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static-harmony 09.09.2009 05:22 PM

Americans want cheap. China sells cheap.

!@#$%! 09.09.2009 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I use a quiet electric mower and grass grows naturally where I live, but yeah, I know what you mean. Lawns in desert climates (and their even-more-annoying cousins, GOLF COURSES) are stupid. 2-stroke gas-powered lawn mowers are gross. There is barely any grass left in my back yard, what with all the plants. I couldn't be happier about that. In any case, that's not really the point. Just an example from a local company in my area.
Wal-Mart really does encourage shoddy merchandise in exchange for "the cheapest price" mantra, though, which ends up in a lot of waste.

golf courses are a fucking blight... it's not just the destruction of local flora but also the pesticides and the water-- which, mind you, even in green places like you live most people water with... drinking water! as if the water table needed further depletion... but i digress...

sure, walrats encourages a race to the bottom, no question about that. still, they are good at what they do, which is to provide a good bang for the buck for the working poor (some of which work for them). they did not invent the american economic system however-- they just make money in it. however i'll say this-- some rural places around here would be isolated and in the hands of a handful of mafioso-like merchants if it weren't for walmart. in some places, i swear, it's a fucking beacon of civilization-- yes, it's quasi-barbarism, but it's better than the backwards alternative.

gmku 09.09.2009 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by static-harmony
Americans want cheap. China sells cheap.

Not I. I'd rather have expensive when I can afford it.

static-harmony 09.09.2009 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Not I. I'd rather have expensive when I can afford it.

Key words, "when I can afford it." Most of the times you buy cheap.

!@#$%! 09.09.2009 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Not I. I'd rather have expensive when I can afford it.

that's cuz you're not a single mother of 3 or a janitor or a tollbooth operator. or unemployed.

floatingslowly 09.09.2009 06:06 PM

wal*yworld saves me $50 a week over the other nearby store.

also, unless yr going to a "mom and pop", then there's a good chance that yr visiting another conglomerate-supercorp's storefront.

Monday's wal*mart demographic: Screaming Kids, Interracial Couple with Ugly White Girl and Entire Asian Family. "Hooker" does not count because there was only one. "School Bus Yellow H2 Hummer" does, even though they were in the parking lot. I prefer Sundays, shortly after noon, with their high propensity for Hot Blonde After Workouts.

atsonicpark 09.09.2009 07:26 PM

Companies that make money are "evil", by default, because other companies are jealous they're not making that money.

Wal-Mart does just as much bad as it does good for the community, with some obvious exceptions here or there. The fact is, they just have cheaper shit (both in quality and in price), and that's what people want. Can't really blame Wal-Mart, considering it's the customers who have put them there. So, if Wal-Mart is evil, so are their supporters. So, everyone on this board who has bought something from Wal-Mart is evil.

I'll admit, I work at Wal-Mart. I HATE working there. I make $11.25 to stock frozen dinners, though, and I work maybe 30 actual minutes a night. So, yeah, it's not bad. Contradictory? No. The company treats me well. Good benefits, they always give me time off, whatever. But the atmosphere, the shitty customers, etc. makes me hate it. That's why I never shop there, and also because I personally just don't like their products. And I can go to Aldi's (local grocery store) or Big Lots and get just as good for even CHEAPER... So, whatever. People worry too much about this shit, in general. Shop wherever, who cares.

infinitemusic 09.09.2009 07:50 PM

Competition is good, exploitation of third world countries is bad. But they all do it so it's OK, right?

infinitemusic 09.09.2009 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
that's cuz you're not a single mother of 3 or a janitor or a tollbooth operator. or unemployed.

How the fuck do you know? Also, being poor doesn't automatically make someone lose their social conscience.

atsonicpark 09.09.2009 08:07 PM

Money is the root of all evil. All companies exist to make money. So, all companies are "evil".

!@#$%! 09.09.2009 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by infinitemusic
How the fuck do you know? Also, being poor doesn't automatically make someone lose their social conscience.

how the fuck do i know? i know gmku outside of this board. he's married, his wife works for the feds, he works as a writer/editor, they have kids in college. i know a lot more that i don't care to put in the public eye. but yeah, that's how the fuck i know, and i know he's neither of the things i said. any more questions you need answered, or is your misplaced skepticism satisfied? i could provide receipts...


Originally Posted by infinitemusic
Also, being poor doesn't automatically make someone lose their social conscience.

really? when you have 20 bucks in the whole world & 5 mouths to feed please write to let me know about your priorities. but wait until that time.

besides, gmku's post about "wanting to buy expensive things" is not germane to the issue of having a social conscience. he didn't write "i like to buy things and give them away to the needy".

floatingslowly 09.09.2009 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by infinitemusic
How the fuck do you know?

good point! I too would like to explore the possibility that GMKU is indeed actually a single mother of 3, janitor, toothbrush operator.

!@#$%! 09.09.2009 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
wal*yworld saves me $50 a week over the other nearby store.

sayin'-- i prefer costco tho. cheaper even than walrats, and decent food


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
also, unless yr going to a "mom and pop", then there's a good chance that yr visiting another conglomerate-supercorp's storefront.

yeah, like target is some kind of benevolent entity or something, established by aliens for the benefit of hipsters alone. fuckit.


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Monday's wal*mart demographic: Screaming Kids, Interracial Couple with Ugly White Girl and Entire Asian Family. "Hooker" does not count because there was only one. "School Bus Yellow H2 Hummer" does, even though they were in the parking lot. I prefer Sundays, shortly after noon, with their high propensity for Hot Blonde After Workouts.

mang, i've been thru oklahoma, and it's strange, but i haven't reached this dimension yet. i'll make sure to stop by walrats next time i perchance go by.

on an unrelated note, i have noticed an increase in the number of luxury cars at the porking lot ever since the recession kicked. maybe that's where your "hot blondes" are coming from.

pbradley 09.09.2009 09:33 PM

I don't even think there is a Walmart anywhere near my town. All I've got is saying "shit sucks" on the internet.

floatingslowly 09.09.2009 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
mang, i've been thru oklahoma, and it's strange, but i haven't reached this dimension yet. i'll make sure to stop by walrats next time i perchance go by.

my demographic game might be a little misleading.

it's morphed from requiring 3 to make a demographic and 2 to make a trend into "ok just give me another one".

you see, I'm leaving out the 30-40 White Trash Couples, 20-30 First and Fifteenths and 42-65 Obviously Doesn't Speak the Languages.

ps: if you want a reason to shop at Target, the demographic game is reversed there. I have to leave out the 40-50 Hot Chicks Too Good for Walmart.

Anngella 09.09.2009 10:23 PM


(this is just here so my former text will remain all caps)

floatingslowly 09.09.2009 10:34 PM


girl! 09.09.2009 10:44 PM

Wal*Mart® evil isn't anything new. They're good and bad, I suppose. Different strokes for different folks. If you don't like what they do, don't shop there. Ever. Not even to run in and buy paper plates. I'm an HEB fan, but I'm sure they're evil in some ways that I'm unaware of. I still give them my money.

Anngella 09.09.2009 10:48 PM

I Can Post In All Caps?


phoenix 09.10.2009 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by wellcharge
in case somebody hasn't seen this site:

heh. :D

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