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Genteel Death 10.12.2010 04:13 PM

Genteel Death is in a relationship with Insane Clown Posse.

Glice 10.12.2010 04:23 PM

Genteel Death 10.12.2010 04:48 PM

Maybe he's gone to bed. Will you please return those jeans now that I've lost a bit of weight?

noisereductions 10.12.2010 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Oh, they are totally in the closet ICP fans naturally.

good one. I just assumed you had something interesting to say.

ni'k 10.12.2010 05:28 PM

You guys could try being useful for a change and you would not end up spouting such esoteric gibberish in response. Try volunteering in your local community group or neighbourhood organisation and use your musical ability there. you could offer to play acoustic guitar for the elderly or entertain at a party or social event. but i guess you tormented artists would want to noise jam and whisper coded moans into a condensor mic hooked up to 15 pedals. everyone would get impatient at having to wait for you to set up all the equipment all so you could waste everybodys time with a pointless racket.

there are always old folks homes that welcome people who want to entertain their residents. apart from that there isn't really anything else i can think of. you best keep your hobbies compartmentalised and make them something you do in your spare time and not the sole focus of your failing lives and jittery celebrity fantasies that are feuled by your spending each day in a fugue of irrelevant media entertainment tattle.

since genteel doesnt like boning women in their vaginas perhaps he should try befriending them and going to a cooking class. noones saying you have to get a wife and reproduce. you could at least learn a new skill that could be of use to the community and perhaps make you some new friends. i think that that is quite fair and would be beneficial to you and stop you mopeing and spending all day on message boards. as for glice to be honest i don't think it would be appropriate for him to be doing any community work because he would most likely proposition your granny for sex if he got into an old folks home. she would prob say no and he would be red in the face but he'd no doubt lie about it or try to steal a cinnamon bun from her handbag. the thief would spout all manner of slander to worm his way out of the consequences of his own doings. glice would need to prove he could be trusted and that he wouldnt behave like a tantrum throwing miscreant. sorry glice if it is not true you would do these things it is just how i imagine it. oh well, you should prove me wrong and put on a decent shirt for a change and do some good in the local area. you may have gone off onto the wrong path in life but there is often time to turn things around and make up for all the messing about you did.

in response to your comment joe no i am not returning i merely came back because those two were asking after me. glice offended me greatly with his comments about having sex with me. but i am the forgiving type so i will forget about it. tbh they are shady characters and i don't want to be associated with such types anymore. don't keep company with people of ill repute. this sounds like a wise saying and something relevant to my life. it is difficult to improve as a person when you don't cut company with those who would see you into the gutter sucking dicks for xylophones. not that i can blame everything on others, i have to take responsibility for my own actions and that means using my time wisely and not associating with the devilment of scoundrels and rogues.

well anyway i should be off. it does me no good to be here i should be off continuing to improve my life because i have a lot to make up for after all the bad behaviour of the past. i will not be round these ways again so don't ask after me guys. actually i won't be gone yet i'm still waiting for chabib to ban and delete my account but he hasn't replied to my pm's. probably too busy fighting george bush with his art posters. oh well i will have to wait until he gets around to it. bye guys i hope you find faith in yourselves and turn your lives around. peace be with you.

Glice 10.12.2010 05:46 PM

Get help. Seriously.

!@#$%! 10.12.2010 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
it does me no good to be here i should be off continuing to improve my life because i have a lot to make up for after all the bad behaviour of the past.

looks like your catholic self (contrition, repentance, atonement) eventually kicked in.

i'll miss your valerie solanas style ramblings, but seems that it will be for a good cause. although maybe that cause is jihad. hmm.... what to think now...

anyway, i will not ask after you. be well, etc.

Genteel Death 10.12.2010 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
You guys could try being useful for a change and you would not end up spouting such esoteric gibberish in response. Try volunteering in your local community group or neighbourhood organisation and use your musical ability there. you could offer to play acoustic guitar for the elderly or entertain at a party or social event. but i guess you tormented artists would want to noise jam and whisper coded moans into a condensor mic hooked up to 15 pedals. everyone would get impatient at having to wait for you to set up all the equipment all so you could waste everybodys time with a pointless racket.

there are always old folks homes that welcome people who want to entertain their residents. apart from that there isn't really anything else i can think of. you best keep your hobbies compartmentalised and make them something you do in your spare time and not the sole focus of your failing lives and jittery celebrity fantasies that are feuled by your spending each day in a fugue of irrelevant media entertainment tattle.

since genteel doesnt like boning women in their vaginas perhaps he should try befriending them and going to a cooking class. noones saying you have to get a wife and reproduce. you could at least learn a new skill that could be of use to the community and perhaps make you some new friends. i think that that is quite fair and would be beneficial to you and stop you mopeing and spending all day on message boards. as for glice to be honest i don't think it would be appropriate for him to be doing any community work because he would most likely proposition your granny for sex if he got into an old folks home. she would prob say no and he would be red in the face but he'd no doubt lie about it or try to steal a cinnamon bun from her handbag. the thief would spout all manner of slander to worm his way out of the consequences of his own doings. glice would need to prove he could be trusted and that he wouldnt behave like a tantrum throwing miscreant. sorry glice if it is not true you would do these things it is just how i imagine it. oh well, you should prove me wrong and put on a decent shirt for a change and do some good in the local area. you may have gone off onto the wrong path in life but there is often time to turn things around and make up for all the messing about you did.

