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SONIC GAIL 08.05.2009 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Satan
it's about $10 a pack in new york city and i smoke about 3 packs a day which is a little over $200 a week on smokes.


HOLY SHIT! I want to go smoke one now....logging off......cigg break....

demonrail666 08.05.2009 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by Satan

seeing as you have so many, you can lend me a couple then. I'm down to my last two and it's raining outside

floatingslowly 08.05.2009 11:36 AM

fucking hell, I thought I was hardcore about smoking.

yr going to stunt yr growth, young lady!

ps: I buy by the carton. single packs are for suckers.

demonrail666 08.05.2009 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
HOLY SHIT! I want to go smoke one now....logging off......cigg break....

you log off to smoke a cigarette? I might as well use my laptop as an ashtray!

demonrail666 08.05.2009 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
fucking hell, I thought I was hardcore about smoking.

yr going to stunt yr growth, young lady!

ps: I buy by the carton. single packs are for suckers.

how much are a pack of twenty where you're from?

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.05.2009 11:39 AM

Can spiritual deities get lung cancer?

Something tells me they can't, and Satan is just rubbing it in our faces.

Satan 08.05.2009 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
seeing as you have so many, you can lend me a couple then. I'm down to my last two and it's raining outside



Originally Posted by floatingslowly
fucking hell, I thought I was hardcore about smoking.

yr going to stunt yr growth, young lady!

ps: I buy by the carton. single packs are for suckers.

right. except for the fact that i'm almost 20.

cartons are the way to go but theyre still expensive as shit.

i almost pissed myself when i went to visit my dad and they were only 4.75 a pack.

floatingslowly 08.05.2009 11:41 AM

^^^ 20, you say? and you've stopped growing? I blame the smokes!

single packs are sold to people that have some hope of quitting in the next few days (or at least think they do). even though cartons ARE expensive as shit, you save a shit-ton on the per-pack cost. stop buying 3 (single) packs a fucking day already.


Originally Posted by demonrail666
how much are a pack of twenty where you're from?

$4.50 (I think). I pay $36 for a carton of 10 though.

if I was REALLY cheap, I could drive to a reservation and buy them from the indians for cheaper (was $25/carton last I checked).

Satan 08.05.2009 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
$4.50 (I think). I pay $36 for a carton of 10 though.

if I was REALLY cheap, I could drive to a reservation and by them from the indians for cheaper (was $25/carton last I checked).

fuck. you.

floatingslowly 08.05.2009 11:46 AM

can't we just make love instead? :o

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.05.2009 11:47 AM

I've never purchased a carton in my life.
Maybe I should start.
$6.25 a pack is killing me.

demonrail666 08.05.2009 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
if I was REALLY cheap, I could drive to a reservation and buy them from the indians for cheaper (was $25/carton last I checked).

Why don't you just go once a month or something and buy them in bulk off the injuns? I'd bye my cigarettes from anybody if it meant me saving money.

saying that though, injuns. being scalped. yeah maybe not.

floatingslowly 08.05.2009 11:52 AM

^^^ the wife's a card-carrying member and I know my way around a sweat-lodge, so that part doesn't bother me. scalping's reserved for pale-faces.

I don't go because it's simply not worth my time to spend $10 in gas to save $10 off a carton. especially when 7-11 is just down the street. o, thank heaven.

demonrail666 08.05.2009 11:55 AM

speaking of which, i'm off to the 7-11 right now to buy a pack

floatingslowly 08.05.2009 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
i'm off to the 7-11 right now to buy a pack

don't forget the umbrella, sucker!

Zombie Robot 08.05.2009 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by stu666
i hate golden vag it's to moist, i have to leave it open for a week...

^ oh the terrible things i could do with this statement.

Satan 08.05.2009 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
speaking of which, i'm off to the 7-11 right now to buy a pack

tell me where the fuck is there a 7-11 in this country.

floaty i don't think ive ever "made love" in my life. ghey.

Zombie Robot 08.05.2009 12:08 PM

i smoke camels, but only when im drinkn, which is all too often lately.

demonrail666 08.05.2009 12:08 PM

it's not really a 7-11 but it's a minisupermarket that opens around those hours so.

Are you in ingerland at the moment then?

Satan 08.05.2009 12:15 PM


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