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girlgun 10.11.2009 08:38 PM

that said... i used to keep a stash of it around in my early 20s because i knew for certain it would work if i so desired.

verme (prevaricator) 10.11.2009 09:45 PM

a triple dose of anything prone to cause peptic ulcers should calm you down.

alteredcourse 10.11.2009 10:23 PM

It looks like different drugs work for different people. If you have the patience, try stuff you havent before, moving on if it isnt for you.

I've been taking a mixed B-vitamin supplement that has a dose of rhodiola in it. Rhodiola is a flower, and its effects mimic wellbutrin (in that it influences norepinephrine and dopamine receptors specifically). You know, the fucked thing about herbs is that they cant ensure guaranteed results. They're not chemical, they're not math. All that I can say is that I've been A-OK for the past few weeks, wether it's been due to that, or becuase I'm in a unique point in life in general. But I recommend that route.

Phoenix's recommendation of going someplace isolated to exhale for ten thousand years sounds good though. Think some things you dont normally do within your routine. Lessen the expectations you have for yourself. Maybe those things arent good for you and your productivity etc, but you can only learn from observing them from the outside for once.

davenotdead 10.11.2009 10:34 PM

hang out at a nursing home

!@#$%! 10.11.2009 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
needle in the hay

ha, ok, please forgive me for that. it's a preventive ritual-- to cast out the real mockers.

i just wanted to say that we're not equipped at all to dish out advice for this kind of thing. we can all tell stories of what happened to us etc but please don't use us as a doctors. we're a bunch of ignorant fucks prone to take serious issues too lightly and to make too much drama out of light situations. anyway here's my take on this the best i see it:

re: zoloft, it made my boners last longer! tantrism in a bottle-- you can fuck a woman raw without having to take a breather or ice your schlong!-- zoloft was great for sex when i took it. fucking awesome.

i think what you ahve is normal, who hasn't felt like shit after breaking up from a long relationship? who doesn't miss the good nookie and become restless? have a good fucking cry if you must, process your pain, whatever, nothing wrong with that shit.

about being horny, well, fuck, of course, if you're temporarily sex-depreived the spunk is going to clog your pipes and turn to cottage cheese and make you insane. happens to all of us. every time in my life i have attempted celibacy it's only made me crazier for pussy-- my advice would be don't fight it off but find some kind of safe relief (ha). no, seriously.

then there is the issue of your ocd and other conditions, how does this compound itself with that? i don't know, i don't have it and i'm not a doctor. maybe you're obsessing about a normal condition. maybe there's something else. i don't know.

finally man, think about genetics-- i know you hate your dad but you have his Y chromosome and that's bound to make you restless-- good for everyone that you turned out nicer than him but don't try to put a cork on your dick or your nuts might explode. find some outlet for it make some art.

and to return to the subject of crying, well, fuck, shit happens, men cry too, nothing wrong with that (except on the interwebs people will make jokes about it), and that probably should be the least of your worries. the less you hold it back the faster it will go away. just saying.

girlgun 10.11.2009 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by alteredcourse
It looks like different drugs work for different people. If you have the patience, try stuff you havent before, moving on if it isnt for you.

I've been taking a mixed B-vitamin supplement that has a dose of rhodiola in it. Rhodiola is a flower, and its effects mimic wellbutrin (in that it influences serotonin and dopamine receptors specifically). You know, the fucked thing about herbs is that they cant ensure guaranteed results. They're not chemical, they're not math. All that I can say is that I've been A-OK for the past few weeks, wether it's been due to that, or becuase I'm in a unique point in life in general. But I recommend that route.

Phoenix's recommendation of going someplace isolated to exhale for ten thousand years sounds good though. Think some things you dont normally do within your routine. Lessen the expectations you have for yourself. Maybe those things arent good for you and your productivity etc, but you can only learn from observing them from the outside for once.

that's really interesting. i know i feel better mentally/emotionally when i'm good about consuming foods that have B vitamins, but it's my understanding that B vitamins (pill form) are not well absorbed orally. that could be outdated/faulty information. i'll have to look up that flower.

alteredcourse 10.11.2009 11:21 PM

Its important to let things die.

HaydenAsche 10.11.2009 11:22 PM

I could eat bottles of amitryptyline. Shit is weak. Oh, and Wellbutrin is definitely not an SSRI.