in response to your comment joe no i am not returning i merely came back because those two were asking after me. glice offended me greatly with his comments about having sex with me. but i am the forgiving type so i will forget about it. tbh they are shady characters and i don't want to be associated with such types anymore. don't keep company with people of ill repute. this sounds like a wise saying and something relevant to my life. it is difficult to improve as a person when you don't cut company with those who would see you into the gutter sucking dicks for xylophones. not that i can blame everything on others, i have to take responsibility for my own actions and that means using my time wisely and not associating with the devilment of scoundrels and rogues.

well anyway i should be off. it does me no good to be here i should be off continuing to improve my life because i have a lot to make up for after all the bad behaviour of the past. i will not be round these ways again so don't ask after me guys. actually i won't be gone yet i'm still waiting for chabib to ban and delete my account but he hasn't replied to my pm's. probably too busy fighting george bush with his art posters. oh well i will have to wait until he gets around to it. bye guys i hope you find faith in yourselves and turn your lives around. peace be with you.

You're not worth a serious reply.

!@#$%! 10.12.2010 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
You're not worth a serious reply.

do not ask after him.

he's at a senior center giving an acoustic guitar recital as we speak. or was it xylophones. or maybe he's sucking senior dick. you never know.

anyway, i really hope he's not off his meds. it's been known to happen.

that's not to say that hanging around here all day picking fights with strangers is any good, mind you. but that's a bit like the discussion about drug problems. i don't have a forum problem. i do forum it a little bit, 24,000 or so posts worth of it, but i'm totally in control. i don't have a problem. that's for AA people and shit like that.

Genteel Death 10.12.2010 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
do not ask after him.

he's at a senior center giving an acoustic guitar recital as we speak. or was it xylophones. or maybe he's sucking senior dick. you never know.

anyway, i really hope he's not off his meds. it's been known to happen.

that's not to say that hanging around here all day picking fights with strangers is any good, mind you. but that's a bit like the discussion about drug problems. i don't have a forum problem. i do forum it a little bit, 24,000 or so posts worth of it, but i'm totally in control. i don't have a problem. that's for AA people and shit like that.

In a way Nick's obvious problems become less big because of his patronising attitude and the judgemental way in which he treats the lesser species of the internet who never did any charity work. Is he Bono? HE IS BONO! BONO! BONO! BONO!

!@#$%! 10.12.2010 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
In a way Nick's obvious problems become less big because of his patronising attitude and the judgemental way in which he treats the lesser species of the internet who never did any charity work. Is he Bono? HE IS BONO! BONO! BONO! BONO!

in the naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame of looooooooooooooooooooooove!


atsonicpark 10.12.2010 09:47 PM

thread of the year 2010.

ni'k 10.12.2010 10:10 PM

suckin' dick for xlyophones y'all!!!!11



EXIT MUSIC Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111

atsonicpark 10.12.2010 10:27 PM

ITMOM is good movie... I'd argue that it's Carpenter's best, next to They Live.

ni'k 10.12.2010 10:33 PM

havent seen all his films yet but its the best one ive seen. they live is being remade WTF. without the sunglasses. there is NO NEED except to get john some money so he can do something new of his own maybe.

anyway tonight i watched the ruins which was great except the lead actress was so fucking irritating so i hated her so it kinda spoilt it. it was very anti hippie so that was good. but kinda flawed. also watched the crazies which was cool for the kind of watch once b movie it was.

CHABARB neva seems tu be onlien tbh. hurry and read ur pms chabarb.

i'm off to slide down my bannister whilst doin a mad shred and suckin my medication out of a senior citizens urethra. keep it nautical shrimp dog.

atsonicpark 10.12.2010 10:40 PM





Genteel Death 10.13.2010 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by ni'k
havent seen all his films yet but its the best one ive seen. they live is being remade WTF. without the sunglasses. there is NO NEED except to get john some money so he can do something new of his own maybe.

anyway tonight i watched the ruins which was great except the lead actress was so fucking irritating so i hated her so it kinda spoilt it. it was very anti hippie so that was good. but kinda flawed. also watched the crazies which was cool for the kind of watch once b movie it was.

CHABARB neva seems tu be onlien tbh. hurry and read ur pms chabarb.

i'm off to slide down my bannister whilst doin a mad shred and suckin my medication out of a senior citizens urethra. keep it nautical shrimp dog.

Is this the real you doing the posting or another automatic ''nick rant '' generated by the forum after you fucked off to provide compassionate fellatio for an elderly disabled man in your local community?

ann ashtray 10.13.2010 03:16 AM

Gays bashing gays, fun.

Genteel Death 10.13.2010 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
Gays bashing gays, fun.

Did your cock get hard while reading all this sway?

ann ashtray 10.13.2010 03:31 AM

I suffer from ED.

ED = Emily's Dick


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