08.02.2006 07:24 AM

Robbie Williams's 'Let me Entertain you' is the least entartaining song ever.
That Peter Kay dirge that came out a while ago.
All the ones that Toilette mentioned.
The Beatles's 'Hey Jude' puts me in a murderous mood.
Anything Westlife have thrust upon humanity.
The entire Bluetones back catalogue.
So many of them.............

Savage Clone 08.02.2006 07:28 AM

I can't believe I forgot Hey Jude.
Goddamn do I hate that motherfucking song.

I also have a very hard time with:
"Welcome To The Jungle" by GNR
"Coin Operated Boy" by Dresden Dolls
"Money" by Pink Floyd

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