Bupropion (Wellbutrin SR®, Zyban®)

Approved indication: 1) Symptomatic relief of depressive illness (effectiveness for use > 8 weeks has not been evaluated in controlled trials). 2) As an aid to smoking cessation (6-7 weeks).
Mechanism of action: Bupropion is chemically related to sympathomimetic drugs and unrelated to other antidepressants. It blocks reuptake of noradrenaline and dopamine, but the mechanism for its clinical effects is unknown.

davenotdead 10.11.2009 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by alteredcourse
Its important to let things die.

if this was a cheap shot at me and my nursing home friends, then :fuckyou:

!@#$%! 10.11.2009 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by alteredcourse
You know, the fucked thing about herbs is that they cant ensure guaranteed results.

st john's wort gives me horribly scratchy eyes-- like i have ground glass under my eyelids. i think it's cuz it increases sensitivity to light.

here's a website against herbs and for modern medications (i take herbs for various purposes, but it's good to hear opposing views):

girlgun 10.11.2009 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I could eat bottles of amitryptyline. Shit is weak. Oh, and Wellbutrin is definitely not an SSRI.

Bupropion (Wellbutrin SR®, Zyban®)

Approved indication: 1) Symptomatic relief of depressive illness (effectiveness for use > 8 weeks has not been evaluated in controlled trials). 2) As an aid to smoking cessation (6-7 weeks).
Mechanism of action: Bupropion is chemically related to sympathomimetic drugs and unrelated to other antidepressants. It blocks reuptake of noradrenaline and dopamine, but the mechanism for its clinical effects is unknown.

you are actually right about the ssri thing. fuck. my brain no work today at all.

amitriptyline is not fucking weak. i don't know what else to say. and eating ONE bottle will kill you. like i said... personal experience.

alteredcourse 10.11.2009 11:27 PM

Gunner : there is a 50/50 conflict of sources on whether supplements are absorb-able, and youve got to wonder when there are particular natural brands that compete by saying theirs is some sort of fermented product insuring that it is a living thing making it much more absorb-able etc, but jacking up the price three times (and vitamines/supplements are already marked up double the price, standardly.)

Do what feels right.

I take what I mentioned plus 1000mcg of vitamine D and B12 specifically. Everything by SISU, which is standardized and good quality yet affordable.

That ultra-b complex is extra unique because it contains B5 (pantothenic acid) which for some reason is never included in other complexes even though its pretty important.

alteredcourse 10.11.2009 11:29 PM

Yes, fuck me.

@%(*_!*%, Yeah, I know that herbs arent a thing to mess with. I cant smoke weed (I wont go there, tl;dr). Last year I tried St Johns Wort and ended up freaking the fuck out and doing the things that let me know for sure I'm on a bad way.

But it works for this guy I know, this ex crack addict. When he takes it, he'll just be in a room with nothing on giggling to himself.

!@#$%! 10.11.2009 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by alteredcourse
Yes, fuck me.

@%(*_!*%, Yeah, I know that herbs arent a thing to mess with. I cant smoke weed (I wont go there, tl;dr). Last year I tried St Johns Wort and ended up freaking the fuck out and doing the things that let me know for sure I'm on a bad way.

funny thing is, im drinking a sleepy herb brew as i type this. it knocks me the fuck out when i need it.

alteredcourse 10.11.2009 11:35 PM

Does it include valerian?

Fuck off if you say its just chamomile. I fucking hate that shit.

girlgun 10.11.2009 11:35 PM

i need to do that (b12 and vitamin d), but for some reason i'm so bad about even taking calcium. i always take my other shit... like actual prescriptions like clockwork. i have no idea why that is.

alteredcourse 10.11.2009 11:45 PM

Damn, I'm bad with calcium too. Its one of those things where I knoooowwww its prooooobably goooooood for me, but the effects of if I dont take it just arent immediate enough to care, sadly, unfortunately.

Where with the B vitamines etc, to take them youre locking yourself in for another day thank fuck .

girlgun 10.11.2009 11:46 PM

maybe that's what it is... that "another day" thing.

i even keep the bottle of calcium RIGHT on my desk.

!@#$%! 10.11.2009 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by alteredcourse
Does it include valerian?

Fuck off if you say its just chamomile. I fucking hate that shit.

not just chamo but it has it. it also has hops + other good shit.

i have another brew with hibiscus and skullcap that takes the edge off an anxious day.

i use a bunch of herbs for all kinds of things.

girlgun 10.11.2009 11:47 PM

^^^ oh the reason it's so important... (complications from) broken hips are what everyone on my mother's side dies from.

so i'll smoke and drink... 'cause that's so good for my bones too.

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